Gavin Newsom Declares California a 'Nation State'

>California this week declared its independence from the federal government’s feeble efforts to fight Covid-19 — and perhaps from a bit more. The consequences for the fight against the pandemic are almost certainly positive. The implications for the brewing civil war between Trumpism and America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate, are less clear.

>Speaking on MSNBC, Governor Gavin Newsom said that he would use the bulk purchasing power of California “as a nation-state” to acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide. If all goes according to plan, Newsom said, California might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.”

>“Nation-state.” “Export.”

California has become too big for it's own britches and must be broken up immediately.

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LMAO, grabbing some popcorn. Lets watch that ship sink together.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Newsom begs for Federal money at least every 3 months.

bretty based tbqh

The only solution is indiscriminate fire-bombing of all major, and minor cities in California.

checked and I can't wait for the US vs CA war desu

This is literally the point of having states, and is pretty much in line with how states are supposed to be viewed and operated. What did he think states are, exactly?

Are states not supposed to do that anyway? The US federal government supplies some disaster relief but the state is still supposed to make purchases

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All the states are supposed to be their own countries. At least thats how it was before the War of Northern Agression. The USA was supposed to be like the EU.

Califag here. Let me move to Jefferson damnit.

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>tfw you get to repeat bloody Kansas on Californians
Gonna be a good future

No, not the minor cities. Please spare Redding.

Do it. Then we can arrest and hang some seditious bastards.

Redding Delenda Est

These are the first stirrings of the incoming Second American Civil War. All-out war isn't coming until after the elections, but it's definitely coming together.

No. Fuck Placer County and all Roseville-fags.

Are we witnessing the beginning of the dissolution of the US?

govt will be stepping in and ending this shit immediately

California does have the dimensions of a country. Bigger population than Canada, more land area than Japan, bigger economy than the UK or France. California is a country in everything except political status.

It’s time to solve the California governor problem once and for all in minecraft

Pretty convenient that right when Trump is able to legally BTFO sanctuary cities a magic virus appears that will infuse huge slush funds into local gov

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The USA hasn't even been a country since 1913.

Well... bye

Good. Now let's seal the border.

>tfw sacfag

fake but praise the lord if true
do it faggot

If you think the federal government is going to give up an inch of territory you are retarded

Wtf i love California now

Wasn’t california begging for fed funding for infrastructure and underbrush management a fucking year ago?

>America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate

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>you lived long enough to volunteer into the U.S. military and gun down Californians

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Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

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Pretty much. The worldviews between regular people and progressives are so large at this point that one can't live under the rules the other sets. It doesn't help that progressives aren't actually federalists, and require their societies to operate very, very centrally from the top down, while the US was actually set up to disperse power away from centralization as much as feasible.

Yeah like we fucked up those racist confederates

CA would crumble with no federal funding. They'd instantly become red if a trade war or tariffs happened.

Buahaha this

California is about to become a nation state.
For Mexicans.
I live in Aztlan.
Please glass us.

the US needs cali more than cali needs the federal government. That is why they get to do what they want and trump has to listen. He can't bully them like he does smaller states and territories

I'll defect from California just so I can join in.
I fucking hate this place.

>California this week declared its independence from the federal government
Let me guess the next move
> Ca no longer part of USA
> CA as a sovereign Country revokes Diplomatic ties
> Ca creates a NON-EXTRADITION clause in its constitution, gotta save illegals from Trump.
> OH YAH.. Then ALL of the Democrats move to the New Country Ca. and they CANT be prosecuted.
> by the time the legal battle is over all the Demo-Criminal will be long dead
Ill bet im not far off.
You know Pelosi already has the new Ca Constitution

>the US needs cali more than cali needs the federal government

Californian here. All for this. Our GDP is larger than almost every country in the world. Repeat we are the 4th largest country in the world. So you all can get fucked. USA immediately becomes a third world country when we exit.

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Please just nuke this fucking state or Balkanize it or something. I hate it here.

I don’t think secession is the right move for California but the article is right about a few things. We’ve had the Supreme Court taken from us and two presidents who break every norm and rule possible to win for their side. You can’t deny the Republicans are fighting with bare knuckles. The left will eventually fight back and yes those demographics are changing. This will hopefully, for humanity, be looked upon as an era of overreach on the part of the right and that old pendulum will swing back to the left pretty hard

>this tick on my back is bigger than my goldfish, has more blood than my goldfish, and interacts with me more than the fish, so lets empty the goldfish tank and put the tick in

>The bear will leave its cave forever.

Couldnt resist.

Can I be a sleeper cell? I hate this fucking state.

Trump should take all of the interstates back from CA and cut all aid

>California is a country in everything except political status.
This is literally the whole fucking point from the inception of the US. That's why they're called "states". The fact that people think otherwise is due to misinformation about how the country works.

See below.

Check's and confirmed, get ready for glassing in 3...2....1

>This will hopefully, for humanity, be looked upon as an era of overreach on the part of the right and that old pendulum will swing back to the left pretty hard

The leftist utopian future doesn't contain ethnicities intelligent enough to read, nor write, history books.

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Then what's holding you guys back?

because california says so

Let them go. Good riddance.

The one unifying thing in Cali?
>Hate for Gavin Newsome

I live in CA and I'm all for it. We have a bunch of people from San Francisco (eg. Newsom, Feinberg, Harris, etc) running things and they are the worst lefties around.

>muh gdp
As if this country wasn’t already a dump with third world trash and retarded politicians not fixing anything.

>The implications for the brewing civil war between Trumpism and America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate, are less clear.
Top fucking lel
>brewing civil war
>declare CA in-rebellion
>Paco starves to death

if you had a tick the size of a fucking goldfish I would think it deserves some respect

Russian bear and red star, colour me surprised, total kike infested commie fucktards

kek and ncrpilled

>That is why they get to do what they want and trump has to listen. He can't bully them like he does smaller states and territories
No. That's literally not how any of this works. The US doesn't fucking work that way, you fucking moron.

>embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate

So ... race exists this week?

>declare secession
>US stops giving California water
>muh GDP collapses as everything becomes a drought
>second border wall along California

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>tfw stuck in shittyfornia with no way out
why even live? I fucking hate this state

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That is not at all what Gavin was trying to say. He was saying that due to the population of California they have the purchasing power of a small country and they may use that purchasing power to buy supplies that the federal government has not been able to provide.
Fucking opinion writers man.

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>California rebels
>Trump closes the water tap from the Rockies

You keep telling yourself that

Decentralization is racisit
Ok no water from the Colorado for you
Big tech fake wealth and taco stands
Do not an economy make

It was never the Federal Governments job to cover medical supplies for everyone. California is fucked and had no supplies. Other states are fine.

Who the fuck knows? There have been movements in the past. They don't seem to go anywhere.

I don't think there is a real reason but the more the state diverges from the policies and politics of the rest of the country the more it will probably be discussed.

Besides, as much as everyone is like, glass that place, fuck california, the people in charge would never let it go because of how much California feeds the rest of the country financially, commercially, and culturally.

Texas should do the same. Honestly, what would be left of the USA if both these states left. A bunch of backwash and wasteland.

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And what terrible things are happening to you at their lefty hands? What nightmares are you enduring?

Bear left his cave. I told you guys that this will be a California, not Russia.

>The US doesn't fucking work that way, you fucking moron.

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How the FUCK does such a wealthy state not have the ability to take care of itself? They can't even keep their roads in shape. Fuck California. Glad I left.

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Yessss kek

>the people in charge would never let it go because of how much California feeds the rest of the country financially, commercially, and culturally.

*stops giving you water*

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kek pretty much

Texas has some of the mpst valuable mineral real estate in the world you tard

Lmao Califaggots immediately start crying for those federal aid bux after every major earthquake
and every brushfire
and every mudslide
and every flood
Newsom is a retard.

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oh no what will we do without the taxes on all the globohomo films you produce??? That's right still have the leading GDP in the world. Get wrecked commie- we all hope NK finally pushes your shit in.

The Mexican drug cartels will own CA in about a month without the US military and border patrol.

>>declare CA in-rebellion
why not simply let them leave
(but prevent anyone else from invading)

So. Close.
Can't wait til NYC does the same thing so we can be New Amsterdam elsewhere.

It's ok, when concerned whites march in there and clean house it will be all ok.

>California feeds the rest of the country financially, commercially, and culturally
this must end and soon. seal the border.

>and nothing of value was lost

>they have the purchasing power of a small country and they may use that purchasing power to buy
Where the fuck was this purchasing power for their shit tier energy sector that really needs an overhaul? Their aging roads and dams? Their water supply? Their wildfire management?

Would be a shame if CA left and conservatives were guaranteed a virtual monopoly in the federal government for the next 20 years.

The amount of fed taxes paid by Californians. Oregon, Washington could be the second and third states in the new nation.

Californian here. I also recall the dictators in Sacramento always begging and demanding Fed money. This state ain't going nowhere.

> how many people did you kill during the great californian uprising, grandpa

don’t know, timmy ...i only killed communists

oh shit