The madman did it

He’s recovered

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He has moved out of intensive car and into the morgue.

Into the morgue

he's still going to die

Into a coffin. Bongs btfo btfo btfo

Don't you think he looks tired?

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That nigga's dead

be careful, you can get sued for saying that without a license.

what's an intensive car?

Say it with me class POLITICAL STUNT. color me surprised when the guy saying the virus was no big deal almost dies from it. wowzers!!!!

*expensive car

>Steal an 80yo boomer's ICU bed to sleep off your hangover


Shame. Would've been cool if he died so the UK can get back on track.

They can’t fool you can they burger.

/cvg/ eternally btfo nobody under 60 ever dies

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I don’t think he’s survived it yet. And I do not believe one single word they say.

no he's not! have some faith you fucking ponce

Oi no sunbathing only exercise

Anyone else would have slept this off at home. He was only in ICU because he's the PM. 4 days isn't even the usual staying time for corona ICU cases.

It’s because they gave him hydroxychoriquin.

He is growing stronger every day.

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Herd immunity works. Boris can lead the nation without fear of catching anything now.

Maybe in Bongistan, but not here

This is the symbolic end to it, restrictions will start getting lifted in May

Those numbers are still pretty huge, Muhammad, you writing ‘muh nuffin’ next to them doesn’t change that. O.5% of 10,000,000 people is 200,000 people.
I am sick of /shitpol muslims and American chinamen talking shot. Nobody likes you and we all want you to die.
I absolutely hate these ignorant little shits.

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I genuinely hope all Brits just throw all caution over board now.

*Or 50,000 even

Sorry doomer but this aint the event that will ruin everyone elses life and justify your lack of trying. In fact when things go back to normal it will be even harder for you. Mad?

Kek they're going to body double him to avoid anti Chinese sentiment.

Also don’t think you necessarily get any immunity
*30% get no immunity at all
*old folks get so many antibodies they die of them
*you just get super aids x 50 until you die gasping because it’s ‘just a cold’ but for real, a really bad one, and you don’t get immune to colds

Kewl link bro.

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2/3 get immunity. Right? That's how math works, yes? I've gambled on worse odds

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Ok doomer

But it isn't 0.5% you absolute retard because they've only tested a small number of people + attributed everything to corona ignoring underlying conditions. Neck yourself you stupid cunt

We're all gonna die.

>30% get no immunity at all
So? People still get the flu and don't die. If corona wasn't a nothing burger little bellends like you would have already been wiped out

I'm pretty sure he's not immortal.

Stats are from south Korea
Look at uk, Spain, France, Italy

Spain and Italy are on there. Average age of death in Italy is 80. Fat 55 year old knocking back gins can beat it lmao

I'll bet he got that experimental drug from distributed bio or something.

Did he take chlorophyll hydroxide?

nice, so the zog plan failed

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Celebrity corona case .

Kek wills it!

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Thank God for the Trump Hydro pill.

They probably replaced all of his blood with a truck of newborn infants.

Trump pill saved him! Praise Trump!

Thanks immunity cat


Okay can anyone give me an actual answer here. Why does this guy look so unhealthy?

Boris fine. Boris just need keep eating brains.

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god bless this cunt

Thanks, kitter

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What a Chad... I think he reconsidered the herd immunity bullshit tho

You can't recover from this.

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best doctor and literally the TENth (nant)

He gets a lot of shit for that but the government was literally going off of scientific advice it was receiving, once the advisors realised they fucked up the government immediately changed tactics. Not really his fault when his "experts" spout bullshit.

WTF this only works on women.

Boris just proved coronavirus is harmless and a hoax.

He is impotent now.

Peng brah