They just buried my grandpa in a concrete coffin alla Chernobyl.
Stay the fuck home
And god help me with the genocidal hatred i have now for communists.
They just buried my grandpa in a concrete coffin alla Chernobyl.
Stay the fuck home
And god help me with the genocidal hatred i have now for communists.
I still want to fuck Amanda Peet.
Seems unnecessary.
Why did they burry him in a concrete coffin? What did he die of?
Die of an organ eating virus or die of hunger. Both slow painful deaths.
Nerve gas
Lol former grave digger here those are concrete vaults that some states require to put in the ground. The coffin is put inside of the concrete box and lowered into the grave.
>Nerve gas
Corona, which in this case wasnt such much different.
More like Amanda Feet
This is normal during flu season, though.
>Is just a flu
Seems the mass rapes werent enough
Kiira still has the best feet.
>buried my grandpa in a concrete coffin
What they were worried he might rise to haunt everyone.
I thought coronavirus wasn’t even that bad in Texas
don't hold yourself. As long as there are trees there's place in the world for commies
Flu is during the winter
we are mid spring
its still going and going faster
either way enjoy the vacation and don't get infected
let the minorities get self genocided by chimping out
God i fucking wish, he was a based and fun guy to be around
comies belong in mass graves
I don't get what the trees have anything to do with this
Gross, no thanks.
All caskets buried in a cemetery go in a concrete vault you retard.
How are you guys getting effected by the stress from all the corona talk? Like last week my heartbeat was up to like 108 and I couldn’t eat for two days but luckily it went back to normal after I moved back in with my parents.
did he die of fucking radiation poisoning?
I think by stay home you mean don’t be old with health problems. lol
are you jewish
only jews feel fear this strongly
the rest of us are used to at being at risk
in russia, there's a rhymed saying "commies will hang from the trees instead of the leaves". It is beautiful and poetic, I also wish that happens.
god killed slow suffocated your grandfather for being a sinner. now he is burning in hell!
Weed edibles and call of duty
>old with health problems
Chikongo has a high rate of DEATH amongst blacks
most of them are young
Lol, mexicans do this all the time, cheapest material to make a coffin
>Stay the fuck home
lmao just like chill.
I think he meant Allah as in Cher noble was an act of His wrath upon the ukes
I am no fan of gore
I just want them gone
those god damn parasites
is that so much to ask for
This can be over in less than 2 months if we just simply isolate only those most at risk and everyone else resume normal activities.
why do you assume your genocidal hatred hasn't come from god?
So is Latin America getting absolutely wrecked but no one cares because they can't test for the virus?
i dont care how much crisis acting bullshit you niggers put out fuck you
this is the illuminatis wet dream. they droned on and on about this to me as i had to go to school with their kids. pandemics and everyone will do what we tell them.
also, tv we ll control everyone with tv
then i have to lay it to them that they dont control nature and they cried and cried but they came back and came at me like a mormon does to your door. yea they told me the teacher would be teaching quantum.
This. You mong
Woah. OPs grandpa died. Guess we all have to stay home.
Chile is doing pretty fine, larger countries are an absolute shitfest right now tho
We just were unlucky
Sorry for your loss user. Find yourself a wife and name your son after him
Brie Larson is a fungus
>It's just the flu, goy
RIP grandpa. Fuck commies.
There are 2 ways this ends
We stay at home and for good at least 3 weeks
this shit doesnt spread and the virus dies out
We wait till someone comes up with a cure
there is a company very caring for our lungs
and they are no fans of competition XD
ok coomer
He died in his sleep kike, god hates your "people"
Thankyou user, i hope ill have a numerous family someday
>Lol former grave digger here those are concrete vaults that some states require to put in the ground. The coffin is put inside of the concrete box and lowered into the grave.
>All caskets buried in a cemetery go in a concrete vault you retard.
Not all cemeteries require it, like it may depend on the state. More necessary in areas with high water tables or flooding problems (hell in New Orleans they mostly bury above ground in encased vaults).
That seems to just be a bog standard concrete vault. They can even be fairly solid metal or metal with concrete exterior (and paint to match).
In rare cases when someone has plenty of money and wants to spend it (as in this doesn't even register as a % of net worth) the casket or vault can be cast metal. Those are stupid expensive and rare.
I’m not Jewish.
I wish weed was legal where I live, but it isn’t. I take other meds that help me to calm me a bit though.
I wish I could, but I can’t or at least when I’m alone I just can’t. :/
>Jews left out of COG
Congress not allowed bye bye dual citizens
>ZOG defeated by COG
ALL your missiles we sold you have BACKDOORS, thanks intel
>Zionist left outside to die while we survive inside
Enjoy your shit tier fallout shelters MOSSAD, WE OWN THE MOUNTAINS
Continuity of Government
COG is in charge now. The presidential seal has been removed.
>we are at war
Invisible enemy, chinese sleeper cells, many subversive shills...
>but COG is in charge now
>compete cold war history of COG
From mystery bunkers like Mount Pony where the FED keeps 400 Billion in cash like breaking bad or the plans we had to evacuate the president on dummy planes is in this doc!!!
Part 2 coming soon about FUTURE COG with AI controlled continuity
The shill, Shareblue, Brock, Obama, and all you tranny kikes are going to be rounded up and sent to GITMO or Tribunaled....
I like Lagunitas IPA, Game of Thrones and Rick and Morty. I absolutely hate the rest.
Did you ever have to disinter any residents?
looks comfy
RIP OPs granddad.
I'll join you in the removal of all chogues from none chogue lands.
Now this is a rare memeflag.
All jokes aside, I would like to visit sometime.
An i thought the walkway I put in a couple years ago was inconsistent. I'll stop beating myself up over it now
Those are common burial vaults, faggot.
Btw, why do Americans have open funerals with the burial vault open? That’s always been really weird to me.
Do yourself a favour and watch this.