What happened to RamZpaul? Why is he acting like such a fucking libertarian boomer right now?
It's very difficult to like this guy anymore.
What happened to RamZpaul? Why is he acting like such a fucking libertarian boomer right now?
It's very difficult to like this guy anymore.
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Curious to see what the new show will be like with styx. Tina is nice and based, but the show was kinda boring, haven't watched it in a while.
i stopped watching after he put that annoying chick at the end of his videos to shill his patreon. its like such a shock to the system when it goes from him talking to her shilling.
he used to be funny, but he seems to have lost that funny edge
Grifting to stay on youtube.
The show is kinda boring yes, but Ramzpaul does not make it any better by his low production value. And after all, replacing a real nationalist with some satanist libertarian? Not a good look.
He is right about corona though.
he's pretty great, actually. You're just a whiny little bitch
He's still very insightful and brings up some very good points.
This. Styx is Varg-tier really. Any serious person realizes you need to have some class.
I don't get why he and Tiina don't do a show anymore though, I liked her. Is there something I missed?
>a real nationalist
of sorts but remember shes dating an arab
they are in massive disagreement about the coronavirus so maybe that is it
>Why is he acting like such a fucking libertarian boomer right now?
Ramz has been in full reality denial about corona, smugly tweeting about how it's over every time there's a day when deaths are slightly down. Now he's saying people wearing masks should be mocked. She poked fun at him for this and he couldn't handle it. Dude has come completely unhinged. It's kind of sad to watch, because I followed the guy since 2012 and he's been great, but lately things have gotten pretty stale.
this shit again, he is one of the few that has had a correct analysis of the situation, him and Peter Hitchens, they are both brave enough to speak against the global narrative, boomer that produce more testosterone in one day than most of panicked and hysterical zoomers hiding under the bed do in one year...
>threat level of the virus grossly exaggerated by hysterical panic, nothing that beyond what we have already experienced in past situations but nobody cared.
>economic recession from contention measures hit small business, middle and lower classes the hardest, multinationals increase market share, financial elite suffers no serious consequence
>government and globalist structures take the opportunity to increase their power and stifle liberties with the acceptance of a panic mass of sheep citizens.
>supposedly based and red pilled right wingers that oppose homoglobo, are now expecting to be saved be the same structures the opposed in the past and know that lie and deceive to increase power at the expense of ordinary citizens...
He’s such a boomer nigger. All he cares about is MUH 401K!!!!
Tiina is not panicking. It's just that Ramzpaul ignores the virus completely and makes these fucking stupid boomer statements like "we should laugh at every basedboy who wears a mask". Tiina rightly called him out for that and Ramz got so angry that he kicked her out. Pretty childish in my opinion.
At least her fiancé is half Finnish and based, they both are advocating for a white Finland even though they may not be 100% Finnish. And it's pretty ironic how Ramz claims to be a traditional Christian but doesn't mind satanists.
Looks like a cuck.
Corona Hoax is dead, faggot.
Anglin, RamzPaul, Roosh, and Ann Coulter have been vindicated.
The retarded faggots sharing endlessly Torrenting Jew movies as "prep" for armageddon have been BTFOd and lost all credibility.
You and ramz are the donkey
w/o Jew movies - which ALWAYS feature a vaccine saving the day - there would have been no template for this insane mass hysteria.
srsly, even the AIDS hysteria was 1% of this mania. It was Hollywood movies which told Alt-right faggots how to behave, and they obeyed dutifully.
you are so Brave
how many times have you watched your Harry Potter Complete Blu Ray Saga during your beloved ZOG lockdown?
I don't watch styx much either, but from what I gather he has been moving in our direction. The negative way of looking at it is ramz moving in the libertarian direction with his channel, which I don't really think, he has always been a racially aware libertarian who doesn't want an ethnostate, but a state where whites are a strong majority. The positive angle is that we are pulling libertarians into our tent, which is very positive and something that is necessary to become a powerful movement.
>Why is he acting like such a fucking libertarian boomer right now?
Because he's loosing his shirt because of stonks
>What happened to RamZpaul? Why is he acting like such a fucking libertarian boomer right now?
Because he is a libertarian boomer. Duh. He agrees with Yas Forums 80% of the time.
its a completely retarded distinction
what benefit does having any amount of non-whites in our country really provide? jews are 2% of the population but look at all the fucked up shit they've managed to do
idiot, the point is that the contention measures being imposed are a far greater threat to public health and society in general than the damn virus, they are based on panic and hysteria and not on an accurate interpretation of reality, so far he has been proven right...
Styx is a retarded goon
But RamzPaul was still completely right about this retarded hoax
>Metokur: 1,000 zombie movie memes, vowing bodies in the streets
>Richard Spencer: "Coronavirus is clearly an extinction level event."
>TRS: The Jews got it right, this time!
RamzPaul: This is a fake and gay hoax for a fake and gay country.
I enjoyed the old show. I’m gutted that Styx will be the new cohost, he bores me to tears. Won’t be watching as long as he’s there.
Whatever has happened to ramz is strange and disappointing. His videos used to be hilarious and entertaining, now it’s usually more pessimistic and matter of fact. I think he may be depressed and blackpilled and if he is that is a real shame and I wish him the best. His edge and personality has certainly changed over the last couple of years but I will always be thankful for the laughs and entertainment he has given me.
I don't watch his show but he's largely right about the overreaction to the virus.
Explain the goal of this fake and gay hoax. This has only further discredited the neo-liberal order
>Jews left out of COG
Congress not allowed bye bye dual citizens
>ZOG defeated by COG
ALL your missiles we sold you have BACKDOORS, thanks intel
>Zionist left outside to die while we survive inside
Enjoy your shit tier fallout shelters MOSSAD, WE OWN THE MOUNTAINS
Continuity of Government
COG is in charge now. The presidential seal has been removed.
>we are at war
Invisible enemy, chinese sleeper cells, many subversive shills...
>but COG is in charge now
>compete cold war history of COG
From mystery bunkers like Mount Pony where the FED keeps 400 Billion in cash like breaking bad or the plans we had to evacuate the president on dummy planes is in this doc!!!
Part 2 coming soon about FUTURE COG with AI controlled continuity
The shill, Shareblue, Brock, Obama, and all you tranny kikes are going to be rounded up and sent to GITMO or Tribunaled..,,.,.,
what? obvious massive expansion of state powers of rights.
I want as few non-whites as possible too, but purity spiralling is counterproductive.
Ramz is right.
OP is fagbo.
In the beginning with China I wondered about the seriousness of the virus but thought it could be something with thr way the Chinese were acting, then with the data in Italy I figured it would be nothing but the global reaction and economic instability could create its own happening. If you can imagine food flying off our shelves in the US you can imagine the effect could eb worse in Chinese megacities.
But I don't know anymore. I want a happening because I want an end to clown world but nothing ever happens.
i don't buy the term "purity spiraling". if you have a bowl of ice cream and someone opts to a bit of shit in it you don't do it just because its a little and you don't want to "purity spiral"
Never hear of him, but what exactly is wrong with being a libertarian boomer ?
Lolbergtardianism is not a realistic ideology anymore, and every thinking man knows this.
have you met anyone who has been infected and actually fully recovered without any more symptoms?
because all I see from "recovered" cases of covid-19 is people still suffering
he is not a libertarian boomer, he just values individual freedom as a core american value and isn't hoping for total societal collapse whit the hope of imposing a white pagan empire...
Both, he and Styx don't believe in what they tell you themselves, you are just a source to be sapped - like a gummy tree
Chin up pal. This is a slow burn. Some good industries are in distress but yoy must also account for the terrible industries that are suffering: travel (based), theaters (based), colleges (based), so on and so forth. You have to dig deeper to see the "white pills" my friend.
Seems like a reasonable kinda guy then.
You really don’t understand the evolution of totalitarian control, do you? Your V for Vendetta idea of totalitarianism is grug as fuck. The elites don’t like using hard power, because it’s unsophisticated.
Yes, my brother in law in probability had it in January, he stayed in a hotel in Algarve that had loads of chinese tourists, when he came back he was sick with flu like symptoms for about 5 days.
A also know DIRECTLY 6 people, one of them a friend, that went to Italy on ski holidays in February and came back sick, and were tested positive! All of them had flu like symptoms for about 5 days as well. I spoke with my friend and he mentioned that had lost the sense of smell during those 5 days, didn't speak with the others...
Check out Peter Hitchens twitter feed for well thought, rational arguments that contradict the media orthodox narrative...
>White families under house arrest
>Kids who've worked for years on sports have seasons cancelled
>Wives leaving husbands en masse
>Alcohol sales through the roof
>Impotent white men "Netflix and chill" all day while black chads are cleaning up w/ da whyte wimmin
>Small businesses folding up, Amazon/Wal-Mart exploding
>Farms being forced to stop producing food
You: "This is a fine example of the neo-liberal order's evidentiary diminishment juxtaposed against the Evolian construct in subtle contrast to the Hegelian dialect as interpreted through the prism of Nietsche's Paradox. Now, as.....OH FUCK! NIGGERS ARE BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE AND EATING ME!!!!"
Does this grifting mongo have downs?
Nobody on this board knows much about anything.
But we are all 100% sure of three things.
>1. You're childless
>2. You're impotent
>3. You're a TDS Paywall Member
Funny how a lil money and fame can change your Mind frame
oh and you are an expert on totalitarian control? you wrote the book on it did you?
and if you think the kikes who run our country care about being sophisticated you are really off base
Not like you I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! chads who obediently "Support the Brave Doctors and Nurses on the Front Lines of this War" who don't have downs because your faces are hidden behind your folds of cellulite.
like how every single paid white nationalist is now cheerleading for ZOG?
>in probability
idk how deadly covid-19 is but my grandma got the asian flu when she was a child and she almost died and to this day still has lung damage and difficulties breathing.
Idk how the corona virus and the asian flu differ but I'm not willing to risk my health or that of my family over the opinion of capitalist boomershits
He's an eGrifting old Boomer who demands we "return to normal" for muh stonks and muh perpetual growth. He unironically calls himself a Zionist.
Ramz hasn’t been relevant ever since he defended Laura Loomer and showed himself as a massive white knight
>unironically drools out "STONKS!" meme after this hilarious hoax has been exposed
>strokes neckbeard, satisfied w/ self
>goes to medicine cabinet
>pops Viagara
>opens up Blacked.com tab
>achieves erection only way possible
This, hard power leads to shared experiences and those lead to people bonding and having revolutions. Soft power makes every person isolated and afraid to even speak out. Much more effective and leads to people killing themselves and not revolting.
me neither, i really don't what to be infected, but that is not the point.
the point is if the lockdown measures might cause more damage to public health in the long run than the virus itself, it seems so...
check out peter hitchens twiiter feed for thoughtful arguments on this subject.
>Tina is nice and based, but the show was kinda boring,
Not gonna lie I've never been able to listen to Tiina for more than 1 minute.
Ramz is boring in the very same way so I thought they made a good match. Two incredibly dry, autistic midwits.
Is this really what happened? I just assumed Styx was up for it, and he knows Styx will bring his viewers.
I do watch their show and I liked Tiina, Ramz is one based boomer, but their viewership wasn't good imo. I'll miss Tiina's multilingual/European info though, the show's quality will likely suffer
It’s just another step in Ramz’s journey to complete irrelevance
Wait, so Ramzpaul does some kind of podcast shit now?
Back in the /new/ days he just did simple commentary videos from his house. He was a good laugh during the Baltimore chimpouts.
Jews fear the libertarian. Shilling against it is half the reason this board exists.
That image really needs a /cvg/, a reddit, a Washington post logo, and Noel Degrasse Tyson in it. Maybe Harry Potter and a Hollywood logo also.
You’re a mongoloid. The kikes would much rather sedate you with SSRIs and porn, than stop on your face with a jackboot. Hard power is an obvious regression, and you’d have to be serious grug-brain to to understand this.
>and if you think the kikes who run our country care about being sophisticated you are really off base
And you are mentally retarded if you think kikes needed to engineer the virus or hoax it etc. when everyone was completely pacified with consoomption and kikes had the power to ruin everyones life with the media/courts etc. whenever they stepped out of line. They had you where they wanted you and they make sure that you know it with fag parades, pushing trannies, shitting on whites on the media,pic related.
Now people are getting jobless, economy is tanking due to the virus (would be way faster and harded with no protective measures) which only serves to discredit their globohomo faggot kike system and pushes people out of their comfort zone and might destabilize the economy/currency to the point the regime can't pay zogbots enough to enforce this regime.
Covid-19 is very bad for kikes.
Ok boomer
then explain what the did in the soviet union, dipshit
reminder that the enemy are a satanic cult, faggots like styx and varg who shill satanism for the edge factor are beyond retarded