No nurse I've talked to have described anything like a war zone with mass casualties.
They all say their hours have been cut. One said they didn't have the right protective wear or equipment.
No nurse I've talked to have described anything like a war zone with mass casualties.
They all say their hours have been cut. One said they didn't have the right protective wear or equipment.
Other urls found in this thread:
The vast majority of the country (basically everywhere that isn't a major city) is so spread out that very few people are sick, and the disease doesn't have a chance to spread. Because everywhere is locked down, however, all the incidental things that would land someone in the hospital (car accidents, heart attacks from work stress, etc.) aren't happening. The end result is that most hospitals are empty right now, or at least at less than normal capacity.
Basically we shut down the country to save NYC and LA, and it didn't even make a difference.
everyone knows this is a hoax
>so spread out that very few people are sick
I live in a major metro area, shill.
The old 'of course hospitals are empty during a pandemic' excuse.
Hey, shill, is this psyop pro-White, or pro-Jewish and anti-White?
It's true. Live in a major city and there's no one here. It's a ghost town.
the only thing that matters (through the media) is to have everyone think the shit is hitting the fan everywhere.
Glorious, right? less dead people means less Democratic voters.
My nigga that's crazy, but I don't remember asking
Yep. Its just a flu. Open everything up again.
Medfag here you are correct. The clinic I work in is averaging 5 patients per day, down from 40-50
OP is a massive faggot. Every hospital is currently over run (why do you dumbfucks think they are asking for huge amounts of equipment?). Nurses and Doctors are dropping dead from corona every hour. Stop spreading disinfo. This is the worst pandemic to ever hit humanity and you idiots are treating it like a joke. Fuck you.
It’s almost like the strategy was to go into lockdown early to avoid hospitals getting full
my mom's a nurse she went from 8 hour days to 12 hour days. they also were told not to wear masks because it cases panic. do not go to white plains hospital.
nice troll. I gotta use this one. maybe alongside a photo of some nurse with goggle marks on her face
I know an auxillary nurse that works at glasgow hospital(or 1 of them in glasgow), she was working on a ward with 2 corona patients and started showing symptoms got sent home for 2 weeks and now is back working the corona ward. Not been tested, they get a little plastic apron to wear and gloves and surgical mask but only in the room with the patients. She said there's been a few deaths but not 100's and not loads of patients in there.
>The old 'of course hospitals are empty during a pandemic' excuse.
My wife works at a hospital in Brevard County, FL. The hospitals are almost empty with workers being sent home.
My town had 2 cases, they self-quarantined for two weeks. It's called being white.
The only places being hit hard are full of kikes and niggers who are too stupid to stop coofing on each other. Once your nigger community gets one case you'll have a nice pile of corpses.
the fucked up thing is, people will literally take you seriously. the amount of scared normies out there is staggering.
Not sure what you mean by psyop but Corona-chan has been killing Rabbis all around the world
yeah you little kike niggers lets shut down the whole world because some retarded boomers cant handle the flu.
the only cure for covid 19 is a bullet in the head
> generalizes from talking to 1 nurse
Very different over here, all nurses got doubled hours with or without protective gear.
An icu unit got a corona test and 50% were infected and went home for a 14 day quaranteene.
Regular nurses are now being trained as icu nurses in 1 week courses.
In my home county corona is now being declared as general spread which means the shit is about to hit the fan, 5 dead so far and a few hundred infected.
And yet the hospitals are taking in more money for "covid" patients.
well... this IS Yas Forums afterall
remember this when you reel like you are dying
You’re comparing inpatient hospitals with outpatient clinics
you got to be a real loser to hate on nurses right now
Yeah I'm a nurse and was temporarily laid off because there's no work, this is a nothingburger! Don't ask for pics because I don't have any but we need to go back to work, if you disagree you're a commie shareblue shill! America is NOT meant to shut down! This is all a conspiracy in order to get rid of God Emperor Trump!
Shit spread right up into Fairfield county from there
Until the 2 $$ Trillion Corona Bux comes thru who should take the pay cut ?
> drs & nurses
Come now , Admin is not going to sacrifice their $1.5 mill plus salary for the cause.
Besides who will fill out all the FAKE DEATH CERTIFICATES ( covid death for all) to qualify for Corona Bux?
Who will get credit for saving the hospital?
Who will use most of the Corona Bux for BONUS?
my neighbors are both RNs and their hours have been cut in half. they're finally able to enjoy some free time. also, they aren't in the least bit concerned about covid19.
Yeah, your tribe is killing people and accounting other causes of death as being from this virus to cause more panic.
>This is all a conspiracy in order to get rid of God Emperor Trump!
Trump was bailed out by a Rothschild. What do you think of that, cunt?
the only nurses they ever seem to talk to are like manic millennials newbie girl nurses who probably have daily nervous breakdowns when they have to deal with 2 patients a day
That's because elective procedures have been cancelled EVEN IN AREAS NOT HIT HARD BY COVID. Are you an absolute retard? Yes. You are. Everyone is doing their best to avoid the hospital right now and we are reducing any admissions not strictly necessary. Everything that can be put off is being put off. GI is not scoping anyone except the most severe GIB's. All caths are postponed unless emergent. In my hospital our general census is low meanwhile our ICU is flooded with COVIDs. But I live in an area which has minimal COVID compared to a place like NYC.
Yeah my wife is dealing with low census issues atm.
No elective surgery, far fewer patients, means empty hospitals. We've only got like 40 cases of cv19 in our county.
You are partially correct . All will be done by 16th of July at least for Europe.
Fuck off shareblue commie!
are you spying on your neighbors. I bet you bugged the inside of their house.
>5 dead so far and a few hundred infected.
Vilket län?
Remember you're a stupid gullible faggot that lets the government tell you what to do when 23k people die in weimerica and 60 million are homeless because of this bullshit flu hoax.
Talk to respiratory therapists, not nurses. Most nurses are no better than a chicken with a cut off head right now, meanwhile we're actually keeping people breathing while pulling double shifts.
This is true. I am an ICU trained nurse particularly in the area of cardiopulmonary ICU (which is a skill very useful for flue victims), but my hours has been cut or actually have had no shift for a month or two. I have no money and living off saving at this point.
No we are not soldiers fighting bravely against virus invasion. We are no angles. If there is not enough protective gears and staffing is inadequate or anything that put our lives at risk, we typically refused to work (my hospital is unionized) and some of us winded up losing their livelihood.
We hate it when people call us heroes. There is nothing but utter incompetence of emergency preparedness. We were warned this will happen. Sarrs happend. We were still not prepared.
WHY SHOULD WE LAY DOWN OUR LIVES to cover up the institutional and governmental incompetence? Nurses aren't supposed to die. If they do die, it is due to human error and the failure must be investigated as such. Please don't sacrifice our lives then justify your disgusting laziness with praising that we fought like soldiers, we are angels and we died for the "causes", or that they knoew what they are signed up for.
Hell no
>> generalizes from talking to 1 nurse
I talked to three nurses. Those three nurses each know dozens of nurses. None of them have heard of anyone taking care of COVID-19 patients. Nothing close to a pandemic.
this guy gets it
whether or not its gonna get wild in your local area is dependent on two factors:
>how densely populated your area is
>how much people are taking things seriously, using masks or staying home or what have you
If the density is low the second factor matters less
what? we are neighbors and those motherfuckers are busybodies who never stay inside. dude mows the fucking yard even if he just did it two days ago. i can't fucking avoid them.
Hospitals have been forced to postpone or outright cancel the majority of non-emergent care as a result of governmental decrees and in order to prioritize PPE supplies for corona wards. The nurses I know who are not working in the ICU have all had their hours cut. Many of them are not complaining about it tho because like I say the hospital admins were being tight with the PPE. Well that and the majority of patients are basically retarded when it comes to any kind of prevention measures.
Bullshit. My sister in law in Philly says the exact opposite and everyone is getting pulled to the covid ward because 99% of the hospitals patients are there.
I LOVE IT WHEN PT GIVES NO FUCKS and walk around the unit with butt showing. Some of the dumbfucks are un-educatable (i.e., trival flks poor blacks & whites).
You are not supposed to walk in ICU. If you can stand up, you can't stay in it.
I love dealing with public.
No, I'm just being realistic.
How can you be so sure this is a psyop? Do you personally know anyone that has been infected or died of covid? I don't yet but someone I know knows two people that have died of it. And I'm sure it's only a matter of time til someone I know gets it
Post tits or shut the fuck up.
spoken like a true neckbeard neet
My wife does lab work at a major hospital. PPE use is limited and they just announced forced paid vacation time for everyone that has a balance, then unpaid by volunteering. If enough hours arent reduced then cuts will start across the board.
you got to be a gullible idiot joining band wagon to hero warship nurses.
are you trying to get laid?
My wife is a nurse in the Midwest. Can confirm, no one is sick. Hospital traffic is really slow. This is an obvious hoax
can't have hospitals jammed with patients if you're actually prepared for a surge of patients
There are NO patients
Yeah, because it's absolutely impossible to bury a bunch of boxes and claim there are bodies in there. I bet you my life there isn't shit in there.
>We are taking effective countermeasures. Why are the countermeasures working?
This is how dumb you look.
>worst pandemic to ever hit humanity
Victims of the Justinian plague and the dozen or so waves of the Black Death would like to have a word with you
Wife's a nurse. No corona. She works at 2 hospitals. No hours either cuz none is showing up anymore for other stuff. She has to beg for hours. Keeps getting cancelled. Go corona.
Here ill confirm this HOAX.
The virus/covid/flu is real, JUST like every seasonal flu no more no less.
Pic Related is CDC deaths in this country.
2,840,000. People die every year
And SOMEHOW the nodies get buried
More CDC Data about top 10 death 2018
i think i might have to go food bank next week. whoever the fuck said nursing is the most secure job in the world???
with my wife it is the same, she's a nurse for post abdominal surgeries and everything has been cancelled
the weird thing is, at ER almost no heart attack patients
Oops thats just NY
Kek that last line
I was actually surprised i see a lot more niggs wearing masks than I do white people. I live 30 min outside of DC. Granted I live around a lot of niggs but the white people I do see dont tend to be wearing masks.
This. Daughter in law is a nurse and has now missed four days of work because her shifts were cancelled.