Landlords are scum

landlords are scum

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miss me yet?

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Why don’t you just pay your rent? It’s not that hard. I swear, you commies are too stupid to live.

That's real considerate to provide tenants with information that can help them if they're facing homelessness. See, they're not all heartless

yeah surely a woman won't make up a story to get likes on social media. believe women.

What's with the high-estrogen theatrics from lower-class normies? If I was going to evict some tenants for not paying, I would provide the verbal or written warnings I had to and then kick them out when I was able to. Why waste time and energy doing dumb shit like that?

Based! Pay your rent!

Because OP is fake and gay

I don't understand this. Who do you think paid for the houses to be build? Who pays for the maintenance? Who owns the land the houses stands on and pays taxes for them? What kind of communist shithole do you want to live in where housing is a basic human right and nothing belongs to anyone? How about you go to fucking china if that's what you want?

Jewish face, unlikely story, yeah I’m thinking it’s bullshit time.

That's fucking pretty good irl trolling.

Those fucking sociopaths.

poorfags BTFO

>things that never happend
why do people beg for attention on social media?

Stab your landlord as a last resort so you may be housed in jail.

Because it didn't happen. It's some mentally ill literally who on twitter needing a hit of dopamine.

They aren't lower class, they're solidly middle class at worst and are outraged that their luxury apartment in expensive urban centers aren't being given for free


I'm guessing you didn't mortgage because of bad choices you made? Living a life style you couldn't afford and pissing money away on rent. Thats not their fault, its yours

Good, You signed a contract. Why the hell should they let you live on their property for FREE?
In any other country they would just shut off the power but since they can't do that, they have to resort to snarkiness.

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I guess it depends on how kiked they are

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Why would you ever rent in the first place? I bought a trailer and paid it off in a year ($11,500) and now just pay lot fees which is practically nothing. My next goal is buying some land and moving my trailer there so I don't have to live by other people. I technically have enough but this pandemic bullshit is putting it on hold.

why does a landlord have to be nice? plenty of other business owners aren't.

Take the list down and put up a list of Hospital Emergency Rooms for him.

And you guys signed a contract to give Israel billions a year so be sure it's all there, and not late

turn that shit sideways asshole

that's actually a really helpful list for someone who clearly doesn't have any concept of planning or organizing information. why would anyone who can't save a single month's rent extra have the gall to complain and even shame someone over this? Even more, someone would be so brash as to post it to Yas Forums in some sort of pathetic d/i campaign. Must be a jew.

Hey, the trannies are back with the fan fiction LARPs.

Imagine being a poor fag who actually has to rent. Imagine not being responsible enough to have at least enough money in the bank to cover all expenses for six months.

Hope the latest IPhone works in homeless shelters faggots.

The only thing wrong with this image is the fact you turned it the wrong way leaf

Hopefully this works

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housing is a human right. renting should be illegal.

good luck getting someone to fill in the place diring corona. Pack a tent and move to the forest. He is in a worse position than you if he has any debts.


Homeless people don't pay rent either. Why should you get to keep your apartment while they sleep in the streets?

>landlord spends the time to get a list of organizations that can help you if you are hungry and n need of supplies
>includes homeless shelters
>call him scum


Why don’t you have any savings?

The typical amerimutt never understand we must crush communists and capitalists

>housing is a human right. renting should be illegal.
shut the fuck up commie faggot

>believing this retarded niggery actually took place
nigger, i...

>things that didn’t happen

yeah yeah i really give a shit about someone from a former communist country.

>landlords are scum

Tenets are pathetic losers... Where are you gonne be if the bank takes your scum landlord's house

wow paying rent is so bad, what an asshole someone takes a loan to buy property and he wants me TO PAY TO LIVE THERE ? WTF! why he just cant pay for me??!

well in us people are not willing even to pay taxes to have healthcare for everyone, you would need to have like 80% taxes for everyone to have housing also

Checking, and if he hadn't said it, I was gonna.
Behold! The Contract-Breaker! A holy empowered weapon that makes me immune to all contracts, leases, and clauses of rental agreements! You wanna throw someone onto the street during a fucking pandemic? You'd best think real hard about whether they'd have anything to lose, afterwards.

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>that profile picture

This did not happen

Pay or move out.

>nigger tier emotional behavior from landlords

It outs the hyper-leveraged kikes who lack the cash for even a few week setback. Financially responsible gentile landlords realize that working with tenants to pay rent over time will net the best financial outcome in the long run.

i already pay 40% in taxes faggot im not paying for diabetic mexicans to eat fried ice cream all day

Maybe she should move. She signed a contract saying she'd pay.

What’s going on here?

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That's actually not that bad.

You dont know what communism is , nigger

Report this bot and forget.

>landlord: you're supposed to have 6 months savings to pay your expenses
>renter: ok, why don't you have 6 months savings then?

its what produces gypo monkeys like you to come be retarded on the internet

> six gorillion threads about landlords with lots of positive replies in the last months
> ONE thread about stopping (((speculation))) and price boosting full of triggered heebs
OK, joomer.

>im not paying for diabetic mexicans to eat fried ice cream all day

You already do that faggot. Worthless minorities get medicare. Small business owners and the white working class are the ones who would benefit from healthcare.

>we did it prebbit, I told Yas Forums hihihi XDXDDD!!! owo

baby's first rifle, fresh from the box not sighted in shooting shitty umc bulk. should have payed your rent instead of trying to larp as your favorite walking dead character.

Leave a list of funeral homes on his.

He doesn't even give that much of a shit about his tenant. He's just checking off a box so he can say he "did something" in eviction court.

they already have healthcare.

That bitch in the pic looks a like kike

>c*mmunism is the answer
Fuck off shill. Your ideology brings about WAY more poverty than capitalism ever could.

>Being stupid enough to believe OP actually happened.
Yes, your failure to become a homeowner is totally just capitalism keeping you down.

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The answer is Georgism. No need to result to s*cialism and c*mmunism.

Renters are scum. Get your own place and stfu.

Why doesn't the landlord have any savings? How have you been alive this long being this stupid?

How did he cut the tether through the canopy?!

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>If I was going to evict some tenants for not paying, I would provide the verbal or written warnings I had to and then kick them out when I was able to.

This is probably one of the things the landlords HAVE to do in urban areas that elect liberal/communist judges.

They pay absurd premiums for it. Obongocare is designed to shift the costs of uninsured negroids from hospitals to the middleclass.

Oh and when you get laid off, you are shit out of luck. The nigger still has medicare.

Ok, here’s your 90 square foot room that you’ll be sharing with 3 others. Shared bathroom is at the far end of the building. Shared kitchen is on the bottom floor. No smoking, cooking, or eating allowed in the room.

>Every fucking time!!

She’s cute though.

Get a job, nigger.

I am a homeowner, I'm just not a kike with debt 10x my income like these landlords.

just because something is a right doesnt mean its provided for free by the government retard
the solution is not giving free healthcare out. youll end up like the UK with free boob jobs and waiting 6 months to get an appointment at obgyn

Are you talking to the landlord or the tenant? It could apply to either

That's why there are homeless shelters and halfway houses. It's not a right to live where you choose in a manner of your choosing for free. This is a privilege which is bought with money.

I pay taxes and maintenance on my properties. To get the property in the first place, I needed to front the money which I could have invested somewhere else or spent it on stupid shit for myself then pay loan repayments until I owned it outright.

I'm not a boomer by the way, I'm in GenX. I payed rent while I saved up for buying my first place.

You really have 11 of these?

HAHAHAH you must pay the rent!!!

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I bet she smells like fucked butthole

Oh no, it's suboptimal, that means your blazer is totally gonna stop it. Your blazer and long sleeved shit will totally blunt umc bulk. Well, I guess that makes you immortal!

Now go on, try and collect your "rent".
>implying that's the point, and we're no all using this contrived scenario to express our philosophies
Smuggy posters are the worst.

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you paid rent while you saved to buy a house? lol.

>our doors

she means his doors.

Really? A society of nothing but single family homes? Be reasonable.

>believing women
i expected more from you user...

wow leafs are nice


Those taxes are going to pay for the rope you hang from.

>Who do you think paid for the houses to be build? Who pays for the maintenance?

In a sane world those houses would be paid for by working-class people, probably financed by the government rather than some kike banks. In our clown world they are indeed financed by our government and given to real estate speculating boomers and other faggots with a decent enough FICO score so they can join being in an increasingly shrinking class of people who enjoy financial freedom paid for by a class of serfs. These faggots are even being bailed out by the government! I could have joined the insanity of buying multiple homes on credit and renting them out on AirBnB or whoever, but I saw the market was overleverages by greedy speculators and everything was clown world so I didn't want to join the mess. But shit, our government is willing to print money to keep clown world and the everything bubble. Fuck it all.

For people who bitch about Jews ruining everything you guys sure do make a lot of excuses for Landlords who're basically the biggest fucking Jews in the world.

You do realize they don't do anything, right?
There's literally fewer bigger leeches on society than a Landlord. All they fucking do is mess with the value of property -of which their is a finite amount of-.

Renting, Landlords, and Property Tax are all forms of fucking theft. Anybody who disagrees is a shill for illegitimate methods of capitalism and is contributing to this imaginary economy, the current plague of unaffordable housing, and is directly responsible for the millions of Chinese people buying land.

-If you pay for land you should own it. Simple as that.
-You should only be able to own land if you live on it. You shouldn't be allowed to buy land and wait for it to accrue imaginary wealth.
-Any property tax claimed should directly be used to pay hydro/phone/electric and other amenities.

The Hasidic Jew slumlords do this shut all the time. Why would now be any different?

It's not your property, you didn't work for it and agreed to a contract to live on it.

Don't have an aversion towards hard work. Build your own house, work your ass off to buy one, live in the woods like our ancestors. Don't claim that anything is an entitlement when you aren't putting forth much effort into it.

>imagine ALREADY being so completely out of money that you cant even pay for the roof over your head
The absolute state of brainlets. It hasn't even been two complete pay periods.

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Odds that this actually happened and this cunt didn't just print this out herself for twitter attention: 0%

Both rope and landlord blood are cheap.

Who's dumber: renters or retards who fell for the mortgage meme?


>leafs law :
>an a political discussion grows longer, the probability of a cucked leaf mentioning school shootings, healthcare or Israel approaches