Is Joe Biden right?
Should we all learn to code?
Is Joe Biden right?
Should we all learn to code?
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there is nothing wrong with that code
why not do that as a switch case block?
Ah 400 million else ifs, I think I did this on my TI-82 back in high school to cheat at math.
Coding with less than 120 IQ is like being a BBW model.
I’d fatten this braphog up until she couldn’t get out of bed.
there's nothing wrong with this code and it'll work but honestly doing this many else if just shows her lack of experience
I'd have those strings in a dictionary indexed by the id and just return dict[id] rather than running through that crap.
>hyped meme skill
>oversaturated market
>easily outsourceable
yes goy you must learn to code!
I'm learning to AR-14 while making a dog face
no coding is a shit job and i hate it
OP I know we post gore sometimes but have some restraint.
so it's, like, good?
Im a CNC Programer
switch (reply)
case 1
console.writeline ("because");
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
I'd load those texts from a resource file into a dictionary and access by key
>there's nothing wrong with this code and it'll work but honestly doing this many else if just shows her lack of experience
That doesn't make sense. There's always something to improve. You even said it yourself. Her overuse of if/else shows her lack of experience. The overuse of if/else is what's wrong.
>Joe Biden
>Learn to code
>British flag
What the fuck even is this post
can't tell which one is worse, the text properties as static strings in code or the non-existing file structure...
Can you define the explicit id index in a C# dict? Or would it be auto-indexed? Searchability matters
Yes, pic related is all from automated (autopilot) work. I work maybe like 1 hour a day if I want to.
>tfw im living the best life a self sustaining NEET can have
Teach me your ways. I can only pound out web apps for so long
How did you get Yandere Simulator source code?
oh dear god...
should have just read this from a file to a dictionary ffs sake even an array as they are just indexes by the looks of it
in the way that it teaches nuanced, structured, logical flow yes. if everyone learned to code reading comprehension would be much higher, just for one small example.
of course they say that as a meme but they don't actually want the schools to teach in that way because then history becomes a complex multifaceted global machine rather then the shit one dimensional agenda they want to cram in your head.
I can't sorry, but I can point you in the right direction. Start lurking, it's the best internet marketing forum and look into CPA.
Btw, there are still like 10 hours left till the server resets so I will end up with $300 today, which is a bad day btw. I've had peaks at 1.5k - 2k dollars a day.
cs files aren't script either but for some reason she calls them all that. Should strictly just be ClassName.cs
Are you automating CPA ads via bots?
I liked
>Hey boyyyyyys
>> imagine maintaining that, constantly having to ctrl+f to find out what 044 means 3 months later
>> no obvious way of implementing localization
>> will get noticeably expensive in a big game with multiple thousand lines of dialogue
I've never done C# but I assume it has something like Python dicts
She should contribute to YandereSim.
That's right. Look at all my sites and their stats. And that's not even the full amount of the sites I have. Many of them aren't listed here.
I agree, if else are very inexpensive and many of the original architecture is a bunch of if else statements.
only change I would make is turning it into a switch
>not using an array/dictionary mapping
>or at least a switch statement
oh there is a lot wrong with this code
did you code the bot yourself
let dict = ["because","girls","can't","code"]
dict[reply + 1]
case 1 is missing a colon.
goodluck searching for it the next 20 hours
- also gonna need a default case
Also anyone saying "muh dict" is pleb. That shit needs to be in a proper database
I had a corporate slave (programmer) do the work for me. I paid him $1000 for it and days later I was making 1-2k dollars a day from it.
Right now I'm learning Swift so I can build iOS apps. You can make really good money off iPhone NPCs. Can't wait until I implement my idea.
>hardcoding dialog text
Oh no, it's retarded.
If you had to know pointers and pointers to pointers these days, 99% of the women "coders" would be gone
If everyone learned to code it would become an essentially worthless skillset. If you can do it, why would you pay someone to do it?
anyone who calls an array a "dict" is a python casual and needs to be shot.
As a programmer this image is making me physically sick...
also no, not everyone should learn how to code, it would destroy the industry.
Working in this field and only receiving the pay of a mc donalds employee? no fucking thank you.
God forbid someone learn something by doing, though, and not immediately know every convention. She'll eventually understand this shit better than every asshole that was too afraid to try.
Or just add them to a SQLite DB and remove it entirely from in-application logic. You can simply pick one (using Python) using something like this, assuming you're using an ORM:
reply = Reply.objects.filter_by(id=random.randint(1, Reply.objects.count())
Unless she started learning to code like a week ago, this is a horrible approach. She would get laughed at in any job interview.
I have time and some basic knowledge already. I would like to make money doing this. Where do I start? Recommended languages?
so you make 1000 a day yet you are learning swift to code it yourself ? why not pay other people
find a job
Because he's larping, like half of this thread of "developers" is.
you'd think after hours of writing
>else if
>else if
>else if
>else if
she'd think, "maybe there's a better way of doing this"
She should realize that there's something wrong after the 500th else if.
It means she doesn't know how to do anything else nor does she care enough to learn to apply a bit of structure.
like for everyone saying use dict, that's really a map, but I will say its cool that python has a built in hashmap primitive.
based. could you point to any threads?
coding is for nerds lmao
depends of the data inside the array
Spamming is not all that hard. It all depends whether you have the stomach for running the spam campaigns, as you're pretty much pissing in the pool to make it worse for everyone else. Ie, need to be 1/4 or more jewish.
No it doesn't it depends on how you want to index into it. the data doesn't change
Right now I'm not making 1000 a day anymore. I'm between 100-300 a day now because some platforms that I'm spamming updated their shit and my earnings went down. I'm learning because I don't want my ideas stolen and because I'm thinking about starting a start-up someday. And it won't look good for the CEO to not know how to code, lol.
You can believe anything you want, you poor fuck.Want more screenshots?
I can't point you to the exact method I'm using because there is a a lot of competition. But just search OGAds on blackhatworld and read some threads to get what it's all about
The truth is that a lot of people quickly become discouraged once they realize how much more there is to software development beyond memorizing language syntax and basic control flow. Once they see its an actual engineering field with many facets of the design processed and technologies used, most people shrink away from the field and never try again.
Its easy to call her stupid, but this is likely just from never having any real education in this. I'd assume its easy to fall into many of these traps if you don't even know the fundamental concepts behind design.
I'd like a cheeseburger and a medium order of fries please.
Are... are you joking?
You're female, right?
Whenever I hear "learn to code" meme, I just mentally replace it with "learn rocket science" or "learn brain surgery" and laugh. Because all 3 of those things require an above-average IQ, and not everyone can achieve proficiency in them.
You should learn to code.
Have you ever heard of The Vault? That would probably be of great benefit to you.
I make just as much except it's legit money. What happens once your "totally real" click bots are discovered? Oh, right. Get fucked swift fag.
Does he know how to code?
that is what objects are for
or assoc arrays if supported by the language
yes i am totally a woman
paypal me
Stop reflecting mutt, i'm enjoying my FREE money. :^)
>using hundreds of else if statements instead of one fucking data structure
are you retarded or trolling?
Holy shit, this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen... and I've worked on legacy code with a comment about not changing shit cause it was written while drunk and they didn't know how it worked, what the actual fuck is this retard doing?
I will look into it, user
You make 30k a month? And my money is legit too. Im getting paid by an american company and my traffic is REAL people, dude. You got it wrong. I promote my sites with bots but my traffic is real, that's how I make money you swine
Learning to code is a continuum though. A lot of plebs will see small amounts of scripting or "code-free" application configuration entering their job this decade.
Just about anyone could learn to write a script to automate some task; and they will have to, just like they had to learn how to use email and the web.
There is absolutely everything wrong with this code, so many code smells in one screenshot, I couldn't imagine how shit the rest of this shit is.
Cause that would be just as fucking stupid?
Its a very hard to get in torrent tracker with nothing but stuff on affiliate marketing, copy writing, marketing in general, business systems, etc.
>learn to code
everyone I know learned cs through trial and error, myself included. I used to do stupid things, too. whenever those stupid things caused me to waste hours and hours trying to write/debug it, though, I'd research to try to find a better way. that way, I'd learn. op's pic is just stubborn ignorance.
Checked them numbers. People should learn basic coding and other computer skills because computers are so common now. Just like everyone should learn to garden and do basic home repair. Sadly, a lot of people don't know these things.
Lol at the people saying she should use a switch statement. You're just as wrong as she is.
Normally you would just keep a map from values to strings that you read from a file or something. Then instead of an if statement you're just reading from the map
Ah, I see. So you get access to tons of guides, WSOs etc. Well, 99,5% of these are useless, trust me. If you want more stuff like that you can also use, ogusers etc. But no one will share a goldmine method. You have to try existing methods and add your own twists because most of them are saturated already.
god the more I think about this the more it's making me laugh
think about a 100+ hour game going through EVERY LINE OF DIALOG THE GAME CONTAINS every time you have any text pop up just to find the correct one
you still don't see the problem here?
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable lines;
void Start()
lines = LoadDialogue();
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable LoadDialogue(string langCode = "en")
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable loadedLines = File.ReadLines("../../../text/lang_"+langCode+".txt")
if(loadedLines.Count() == 0)
Debug.Log("Error Loading Dialogue Lines! LangCode: " + langCode);
return loadedLines ;
void PrintAllLoadedDialogue()
if(lines.Count() == 0) return;
foreach(string s in lines)
Yup, I'm an independent SaaS dev. My platform is based on a monthly subscription that businesses pay for because it helps grow their business.
If that's really what it is, cool. But I like living above ground, and something what you're doing seems pretty shady and easy to topple.
>just as wrong
still wrong, but not just as. you know that switches are different from repeated if/else statements, right?
Yes, this code sucks, but let's be fair on her: she looks about 14. Very few people here could have done better at that age.