Honestly fuck off Italy

Honestly fuck off Italy

Stop letting people retire at 50 instead of begging for money

You're pathetic

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Italy already has a parallel currency and their mafia never stopped using the Lira. Italy is almost half way to being independent from the European Union and its globalist cucked technocratic bullshit.
After the pandemic, the EU is for sure going to get dissolved.

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As long as i don't have to pay for their pension they can fuck off

Didn't Macron threaten to make France leave? Once that happens, there is no more EU. It just becomes a modern German empire with eastern Europe and the Western Balkans being colonies of German industrial capacity and German finance

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>Stop letting people retire at 50 instead of begging for money
The age of retirement is 67

you're not paying for shit. You're all in this mess together toothpaste, and you will soon be joining the negative interest rate club, so enjoy subsidizing real estate speculation and your domestic asset price inflation

Idiots have lots of memes about southern Europe

Kek, Aquafresh thinks his money is actually think his money is paying for Italians and not Somalians. Go ride your bike into a canal faggot

Gotta raise that till 80 to get rid off your 2 trillion dollar debt.

>We have almost no debt
>They have 2 trillion debt.
>They want us too pay for their debt

Americucks smell like broke
Enjoy not getting that Corona treated because you can't afford the hospital

>Gotta raise that till 80 to get rid off your 2 trillion dollar debt.
It will happen at some point unless we choose to fix our problem with third world immigrants and become an islamic shithole like your country

>muh coronabonds, pls pay for me!

>Didn't Macron threaten to make France leave?

That's it! You're no longer welcome on Trentino lakes. No more Garda and Caldonazzo for you this summer.

Stop blaming immigrants for you being broke.
Atleast they are willing to work

Now you're even taking away your only source of income.

>Stop blaming immigrants for you being broke.
I didn't, learn how to read you dumb nigger

italian stuck in brazil here.

stop giving us money then you pathetic simps. we're just taking what's given to us.

Unfortunately they will stay for the gibs.

Based Italy

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I agree, Italy should regain their sovereignty and pride.
Fuck the EU.

Don't even mention immigrants you racist fuck, work. You're not entitled to anything, niggers and immigrants steal your job because they're known for actually working.

You're known for being beggars.

Merkel just said NO to the eurobonds. Italy is over.

You are right.


>retiring at 50
Based medbros, I love you guys

>Don't even mention immigrants you racist fuck
Ok Mohammed, what would you even know about work, your entire economy is based on stealing tax revenue from other countries

Stealing is work too.

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>Yas Forums
>you racist fuck

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You degenerate fuck

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Yes you're right, racism is fine
As long as it has substance as with lazy Italian beggars

>be italiano
>have to worke
>mama mia issa so hot!
>i will worke tomorrow
>mama mia issa hotta againe
>letse worke tomorrowe
>PAPA PIA where isse the iconomia!!!
>cries in italian

>Atleast they are willing to work
You're either retarded or a nigger yourself

Racism is fine on pol and encouraged even.

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Judging from your frustration, we are very close to getting inside your wallets

Do Italians consider themselves as white?

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No i'm white and i'm not italian.

The only good thing to come out of italy was Mario and he was made by Japan

NEVER argue with d&c kike shills, this is the same guy in every thread writing the same things. Stop wasting your time

fuck Italy

also hands off South Tyrol you swarthy niggers

Mommy Merkel just told you too fuck off.
Go be independent and become third world

>and i'm not italian.

Thank god...

>Just work for your capitalist overlords until you keel over goy

lmao absolutely rent free

Based germanic aryan barbarian

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That doesn't happen with 2 trillion sorry

Mm sweet Euros, I can taste them. Do you feel your pockets emptying yet? You know you want it!

>hands off South Tyrol

Sorry, It's ours now...

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Oh look an italian lost his way and ended up in a true white country.

I actually went to greece last year,
It was funny because i study journalism and whenever you start about the crisis and how we lend you money you get all pissy and ashamed.

Thanks for the free drinks sub-europeans

>Didn't Macron threaten to make France leave?
ahahahahahaha For Macron, France doesn't exist, french culture doesn't exist.

Yes , all immigrants good .

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>Didn't Macron threaten to make France leave?
No, he would never say that. This ex-Rotschild Bank associate said french culture never existed. He wants a EU army. He's going to sacrifice what's left of France to finalize the EU golem.

Why the fuck does someone from Netherturds think he has any relevance? Your country is barely as big and populated as the one region I live in. You don't even have a history, let alone a rich and significant one. Wash your weak flowery faggot mouth before talking about the people who built the continent you breathe on and the civilization you stole from.

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>please irrelevant and insignificantly small little country with no history, please please give us money.

Well we have the power to deny you your money. You know the money you so desperately need, because you have 2 trillion debt. That italian culture is about to be the new third world culture.

Atleast we Netherturds bathe in money friend


It's funny how a simple solidarity notion can trigger subsealets. How many threads did you make so far?

Rasid, Netherlands pay or we crash the union

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Let's hope the US dissolves too. I mean, this is about resisting globalist unions, not just the EU, right?

You'l only make the union stronger.
Dead weight

He knows they can't leave. It will ruin his country.

Britain stands with Italy.
Down with the European Union. Up with Financial and Political Independence.

You guys are so brainwashed by your media. It's fine, you can hate us, call us lazy, but the reason we have a high debt is because the euro is a bad currency for us and a good currency for the Netherlands and Germany.

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I get tears of laughter when I see Spain's communist government crying for the EU to give them free money. Spanish politicians are corrupt, imbeciles, incompetent, narcissists... Now they're threatening to leave the EU as if that's a bad thing for the EU.

>Hey look! Spain has left Europe! We no longer have to pay the debts of a poor country or save a destroyed economy!

The communists are imbeciles and they are going to transform this country into Venezuela in less than 3 months

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That guy looks like a pajeet

Sure. Who's gonna keep the euro undervalued if both Spain and Italy leave? Nobody. That will damage Germany and Netherlands the most.

I am sorry for your goverment user, wish you the best

You guys sure don't know shit about economy or how currencies work. Keep listening to your media and hate us. And by the way, I don't want any fucking gibs, you can keep your money, I just want to leave the EU.


as if coronavirus is their fault. Retard

How will they survive with us dragging them down!

Literally every spanish speaking country is communi- uh I mean socialist.

That might be a problem for a while, but once we are back with our currency we're going to do better. And if you hate us so much we'd be fine with the US and the UK as allies.
Salvini Trump Boris dream team.