How bad is the panic buying around where you're living? This was taken from my local costco in Ann Arbor MI, so far it hasn't been too bad around here.
How bad is the panic buying around where you're living? This was taken from my local costco in Ann Arbor MI...
I can't find wheat flour anywhere. I just wanted to make some bread for my wife.
>Living in A2
Just gas yourself.
t. Kalkaska.
Panic has subsided entirely here.
Stores are now open from 6 am to midnight, and everything is available.
Online grocery deliveries are swamped though, it's unrealistic, 4 weeks waiting time for a delivery.
AtlantaAnon here. No toilet paper, soap, canned goods, to be found. Freezer section at every store has been picked to the bones.
people still freaking out over TP here, went last night thinking the aisle would be full, nope. literally getting up at 6 am tomorrow to get some
Thanks Obama
I haven't been able to find TP in weeks, Ypsi Meijer and Ann Arbor-Saline Meijer have both been out.
Pretty chill. No toilet paper after 10 am through. Also only the more expensive pasta brands are still in stock.
After you cherry nigger.
Utahanon here. We haven't had wheat flour on the shelves for about a month.
Piss off, fudgie.
The costco is still stocked. Also check out the gas stations around depot town, they've actually got a lot of this stuff.
I'm in Holland, MI and its about the same here.
When the state first went into lock down it was pretty bad.
Now TP and hand sanitizer are hit and miss otherwise most things are in stock.
Who thinks govenor glamshot is going to extend the stay at home today?
It's fucking weird to me that people are still panic buying toilet paper in mass in my area still, I took this picture this weekend, everything looked normal at the store but when I walked at the paper area this is what I found and they're limiting the sale to 1 and 2 per customer.
Like what the fuck America, when shit goes down toilet paper it's the first thing that goes on you're mind?
It was bad in chicago, now only things hard to get are ground beef and TP. TP thing so fucking weird... overall no problem
The krogers around here will usually still have stuff as well.
99.9999999999999% certain it will be extended until May 13th. She's been modelling everything after Finland for some reason.
i thought you were joking for a second damn that is shitty
Almost everything in stock, but only the expensive brands that no one wants to pay for, when it comes to rice, pasta, alco gel, canned food.
>TP thing so fucking weird
Made me realize just how much I really do hate the majority of "people". Human cattle.
dip shits keep panic buying TP and paper towels every morning. Truck loads of it gone daily, and this is at places that are not frequented by the low IQ panic crowd. I imagine that its simply due to the panic crowd diffusing to the places normal places.
These dumbshits are also buying up all the of fkn kraft salt and fake cheese wheat glue products too.
House mates are that type of people. They have had some form of kraft dinner every day for close to a month now save for a night when they made well done steak.
She is, probably til the end of the month / first of next month.
She might go wild like Virginia did and go mid June but my money is on 20ish more days.
Nothing to worry here. Store’s have been full of banners saying you should be buying only things you need and it seems people understand that
It's still a nightmare here in Northern California, I was at Trader Joes, they were making people stand in line six feet apart before they would let you in. I stood for about 1 minute and my back started hurting, they should at least have some chairs. I left with no food, zipped over to my Mexican market, got want I needed. I was only at TJ to get swidishfish and sourcream.
no flour or yeast where i live. pretty sure yeast has an expiry date so theres gonna be alot of food just tossed out in 6months
In Kansas, just about everything has been easy to get except frozen pizza..
Same here
Try keeping your stomach sucked in and tight. You have lordosis if you can't stand for long periods of time without back pain. Fix your hip posture
My costco ran out first week and were full again 2 weeks later. Still no chlorox wipes though.
maryland bro here
the shelves are barren everywhere, workers at the stores are going on strike, and agitated people are blowing up on eachother in public. my older brothers and me had to put a fat black woman and her tiny husband into sleeper holds. some people don't understand what makes society go.
The T.p. shit got me seriously weirded out, what the fuck is wrong with people, I bought 2 cases of 40 industrial rolls like almost 4 years ago because some crack head was selling them for 20 bucks each after almost 4 years i have barely finish the first case and not even started with the second, that's after I gave my mom half the case of one and I told her if she needed more to ask me for, so I know if you got the right kind you can go years with just a one case unless you have a huge family who shits all day.
What the fuck is it with the toilet paper, most people aren't even hoarding food or other items, it's all toilet paper to this day
Trying to find baking yeast had been a multi-week challenge at this point
go to your grocery when it opens or about 30min before it closes.. If you are familiar with the day/night crew ask if anything is "in the back".. it often pays to ask..
Supplies are fine, it’s just that shops don’t plan on hoarding behaviour when they organize inventory.
Nobody can predict that they’ll need 10x more ass wipe than last month. It’s like suddenly there’s 10x more asses out there. It’s hard to plan on that.
Was mildly shitty like 2 weeks ago, pretty much fine now.
damn son that you ? good job !
LMAO - internet sheep bread fag
Ground beef is sold out in my area too, which is weird because it's been completely stocked up until last week.
Do not listen to these shills it is panic and chaos here. I saw a corpse with a blood trail leading away from it in the street yesterday and I'm still traumatized. It's fucking hell on earth here I'm having to use a phonebook as tp.
kalkaska is a shithole no offense.. even grayling is better lmao
I moved here from Kaleva, it's a major improvement.
Pics or it didn't happen faggot
Wa user.... No shortages, no problems, just quiet.
Im a retail wagie in Nevada. TP, beans and rice and whatnot come in almost every night still but its gone off the shelves by 11 am. We used to hold a line at the door to limit the amount of people in the store but corporate told us we're not making enough money so we just let people swarm in herds in the store. We have signs everywhere about social distancing and tape on the floor but theres so many people inside that its impossible to adhere to them. Im guessing this is probably a good opportunity for a lawyer but what do I know.
Chyba w Sosnowcu.
You ... want a pic of my poopy butt?
I think it's just that the recovery from all the panic buying hasn't happened yet. I work in a grocery store, and weeks after the peak panic died down and most other product returned to its regular schedule, we were still only getting 1-2 boxes of TP in per order.
I am in Mart, and I must shart.
Went to the grocery store yesterday, everything in the store was fully stocked as usual, aside from the paper goods isle being literally empty. People are so stupid.
Holy fuck, stop ruin our secret plan. They will come here and die and we can run ovens in Oświęcim again you faggot. Did you know that our coal is ending?
Dude, get with the times.
The ovens were in Auschwitz and Oświęcim is now only the nearby town.
We don't call the camp Oświęcim anymore.
This store is fucking shit. All of you idiots think you get a better deal by bulk buying. It's all a trick. Not to mention the quality of product you get from these places is worse. They sneak their defective rounds out to the public through these stores. Less wasting and people don't complain when they think they are getting a deal.
>limit 1
That is likely a reason it isn't so bad now.
Run shortages where I am at.
> No Lysol, Lysol wipes
> No Toilet paper or hand sanitizer
> Meat costs are up over 50%
Here in Munich you can buy everything even hand sanitizer, if you have an IQ above 120 and know a little bit chemistry. Maybe FFP 2 or 3 masks aren’t easy to get, but you can get them. Some items were low on supply, but you could always go for the more expensive brand. In short everything is there.
Same, just wanted some ground beef but had to get ground turkey instead.
This is Poland and I proudly call our biggest world heritage place in polish. It's Oświęcim and it should not stand unused. That many ovens waiting for fuel.. I'm sad.
>Supplies are fine, it’s just that shops don’t plan on hoarding behaviour when they organize inventory
>muh hoarding
This is a meme for the most part the industry is used to deliver a significant amount of toilet paper and soap to airports, train stations, restaurants and hotels. Now guess what happens if people can’t use the restrooms in these institutions anymore. And yes these supply chains and even the producers are very different and can’t be changed in a couple of days.
everything's normal here in northern california