Why do lefties love bitching about big corporations not paying their fair share of taxes and hoarding all the wealth...

Why do lefties love bitching about big corporations not paying their fair share of taxes and hoarding all the wealth, all the while buying useless shit off Amazon every week or paying to watch the latest superhero movie multiple times?

Are lefties retarded?

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>Are lefties retarded?

Pretty much, but the problem lies more with their emotional maturity than their intellect. They never learned to take initiative and expect someone else (usually a parent-replacement figure like the government) to solve all the problems in their life.

>Why do lefties love bitching about big corporations not paying their fair share of taxes and hoarding all the wealth
That was 10 years ago, user. We've advanced to peak consumer culture where the average person gives meaning to their life through the products of "woke" corporations like Google and Apple.

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To be fair, you need a really high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

well realistically what else is there to do in society nowadays besides buying things and participating in normie (though extremely lacking if you think about it) recreational activities like movies/clubs?

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Why do right wingers love buttfucking each other?

good question. why do people buy shit from companies that steal from their country.

>or paying to watch the latest superhero movie multiple times?
Media pushes the same degeneracy they espouse, so of course they'll support it.

Corporations never pay taxes on the long run, consumers do. Anyone not understanding this basic concept has no right to an opinion on it.

Have you seen commies though? Commies are the most greedy consumerist type of people out there. Mostly spoiled people with upper middle class parents who are not content with their average salary and need "a livable wage" so they can buy the latest iPhone and Macbook and splurge more money on restaurants and bar hopping.

Imagine being that guy in the picture. Imagine that is the only life you get to live. The only body and mind you get to occupy. What hell.

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>Muh false equivalencies
You obviously didnt think this thread through

>Trust me guys, I have communist friends
Just shut your piehole

>those corporations are fine bigot

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I am NatSoc and won't buy useless shit from Amazon or watch superhero movies excluding the dark knight trilogy that I pirated on the internet. Also fuck megacorps that are run by jews and creedy bastards that won't pay their fair share of taxes.

lmao you apparently don't even know what false equivalency means.

Let me rephrase the post for you:
lefties mad because big bad corporations do immoral things, but lefties also love buying goods/services from these big bad corporations, giving them more money and thus indirectly supporting them doing immoral things

These people aren't leftists they're neolib moderates who fall in line with whatever the DNC pushes. The soi niggers obsessed with capeshit and iphones only care about looking trendy.

Sounds like you're describing a "liberal" not a "leftist."

Looks like he's got a touch of cancer on his cheek...

>all the while buying useless shit off Amazon every week
Nope that's conservatives.

>or paying to watch the latest superhero movie multiple times?
Movie attendance is down as fuck and conservatives watch movies more than liberals do.

But do keep up the projection shill faggot.

>usually a parent-replacement figure like the government
Projection through the roof. Righty ideology: lie, corruption, faggotry, whoredom, projection.

Yes, the same can often be said for authoritarian righties.

It's the right wing way. Those who don't >Media pushes the same degeneracy they espouse, so of course they'll support it.
The righty projection must go on

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Is this some kind of 4D projection or something?

jesus this makes me fucking sick

Projection projection

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Literally who is this and why the fuck are discord trannies astroturfing this picture of some literal faggot like its somehow a thumb in pol's eye?

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>corporations don’t pay taxes!
Not one lefty who has ever looked at a balance sheet can say this without being retarded

Lefties will suck dick and later complain about the taste of cock in their mouth.

How are the two even comparable?

No shill it's not

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They've literally ALWAYS been Bitches of the ((((International Financial Eliete)))) they claim to oppose
Pic related.

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Nonetheless an income statement

>under 15k

Kek. Anyway you're ignoring the well-documented if proportionally small trend of onions faggots who spend beyond their means on switches, funko pops, and iphones.

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Projecting righty whoredom and faggotry

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this confuses the coonsoomer

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I'm not comparing the two.
I'm saying that it's ironic that liberals love to call our these corporations for doing shit that is immoral in their eyes, and then continuing to throw their money at the corporations in exchange for their goods/services, thus indirectly supporting the immoral practices

jealous one railed your boyfriend?

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Remember to dilate sweaty. You're trying to use a faggot as an albatross for our necks, which is rich given how much trannies hate negative connotations being given to faggots.
>Obligatory "faggots reproduce by molesting children"

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Most trannies are conservatives. And >>and then continuing to throw their money at the corporations
According to what?

When will I get my Trumpbux, I want to buy fishing gear off of amazon.

I’m not saying these are wrong but half the time when I read sources at the bottom of info graphs on Yas Forums they directly contradict what the graph is saying. I can’t trust something just because it’s nicely laid out.

Why to left wingers love getting buttfucked by right wingers?

I mean just look at all the sjw's on social media these days.
It's all just products, products, products.
video games, dumb movies, apple products, funko pops, toys.

>source: Trust me bro

Also it doesn't matter, you're a tranny and trying to use trannies as a black eye on us. You're self-hating and should go dilate.
>yfw you forgot to dilate

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Im not ignoring anything. All data was taken into account. You're acting like your caricature is legit.

watching your wife and her bull be like

They live in a leftist la la land where the rules don’t apply to then. Given the chance, 95% of these fuckheads would become cops if they could. They’re faux elitists because they spend $30 on a fancy cheeseburger while not even knowing how to make one at home. They’re complete retards.

These are the kinds of pictures you freaks post so your friends can participate in a group belief affirmation exercise with each other, praising your beauty and desirability knowing none of them truly believe it but anyone who doesnt is saying that the emperor has no clothes. It's a weirdly religious affair, almost like a catholic mass.
>call: what do we say to the freak in a dress?
>congregation: Stunning, you go girl!

In the end it's not about you, your choice, or well-being. Your existence serves as living (for now) proof that their worldview isnt beyond reality. You are the dam holding back reality when the wishful thinking hits the nightmare stage and so they do whatever they can to reinforce you, because if you fail, maybe they were wrong.

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bruh some low paying starting jobs without an education can pay you 30k annualy. wth

Wow user its like you finally have a crystal clear view of yourself


OK it's obvious that you're not acting in good faith here. Tell me straight forward that the soiboi and consoom memes came out of thin air and were not based on an observable minority of leftists.

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their faglords are wealthy they must support the teats
The Gay Jewish Billionaire Funding the LGBT Movement - Jon Stryker
There is nothing spontaneous or grass roots about the LGBT movement. Cabalist Jews are using gender dysphoria to destabilize society. Thanks to them, the LGBT rights agenda--note the addition of "T"--has become a powerful, aggressive force in American society. Its advocates stand at the top of media, academia, the professions, and, most important, Big Business and Big Philanthropy.

You're the tranny.

>Obligatory "faggots reproduce by molesting children"
"Faggots"? Conservative faggots ,yes. Righty fags tend to abuse rape and molest children. As seen here and pic related

>Sgt. Jonathan Moore pic related
>doing gay bareback creampie gangbang porn
>stealing cars from dealership
>having breeding parties with other gay faggot cops and underage boys (breeding parties--- gay group sex where they fuck other guys and cum in their asshole, for any non shills and non degenerates who didn't know

Stop the righty fags.

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>LA cop is conservative

Big fucking doubt faggot.

This message isnt sinking in so I'll say it again: faggots are the problem, and you are trying to shovel shit on a political side when it's just faggots are the problem and we dont care where they come from.

Social media is establishment scripted fake shit. "SJWs " on social media are establishment and Yas Forums sockpuppet shills. You mentioning that like it's even remotely a legit shows youre a giant shilling faggot especially when it's not even flooded with the crap you pretend it is.

Don't forget liberals are the same lazy cucks who let's the media brainwash them without doing their own research. Another example of consumerism.

You're the tranny, righty faggot. Not I.

>its maam!

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UK lefties are the worse hypocrites.

>Muh corporations must pay more tax
>But remember to pay your BBC TV tax goys