Bulgaria hate thread

ITT we piss and shit on this shithole and show our utter contempt for its subhuman inhabitants

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>subject says bulgaria but then the posts is about russia
did some BULLgarian chad kick your sensitive asian butt?

Bulgarians and Romanians are interesting people, because they retained a syncretic culture. Christianity mixed with superstition and magic. Bogomils came from Bulgaria for instance. I am interested in what magic can do, so from time to time I read up about some gypsy or not witches in Southern and Eastern Europe.

what's going on with the migrant hunter?

Russia is not much better.

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post no-go zones from your country, faggot

No it is about Bulgaria. Welcome to the thread subhuman. How do you even justify being a Bulgarian? Literally naming your country after the Turkish BVLLs who cucked you

Needs a dictator tbqh

Yes, imagine making a gypsy miss Bulgaria. They should just end themselves at this point

Its says "Mrs." on that band.
Would make more sense desu.

>Welcome to the thread subhuman.
I already fuck your thread and left.

We don't have them, that's Belgium you retard.

Is just sad maaaaan

btw I've been to rasha and it's a shithole :D

No, you will remain here and take it while I unzip my pants, pull out my massive Russian sausage and piss all over your worthless people

Don't lie. You got no-go zones everywhere and you also euthanise your elderly and healthy teenage girls. You also celebrate literal cuckoldry on your TV

>russian shittalking other nations
where do you think you are, rapist?

Russian hoes are fuck everyday by a NIGGERS .
>This shit on right is Soros propaganda

how old is that pic

rough drop there.

russia is outside of time

We don't have no go zones.

Not older than the silvergrey sedan on the right, Kia?

Bessarabian bulgarian living all his life in Russia itt

Bulgarians are ok, you just shouldn’t expect much from them, they are simple and comfy people living in small country.

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Hahs your women get daily gangbangs by gypsies. Openly on the street usually so the gypsies can exchange high-fives. How does that make you feel, cuck?

checked and based

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They never even been to space. Fuck em

>did you know Russia has tigers and space?

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This is now a Russia hate thread.

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I was in love with a beautiful Bulgarian woman in college. I still think about her every day. Should have married her.

Fuck off, retard.

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Aw, look at the lil' monkeys, their little beady eyes look so *human*....

We will come back around to objective beauty. All this filth will pass

>saviors of the white race

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Mother Russia

The transition will not be smooth, comfortable, or bloodless.

You know what I find it funny? That doctors here have formed organizations that simply refuse to do abortions because they call themselves christians or because they feel to much exhausted after doing hundred of abortions in their lifetime, so now women here are reeeing hard and going to the Czech or Hungarian clinics to do abortions.

russkie btfo


Google says it's from 2015

Wow russian women are based aborting the slavs and keeping the niggers lmao

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Because the beauty of the white aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

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Bulgaria sucks ass dude. Drunken Nazi niggers.

dafuq happened?

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>ITT we agitate the shit out of this shithole and show our utter contempt for its subhuman inhabitants
Miss 2015, look at her FACE even she's surprised that they gave her the award.

>pic is from a dairy queen in Illinois
sounds about right

2015 bitch looks like that jersey shore snookie whore that was famous here 10 years ago

this is miss bulgaria 2019 lol

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If they love each other more power to them.

They're named after being good Christians, ackshualy.

Russian women have realized that people with inferior genes must not be allowed to exist lest they propagate their weakness.

Stsy on topic, Dutchcuck. Only Bulgarian vermin can be hated the on in this thread

Reminds me a bit of my high school desu.

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That's some obnoxious picture.

KAGA 2020 baby


>We don't have no go zones

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last week

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Fuck off, kike

based bvll

>BULLgarian chad

Did some Russian BVLL fuck your wife, or why so Mutthurt?

i dont get the joke reeeeeeeee

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>That amount of asshurt
Did a Russian fucking sodomize you or something?

Russian co-worker (who is never going back) once told me
>oh you have elections for president, I wonder what that is like

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