Any of you guys got any testimonies of this shit being real?
>whats it like?
>how did you find out?
>any lingering affects? (like anything you think could be permanent)
Anyone actually caught it?
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It's just a flu bro. You feel terrible for a few weeks, a few days you feel like you're going to die, but then you get better and that's all there is to it.
I was super gay until I got the wuflu. You should go lick door handles until you get it too.
If its such a nothing burger infect yourself and log your journey
Dont worry, we'll be watching. Shouldnt be a problem right? Its just a flu XD
Yeah just had a bit of a cough, runny nose and swollen scrotum. All over in about 3 days
I actually had it, it's really bad. Just recovering now. One symptom they don't tell you about is the sporadic fecal vomiting.
I am pretty sure I have it. I am a 23 year old man, I take good care of myself and have generally always been healthy.
A few days ago I began to suffer minor headaches, which is super unusual for me. I also had pain in my left ear, and a sore throat. I went to the doctor and he said that it is quite clearly a virus infection, though we can not be sure what it is.
The headaches got worse the day after and are gone now. I am a mailman and have to walk around a lot, and after walking up a steep hill today I noticed that my chest was a bit tight. This sounds dramatic, but my lung capacity was maybe down from 100 to 95 percent. Noticeable, though. That made me sure I have it. Still have a slight headache as I am typing this, and have the occasional sneeze, but nothing too bad. I never get sick though, and the tight chest is what made me 90% sure.
It was horrible. There is nothing funny to it...
I caught it. I had shortness of breath but it never got too bad, i can breathe fine now, but for some reason i can't get hard anymore.
I stayed home sick for a week mid/late march with headache and intense coughing. It came during evenings, and disappeared in the morning.
Visited my parents just after I went back to work, started coughing slightly during dinner there. After that, the cough disappeared for a week.
Then I started coughing again this sunday, until tuesday, and got a headache. Only during afternoon/evenings. Right now, Im not coughing and dont have a headache.
Then I get a call (yesterday) from my mom, telling me my cat (she lived with my parents due to my apartment being tiny) had suffocated to death, she had problems breathing for 2 days or so, and yesterday morning she just laid on the floor with her eyeballs rolling around grasping for air. Sister took her down to the car, to drive to the animal hospital, on the way there she was desperately trying to breathe, but ultimately just suffocated to death.
The veterinarians guessed it was a tumour, but who knows. I might have infected her.
i caught it and it turned me into a tadpole
now im all grown up and a frog
i fap to inflation porn all day
I might have it right now
My sister caught it and I think I've got it from her
Literal nothing burger
Slight cough that's it
To clarify; Theres no way to know if you had it or not, since most people arent tested. We only test those in need of medical care.
The majority have mild or no symptoms. I'm guessing I had/have a mild version, but who knows.
I had it and it gave me the hardest erections for 2 weeks solid.
It's not that bad. My girlfriend has it now and I've had it. I will say it seems like it lingers and kind of just messes with quality of life. I hope it doesn't last long, but I guess I'll find out.
sorry to hear about your cat bro. that's really sad.
It ate my testicles
Mailmen still exist? Mind blown
Not a single Person in the Hospital.
Nurses making jokes on the floor.
Covid-19 Station empty.
Check your own Hospital and look into the truth.
Nothing confirmed but I was traveling through Vancouver in late december and came back to the US in early January. I got sick (ive got a terrible immune system and weak lungs from years of work in poor conditions with no respirator) and it was fine. I got pain in an ear and a sore throat. The sore throat got worse as I started coughing. Dry at first but there was a gradual buildup of fluid
It persisted for a week and got worse as time went on. I would wake up at 4 in the am coughing up fluid, and feeling miserable. Would take a mucinex, vitamin C, and some otc painkillers and go back to sleep. I was lethargic at work and short of breath (moreso than normal). On the 15th i woke up at 3 and couldnt breathe, and I was running a fever. I stayed home from work and slept on and off all day. The next day was better but I was still miserable. Over the next week I recovered, nothing was as bad as the 15th.
Om the 23rd my roommate was feeling the same, he NEVER gets sick enough to stay in but he had the same symptoms (go figure).
I never got it tested or went in to see what it was. Was hearing rumors of a spooky Chinese virus here since the new year and I was scared of being quarantined. Family in public health and a cousin as a nurse saying 'eh, that could have been it who knows'
I genuinely got it while on a flight from Japan to the US in early March.
It started with a dry cough, then turned into fatigue, headaches that felt like eyestrain/migraines, then eventually muscle soreness as if I'd been working out even though I spent two weeks in bed. I also had some chest tightness and lung pain that felt like I was being poked from the inside by the soft eraser end of a pencil, if that makes sense. I had a fever for about ten days but thankfully it didn't go above 100F
>Nothing confirmed
stopped reading there. Larp.
>I stayed home sick for a week mid/late march with headache and intense coughing. It came during evenings, and disappeared in the morning.
I had the exact same shit for a week, evenings got really painful and it felt just like a normal flu in the morning.
You sound exactly like me a 2 weeks ago. Found out I had mononucleosis. Watch your spleen, user.
I was hearing rumors of a Chinese virus here on pol since I got back and was too scared to go in. There was a thread with a scared pepe that went along the lines of
>contagious virus shows up out of nowhere
>throat feels itchy this morning
And I laughed it off but was feeling largely the same.
I visited again in early march, and flew back the last day before borders shut. You fuckers weren't screening anybody at YVR either way. Day of the rake when
I had it. Stuffy nose for 6 days. All better.
lurk moar
Three friends have it. One came from abroad and was immediately quarantined for 2 weeks with his gf. It took him 13 days to develop symptoms, fever, diarrhea - it's bad. His gf is asymptomatic.
Third friend got it while shopping. She's using mask and antibacterial gel, it doesn't protect you.
All in their 30ties.
No. No one has. It doesnt exist.
And even if it does, hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin is the cure.
Reopen the gyms drumpf reeeeee
I've had a cough and some difficulty breathing for a month. My doctor sent me to get checked out yesterday. They didn't give me an actual test but said I probably have it. Lung x-ray was good and EKG good It hasn't been bad if this is actually it
got it back in early december before the news was freaking out about it.
it was literally just a flu.
Dr. Faguci says too much fapping can cause COVID!
yeah, the job is comfy af. i like it a lot.
lmao holy shit this has to be it. i lost my virginity 6 weeks ago and apparently the virus takes around 6 to 8 weeks to show, is only transmitted via salvia. you just diagnosed me fucking lmao
My wife got it back in February. Awful sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, aches, lasting for weeks. When to the doctor twice, passed out of oxygen deprivation once in the office. Never got tested for it because they weren't testing back then, only that she got negative on every other test they gave her.
Said it was the sickest she'd ever been in her life, 0/10 would not recommend.
Doesn't seem to have had any lasting effects though, other than that she seems really tired all the time (more so than usual)
I've heard of a couple people I know having it. They are all one degree of separation away though. Like some ones wifes friend, or some ones coworker.
Lost 2 radio friends to it this week. One in my state and another in Romania.
73s, guys.
Got it, first symptoms last Monday, went like this:
>day 1-2: sore throat
>day 3-4: 38.4C fever, headache
>day 5-6: 37.5-38.0C fever, eyes are sore
>day 7-8: sore throat
>day 9-10: dry cough alone remains
>day 11-12 (now): dry cough lessening, still there, sometimes I sneeze and my nose is a bit stuffy
Seems I got a light case of it.
Im immune
>O+ Blood type
>Colloidal Silver
>Alex Jones Penis Pills
>500 rolls of toilet paper
If i did it was in the last week of February.
>weird feeling the the throat
>38C fever for 2 nights
>coughs followed by the worst pneumonia i ever had
>every cough filled my mouth with sputum and this happened every 5-10 minutes
>basically couldn't sleep for like 2 days because of it
>overall mood annoyance rather than sickness
>i only treated the fever with Paracetamol and in the mornings i took an expectorant to remove thw gunk in my lungs
hop on
I definitely think I’ve got it, about like 14 days ago my cousin came over and she works at a pot shop. Lots of dumb stoners in there absolutely addicted to pot don’t care if they infect others. I have been taking extreme precautions quit my job and everything and yet I still got it. Been very sore, been sleeping until like 1 o’clock every single day unusual for me. Occasionally I’ll get like a slight chest pain or tightness. As of yesterday now I’m realizing that my heart rate flies through the roof over 140 bpm for no reason occasionally. I’m 25 in decent shape too. Slight headaches, I pray this is the price to pay for immunity
I got tested positive on the 24th of March. Right now I am pretty much fine. For like a week I had a minor fever, fatigue, muscle soreness, really bad cough and I overall felt like shit.
I experienced a lot of lung shit since I was a kid so I was kinda used to it. This thing is worse than a flu but it's not some fucking ebola. Right now I am feeling mostly fine. Just kinda tired still. You won't get worse symptoms if you don't have shit like asthma or you aren't 90 years old.
Several people that I know caught it but they got over it as they would over a common cold and they are fine.
The reaction to the virus seems completely overblown, especially after seeing first-hand that it is nowhere near as bad as the media makes it out to be.
A lot of people do die though retard
Had exactly the same back in Feb. Not even close to flu
How long did it take for your cough to go away? Mine seems to be really mild too, but the cough isn't gone yet, other than that I'm normal.
It would’ve taken a while to incubate in your cat. That’s how old cats pass. My cat died after 18 years, sticking his tongue, barely breathing and drooling. But he didn’t want to be alone like a dog, he’d come to me and spend time laying on me barely breathing but when it cleared he purr for me, but it was on and off for a weak till he died. I miss him.
Too bad no could infect themselves if they wanted to because no one knows anyone who has it
Congrats , you are now sterile :(
No shit i'd love to be a mailman too
>HIV patients
>vegetative crips
>living fossils
lol "people", inb4 the same half dozen outlier case articles get posted again
Look, enjoy your little furlough but by June you'll have to go get a job again
forgot to add but my mom showed similar though way milder symptomsa a few days before me
she however didn't develop a fever and the other stuff was like 70% milder than in my case she also got past it way faster
And i shit you not her blood type is O.
Sounds like everyday of my life as an asthmatic smoker with allergies
But my cat was 12, thats not really that old. well well..
I visited them March 28, my cat died April 8.
You sound like you’re paranoid and anxious is all. Quit your job and sleeping in. There’s other reasons.
Me, and plenty of people I know fell down with a flu, some were probably corona. However it's impossible to get tested unless you're on the brink of death, so it's impossible to know.
had fever for the last days but it turned out to be food poisoning
didnt give a fuck went to the store anyways
fever is now gone and it was a 50-50 chance
so i'm kind of glad i dont have wuflu but kind of sad at the same time there were a lot of boomers around and nobody sticked to the distancing rules and they constantly invaded my safe space ( i exhaled vigorously at them everytime they came closer than 1 meter distance, also i was sweating like a snowman in the desert )
turns out you should not keep rice in the pot and eat it the day after the day after
but now i learned something valuable about what you can do with plain fucking rice
and you may know now too.
its amazing.
anyone questioning this can do a self study :D
It could’ve been a lot of things user, don’t blame yourself
There is a chance that I may also have it, but it may also just be a seasonal allergy or a common cold.
Sore throat, runny nose, occasional coughing, and had what seemed like pinkeye for about a week in my left eye.
Although I get a runny nose at work all the time because I sit right under an AC vent in my office.
spoke to my ex girlfriend earlier, i predicted her sister would get corona, then pass it to her kids, who would infect the grandparents (my exs parents), then my ex would get it
>earlier, she told me her sister caught corona
heres the funny bit, her father is film producer lel. i warned my ex when we split up what was coming but she didnt really listen. by the time this hits hard she will learn.
Not me, but my wife's son's gay lover's sister in law has a cousin that has friend that knows someone who has
had some shitty flu in jan that lasted a week and a half, coughing up tons of phlegm, constant stuffed nose, in bed for most of the week with no energy and mad sweats, muscle aches. Great fuckin time.
Dunno if it was Corona but that was right around when some of the January leaks were coming out about what was starting to happen in Wuhan.
I've had the dry coof for 5 days now (keeping a diary of symptoms). Occasional shivers/sweats and I sometimes spew up some green/yellow shit. I don't know if its kung flu or not because of our zero testing capacity, but i can't remember the last time I've ever had a dry cough, let alone one lasting this long - so I guess I might have it lads. I guess we'll see by day 10, either cremation or herd immunity.
Since when has flu ever made you feel like you're going to die. Either everyone is a fucking pussy or I've never actually had the full flu.