Why does Yas Forums seem to have such massive hatred towards the Nordic nations?
Why does Yas Forums seem to have such massive hatred towards the Nordic nations?
I see way more hate towards Southern European nations, but the reason for the hate towards Nordic nations is because these countries want to destroy their countries by importing more nonwhites into their countries, at least when nonwhites come to America most Americans don't want them here
Christians still consider you guys pagans.
finland is the only based country in that picture
Lol Finland is not based
Fake humility.
compared to denmark, sweden and norway I would wager yes
Finland is Asian / mongoloid country
We don't want them here either, and Sweden is a way worse than the other Nordic nations. Norwegians at least are more conservative than Brits and Germans.
Their eagerness to throw themselves on the bonfire of history in the name of “diversity”
west mongolia is best mongolia and beats your third world country in any study that you should care about.
Finland is literally the country with most blondes in the world. A mutt can't really say much.
you hate us more
Every fucking thread, theres instantly a Norwegian or Dane "OOGA BOOGA WE NAZI SWEDEN SO GAY SO BAD HAHA WE FOURTH REICH NUMBA ONE!"
Denmark is nice
Swedes are up themselves
>Inb4 poltards don't see that op put purposely sewden on a nigger
Norwegians are comfy
I thought pagans like each other.
An amerimutt of all nationalities pulling that card in any conversation.
You are a nation of mongrels and halfbreeds. It astounds me how there are neo-nazies in the US. Your misshapen kind will be the first into the shower room.
Nah everyone just hates us Swedes
They haven’t been Nordic for years user
I deduct points from denmark solely on their cucked history
based for putting sweden on avdols face.
how does it feel that you are forced to learn swedish in your own country? How does our swedish cock taste down your throat?
based finns
Realistically, all of them would be Avdol.
Their dicks were shooting to much lightning. It was cool but it was a little show offy.
i've forgotten everything except jag talar inte svenska, which is all i will ever need.
and pagans are better than christians
I think it's a great thing that even one country will know how to speak swedish in the future. We all know you guys will be speaking arabic in a couple of decades.
>in a couple of decades
With the current pogrom it may not even be that long.
Shhhhh, let's not make the swedebros sad.
Lmao stfu mohammed
It's swedish nazis hating sweden for hating nazis
finland is nearly as cucked as sweden
Purest white genes
I can save her
success breed jealousy
because technically they are the only whites, and those mestizos from southern Europe who deny that they are not, he hates them because they unmask their swindle of seeing themselves as whites mingling with more whites ... in fact non-whites always want to mix with whites for them to consider as whites there are those absurd labels such as Mediterraneo-alpin-slavico- etc etc if they look closely they are mixed with other races ... it is an obvious secret that they did not want to recognize ... because it would mean that they would no longer be considered white.
I don't hate you, I just feel bad for you
better feel bad for your own country and people you nordlover italocuck.
you are not nordic/germanic/celtic or else.
you pathetic wannabe nord.
They have failed in their first duty as men
they are huge cucks
Not hatred, but I lost a lot of respect in their regard for allowing a voluntary nigger invasion. At least my country is fighting tooth and nail to oppose it.
That picture forgot all the rapes, Somalis and far left soi cucks
that picture is very old and simplified, feel free to make your own.
We don’t hate the country itself, just what it has become.
It’s because 3rd worlders invade these countries and kikes subvert them, like most European countries today
Because we are white, rich, beautiful and free.
They are just jealous shitskins
Fuck em.
'cause You're unconditionally importing tier 3 sub humans that are unwanted even in their homelands, and all they do is ruining your countries and the reputation of theirs.
We have a large screeching liberal population with a fetish for mass importing criminal turd worlders and pretending it's virtuous
this thread is redundant
sweden was gayniggerfaggot long before today
reminder to never forget
because they happen to be the most cucked nations in all of Europe, which says quite a lot.
Id rape her
Giulia Arena, former Miss Italy, 100% terrona.
The idea that the average south Italian is a shitskin is laughable. We do get sun 11 months a year, so everyone but shut-ins are inevitably tanned to a degree.
Because we're white.
Well not Sweden of course
Mericans are so far fetched and have no connection to their heritage and no sense of self as a people, hence their constant struggle to find stupid shit to "unite" over.
Unironically fucking hated learning swedish. It's like they want kids to grow up hating sweden and harboring resentment.
It will be a joyous day when the arabs and blacks wipe you out, and only then will the sins of your forefathers be repaid
>Because we're white.
and this is to go even further BEHOND!