Is the CoronaVirus proof that Libertarians are fucking retards?

Is the CoronaVirus proof that Libertarians are fucking retards?

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Why would it be?

>No government action
>Get back to work
This would kill off the working man

I doubt this fake flu bullshit is going to kill off the working man, even if no one took any precautions to stop it from spreading. But do you really think people would do nothing to protect themselves without a government mandate?

>I doubt this fake flu bullshit is going to kill off the working man
>Over 14,000 American deaths

In a libertarian society:
Smart vulnerable people with resources would stay home. Stupid vulnerable people would die at home or get treatment at charity hospitals. Everyone else would still be working.

And that represents what % of working Americans?

>both have money

You tell me with more unemployed than the Great Depression

>Is the CoronaVirus proof that Libertarians are fucking retards?
No, but your attempt to conflate the two things shows how your burger brain works.

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You mean all those people unemployed because the government is telling them and their customers to stay home?

The government that is preventing them from dying, yes.

Preventing them from a very, very small chance of dying. And bringing them to the brink of financial ruin to do so.

Yeah, those libertarians are the retarded ones.

You are asking people to go back to work during a global pandemic. Yes, you are the retarded ones.

> 132,905 Seasonal flu deaths this year

Yep, I'm scared. Shut down everything.

absolutely and proof that nacsoc is the real deal.


Flu is treatable, we do not have a treatment for COVID

>No government action
But this proves that libertarians were right

Lol Americans are so stupid

>Same death rate as the regular flu (Not even an order of magnitude more even by stretching the stats)
>Global Lock-down caused by the governments, Over-reaction 1000000 times
>I am not seeing that it is just the 10-15 year theft-cycle of the Fed, because too retarded
>This prove that we need strong government
Retard level: Olympic

I'm pretty sure Corona has a death rate of 3.2%; compare that to the Flu which — last time I checked — is 0.2%. What makes Corona so dangerous is there's a 2 week period where you're completely unaware that you have it or not, and during this time, you can spread it to other people without realizing it.

Asserting that government needs to intervene isn't an argument as to why. "Public goods" have been extensively refuted by libertarians. Central planning has been extensively refuted by libertarians. Collectivism vs individualism has been extensively and comprehensively examined by libertarians. Libertarians have already answered "what about the roads" and so on. If you're going to criticizes something, at least know what the fuck it is.

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you didn't need corona virus to tell you that libertarians are retards.

>libertarians are retarded
As if that needed any more evidence at this point.

>die for the line
>back to work
>it's just a flu
>muh tyranny
>muh freedumbs
>muh coronahoax
Where did all the lolbergs currently infesting Yas Forums come from? They were bullied off the board years ago, but now they somehow constitute 80% of posters.

No CoronaVirus is proof that Americans don't actually give a shit about constitutional rights.

right to life comes before right to liberty.

MIGA fags

Same milieu as the Q-Boomers; they can't give up the LARP.

Which part of the constitution are you citing?

>LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

>the government can stop death
This is what statists actually believe

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Well, if a bunch of Jews waxing lyrical about the (((economic utility))) of selling your kids didn't convince someone it was retarded, I doubt this will.

>libertarians are vastly over represented in the prepper movement
Who exactly is the retards , now?
How is it my problem to take care of your negro petting zoos aka inner cities?
Why should I pay extra money to bail out massive corporations?
Why should I pay for a bloated interventionist military?
Just because a coof is killing some elderly and subhumans doesn't mean "get your hand out of my pocket and stop telling me what to do" has lost it's value as a philosophy.
Go lick a boot.

Wait, that's the Declaration of Independence. My bad.

>Going back to work like my corporate masters told me won't kill me

>old people
The working men.

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>We must plunge ourselves into a depression to save 3.5% of boomers

Also this, though I'm an outlaw. Libertarianism isn't mean enough for my tastes.

Libertarians are dummies who only studied economics but never a single page of history, sociology, philosophy, political theory, they proceed to extrapolate economic concepts to every other field imaginable.

You're also assuming that the word order is a matter of priority instead of rhetoric.
If "right to life" really did trump "right to liberty" then there wouldn't be any liberties because the government could use that to justify any action.

>If we don't please our corporate masters how are they going to make their money?

But they do, all the time. They use that argument all the time.

Theres a set of these pictures that go through different types of government, where the stick figures go through holding guns at eachother to represent them.

Does anyone know where they are?

How am I going to make money if the world gets shut down over natural selection?

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>Life is all about money
I genuinely feel bad for you.

>The State is run by incompetent retards but they'll definitely fix everything if we give them more power and control over our lives!
Money is kind of important if you need it to pay for food and shelter.

The only people who live in this world without money are forest tribes.
Everyone else uses cash of some kind. Now genius, what are you gonna do? Sit there getting MUH STIMULUS BUX and unemployment? What a nigger.

>Oh god, finding a cure for this CoronaVirus will take away muh liberties!!!111!!!

dude. that's it, thank you man.

also. 69 haha funny sex number.

got any more charts like this that cover other subjects? I love the visual medium and flow chart method to categorize the concepts.

Abso fucking lutely.

Until the COVID epidemic is done, I'll gladly stay home with my family and friends but I'm sure that's not efficient for you and you got rid of both of those things.

>Rights should go away because people start coofing
>Giving the state more control over your life is a good thing

Except that's not how it works retard. The money would be the driving force, not the risk of getting killed.

Yes, which goes to show that Americans don't actually give a shit about constitutional rights and just use the concept for complaining about the other side.

In a world where finding a new job would be easy as shit, companies would have no choice but to give sick people time off.

How does completely abolishing freedom of assembly speed up finding a cure for the chinese virus?