Open hatred of white people in (((the media)))

Post any images you have of (((the media))) being openly hateful towards white people. Bonus points for “fellow white” type of shit. I’ll start.

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Other urls found in this thread: European Man - Tweet Archive.pdf

>how do you do, fellow whites

Every single fucking time.


This one isn’t hatred of whites per se, but highlights their not-so-hidden propaganda to discourage white people from having kids. Also, forgive the weird filenames I must admit that I am phonefagging at the moment.

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They don’t even fucking try to hide it at this point. They feel so emboldened right now because they know the indoctrination has taken hold over the younger generations. My question is this — can the brainwashing & programmed self-loathing be reversed? Or do we just have to set our hopes on future generations by having a lot of children ourselves and educating them appropriately? I guess it doesn’t hurt to try to wake people up, but the indoctrination/demoralization runs really deep. A tree that has grown crooked cannot so easily be made straight again.

Continuing the analogy, children are like young trees — their trunks are still green & soft, so they can be molded quite easily. The (((media))) and culture, etc. use this malleability to their advantage, ensuring that from elementary school onward they are brainwashed into hating their own people, etc. Then, once they’ve grown into adult trees their trunks become hard wood and they can no longer be restored to proper form. Youth naturally have a desire for change and fighting for some cause, so (((they))) offer them a few trivial, kosher social causes they can expend that energy on. Change a few words maybe (negro -> black -> african american -> POC), whatever will allow them to feel like they are cool activists fighting the system. All the while, the establishment sits comfortably knowing they are completely secure.

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Bump fuck the media

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Bump. The MSM's psychological warfare against white people is a key plank of white genocide

Here’s a big one (image resolution not too great)

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How do these people get into college?

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Just imagine if they were to post headlines like this about any other group. People would chimp out HARD. Yet somehow it’s okay provided it’s directed at white men. And because white men are often easygoing to a fault — and have largely been brainwashed into hating themselves — this shit flies no problem. It’s disgusting.

They just change definitions around to justify their niggerdom.
>Racism = prejudice + power shitlord!
>ummmm sweaty, reverse racism is, like, not a thing...
“““Reverse racism””” is a funny one too. Just a weasel word they use to wage linguistic warfare on white people. There’s nothing “reverse” about it anyway, it’s just racism. White people are objectively the least racially prejudiced of all groups in America by a mile anyway, adding to the ridiculousness of it all.

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Oyyyyyyy, us white people need to SHUT UP!!!!

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>Alexander Boot is a Russian-born journalist and author, previously a university lecturer and advertising executive. His work promotes conservatism and traditional European culture.

I'm not even white and I hate this white guilt bs. Hearing white people talk down on themselves because of their race disgusts me.

Remember MTV’s new years resolutions for white guys in 2017 video? Can you fucking imagine the chimpout that would have occurred if someone made a video like that except about black men?
>maybe stop harassing women on the street
>stop committing so much violent crime, that’s not really nice of you to disproportionally rape, rob, and attack :)
>wear protection when you fuck Shandeeqwa, she already has five keedz from five different niggaz

How many family members must die before I get to be a victim?

It's astonishing how quickly this open hatred of whites took hold. You can go on twitter right now, call for the death of our entire race and get applauded for it by the left. If you are white the only way you are allowed to feel about it is either shame or indifference.

I seriously hope enough of us start waking up to this.

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At least 6 gorrilion. European Man - Tweet Archive.pdf

Go away nigger

This is surprising?

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Funny, I originally dismissed the JQ as some kind of conspiracy, but it's now gotten to the point where the fuckers don't even try and hide their motivations and hatred towards whites. Maybe Hitler wasn't such a bad fellow after all.

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I’m not going to mince words anons, I’m fucking enraged about this shit right now. And I’m really not an angry kind of guy. This is all so despicable. There can be no doubt about it now — when whites become a true minority in America (or Europe for that matter if god forbid it happens), we will be in danger. Our children will be in danger. The tragic thing is that the useful idiots & soicuck masses will not realize their error until it’s far too late.

It’s easy to talk about how shite this all is, but what concrete action can we take? No fed posting, I’m just wondering what (if anything) can be done to snap people out of the trance.

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Ah, my fellow whites, WE should change things

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How about open hatred for Chinese? You fucking pig skin hypocrite.

>Bruh, look at this dude.
>Look at the top of his head!

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Looks like a Kansas City faggot

>My question is this — can the brainwashing & programmed self-loathing be reversed? Or do we just have to set our hopes on future generations by having a lot of children ourselves and educating them appropriately?
That's a solution because jews are retarded enough to not understand that only the indoctrinated whites aren't having children, the whites that will fight jews and are redpilled are having white kids

he's actually saying Jews arent the victims

Taiwan numbah wan!
Commie flag always means cocksucking furfag.

intredasting thread, user. just watch it get nuked by kike (((mods)))

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Unbelievable. My fucking god that makes me furious. Bloody insects that need to be exterminated.

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Nah, I think it’s actually important to have people who aren’t white themselves call this shit out. It’s objectively a good thing in my opinion. Most people can’t just jump from soiboi leftist to nationalist in one swoop, there needs to be some intermediate steps. And having nonwhites call the absurdity of this shit helps in that regard, it makes it more likely that these criticisms won’t fall on deaf ears. Nothing to gain from actively alienating people who are by and large on our side, that’s my opinion at least. I’m happy that people like recognize all of this for what it is too.

Why do they do this????

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Let them be breed out so niggers can stop complaining and coming here.

I can't help but more people are noticing this even outside of this site. I have family members trying to redpill me on this.

lol the eternal seething mainland chinaman. Gtfo 阿陸仔 you’re a fucking joke. The world isn’t buying your lies anymore Chang, it’s over for you.

"Pure Coincidence"

Absolutely this. Well said.

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Nice thanks for posting a high res version of this

on reddit there was a picture of a white family and showing all the generations still alive across a multi tiered balcony. There were many posts filled with hate and complaining the world is over populated.

Then, an asian version comes out and no one complained at all. 0 complaints. Nothing.

The hatred for white people is so real.

Oh yeah I remember that screenshot. Plebbit is filled with neurotic kikes, self-hating white beta males, braindead roastie attention whores.... in other words, the absolute dregs of the internet/society. I honestly hope that a lot of that shit is astroturfed but I’m not sure. It’s depressing just how often you hear white people say shit like “yeah I hate white people lols” It’s as if they suddenly think they’re cool and black people will love them because they said that. In reality they just appear pathetic.

every fucking time

it is silly to say it but honestly that was how i got redpilled on the jq, simply checking wikipedia whenever I read an article or watched a news segment where they were pushing something subversive to the west... and every time it would be one of (((them)))

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Yes we are. We're the minority.

>simply checking wikipedia whenever I read an article or watched a news segment where they were pushing something subversive to the west... and every time it would be one of (((them)))
Yep, every fucking time. Jewdar is well honed now, to the point that if I'm wrong about someone being a jew it's a rare surprise.

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I think I was 2 years old when my uncles started redpilling me about kikes and especially niggers. They hated them so much, and it stuck with me. I did give a black dude a chance one time because of my friend. He said he was a nice dude and sort of funny. Took under a week after he had starting knowing the dude until he started stealing money from him. I fucking loved the situation. He tried to convince me that niggers weren't all bad, and it's exactly what they are.

Posting pics of white people on reddit gets you banned

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if you didn't figure out what was next as soon as you read this word, you're practically a newfag

nice pun desu

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That's a seal, not a whale

Every. Damn. Time