Why does this potentially life-saving drug infuriate the left so much?
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because the left are a bunch of niggers?
More dead and unemployed is theorized to help the left, so their rabid msm dogs are all over it.
literally because Trump talked about it once so they tried to message that it kills people, and the only solution the left has ever is to act in bad faith and continue in a lie on top of a lie
Spits on your grandma
>hurr let's drink aquarium cleaner to own the libz
Because Orange Man Bad
This for america, Trump bad.
Here similarly there is a whole propaganda machine due to the fact its promoted by the controversial Raoult.
Because it's patent has already expired. You have to wait a year for the clinical studies on (((remdesivir))) so they can charge you $600+ per pill.
If Trump said breathing air is the best thing he enjoys, MSNBC would be telling their sheep to wear plastic bags over their heads.
There is also big pharma who would rather have their vaccine machine go brrrr.
It could kill you !!!!!!
Because Trump was touting it before anyone else in the US
no kidding this happened? TDS is a terminal disease if not treated right away
Because Trump endorsed its potentially efficacy. Their strategy is to take the opposite stance on everything he says or does.
If Trump said eating shit was healthy and the left pointed out that was obviously false, you'd be saying the same thing you are here. So brainwashed into your cult that you believe trusting scientists and doctors over some businessman on science issues is "acting in bad faith and continuing to lie." Get the fuck outta here with that BS.
They can't let drumpf have anything because it might help his re-election chances.
It's not a new and profitable vaccine, rather a common drug that the patent has expired.
The left was hoping for dead rednecks and chipped Christians.
Instead they are getting dead libtards. God works in mysterious ways.
So he can literally kill them now? Just by saying 'hey this could be a game changer'?
it's funny how the left projects 'cult' when they are literal NPCs that all parrot the same gay bullshit.
This will get lots of hate but is the only correct way to deal with MIGA shills who don't understand their Dear Leader isn't infallible.
> Tell people you have a cure
> They stop taking the virus seriously
There, that's why.
There are clinical trials going on all over the world with this drug, let's see what happens and hope it really is a wondercure
1) they’ve been conditioned to believe that pills can come with harmful side effects but vaccines are 100% safe and effective and anyone who questions them is a tinfoiler, and
2) they want more people to die because “if you want to make an omelette (oust Trump and achieve communism) you have to break a few eggs (kill millions and exploit the suffering of millions more).”
Because the poeple supporting "the left" won't make any money on this drug, so they tell their golem it's bad.
>hurr let’s drink aquarium cleaner to own Drumpf
Why are you people always arguing in bad faith not only is that a reduction toward the absurd it's a completely false analogy that doesn't match up with reality.
trump to this point has been very careful to only ever state that the drug is showing promise and has helped some people. You somehow turn that into I would agree with him on something absurd which I have not.
Seriously can any of you retards argue in good faith in the slightest or is your soul that damaged.
Judging by the reaction from the "establishment" media, politicians and "experts" - I can only assume this particular occurrence of human ingenuity was not factored into the Illuminati plans for releasing the bioweapon and microchipping the population.
I want Trump to publicly endorse faggots, trannies, and chimp behavior just so the left starts bashing such things
I am embarrassed for you after reading this post
>Why does this potentially life-saving drug infuriate the left so much?
hydroxychloroquine = end of plague = end of their strongest attack on humanity
If only leftists were better at articulating their points rather than sounding like retarded spergs
If Trump had told people not to lick doorknobs, they'd be licking them all over the place.
They just idiots. You should totally take it as a precaution. Get some for your whole family.
He pretty much has. America as a whole is far more liberal than it was before Trump showed up. Trump even endorsed a communist Democrat, enforced globohomo and was a Democrat for decades before he realized how easy it was to con Republitards.
Holy kek.
It's really rather complicated actually but here's a QRD.
QRD: Bill gates has a (((vaccine))) with tons of nanomachines and bad shit in it primed as part of ID2020, the coronavirus was supposed to be the enforced permanent shutdown until everyone is forced at gunpoint to have this vaccine. Hydroxychloroquine is a old drug with no patent that anyone can generically make so the pharma-jews can't gouge us for a billion times what each pill is worth. Therefore left = ass blasted.
it makes me think leftism is a mental order and that it's actually caused by a parasite similar to malaria
My dad has been on hydroxychloroquine to treat his lupus for 10 years. He got sick with the Wuhan flu, but only experienced moderate symptoms for a couple days. His doctor attributed it to his hyq regimen.
Why use that poison considering
>pic related
the left does and says anything to make people lose confidence in the president of the united states.
hydroxychloroquine can be really bad for some people, though. look at the list of possible side effects.
some people are able to kick covid19 without the help of hydroxychloroquine. also, if you administer it too late, but the person might still recover, the side effects can make liver/kidneys shut down, or they go blind.
there really needs to be more studies done before we should assume it's this amazing option.
i wish there were more testimonials like this, but also that person would have been on a regimen with evaluations 2 times per year to monitor toxicity. not everyone who is popping hydroxychloroquine lately is being closely monitored by a doctor to be sure they're not experiencing serious chemical consequences.
>Some people
I think you misspelled the vast majority
Fish tank cleaner guy didn't kill himself
what about the rest of the post. do you see people who might kick it anyway might poison themselves?
Because the bottle is orange just like drumpf.
>Trump: “Hey, this medicine could be promising. Let’s allow doctors to prescribe it.”
>Guy: drinks fish tank cleaner because he’s retarded
He already has, but the media ignored it because it doesn't fit the narrative, and migapedes ignored it because it makes them look like dupes.
Considering pic related the only group who would really need it are 70+ as you rightly stated the drug takes its own toll on the body, One that not many 70+ folk can take. There must be better forms of treatment. Anyone below 70 should be given oxygen and nothing else.
Because the medicine assumes their gender
Haha, Wrong pic.
Why do you call it a poison? Several hundreds of millions ate the pills, we knew by now if it was more toxic than table salt.
If it works for old people good. But that treatment success rate is in line with the expected mortality in hospital conditions. (2%) so even if objectively it's far from being very toxic, I believe it might have very little actual effects.
Sadly, it did happen.
who dis?
Weird side effects
Because for some people it is poison. The list of side effects I linked was from the MAYO clinic, not a cracker jack box. Part of "why it works" is "because it's toxic", not unlike chemotherapy. Hydroxychloroquine lowers the ph in your body. If you've taken any chemistry class, you should know what this means. People who are on it long term are evaluated at least twice a year for toxicity.
Cheap cure = No expensive vax
The best treatment will always be the one that introduces as few foreign substances to the body as possible. The vast majority of under 70s will be able to fight off the virus with no medication at all. From what I understand cholorquine needs to administered as early as possible to stop the virus replicating which may be overkill considering the VAST majority of people will fight it off, Even after hospitalisation. It can also have some pretty severe side effects.
Threadly reminder
>might poison themselves
>doctor prescribed FDA approved in use for 65yrs
Pick one
>I can even off my husband in the process and get away clean.
>Because Orange Man Bad!
65 year old have a very good chance of fighting off the virus with nothing more than oxygen.
>the left
What a weird way to spell "(((them)))"
>end of their strongest attack on humanity
Almost correct. We got the money printer now. Let's see where that goes.
This, the reaction to this virus nothing burger is just to extent facist rule and xenophobia. Nothing is happening and people are too blind to see. Our only hope is that his russian handlers push this too far, or there is a whistle blower at one of Trumps big pharma companies.
Highly unrealistic. What’s more likely is that the left will say something like “eat bugs, let another man fuck your wife, and cut off your sons dick.” Wait
What a weird way to spell "jews"
one. people are self medicating. if you don't imagine this is happening, look at fish tank cleaner family.
two. in spite of all best efforts, in the end, doctors might in some instances not be aware the patient will experience poor reaction until it happens. it's a sad fact of life doctors have to make tough decisions.
Do you know where I can find numbers on the chances of an unvaccinated child dying of measles in the west? I've been trying to find numbers, It's like they don't us to know.
If it works, Trump will be able to claim he was humanity's savior (he is). If it fails, they will use the body count as ammo against him. They know that it has a good chance of working. So they will do everything they can to disincentivize it's use so that they can have their body count.
Because it doesn’t work. But you RatpubliKKKans keep using it anyway and die off. Nothing of value will be lost, trust me.
Xenophobia? Fuck off rabbi. That may be one of the only positives of this hoax.
>self medicating
How? You need a prescription from a DOCTOR
See pic here
who's dis user?
Okay, so if you know that why aren't you using it to advance your own life. Right now. You can get 6 months no mortgage. 1 yr unemployment insurance. There is a moratorium on foreclosures for 6 months and I expect the same will happen for evictions.
If you understand what is happening and choose only to bitch rather than leverage it to improve your own life, you are no better than a bitchy old roastie.
1. Because Trump mentioned it on TV
2. Because left leaning media pundits have stake in extending this crisis to tarnish Trump's image
3. Because the people controlling this crisis have stake in creating vaccines, not cures
how do people get anything. illicit pharmaceuticals are a huge problem.
>"Humanities saviour"
Hahahahaha. You fucking migapedes get more delusional by the day. Fuck me. Hahah. Genuinely laughed at reading that. 2016 was dung well it was happening but you trump tards destroyed this place.
Thanks man. Still was hoping for hard data. Infogrpahics are good an all but it just doesn't it sometimes, Ha.
>how do people get anything. illicit pharmaceuticals are a huge problem.
So we should burn ALL prescription meds because someone might get it illicitly? Good logic user
There were sitcoms in the 60s such as the Brady Bunch with episodes about kids staying home from school with the measles. It was once upon a time a routine childhood illness like chicken pox. (((They’re))) now trying to give chicken pox the same treatment and vaccination.
At the top end they're pissed they can't turn this into a revolution and further enslave the goyim, at the bottom end orange man bad.
She murdered her husband. She has been arrested in the past for domestic abuse and contributed to Democrat campaigns. This was the perfect opportunity for her to murder her husband and blame it on Trump.
lul ive got like a hundred bottles of this from my grandpa having malaria should i start slinging it
Because the doctor who first promoted it as a cure (Raoult) has said "controversial" things in the past and does not care for dogmas
Because orange man said something good about it
Because the left only likes what is good for big corps, and cheap accessible medicine is certainly not one of them
>If Trump said eating shit was healthy and the left pointed out that was obviously false, you'd be saying the same thing you are here.
except medical doctors say hydroxychloroquine works so your entire premise is false
great post, you should do it again
>hard numbers
Read the graph
Severe side effects are in long term using this drug. My mom has been taking it for several years and beside a little loss of appetite here and there and her audition failing(but could be due to age too) it's safe. I've seen that loss of hearing and vision due to chloroquine was reversible too. In this case they propose a treatment of around 14 days which is nothing and will only cause nauseas. Nauseas drowned in the other symptoms of the Covid so who cares really.
Yeah but calling it a poison is negative. When the benefits overwhelm the drawbacks is it still a poison? Why use that term? Who are those "some people"?
Without zinc it’s useless
>inject yourself with chemicals and poison because the media told you to freak out over the flu
just keep doing you, man. I hope you inject yourself with whatever anyone tells you to. I hope you get your family to as well. take the vaccine when it's released as well
just turn yourself into bio soup and your brain to mush. please exterminate yourself for me
Side effects are dire, tests has been aborted in Sweden, maybe if you are sure the patient will die and have nothing else you could try it.
that's not even what I said. how did you make that leap?
you said people get hydroxychloroquine only from doctors. that's a very naive conjecture.
but anyway, you're a wingnut. stop spiraling the conversation to somehow make yourself correct. moving goalposts are for major faggots.
Because big pharma spends a lot on advertising.
The company that come out with a treatment and/or vaccine will make a fortune. Unless the treatment is a 60 yo drug that no longer has a patent.
The media will lose a fortune if there is no money to be made in the treatment of this.