Back to work, anons, IT'S OVER!

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Really hope a group of feral niggers kills this midget on his next run

In other words he they don't know shit? they wear suits tho?

and of course it's all because of social distancing and not because the models were wrong to begin with

How much you'd bet that you would see scales under that mask?

>quarantine to reduce deaths
>what do you mean deaths are reduced? Quarantine is useless

Federal stockpile is used up and states get none becuase Trump and his family used them all up testing everyone they come into contact with.

Pence always looks like he is using his mind to control whoever is talking in front of him


This is where we are right now.

Also, Is this the only instance where a mainstream media newspaper has come out and said the truth about how the chinese stink deaths are being counted worldwide?
Translated: Department of Health will count suspicious deaths from COVID-19 as coronavirus deaths even though there is no clear proof of the patient dying from it.
What’s your intake? /nupol/ may not apply.

pic related

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60 000 is a thousand less than last year's flu

Gates btfo

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Puerto Rico better have some high fucking numbers

so this model is right because you agree with it? What if hes completely wrong.

So how hard was this shilled in an attempt to ruin trump?

It will be interesting to see how this years regular flu numbers get released.

Send us all back to work this will kick infection rates way back up.
Cant wait to see the economy collapse.

Those will be down too dumbfuck. Social distancing works against nearly all diseases. It's how bubble boys work.

Only 1% infectetef = 150000 dead
Herd immunity 70% = 60000 dead

That doesn't make any sense

Puerto Rico takes orders from whatever the Mainland (United States) official health departments say. What happens in Puerto Rico is a reflection of what's happening in the US. What orders Puerto Rico follows, are the same orders US follows, Do you see where I'm going?

Has it ever started in the first place? Sheeple...

they'll be down because they were all labeled as covid 19 deaths, dipshit

Nothing burger confirmed. We're seeing flattening of the curve at less than have the mortality rate of the annual flu. Keep in mind if someone with coronavirus died in a car accident it's counted as a covid death.

oh damn, you mean getting proper equipment and urging people to stay home had an effect?

what a hoax

curve hasn't flattened at all

Just like the flu. Oh wait...

which also have a vaccine


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15'000 deaths. Imagine it won't flatten ever!
The Horror!

Which nobody use anyway...
Because after vaccine it gets worse next year...

The original 200k had quarantine factored in already

we can't see the other timeline where we didn't quarantine at all.
quarantine was useless.

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Trump needs to get rid of this Shitalian nigger

My point, genius, is whatever happens, they will say that their authoritarian lockdowns "worked" and prevented more deaths. It is unfalsifiable. Unless there is widespread condemnation of this tactic, then it will be used again, any time there is a new outbreak, so roughly every 4-5 years.

>Send us all back to work this will kick infection rates way back up.
No stay at home directives were issued until after most everyone had already been infected you idiot. And cell phone tracking data shows most everyone was ignoring the rules even after they were issued. We already got the worst case scenario on virus hospitalizations and deaths. All the business shutdown did was kill the economy.

>authoritarian lockdowns

Nigga, if you think being forced to go through the drive-thru instead of eating in at McDonald's is some "authoritarian lockdown" you need to be on meds.

This is 60,000 with them telling doctors to call every death they can COVID.


take that homo spencer, it was just the chinese flu all along

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>The Goyim have been relaxing and acting off-the-rails for way too long now. We've been losing way too much on our portfolios and our 401(k)s!!!Gotta whip them back into shape!

More like this actually happened to Fauci and the non-conformers in the ranks imo.

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Theyre literally arresting people for "violating stay at home" you fucking nigger. Go back where you came from


Kill yourself

>60k is still somehow an acceptable number
Anyway, my employer shut everything down until the end of the month so I won't be going back to work anytime soon.



and even though the models already had maximum social distancing factored into their “best case” forcasts



dont forget the 6 million infected with coronavirus

Manipulating the death certificates, the new "moving the goal posts".

Spread the word boricuan brothers

Not sure what you mean.
The goalposts have always been "what is a real thing that is happening here?" to me.
Why not just let doctors put what they normally would on the certificate?


but i'm sure all that climate data is totally 100% correct, because a bunch of people who base their living off those data sets being 'right' said so
i also heard that phillip morris says smoking doesn't cause cancer

does the secret blog still exit ?
i can talk about it here since it will mostly fall on deaf ears

the djhives thing

Not only were the models bullshit, we are probably already near the peak of the dreaded second wave, since the virus started in October or earlier.
The virus would have become a priority for Trump in December, if (((intelligence))) had put it in his briefing.
Somehow they didnt brief on SARS-CoV-2 until january, 2 days before peloosi dragged her impeachment shit show into the senate. A week later Trump closed flights from China. Impeachment didn’t even finish until february.
Very obvious (((they))) eanted Trump distracted until people sere dropping in the streets.

Dems and (((others))) have no problem letting or, actually, making thousands (or millions?) die to vet their way.

I have a rock that keeps away tigers.

$50? There's no way I'm paying $35! $25 this is an outrage!

Why would we even need a vaccine when social distancing is working so well?

Why would any of us wish to go back to living within 6 feet of known degenerates?

>even Yas Forums fell for it

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and PA just shut down schools for the rest of the year.... unbelievable. People better start to protest this shit actively.

2.2 million deaths? of course it will be 200,000 deaths! why aren't you panicking over 60,000 deaths! Trump bungled the response, look at the 10,000 deaths!

My favorite part is the absolute cope from CNN at the end.
>We were completely fucking wrong, BUT..

So when they open Dairy Queen for Summer season, what are ya'll gonna get?
I hope they have chocolate covered frozen bananas, though most of them don't sell them.

Fauci can just claim the other 140,000 could die in the second wave if we end the lockdown “too early”

Death estimates based off of “doing nothing” are stupid because literally every nation in the world is doing something. “2 million will die if we just ignore the existence of this virus”. Like that would happen.

>Death estimates based off of “doing nothing”
These weren't. Fauci's numbers had the social distancing, quarantine, etc factored in it.
lmfao, you forgot the very short amount of time it was 80,000 until it was then 60,000.

What we need to know is the spread of the population dying by age group. Everything else is garbage.
Old people dying is life. Literally from the day you were born you were headed to dying, and death is apparent by age 9 for most people.

They arrested a guy for playing catch with his kid in Colorado

Backpedaling while, of course, not criticizing the methods used and spinning it like he is the savior. This fucker needs to be executed.

>herd immunity
There is likely no such thing with this. It's already jumped to dogs and cats and very likely has gotten into the wilderness. And on top of that there has been confirmation that the virus can lay dormant only to spring back up in a total relapse.

The original estimate was that 2 million would die if nothing was done. That is what moved Trump.

So if you’re the left, you can either say that the 2 million estimate was always wrong or that Trump saved over 1.9m lives

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Which city, cause the urban areas turned into the worst of the hippie rich leftists?
>love and peace man!
>everyone needs to have more oversight!
>stop shooting the negro pig!

Nope, that is for unqualified affirmative action subhumans. The government says no white men... for diversity!

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So basically the flu....

Also Fauci was a political agent, this was all a trump hit piece.

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Seems to only be in random places around the country this is happening desu. Nothing even close to that has happened around me.
>That is what moved Trump
Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ok user.
The left can either pick the estimates were fucking shit, or Trump did a good job.
They'll just cope with something in between and call him raciss.

>there has been confirmation
Study, because ancidotal narratives of people who "shouldn't" have gotten sick aren't tests. The ways in which people can get infected are so numerous the list would take more time to read than it takes to get over the disease. 6million ways to die? At least as many ways to catch an infection, though they come down to puncture, or mucus membrane.

Did you watch the video?

or, you know, since Trump has promised your corporate overlords that you'd be back on the plantation by easter, they've decided to "revise" the model?

Most here are too low IQ to understand what's happening. Both sides want more people to die for different reasons they just have to keep dancing around and implement it carefully so they can blame the other side.

Also, no where near 70% of the population will get this virus. That was wrong too.

why would i

Fauci is so cringe he turns himself into an honorary Jew.

Pretty sure they revise the models daily, sometimes multiple times a day.

Fauci the fraud. Fuck that little leprechaun. I hope he gets aids and corona

These guys are scared because they learned that more than 3 people die a day on average throughout the globe. Apparently 70+ seniors with comorbid disorders dying is scary, and the numbers are more than likely inflated to boot. I hate anyone who ever thought this was a real thing. Even an elementary understanding of math and just looking at public figures makes it clear how stupid this whole thing is.

>see it’s not that bad after all goyim, thank you for spending what little savings you had now it’s time to get back to work and since you were just off for a month we’re withholding all vacation time until next year I’m sure you understand

Fauci's a fucking idiot, I think we all see that, by now.

All major auto manufacturers in US are shut down until atleast may the first of may. If auto manufacturers aren't running nobody is except maybe furniture factories

First day Momo has showed anything... Wonder what changed.

Attached: Momo-April9.png (545x637, 170.32K)

For comparison.

Attached: EuMOMO-April7.png (607x729, 213.9K)

>Airborne Malaria/SARS chimera
>Only killing 60k burgers

I’m not so sure Mr. Burger

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SEE?!?! the powerful CCP and China's great infrastructure, has kept the death's down and thet virus at bay...
Oh, it's America?

As you can see, the totally fucked-up U.S. healthcare system, helped along by orange man bad, has cost 60,000 helpless Americans their lives...

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There is nothing to say to this level of stupidity.