Any redpilled whites on Yas Forums?

Im asking this because over the last couple of years i've not been able to redpill a single white european or american person. Managed to convince plenty of non-whites and even chinese(although alot of them already fear blacks by default) but whites? Impossible

Im not even talking about the JQ or globalists, just basic shit like gypsy crime or muslim rape gangs. I can give them articles, statistics, my personal stories, none of it matters. It bounces right off like im talking to a wall. I dont know if its because im a based mixed race guy(so it validates their beliefs) or something else. Theyre adamant that everyone is equal and decent and reasonable like they are, and nothing i say or show them can convince them otherwise.
>but whites commit crimes too!
What disturbs me the most is that i get the same reaction from white hungarians, and i get the feeling that it isn't even worth trying anymore because all whites are heading towards extinction with their heads proudly held high.
Another strange thing i noticed is that it's ALWAYS liberals telling me to "go back", its really bizarre.
Sorry for the shitty blog but I need hope Yas Forums. Can whites be saved?

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Maybe you have low charisma and speech skill.

>mixed race
A mix of what races exactly?

>JQ or globalists
Your problem is you think whites are as fucking stupid as you, you halfbreed trash.

No we are all Israeli and CCP shills on here.

>Theyre adamant that everyone is equal and decent and reasonable like they are, and nothing i say or show them can convince them otherwise.
They're brainwashed. Feed them real stories of shitskin crime. It's the closest to live the situation in real life.
They'll not understand until it happens to them.

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Answer me, tetves zsidó!

Just today I was trying to explain to some retard that there are not more people who have Irish ancestry than English in the US. I told him that there were 50 million who marked English on the 1980 census (26% of the population) but in 2018 only 23 million marked English (7 percent of the population).
He said I was speaking nonsense and that anything else other than the most current report was a "theory" and not "statistics". I bet that faggot couldn't solve a basic statistical problem. He was astoundingly stupid.

If people can't accept that "muh Irish" aren't as common as they think, what makes you think they'll accept something of consequence?

half-syrian with christian roots

Yeah, your problem is people look at you and see Arab fasszopó, nobody wants to talk to you and nobody wants to hear some muzzie's opinion. You'd have better luck "redpilling" goats back home. Also your mother is a whore.

>Another strange thing i noticed is that it's ALWAYS liberals telling me to "go back", its really bizarre.
Every single time. I'm a slav born here and they always tell me that and that i'm an ignorant racist. Even though i was born and raised in a shitskin neighborhood and the liberals/leftists telling me that have only lived in the whitest part of town.

Maybe. but why do they ignore crime stats? They immediately try to attack the source or they go
>but i met this one guy and he was really nice
>ive been there once and nothing bad happened to me!
Even if they accept the stat, they get hung up on these abstract ideas of hows and whys and ifs but refuse to admit that an ethnic group is dangerous to live with.
kek, what's wrong józsi, pakis took your gf or something?

Dude you're the dangerous ethnic group. You're in a shitty situation. You'd be better off being half-Hungarian in Syria than half-Syrian in Hungary.

I know right? Glad im not the only one. Its like they viciously protect their pets no matter what. Even worse im supposed to be sort of part of the group they claim to welcome.
What are you implying? Nationalists welcome me with open arms. I only had incidents with skinheads, but you know damn well that they attack -anyone- if they get drunk enough.
and syria is a shithole, the people are shit, and all my relatives on that side are gibsmedat niggers(even though theyre christian, lol)
I dont even speak arabic mate

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It's a mix of them virtue signaling and them being told a lie their entire life so they can't imagine that they've been fooled for so long.
Plus these people are optimistic to death. They've been coddled their entire life. Their countries haven't face a major war in decade, it hasn't been on the verge of invasion in a while so they develop a sort of island tameness to threats (google it). That's my theory.

And lastly, when they go on the internet it's all sfw non sense, just cute cates and shitskins doing backflips. They never go on liveleak, wordlstarhiphop or Yas Forums to get a different, more accurate point of view.

Here's to hoping next time the skinheads finish the job.

>feed them real stories
It doesnt work. They respond with stories of their own with a white person, or theyll just say
>there are white murderers/rapists/thieves too!
>that doesnt represent their entire race!

>They'll not understand until it happens to them.
Thats the paradox here isnt it? I want it to happen to them but i also dont. They are my friends, relatives and so on. I dont want them killed to be proven right.

Silverman completely missing the point the guy is making. The 5th Element is "LOVE" and she's talking about castrating males and hating them. What a surface level cunt.

Careful with that edge testvér. Maybe if next time they'll have the guts to come at me with more than just drunk threats and mad stares at my nose then im sure they will.

True, also its pointed out on the fucking movie that Leeloo with her tough exterior its still a incredible fragile and naive person, that needs Dallas to fulfill her mission.

Females can't understand films.

I'm no testvér of yours, in fact nobody in that country is. Maybe the Arabs peddling shit weed by Keleti, go redpill those.

>Can whites be saved?
Yes, but they have to wake up. And many feel good burying their heads in the sand because they are scared to fucking death of being called "racist".

>island tameness
holy shit i didn't know this was a thing. I thought being sheltered was just a human meme. that explains so much.
Thing is i DID send them videos like that, and they just dismiss it with the usual excuses.
>not all of them are like that
>im sure most of them are decent people that just want to work

i tried everything. Nothing works. In fact i have a friend in a cucked country whose gf was repeatedly sexual harassed and molested by muslims, and he's still in denial. The last time she called him for help he called her a racist. i WISH i was making this up.
If not even your gf can trigger your protective instinct then nothing will.

Correction user females can't think
Digits are proof

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She clearly didn't watch the movie. Yes, Leeloo was a woman, but the 5th Element was actually love, both sexual and platonic.

come on user i dont bite. Im based and redpilled! maybe we can be friends? its good optics!

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It's because women in the western civilization have largely adopted the ideology, that mass immigration and any admission towards acknowledging the fact that statistically significant numbers of certain ethnic groups commit more crime, is racist and inherently bad.

Men then immediately shy away from that line of thinking because it castrates them.

Women elsewhere in the world do not largely hold these ideological view points and as such men are more accepting of these facts and statements as being true.

If you want to save the western civilization and/or convince men of the actual threats and facts, convince the women first. Men will follow.

Men form their ideas of good and evil based on what/who the women are afraid of.

no its the opposite, you cannot "redpill" (horrible term btw) nonwhites since it opposes their core beliefs

Obviously I'm too redpilled to be friends with Jumurdzsák and his kin.

No. I’m a blue pilled nigger here to remind you cracker ass whiteys that white genocide is the future. Remember that when I’m breeding your wife bitch.

Ah didnt read your post fully, if youre mixed people will treat you differently as a shitskin. out of "politeness" they wont bash multiculturalism or islam, just as you probably wont say "FUCK NIGGERS" out of the blue with a nigger youre talking to

I dont dislike slavs but theres a higher proportion of subhumans in your population, like 25% instead of 15% Belgians, the other 75% are normal people


But not redpilled enough to not engage me in conversation and not whisper sweet nothings into my ear.
How? nonwhites are some of the most openly racist people you will ever meet, they dont shy away from bashing any race.
But....why? No nigger wants to live with other niggers if given the chance and for good reason. No whites means no gibs for your dumb ass.
I openly call fence hopping arabs animals that need to be gunned down and my dad does the same. Im the one that bashes islam all the time and they respond with MUH CATHOLIC PEDOPRIESTS

This bitch is stupid Who stupid and suicidal enough to legislate these mass castrations, let alone try to enforce them?

Remember anons, of even 5% of russian people succeeded in slaying one the NKVD officers trying to arrest them, the USSR would have fallen in 1921, not 1991.

Not a single shitskin is against multiculturalism since doing so would invalidate themselves being here.
>they dont shy away from bashing any race
Nah, they all unite against racism from whites when push comes to stove
I understand this might be hard to grasp if youre nonwhite yourself, dont (you) me with stupid questions

I think you switched the genders there user.
interesting theory, is there any record of how many arrests were actually resisted?

>I openly call fence hopping arabs animals that need to be gunned down and my dad does the same. Im the one that bashes islam all the time and they respond with MUH CATHOLIC PEDOPRIESTS

But youre a fence hopping arab yourself?
If a mulatto showed me a webm of niggers in africa hanging burning tyres around eachothers neck, would you reply with " FUCK niggers" to him?

Stop engaging this guy, nobody like arabs in Hungary, this dude is either LARPing or ignorant enough to think anyone but his race-traitor parents like him in that country.

> can whites be saved

No It's over, they won. I decided today that I am to leave the anglo-sphere and make a home in the eastern block.

Actually yes i would, because he has no reason to show me that other than to distance himself from his ethnic side as much as possible and to redpill me on his race. I say fuck arabs all the time. And am not a fence hopper.
I guess the situation here is different because hungarians were sheltered from anti white propaganda, so we dont have shitskin identity movements rioting on the streets. I never saw myself as white or nonwhite. Im hungarian, that was my identity, or at least i thought i was until i discovered the internet.
I get that they unite against whites in western countries and that sucks. What i meant to say was that they turn each other very openly when no whites are to blame.

you cannot hate on a nigga for being a nigga. that's like being angry at the weather

youre right, but he doesnt realise people see him as the arab and wont shittalk him into his face
If I showed him Dutroux he wouldnt say "fuck whitoids" in my face either

I got my mom to agree that the logical solution is euthanasia for homeless people in the United States. I was surprised how easy it was.

maybe you're the larper user. I have white skin so i dont stick out and i speak native hungarian. No one even knows about my other side unless i tell them. And yeah its true, fuck arabs. and turks. Im tired of seeing a kebab shop on every street corner. Recently i started seeing fucking pajeets too and they cant even speak broken hungarian.

> Men form their ideas on what women say
Holy SIMP, the west is truly lost.

I'm beyond crimson pilled and of european phenotype
but it does not matter as I am not a chad and can not effect change in the world

>white european or american person
in my experience this is due to something of a class divide
people who live in the city or in apartments tend towards being cringe and blue pilled
over educated / effete types who have been exposed to the cancer of corrupted higher education also suffer from this
their life's are too distant from the "problems" that school taught them about
and they have an arrogance that they are somehow above the human condition .ie they are reasonable and good
but the good in them has been put on a yoke and made to work for evil
pearls before swine, you shall know them by their fruit

being in the southern hemisphere
so far the only encountered a single mainland European who I have seen turn from blue to maybe a bit less blue pilled
when He first arrived here he would make excuses for the natives
but the more dealings he had with them the more his mask began to slip
he was not blue pilled to the core but he had come from a society that had done its best to whip and cajole any instinct for harsh judgement
at this point he is almost blackpilled and boiling with rage at the stupidity and callousness of the darkys

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maybe in benelux states banter is frowned upon but its very common here and i encourage everyone to shit talk and call me racist nicknames if they wish. If me complaining about my "own kind" isnt encouraging enough to criticize islam then i dont know what would be.

I assume Dutroux is a white trash area then? There i said it, now what? Why would i say fuck whites? They're a tiny minority. I realize that most arabs are subhuman so thats a different matter.

What are you mixed with? Curious.


the problem is that this is the most extreme and dangerous form of "redpilling". At any point your friend could've been killed due to his naivity and ignorance. No sense of danger is the issue.

>but why do they ignore crime stats?
because the people who believe in the lies that the MSM tell them don't think logically, they think emotionally.
To convince such people you need emotional arguments.

incompetent people overestimate their own ability, they can not accuracy assess why they fail,
but dunning kruger effect also goes both ways.

competent people will overestimate the ability of others.
because they are used to rigorous self assessment, and can not understand how others could possibility be so ignorant.
they will also underestimate their own ability and can lack confidence

the twist of this is that the people most able take the least action and are out competed by the fail hard and fail often types
its a slightly more abstract R vs K selection

Lol dude you’d be white in Brazil. Our last president was full Christian Lebanese. Nothing wrong with you, my friend

people who say redpilled in 2020 need to swiftly kys u cringe faggot

most whites left Yas Forums around 2015-2016
moved on to 8 briefly and then other places when it all went to shit
the whites you see here are either shitposters (already redpilled) or retards (can't be redpilled)

can you give examples? also see friends gf almost got raped on multiple occasions and hes still in denial. isnt that the most emotional you can get?
Remember Mollie Tibbets and the way his dad reacted? What does it take to undo the programming?

> other places
Are there really any?

I think the reason you can't blackpill white people is because the ones you're talking to are probably not poor. By that same token, the non-whites you're talking too probably are poor. The blackpill is a scapegoat idea for stupid poor people because they want to believe intelligence is based on race, that way they don't feel like stupid poor people and can claim their race makes them special. Intelligence and class go together, the more intelligent you are the more money you make, the more money you make the more time you can spend learning.

The reason it's skewed by race is because Europeans, Asians, and Jews are richer in general due to historical cirmustances and cultural benefits, not genetics.

If you raised a black kid from birth in a middle-class, well-cultured family, they'd end up the same.

You have to be a brainlet to think it's race and not culture/wealth that makes someone successful.

We don't need anymore black-pilled basement dwellers in western society, so go grab your body pillow waifu and your hitler fanfics, smoke some weed, and fuck-off somewhere else.

Why care about the west. Bashar deserves your time and effort more.

well there is this meme of magnets
there is the idiom once bitten twice shy
but for some liberals this does not seem to apply, they would be forgiving the dog if it bit them again
I wonder what it would take to change their mind

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Try again nigger.

Crime rate in rich black areas is the same as poor white areas.

You are right with "dey culcha". Unfortunately their culture is a product of their niggerdom.

They all have to go back.

Nasty Sarah Silverman and her Neandertal body.

wrong pic heh

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>youd be white here
kek so ive been told.
No. i talked to all classes. It makes no difference. All of my white friends both on and offline are either from working class or white trash background. White guilt is everywhere.

>Can whites be saved?
By mixing with jews. See Ivanka.

try posting this on 8kun. 50% of the posters here are some variety of left wing troll

Bashar needs you user. Leave this place to rot.