Fauci suggests a blood test to “re-enter society”


Having to take an anti-body test to be permitted to go back into society. Normal life will never be the same? How is this acceptable?

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Fuck Dr. (((Fraudci)))

Oy vey, goy.

Not gonna happen dude. The bureaucracy is way too inept, and how do you get around people refusing the vaccine on religious grounds? Also, imagine how easy would it be to get a fake/forged certificate.

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Whered he get that idea?

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>Having to take an anti-body test to be permitted to go back into society
Hahahahahaha "society" hahahahaha

Probably getting his talking points straight from his lover Hilary daily.

Neither he nor the government have the right to demand such a thing.

Why hasn’t Trump fired this totalitarian kike yet?

There are no antibody tests. This guy's a fucking clown and should be fired by Trump, then dragged through the streets and beaten by US citizens.

>Not gonna happen dude. The bureaucracy is way too inept
And how does this impede the government from violently instituting authoritarian measures? Has inept bureaucracy ever stopped marxists?
>How do you get around people refusing the vaccine on religious grounds?
When it comes to non-christians? Let them.
Christians? Simply have the "christian authorities" say that it is a sin to NOT get the vaccine and chip and invisible forehead tattoo and then you arent a REAL CHRISTIAN unless you do, you're just a wacko cultist like those charred child corpses is Waco.

>allowed to re-enter society
Jej, normies on suicide watch.

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What are the names of everyone in this picture? All I know are Fauci, the dude to the right of him in the picture, Soros and Barbara Walters.

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Reddit is being programmed to believe Dr Birx is bad.
Yas Forums is being programmed to believe Dr Fauci is bad.

>Virus starts getting worse in Europe/Burgerland
>need to be practically on death's door to get a test
>mild symptoms turned away, despite utility of outcome/prevalence statistics and isolation attenuation
>now they suddenly want to test everyone

Are they even testing the blood supply?

The government won’t mandate it, it will just be “recommended,” so major corporate workplaces and retail outlets will run with it, where it’ll then trickle down through society.
>you can’t come back to work till you prove you’re immune
>you can’t enter this store until you can prove you’re immune
Asking about the endgame of this quarantine kills the Happooner shill.

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It's all a meme to see what they can get away with. NWO is moving forward double time and normies are swallowing it whole.

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Hes the only one keeping us safe you half wit

Only leftist cities will enforce this, defeating the whole purpose

there is only one way to know

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If a democrat was president, you would have to take your government mandated gates-vaccine already to be allowed back into society. And if you were a white male, they would have made sure you got a little extra estrogen in your vaccination.

This is where you stumble, ineptitude isn't an impediment to these cretins. They'll just bitch and moan for more mountains of government money while purposefully fucking things up for everyone.

Fuck off ATF

Lol are you being for real nigger?

And you've been programmed to even know who these people are like you have a say in any of this.

put this manlet in a fucking brazen pony already

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But they told me the curve was flattening and it was all over no need for tests

Check this thread


maybe by showcasing dr fauxi on the air everyday, trump is exposing the elite's plan to keep you sick and (((vaccinated))).

oy vey goyim life will nevah be da same

there will be riots in the streets.

But normies believe vaccines have a perfect track record...

"anti-body test"
Everybody who ever had a cold tests positive for coronavirus antibodies. What's the point?

I had a serious cold or flu, last month, but I didn't meet the criteria for a coronavirus test. It be nice to get a covid 19 immunity test and it cannot come fast enough. I could be working already but have to wait at least another month .

Government sanctioned eugenics. Cool.

There actually are antibody tests.


this niggers blood type is going to be Pb pozitive if he doesnt watch it

>glownigger kike thinks christianity is a single sect you can just issue fatwas for
as divine providence would decree, you don't understand the decentralized robustness that comes with the separation of the worldly and the godly. whatever one pastor says another can contradict because no man possesses unconditional religious authority

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i dont THINK anything, roach, i'm just acknowledging what the government has based it's violent actions against christians on in the recent past.

That's what it was always about. RAPE!

then he’s doing what, ignoring science? Guessing? WTF

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This. Become a freelance lawn mowing service as quickly as possible.
You will be happier anyway.

Fauci is a fucking jew he should have been fired a month ago


Employers will all require the covid-19 antibodies certificate in order to work there. Theses morons couldnt make people be legal citizens to work but they will somehow enable this to happen. This would be a great way to see who is legal or not though. The right needs to utilize the crisis the same way the left does.

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shitty b8 m8

OP (1 post) is misrepresenting the video. The relevant portion is at 7 minutes. Decide for yourself. OP is a faggot, is my suspicion.

Based maplenigger

This bullshit won’t work because we know nothing about our lady if the corona. Read that shiznit I posted.
It answered why this kept cropping up time and time again



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Is that Megyn Kelly? Is her adrenocrhome supply ran out or some shit?

how about blood tests to determine the actual mortality rate of the virus (0.1%, exact same as the flu, by the way) and go from there

>i dont THINK anything
checks out

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No one elected that niggerkike. I'm sure he thinks he's a god and a king but he ain't. he can succ deez nuts

30% of people get no antibodies
Only the old get antibodies
The young just get super AIDS
That report - the first post I just made - only got made yesterday anons.
THERES NO GUARANTEES OF ANY IMMUNITY EVEN TO THE STRAIN YOU JUST HAD. Let alone the 7 others that are developing, 3 in total are fully distinct strains. Corona virus means common cold type virus - THATS WHY SHE IS SOOO DANGEROUS TO OUR SPECIES.
If that fucky old guy says anything you need to shut his stupid old false toothed mouth for him because he will get you infected

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>ten million paychecks are not worth even a single Boomer's fingernail

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There’s a reason the borders are sealed
There’s a reason(s) why zombie Johnson didn’t go ahead with turd immunity madness
CORONACHAN is beyond the knowledge of stupid old greedy queers like that fucky old bastard.
They will get you AIDS’ed in the Bum with their senile shit.

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>kills more gays with AZT than died of aids
Sure...I’ll listen to this guy

This, if it indeed heads in this direction - need to start organizing now so prevent this from coming to fruition. Not exactly sure how and to what extent though. It becomes a legal issue for companies to impose on some grounds, but people need to be proactive if they want to prevent it from happening

iq tedt instead