Europe is to blame for the Corona epidemic in NY

Where were you when you realized the eurofags on Yas Forums have been lying and their continent is just another 3rd world pos?
>The U.S. has nearly a third of the world's 1.5 million official COVID-19 cases, and New York, by itself, has more coronavirus cases than any single foreign country. But while the coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, most of the New York cases came from Europe, and the European mutation was spreading silently around the New York City area by mid-February, two separate groups of viral historians have determined, The New York Times reported late Wednesday.

Attached: yahoo.png (1166x654, 512.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is gonna sue us isn't he?

Chinese Virus came form China
Ignore this CCP shill

I can only hope

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>CCP shill
>Said the leaf

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You imported it yourself. Stop coming to Europe.

Stop coming to New York and looking for work

Chinese Virus came form China

Patient Zero in NYC came from Iran. Iran got it from China.

Americans returning from Italy

Meh, I guess Trump should have closed all borders instead of just China in Jan but honestly no other President would have done either.


Would seem patient 0 dud less dance than the eurotrash

Did less damage. I apologize my phone is being a leaf

1. East Coast USA = COVID19 European / Middle Eastern strain
2. West Coast USA = COVID19 Chinese.strain

Nobody knows where the original strain of COVD19 came from. The west coast of the US got the Chinese strain (Washington state) and they have been relatively unaffected as compared to the east coast of the US or Europe. Similar to how in China & Asia, they have been relatively unaffected by COVID19 as compared to Europe / US East Coast.

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Get rekt fags

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Check. Really makes you think...
Still a CHINESE virus.

don't get too close frenchy
We don't actually want your unwashed masses

>blatant pro china disinfo
hey there Chong

>scared to show flag
>im the chong

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Nah you guys aren’t in Europe anymore, it’s all good.

viruses mutate all the time, that is why they are called a "VIRUS" and not "BACTERIA". if the COVID19 virus mutated in European or Middle Eastern populations from a more infectious or lethal than the Chinese strain of COVID19, why arent you blaming Caucasian genetics for this mutation?

They are right and lockdown is a meme

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Where did the virus come from before it hit europe?

Just get rekt stupids lards you deserve it

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>groups of viral historians
Do we have names?


Attached: no is american coof.jpg (511x425, 38.62K)

>China infects Europe
>Europe infects America
>Europe is to blame

Attached: china.jpg (798x452, 106.3K)

Doesn't matter. new strain is basically a new virus. europes fault

Stop being fat

The chinks began infecting everyone with it before chink new year even began.

Attached: Xi no feel good.png (500x774, 195.67K)

No chink, it's what happens when it mutates after you fuckers move it around the fucking planet.

This is some funny logic.

Because its not a mutation, it was made in China and spread on purpose.

New York is to blame with the epidemic in New York.

stop bathing only once a year

>Where were you when you realized the eurofags on Yas Forums have been lying and their continent is just another 3rd world pos?
i knew that before Yas Forums existed. there are some special exceptions and more history but it's little better than the NE US-SE Canada sphere. anyone who says otherwise is a troll.


Still the same chink virus even with the mutations, chang. There are not two unique strains involved here.

>I-its Americas fault . We've never dragged them into our problems before

>>China infects Europe

Why doesnt Europe have the Chinese version of COVID19 then? Patient ZERO in the US was on the US West Coast (Washington State) and that came from Wuhan China. But the US West Coast has much less severe cases than the US East Coast which we are learning now comes from the European COVID19 strain. Similar to how cases in China & Asia are lower with less deaths than Europe or the US East Coast.

>I-its Europe's fault.
Kissing American ass isn't going to protect you gook.

They do. It has mutated but it's still the same chink virus.

>There are not two unique strains involved here

Except researchers from multiple studies can tell the various strains apart. You do understand that is how they are able to tell that the cases in NY and US East Coast came from Europe ... right?

stop shitting your pants

>But while the coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, most of the New York cases came from Europe,

But while the coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, most of the New York cases came from Europe,

>But while the coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, most of the New York cases came from Europe,

But while the coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, most of the New York cases came from Europe,

>But while the coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, most of the New York cases came from Europe,


>OP BTFO!!!!



it originated from a germ flying over a hooker from shangai to munich
not even memeing

Stop selling wooden shoes

COVID19 mutated in Caucasian populations (Middle Eastern and Europe) to something that was apparently more infectious or lethal as compared to what is happening in China. Why isnt that to have to do with something in Caucasian genetics and not in Chinese / Asian genetics?


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>A gorillion chinks flee china to yurop, often masking chink virus symptoms on the way
>Why u gweilo brame china?
>Some literally brag about their ability to conceal symptoms
Man, fuck you insects.

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Fucking yuros, I swear

dirty fucking europoors

oh great
so not only is there a virus, but its nauseatingly arrogant as well

Oh no you should have said "stop wearing". Selling them is pretty lucrative. You should try it.

Fuck off Chang

Oh no. My fears are confirmed.
Please, stop emulating the jews


Pneumonia of unknown source started in Italy earlier than in Wuhan.

Attached: Italy Coronavirus earlier than China.jpg (797x1073, 147.38K)


1. The 1st case of COVID19 in the US was in Washington state (West Coast US). He came from Wuhan China and passed the Chinese strain to the West Coast US. Today, the West Coast US is relatively unaffected as compared the East Coast US.
2. The East Coast US, which has more cases and more deaths than the West Coast US, came from the European strain of COVID19.
3. China & Asia (which has the Chinese strain of COVID19) has has much less infections / deaths than Europe & East Coast US (which comes from the European strain of COVID19)

>Fuck off Chang

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Y-y-y-you mean the chinks lied about when COVID-19 started in China??
Hold me, meme flag

>A gorillion chinks flee china to yurop

Why doesnt Europe have the Chinese version off COVID19 then?

You know you want a pair of clogs. Don't deny it. We make them for the silly tourists. Americans are no different.

Small dik chinky

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Ive only ever met one person who wore them. Their family was Dutch and they were obsessed, so you succeeded in poisoning someones mind

>Small dik chinky

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Yes, it didnt come from China.

Italy's largest Chinese sweatshop community in Prato had NOT A SINGLE infection case, while the white Italians died like flies around them.

Attached: reuters chinese no infection.jpg (783x880, 120.97K)

stop spreading lies as well as nasty germs

That's cause they probably thought it asserted their Dutch heritage. You'll literally find nobody wearing clogs here. It's a merchandising meme.

The Dutch created New York you know.

Nice try you yellow skinned bugnigger

Yes and the English took it in a glorious assertion of their alpha status

> Hurrdurr europe to blame

Whatever American. No counterargument neccesary, you being American says about enough.

>It's a merchandising meme.
Not surprised. Why else would anyone wear wooden shoes?

Do they? Did the WHO tell you that?

wait, is that why we aren't getting that many deaths over here? We got a fuckton of Chinks from the mainland over here early this year so we got the earlier pussy strain? And the mutant killer strain that's fucking up the EU is the one wreaking havoc in NYC?

I love you Dutch's though

>Whatever American. No counterargument neccesary, you being American says about enough.
Wow what banter eurofag if only I was as sharp as you eurofag maybe someday I can have eurofag level test scores and be as creative as you eurofag