Yas Forums with a user base mainly consisting of teenagers who never had to pay rent will find a way to disagree with...

>Yas Forums with a user base mainly consisting of teenagers who never had to pay rent will find a way to disagree with Ilhan Omar
Can you guys just STOP. I wish we had politicians like her here that just say out loud what we are all thinking.

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This would only be fair if property tax was also suspended.

The broad is right

see to it

Suspend mortgage collection
Suspend property tax
Suspend utility collection

Then we have a deal.

just cancel all debt, the people holding it can fuck off

School was cancelled. Seems reasonable to stop paying "educators" and cancel property tax as well.

all fucking clocks and calendars should just stop. once we've all dealt with this flu, then we start it all up again and call it jan 1, 2020

How about we just abolish money

false equivalence you fucking nigger.

Shut the fuck up kraut. Either my tenants will pay rent, or they will be evicted.

You can go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.

Is it? If you got a shitty degree and don’t save up your money how it is my problem when you can’t pay rent?

I think we need to cancel free market capitalism until this crisis is over as well.

fuck you and fuck this worthless muslim nigger

Maybe she means the musical

Nahhh, shes retarded and needs to be voted out.

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+1 internet for you


>ban rent
>landlords can’t pay property taxes or mortgages
>government allows property taxes to be delayed
>banks lose billions in revenue because no ones paying their mortgage
>government has to bail out banks again
>Omar gets mad that the government is giving money to banks directly and nothing to the people
>even though rent is already banned

Just call in all debt, the over leveraged faggots who're destroying markets with their abundance of "free money" can all get wrecked while the saving masterrace inherits the earth.


>mainly consisting of teenagers
try harder

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>"I'm 18 you guys I swear"
>30% female
lmao imagine believing those stats. Yas Forums is definitely mostly kids now.

Daily reminder that she is a double iq digit dumbass who is married to her brother and parrots what’s popular on twitface

Throw in a complete worldwide debt jubilee and I’ll consider it

no mortgage relief either

30% makes sense, you honestly think mass appeal boards wouldn't have women in them? That's not counting niche boards with high female rates like /an/ and /y/.

Im cool with canceling rent as long as mortgage payments are cancelled too.

But that's antisemitic. Why do you hate us, goy ?


>I don't think there's too many people under 20 posting on Yas Forums
Then you're definitely underageb& yourself

I want to see her bartender tax returns. The idea that this person claimed every dollar, and paid her fair share of taxes makes me laugh.

Leave it to a kraut to back a brother fucking sand nigger

hello jew

Oy vey whay was i thinkin? Isreal is our greatest ally!

Most of the Somalis in her district live in apartments.

Hello Afro-Caribbean.

leave it to a mutt to suck jewish cock and do everything they tell you without question

>cancel rent

Yeah, we held a meeting with the CEO of Racism and the Based Department, and they said it was a no go. Sorry, hun.

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Ban all rent seeking, usury, and property taxes forever, not just until the crisis is over.

Ask a muslim if you can suspend the payment of the Dhimmi.

Hey hey, hey.... Rothschild's gained all their power and influence in your country, which pozzed the entire world. Don't blame us they get to poke your royals like they're pieces of shit to torment.

>American calling anyone else black

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Hello Chang.

wow nig nog muslim says a thing, shocker

>tweet from September
Fake as fuck

based and time space continuum pilled

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>be me
>be 39
>stopped paying rent last week because everyone else did
>still employed though
>why not?

Hey fuck off, I'm working a scale job for a school shutting panels off whenever I want making $32/hr. I dont want their tax dollars going away.

Kike mad

No, we need to deport her back to her original shithole after she's been investigated for her alleged criminal acts, of which there is plenty of evidence.

If she and all criminal "immigrants", illegals, migrants, refugees, and useless eaters all fucked off, then maybe our governments could actually take proper care of its citizens during a crisis.

Western borders must be shut down forever, or the West, and then the World, will be lost forever.

Your black population is 3x Canada's chink population per capita. If I'm Chang then you're Jamal, DeQuarius, and LaVontay.

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You right. Who cares what she said while dope back in 2009?

This is all so fuckkng tiresome and petty. The cognitive dissonance on this issue is childlike. Just suspend rent, mortgage and property tax until things begin to subside and people are able to get back to work, or have enough from the stimulus and unemployment benefits to make payments while still being able to pay for other basic necessities such as food, water, and utilities. Adjust the interest rates accordingly as if you were paying off a car, loan, or fuckkng smartphone, to be paid throughout the remainder of the lease. If they aren't able to pay off the remaining balance of rent due for months deferred before lease ends, they aren't allowed to sign another year, and if they refuse to pay, send it off to collections.

We live in a debtor's economy. If anything the lack of foresight to postpone payments with the intent of being paid back incrementally despite having approved of a credit check prior to move in just goes to show how little camaraderie exists between each other in the states. Subterfuge and propaganda every four years for political campaigns has turned the people against each other, and this pandemic confirms we are already defeated as a nation. I'm just glad it isnt a full blown war on American soil, as much as we used to run shit back in the 60s, we've grown soft now. I wanted to join the military but got turned away by the recruiter for having a marijuana charge that got thrown out from when I was a teenager. That's the sign of the times. No ones out to help uplift their fellow countrymen. It's all dog eat dog now.

t. a faggot worthless leaf

Yas Forums is mad af because someone is telling kikes to fuck off. What happened to this place?

into the trash it goes

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I paid rent when I was going. Now I receive rent. That commie mudslime can go to hell where she belongs

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>"See how he recoils: I've been found out!"

Shut your fucking mouth. There is blanket federal unemployment assistance of $600/wk ON TOP of whatever your normal unemployment is on top of $1200 trumpbux.
So if you got laid off you’re probably making equal or more than you did when you were working. I’m making more. If you’re not laid off you’re making the same so give me a rational reason why, achmed.

Only vile anti-Semites would want to steal shekels from your poor Jew landlord.
Report yourself to the nearest ADL run re-education camp NOW!

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This bitch only cares about her section 8 subhumans. We already pay half of their rent

This isn’t even going to happen it’s just niggers in office cheerleading for free shit to make themselves seem more electable to the retards who voted for them in the first place. It’s simply pandering. There’s no logical argument for it.

How about
>Gather up all of the bankers
>Put them in fucking gas Chambers
>Suddenly mortgages and rent aren't a problem

Yes, there are 35,000,000 people in your country. All of which live within a few hours drive of any given American border. 80% of Canada is inhospitable tundra with little to no actual value. Texas has a larger economy than Canada, almost as many people too. You're just Chang.

My landlord isn’t a Jew. He lives across the street and charges us well below market and hasn’t raised it once in 3 years because we don’t bother him and pay on time.
It’s funny you niggers think landlords with a handful of properties are the ones ruining the housing market when in reality it’s overseas money and increase in rental demand via foreigners.