and thanks to socialist countries like mine
>huge taxes
>high levels of corruption
>no public investment
>wealth redistribution x100
>no career progression; average wage is 900€
>housing keeps rising and rising thanks to an uncontrolled influx of brazillians trying to escape favela life and chinese buying everything
>live off tourism and eu gibs
>suddenly covid hits
>no more tourism
>no eu gibs to cover debt
>southern countries getting tired of shitty governments like ours
it will be even worse than 2008
remember lads, always vote against socialism
Covid-19 is going to kill the european union
Other urls found in this thread:
oops i meant to say southern countries
Kek, that was funny, coming from someone who is actually living in one.
Fascism will make a big comeback.
>remember lads, always vote against socialism
how the actual fucking hell did you come to that conclusion and what is the alternative?
Fascism is the alternative. Zero unemployment. Healthy military service and pride in your country and culture. Fascism is unironically the solution to all the world’s problems.
>Fascism is the alternative
Fascism always turn into a cult and a dictatorship.
It's not a solution. It's the exact fucking same that we live right now.
Your problem is not because of socialist country. It's because of an greedy elite ready to sell you for some shekels.
>Healthy military service and pride in your country and culture
That's nationalism and in case you didn remark it's under constant attack by the elites. They're redefining nationalism in real time.
>Fascism is unironically the solution to all the world’s problems.
I think you give way too much credibility to a word you don't really define correctly.
At the end of the day it's always a dictatorship by plutocrats.
Portubro why can't we be together again? Dump the brits and the euros. We can call it Iberia, have it be a republic, make galician the national language, and put the capital somewhere in the border between us. Would you vote for it?
Fascism is a dictatorship by definition. We're already in a dictatorship but controlled by Jews. We want power for our own race.
>we want to change a dictatorship by a dictatorship
>I swear this time it will be different
learning happen when you remember something from a past mistake and you don't repeat your error
>At the end of the day it's always a dictatorship by plutocrats.
The allure of fascism is that there's a face you can put your hopes in. This is why modern fascist leaders - Putin and Xi fare quite well, in spite of liberal screeching.
Same thing with trump, however there's a bar of minimal political power one has to pass to successfully run a dictatorship.
The EU lie is over lads.
>The allure of fascism is that there's a face you can put your hopes in.
That sound like a piss poor tentative at rationalizing idolatry if you ask.
>This is why modern fascist leaders - Putin and Xi fare quite well, in spite of liberal screeching.
Funny how both country are called and call themselves communist. I guess they're fascsit after all.
>Same thing with trump, however there's a bar of minimal political power one has to pass to successfully run a dictatorship.
When he's able to corrupt enough institution and create so many yesman in power that he can install himself as the supreme leader.
It's called a dictatorship. Rap it under as many layer as you want it's still the same.
You just invent words but more their definitions to fit your already biased view of what could be.
>“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.”
some old man said that one day
at least they says
nothing personal brother but i really can't stand spanish people
you talk loud as fuck, everytime there's a spaniard nearby i'll always have a headache for the rest of the day
Wow I always thought other meds wouldnt be as annoyed by it as me
It's a shame if that happens, I don't see how any European would benefit from it. Weak countries will still be weak, maybe even weaker since they don't have the backing from the European community anymore.
For example Finland would be on its own against the stronger economies, yet there are so many people here with anti-EU attitudes thinking that we will be winners if we leave.
Geopolitically it makes even the strongest EU countries weaker in comparison to USA, China and Russia.
For the European countries it's essentially abandoning the chance of ever having the leading role in world and trading it for more power for their local leaders.
Sounds a lot like the middle-eastern rapefugees we have. When they're talking on a mobile phone it's like they believe they're still living in the times of needing to yell because otherwise the copper wire wouldn't transmit the sound.
>Weak countries
You said. Nobody wants to prop them up any more. You're literally saying to keep the EU alive for your sake. It doesn't benefit the more powerful nations.
We've been paying more than receiving for as long as I've cared at all about the EU and that's fine for me.
You're retarded. Portugal is underperforming other european countries and it's because of unproductive social democratic policies and corrupt politicians who keep getting elected, I mean the mayor of one of the largest cities is a convicted felon
I'm not suggesting you aren't paying your way but you're suggesting that larger nations with more power stay in the same club with shared responsibilities when really, they would be better served as sovereign nations. It isn't just about the money, it's about influence, laws, society, healthcare.
Good, can't wait
And how is our lawmaking, healthcare and influence hampering those of Germany and France?
>and corrupt politicians who keep getting elected
you just agreed with me idiot put any buzzword you want if you end up at the same conclusion as me I don't care you will never convince to normal peoples to exchange a dictatorship for an other dictatorship
Brussels failed to see that their way forward was pushing for the right, people on the left will always hate the EU because it's a bulwark against bolshevism and a beacon of liberal capitalism anyways so there's no point going there.
But in refugee crisis they could have seriously gained unlimited credit with the european right by blocking Merkel's efforts to bring them over here.
No I didn't you mong, the solution is for greater checks on a weaker government and a push for liberal capitalism, not communism or fascism
estes filhos da puta nao percebem a primeira caralho
>and a push for liberal capitalism, not communism or fascism
I was with you until that
what you ask is as easy as changing the very human nature
you never gonna stop the human race to crave power
all you can do is to create the context where greed is not the principal factor to gain power
Excuse me but I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as "COVID-19" is more formally known as a variety of terms, among them:
>Wu Flu
>WHO Flu
>Kung Flu
>Gook Flu
>WuHu Flu
>Justa Flu
>Flu Manchu
>Chop Fluey
>Red Plague
>Commie Cold
>Ow-Chi Lung
>Wu-Tang Flu
>Flu Man Chu
>Yellow Fever
>Xi Jinplague
>Bat-Man Virus
>Flu-Tang Clan
>Airborne AIDS
>Genghis Cough
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Winnie the Flu
>Bat Soup Croup
>Wubonic Plague
>Boomer Remover
>Mandarin Malady
>Shanghai Shivers
>Confucian Cancer
>Pangolin Pandemic
>Mandate of Heaving
>The Shaolin Sneeze
>Wet Market Surprise
>Bill Gates Event 201
>Communist Lung Herpes
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>China's One Corpse Policy
>Experimental Bioweapon CW-19
>SARS-CoV-2: Alveolar Boogaloo
Only one solution to all of the west's problems. Deport them ALL.
Is this a chink leaf?
what past mistake you lobsided faggot, germany had its best years under fascism, portugal had its best years under fascism, go neck yourself shill
And most importantly, a nothingburger.
EU law literally affects all of them.
No, you literally can't, by definition you can't. Liberal capitalism, which is seriously lacking in this country, is the only thing that can cope with human nature that's greedy and power seeking. No other system can do that, it will always devolve into genociding other peoples, or even your own peoples if you're of the leftist variety.
European countries that pushed away from social democracy in the last years overperformed including post Hartz IV Germany, Poland and Ireland.
Gary Glitter had more chance desu.
Seriously though. The kind of fascist measures currently being implemented is what kept me from voting for actual fascists. Who should I vote for now Yas Forums ?
People here say that we're just slaves and obey whatever the big countries say. And now we make the laws according to you, good one.
Also we usually agree with whatever Germany and France say, we have many same interests. But for example Finland compromises a lot with the Russian sanctions, many people here would like to see them gone for economic reasons, but many people also think we should be loyal to other Europeans for geopolitical reasons and I agree with them.
You are a Russian bot. Europe is as strong and necessary as ever. Southern countries just need to learn their place
You don't have to break everything up. EU could be a customs-free area for example.
No I'm french quebecois thanks.
>germany had its best years under fascism, portugal had its best years under fascism, go neck yourself shill
both country utterly destroyed and unrecognizable today
best years you said
>Liberal capitalism, which is seriously lacking in this country, is the only thing that can cope with human nature that's greedy and power seeking.
Liberal capitalism is the prefect playing ground to promote greed as the principal factor to gain power. Someone greedy will always do better than someone who's not. He will gain power than corner market than make the not greedy disappear. Don't it look exactly like what's happening right now?
Liberal capitalism is as believable as communism. An idea that can't succeed because human nature is to crave power and the fastest way to get it is greed in a liberal capitalist world.
We have what 100 years of globalism to look at the prove those very facts?
>European countries that pushed away from social democracy in the last years overperformed including post Hartz IV Germany, Poland and Ireland.
Sad how at the end of the day all they did was setup up their own demises.
Something went clearly wrong.
Yes but I want more integration than that.
Pfft I’m sitting on 10 acres of land, of which 6 acres of woods and a house for 150k. I have very clean well water, have a single sheriff to pay, a volunteer fire department and access to as much clean and cheap local food I want. There’s no crime because everyone knows each other and I have four guns in the house because they are fun. My town just won Main Street USA 2018.
Most of the US is like this. But keep reading your propaganda. The black neighbor next door tells parables like he’s in song of the south, the rest of everyone is either white farmers or upper class Asians (all four of the families) and the only time I hear my neighbors is if they are firing guns.
Fuck I would never trade this for a shithole like Berlin, with antifa on every corner with dogs and crybabies getting firehosed in Dresden. I’ve lived in Germany, you sold your souls for an Aldi’s a block away and the shit you do for vacations is what I can do any fucking time I want after 4:30PM. Clean lakes, beautiful hills and no arguments with the law. I’m not paying for Mudkips pushing babies out except what the Feds take which is still lower than yours and my health insurance premium is lower than your taxes. Our healthcare system also means I can get treatment on my own terms and don’t need to wait for state queuing for anything, surgeries included. After Trump crashes China’s economy and brings the pharma plants back we’ll have cheap pill prices as we pass the cost back to the rest of the world.
>But for example Finland compromises a lot with the Russian sanctions
It's actually Western Europe that compromises, the sanctions exist to protect the territorial integrity of countries that border Russia, including Finland. The West loses money on these sanctions as part of a policy bundle to keep your borders, and therefore the EU's borders, safer.
Which is why you'd also be the main benefitors of an EU army, you'd have the full economic power of the west deploying forces against a country whose economy is the size of Italy's
>Most of the US is like this
You're high nigga most of the USA is empty and your city are so packed with nigger and immigrants they out number you redneck by a ratio of 1 to 10.
The american dream is dead. Not it's ZOG dream and you better follow the orders or else you go to the gulag.
I'm fine with what comes next.
Every system of government turns into a dictatorship eventually.
>Liberal capitalism is the prefect playing ground to promote greed as the principal factor to gain power.
True to an extent, but it also acts against promoting other features like being a murderous psychopath as paths towards power.
>Someone greedy will always do better than someone who's not.
Someone who is more productive and better at competing will always do better under Liberal Capitalism, sure.
>He will gain power than corner market than make the not greedy disappear. Don't it look exactly like what's happening right now?
If people like you we're so busy shilling against Liberal Capitalism, maybe people would listen more to mainstream economists who constantly point to the need for checks against big corporations and money in politics. But none of you listen, because you prefer feefees over facts
>Liberal capitalism is as believable as communism.
This is the most retarded assertion itt, congrats. The current standing of communism is on the bottom of the ideological trash bin, as one of the 2 most murderous and failed ideologies to ever exist. If I were to make a distinction between the 2 I'd give the edge to communism for murdering it's own people to a slightly bigger extent that fascists do in retarder pointless wars
The EU cannot be destroyed so I dont get why you even bothered to make such a long list of things which are blatantly not true.
You're partially right, that's the biggest reason why I support the EU. Even if there won't ever be an EU army or any war we will still get a feeling of security by belonging into this big union. EU would have to do something huge economically if some other country started annexing parts of it by military force or it would lose face.
Of course I support the EU army, but even without it I think I gain more from the EU geopolitically than what I lose in money even if my country pays more than receives.
>no Wuhan Wheeze
it's like you're not even trying
I think northern countries shouldn't think about the money they're sending to the south, but what we do with it. The problem is that we put if to such an unproductive use, it's insane.
What you need to do is hold southern countries accountable for the money you send. It would go a long way if you dropped the whores and wine rhetoric as well. But overall push for much stricter guidelines on how to use EU money and where it goes, and much more accountability. Also it wouldn't hurt if you promoted fiscal responsability more, I don't mean austerity but even basic things like a balanced budget are a challenge here, holy fuck
That could be argued ya.
>Someone who is more productive and better at competing will always do better under Liberal Capitalism, sure
That's kind of dishonest. That's how lobbying was legalized.
>If people like you we're so busy shilling against Liberal Capitalism, maybe people would listen more to mainstream economists who constantly point to the need for checks against big corporations and money in politics. But none of you listen, because you prefer feefees over facts
Why not just try something else? Why trying to make something work that refuse to work? Fuck the keynesian economics model just fuck it. Fuck the old communist and fascist model fuck it.
>The current standing of communism is on the bottom of the ideological trash bin
That's your opinion tho.
>If I were to make a distinction between the 2 I'd give the edge to communism for murdering it's own people to a slightly bigger extent that fascists do in retarder pointless wars
a wild eugenist appear well well well
Bump, based Portuguese fag.
I don't think anyone can afford talking about fiscal responsibility for several years because of the coronavirus. We're estimated to take 20 billion euros of extra debt because of the economic lockdown.
Also in my opinion the stricter guidelines need to come from Brussels. What can individual countries do right now except threaten to leave like the UK if the money is not used in a certain way? Countries don't have the power to tell anyone what to do.
The EU is criticized of being a demonic dictatorship but still nobody is setting a clear set of rules, nobody is a leader. I don't care about his/her nationality, but just make someone a leader and accountable. That's my biggest complaint with everything right now. The power is too shared and that's why nothing gets done.
>That's kind of dishonest. That's how lobbying was legalized.
Lobbying does not work the way you think it does. It has been proven time and time again that the type of lobbying you're suggesting, pandering, doesn't work.
The way lobbying can work is by influencing public opinion and especially by dumping unlimited money during election season. This is what Citizens United was, they made documentaries and advertisements, it's this money that has to be restricted.
>Why not just try something else? Why trying to make something work that refuse to work? Fuck the keynesian economics model just fuck it. Fuck the old communist and fascist model fuck it.
Because this system works really, really well at producing vast amounts of wealth. We just need to do a better job at redistributing that wealth in a way that does not promote parasitism, especially by means tested welfare nets which actually can be demonstrated to work pretty well
>That's your opinion tho.
Sure, and it's also the mainstream consensus which I'm sure you're just going to discard as irrelevant
>a wild eugenist appear well well well
You're wrong but whatever. The beauty of liberal capitalism is that really dumb unskilled people that would otherwise be a burden on society can actually have a massive net positive impact, just look at illegals in America.
user, I hope you're not too far gone down the leftypol hole that you can't see past that reality you've constructed, but if you are then I can't do anything. If you're wondering why I'm on pol, it's because I think I can do much better things here than in a neoliberal echo chamber where everyone thinks like me. Plus I like the near absolute freedom of speech, not gonna lie.
If we leave EU we'll end up like Venezuela in less than a year
sorry to inform you but my map showing the true future tells something different
>I'm fine with what comes next.
Half of Africa moving to your coutry to "pay your pensions"
Good. Fuck federalism in every form.
I think that if the coronavirus injection money is not well spent, we're going to create a serious problem down the road for the EU. Maybe fiscal responsability wasn't the best term here.
I agree with you overall though. This:
Ironic how the EU is going to be highly centralized in a couple of years.
Why haven't other countries already gone through with this master plan, I hear little ethnic states are good for you.
>It has been proven time and time again that the type of lobbying you're suggesting, pandering, doesn't work.
>proceed to post a article
ya no die in a fire retard
lobbying is the expression itself of liberal capitalism being controlled by greed
>Because this system works really, really well
shit no one said ever
no one even disagree it's a fucked up system that can be abused on every side
the pump and dump model is working really really well to transfer the wealth of the working class to the elites ya
>Sure, and it's also the mainstream consensus
I'm ok with not believing anything the mainstream consensus tell me to believe.
>just look at illegals in America.
>can actually have a massive net positive impact
I think we just don't have the same definition of something positive it's ok we can agree to disagree
>user, I hope you're not too far gone down the leftypol
I'm a proud Strasserist and you can go fuck yourself.
...and that's a good thing.