Why do Nazis love Red Letter Media

Has any one noticed that rlm is really popular among white nationalists? Tds talks about them all the time and andrew anglin has mentioned he is a fan of them too. Is it the criticism of product or calling out anit whiteness? Theu also seem really racially aware, always saying there are two white people in the house, he's a white guy in africa, rich white people do this etc.
Im a fan of all three mentioned so could just be they all vibe.

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I assume by default that any online nazi is just a glowie that will reform and start a deradicalisation movement. I'm NatCap now, I vote with my money. White flight all the way.

It's popular amongst all groups you fucking retard.

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they were pretty nigger-tier politics wise until they stopped talking about it
it's more of a case4 of white nationalists know whats good, like white people for instance, or rlm
people like a modern repository for the worst in film
and mike does get real bbq uncle when hes been saucing

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maybe because they're funny and comedy doesn't give a shit about politics?

Maybe because it isnt pozzed

they're allowed to criticize modern media because the tall one is a fag and the little fat guy is his fuckhole.

There's a crossover point between where movies are getting shittier, and the more they exist to push an agenda

Mike Stoklasa for prez.

because their scathing criticism of STD and ST:Picard entertaining funny relevant and they attack the material purely from the standpoint of trek fans without really mentioning the implicit political nature of nu-trek.

Same reason “Alt right” likes AVGN. They started off a smart niche and were “apolitical” (aka closet right wing). I stopped watching Plinkett when they began turning shitlib and oh veying about how everything in old movies was racist and sexist.

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I just realized I was shown them on 8pol

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>not voting for Jay

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They're pretty pozzed.
But they're also pretty funny.
I'm willing to let a lot go.
There's very little worth watching and these guys are amusing.
Plus I used to like Star Trek.

The Right Stuff loves them too. I've been a fan of them for years but they are bluepilled as fuck on politics. Several times they've shilled for more diversity in films and chastised Disney for not fagging up the new SW trilogy enough. At the same time, their dismantling and critiques of current media has a broad appeal that goes past politics which is why so many different types of people enjoy their content.

No shit you mutt, alot of things are.
Red letter Media gets alot more time though. Ive heard them talk for almost an hour about them on the daily schlomo fucker

Whenever mike does "irritating woman/evil bitch" voice or "scumbag/antagonist/fuckface" voice, it always is the same yid female and male impersonation ,respectively.

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Nah thats the bald basedboi right? He sounds gay but he mentioned a wife and kids on a lets play with rich

I have noticed that more over time. The captain marvel takes were good for a normie channel

Their mate Jack Packard on best of the worst among others is a total cuck, and they've had Patton Oswalt on it as well fwiw.

based and redpilled


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In relative terms the poz is low. The only time that was cringey was when jay said he would kick hitler in his small dick.
Really edgy bro. Breaking comedic bounds there with muh smol dick mustache man bad.
Aside from that its watchable from a non political stance

Looking back at the old Plinkett reviews it's obvious how misogynist he is

i think mike just likes them because mike reminds him of himself: a fat grumpy eastern european alcoholic

>Red Letter Media

im talking about mike and rich. they're homos, i think mike's beard left him though

Sometimes. Remeber in the parasite review they joked it wasnt deverse enough cause they were all gooks

Most Nat Socs don't like them, they are annoyingly liberal. The reason it might "seem" that way is that movie critique and cynicism (their shtick) are overwhelmingly white.

t. Nat Soc who still enjoys them but hates their politics.

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I cant believe no one else has noticed this. Their sleazy producer impression sounds like it should be on the shoah.
Its exactly like how a fat greasy kike would talk

Yeah that guy is so cucked and baseded its not funny. He dances around and talks like a little girl


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To be fair red letter media guy was a friend of mr metokur (the internet aristocrat) Some of RLMs first fans were gamergaters after jim put the guy on his stream once during gamergate.

So yeah theyre not nazis because nazis dont exist after ww2 you fruitloop but they are pol

Mike stoklasa doesnt work for the fbi though

Why do you think that. His wife might have left him after he kept getting fatter and possibly drunkingly beating her

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They keep personal politics out of their material and they actually know what the fuck they're talkin about, so of course high IQ people like them.

When i say nazi i mean pol, pro white, nationalist whatever. Doesnt matter what we call ourselves.
Never heard of the metokur connection was way before my time

>Patton Oswalt
The show he starred on replaced "guy that killed his wife" with "worst guest ever on RLM" as the first thing that comes to mind when I see his name.

i was under the impression that their popularity transcended any specific viewership demographic. what's really amazing at their numbers are so fucking low, given the quality of their output. 900 million normies gotta' watch taylor swift videos, tho, what a bunch of clueless niggers.

>they are annoyingly liberal
I don't understand people who keep saying this. They deconstruct and sneer at just about every leftist narrative in the films they review and rip them apart for being vehicles for political agendas.

Pol arent nazis. You dont understand pol at all if you think pol are nazis.

Fox news in 2008 once called Yas Forums the internet hate machine and “super hackers” How does Yas Forums react to that? They make fun of the clueless boomers by calling themselves that stuff as a joke and making memes.

How to make fun of the retards calling everyone nazis on the internet in 2014? By doing the same thing.

>but they are nationalist! And white!

Well yeah nationalist isnt nazi or even extreme. It just means you dont support the globalists. And yes about 60% of pol are white.

>I don't understand
it probably has to with rich "socialism won't stay a bad word in this country forever" evans, and how they describe trump getting elected as a "dark time"

Because everyone on the internet with a 3 digit IQ is a nazi by your definition

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they are great at pointing out all of the problems in hollywood and its not so subtle war on white males without naming the cause.

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this, it's not like the old drunks havent made fun of conservatives or trump before. they swing wide.

Honest folk prefer honest entertainment

>"socialism won't stay a bad word in this country forever"
That's literally an argument on this website. Look at all the faggots on Yas Forums that argue for UBI from a NatSoc perspective.
>they describe trump getting elected as a "dark time"
That's because literally nobody can call it anything but a dark time without being cast as extreme right-wing and they're not interested in halving their audience by catering to any specific political bent. They simply have very little patience for political correctness, like most normal people.

Thats replays on a music video, theres songs ive viewed a hundred times or more on jewtube. One eight of the earth has not watched that 7/10 twat autotune her way into a "song"

Anything that does not involve late-night comedian levels of trump and trump-follower criticizing every five seconds followed by forced inclusivity and “woke” pandering must automatically be considered far-right and radical, and they must be public ally forced to apologize for doing nothing, and then become a platform for more pozzing. Also they are for the most part all white men, so this alone must be scrutinized until they change their evil white taco supreme ways.

Guy the nazis didnt gas people or go full exto. I see way more extreme shit here then the nazis ever did.

You sound like one of those boomers

Shit my chink, I think people just find their stuff entertaining

publicly *

But I’m not changing taco supreme.

Ive seen you in another thread fuck off fagget

>alt right
>white nationalist

If you use these terms unironically then you are a Jewish puppet and aren't to be taken seriously.

>Guy the nazis didnt gas people or go full exto.
Have you even heard of Belarus?

Have you heard of the killer masturbation machine

They are at the very least partially woke to the JQ and that Jews are ruining the thing they love.

patton oswalt and that fucking pedo from Rick and Morty paid for them to do the circumcision video where rich puts his dick in a grill. That came in quick succession, like hollywood were trying to mark their territory as the channel's gone over 1m subs. Give them a scent of getting inside but if they were smart they'd just stick to being independent

I've watched RLM for as long as I can remember, their politics never really come into it, they criticise all the fucking terrible contrived progressive movies out today for their bad scriptwriting and cliched performances constructively rather than these other Right wing hacks that just shit on anything that everyone else is shitting on. They usually get it right, except for Jurrassic World, what the fuck Mike was thinking with that I still don't know

Colonized by Chinks and on forever on the hook for paying for Abos looks like your money didn't buy much of a vote

>Has any one noticed that rlm is really popular among white nationalists?

First Ive heard of it, is this the new thing to shill like that tranny on youtube “deradicalizing” people?

We've moved on to hackfraudmedia

They're funny. They do good shit. What's so hard to understand?

Got a link to that Mike / metokur podcast?

>They're funny
Mike is funny. The rest of them are kinda just there.

No one is deradicalised by a fag in drag