This image was from Facebook and a child ripped up the money because they didn’t get as much money as they wanted in their allowance. What would you do if your child did this or something similar?
Weak parents
Make it suck a greasy herpes ridden BBC
My son has never acted like this because neither me nor my wife raised him that way
The only way your child can end up like that is if you hand them off to Jews 8 hours a day
I ripped up a dollar as a kid and my dad made me smoke it
Pick it up and give him a little bill confetti as allowance each time
rip up something of value to them
its his money he can rip it up if he wants. Im not gonna be a little faggot narc and call the police on my child that he destroyed legal tender.
Take something that they value and do the same to it.
Kid would just not get anything next time.
I understand that it’s his money but you need to teach your kids not to destroy things like money. Not because of laws but because it’s fucking money you can spend
Liberals would tell that child to start a onlyfans account.
Homeschool and no electronics until he moves away and buys them on his own
not even a calculator
Remind him that destroying legal tender is a crime with a surprise visit from the local constabulatory.
I was kind of like this and my parents didn’t spoil me that much. I never got an allowance, but like if we went to the arcade or something I didn’t understand why my friend and I both couldn’t get $5. Kids are stupid they just don’t understand money.
My mom was always a cheap bitch though.
I like it.
"Now you will learn the value of money. When you've taped this all back together and paid me back, we will sltalk about you earning your allowance"
Whip their ass. Then shoot myself for raising a faggot for a kid.
i never got an allowance and neither will my kids
Petty and gay. Either beat the kid or whip him.
I'd... send it to the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing? And have them scan the watermarks to determine the denominations of the bills, weigh them to determine how much of each bill was left, and when they're satisfied I'd sent them the mutilated remains of...what's that, a twenty and two fives? They'd send me $30. Possibly by check, these days? Then I'd give the kid the allowance again, minus the cost of mailing it to the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Dare him to push his luck.
...what? Did you guys not know how mutilated money gets replaced? If you got a $100 bill that went your a paper shredder, you still got $100. Minus cost of postage, though.
My friend did this to his match happy son, when the little shit burned his mom's hand made pillowcase:
>told him to pick 5 of his favorite toys, but calmly, as if not related
>told him to go and get matches
>told him to set his toys on fire
Next year when he asked his son to get the matches to lit the candles on his birthday cake, his son started crying.
Obviously they had no problem with the son burning anything anymore.
Oof. Go see a therapist.
"It's your money kid..."
He was probably just gonna waste it on sugar, or give it to steam.
Would depend on age of child. But i have 3 sons 11,14,15 i have always made them understand that there are many people in the world with far less than they have. I have shown them at times graphic videos of the tremendous suffering people have in other countries. To help them appreciate what they have. And also to get them out of a bubble of only seeing the world through fake pictures on social media.
If he leaves it on the floor just take it and give it to him next time as his allowance
Beat his ass and then make him tape it all back together.
Teach them a lesson. Next birhday it gets only images of toys in the value of the money.
the only correct answer in this thread...
don’t destroy money. It is very anti-semetic.
>destroy things you spent money on
better to donate it
Stop giving them an allowance.
Better yet make him pay back the allowance with lashings from a belt.
>wyd if ur kid did dis
Fuck off back to Facebook.
I'd withhold allowance indefinitely
Beating doesn't work on all children user.
Seriously. Some have to see to understand.
Obviously the kid would get nothing next time, nothing at all. But they will also lise something of value first.
In my house children don't own anything. Anything can be taken from them because they aren't the ones making money to buy it.
Only things that they bought for their own money belong to them. And even these can be taken away.
My allowance as a kid was like $1 a week.
they wouldn't receive anything for the next month
they would have to actually work for minimum wage (do chores) for their next allowance
I never had an allowance because my parents weren't idiots. I got money based on doing my chores and only then.
This is why despite being a bachelor I don't live like a pig because they taught me hard work and discipline.
Also why I avoid debt because they taught me fiscal responsibility.
>I would apologize to the child and replace the torn bills with the child's preferred amount. I would then spend several hours taping the bills back together and then exchange them at a bank. Then I would use the replaced dollars to buy the child a new toy because I would imagine that he is pretty upset by the whole ordeal. Then, tendies for dinner..YAY! =O
May I speak to your father? He may have a potential job in the Based Department.
Make them go without, that's what my parents did whenever i was an ungrateful shit
Just give him some scraps of normal paper next time.
There is no additional benefit in ripped up banknotes, so if he likes that, give it to him.
I bet my wife's boyfriend would get really upset.
No allowance for 2-3 weeks to show him that enjoyment is subjective to what you're used to. But in other words he'll realise having some is better than none.
Isn't destroying money a crime?
You literally have to punish a child if they do shit like this.
It doesn't have to be physical pain but personally I believe ignoring them is the worst thing you can do.
wimp answer,
you can't just let them walk all over you.
Out of a bowl or a rolling paper?
You need to make lessons with children very clear and very obvious and pretty harsh because they're stupid little faggots that'll never get the point otherwise and grow up to do drugs and boohoo you never taught them anything when all you can do is stare into their stupid fucking face and wish you weren't so lazy to go back out to buy a box of condoms that night.
hit them with pain comes knowledge
that kid eas just taking a stand against the fed. Based
>What would you do if your child did this or something similar?
no more money, get a job faggot
My son once threw a fit over something similar when younger. Made him bag up all of his favorite toys, take them to Good Will, and made him tell the clerk why he was "donating" his toys. Threw a fit in the PX another time, made him do push-ups right in the aisle. Called his mother a bitch only once ever, was locked outside in a rainstorm for 5 minutes before she told me to let him back in lmao. He's a great kid, straight As, because sparing the rod spoils the child. You ain't gotta beat them bloody or even hit them, but you do have to make them feel it and think it.
You see, if he donated it he wouldn't teach the son how it feels to see this shit destroyed by the fire. I think that was genius.
And obviously the toys were not replaced.
The punishment should teach something, not just the avoidance or to do shit in hiding. But actually show children empathy for example.
Another life example
>grandpa saw the grandson dragging little kitten on a rope
>told him not to do it
>spanking ensues
>few days later witnessed the same behavior, this time with a duck
>tied grandson by the neck on the rope to a tree and only walked him to eat home. 6 hours of that treatment
The child learned.
I'm not against spanking where it works, and it does work, don't get me wrong but I have a few anecdotes of a very good punishment that actually taught the children a lesson. Taught them how the "other" feels.
You don't even have to do anything, just don't give them anything.
They probably feel so great and rebellious and smart and edgy, basking in the euphoria that they just stuck it to you by destroying the money you gave them in a little temper tantrum, but when they realize they just fucked themselves out of however much money that is they'll start to feel regret as the stark realization that the only person they actually fucked was themselves. If they're not a totally fucked burnt unit the problem will correct itself.
My dad would take things I bought with my own money till I beat the shit out of him at age 16. His gf called the cops and my dad was so embarrassed he said we were just wrestling around and his gf thought we were fighting. All this while his shirt was covered in blood lol. Shoulda never let me take karate and play football I was already bigger than him at age 15.
My kid wouldnt never do that, he is jewish
Take the jew pill
You are such a faggot. If you children earned their money to buy the things they want you have no right to take it away from them.
I bet you do this then still bitch about taxes.
I grew up in a white middleclass family and i didnt get shit, and neither will my future children
You should like a bad kid that turned out to be a faggot adult
Why would I do anything. It was their property to destroy. You're not teaching them shit if everything comes with strings attached.
laugh and then sprinkle the shredded bill on his head while taunting him
Alright, you need a time out. Go for a walk, take a shower, come back tomorrow.