Japan to move production out of China

based and jap pilled

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Based. I hope everyone does this.

Fucking awesome. I hope at some point we get Akito mechas in mainland china mowing cunts down.

Yes, I think that Japan with its 200% GDP debt can kiss China's ass.

Based Nips.

To vietnam and other foreign countries..

Absolutely fucking based. EVERY country should do this right now.

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>Yes, I think that Japan with its 200% GDP debt can kiss China's ass.
pretty sure China's is like 350+% GDP with all the peer to peer lending so what exactly is your point?

that's pretty redpilled

based japs well done.

Will I ever get another consumer electronic product that says Made in Japan again?

What's China gonna do, not send them cheap shit?

Why do i feel like 2 billion is pennies compared with that trillion Americans just printed?

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And where are they going to move the production to exactly? Is Japan also going lower their labour costs and standards? I'm guessing many companies won't move shit if its optional.

Not good. They will have to eat more dogs in order to survive.

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Oh it's happening,


>remove merchants

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>you will see the collapse of the insectoid empire in your lifetime

I wish there was this option on ebay

Japan owns a lot of it's own debt. Is not so bad.

Absolutely based

The entire world must follow suit for the good of us all.

2 billion doesn't sound like nearly enough to do much though.

Unironically based and redpilled.
I can't wait for (((American elites))) to move their industry from China and into... India?

panasonic, sony, nec, uhh there's some others. you just have to pay a premium and 99.99% of consumers won't.

There kind of is.
You can't remove products manufactured in China but you can remove sellers from outside of the US.
I wish they had the "manufactured in China" filter and the obligatory "country of origin" label for sellers.
I think this is coming though. People will demand it.

based gooks

Japan is simply shaking the debt boat in which they are. Who knows what relocation will mean in terms of economic stability.

PLEASE let every other country follow.



Almost all debt owed by the Japanese government is owned by Japan and the central bank.
Basically, it is a loan to itself. The only relevant debt nowadays is external debt.
Compare this with any other country.

Don't lie for no reason. Most shit Panasonic Sony and almost all electronic manufacturers sell is all made in China, Vietnam etc.
The only appliance I have in my whole house that is actually made in Japan is my washing machine.

There are tons of factories in Japan still manufacturing stuff but not basic electronics. That is all made in shithole countries.

Every investor and economist before the pandemic said this was going to happen eventually anyway because Chinese labor has gotten increasingly expensive over the past decade as their minimum wage has risen. They are moving factories where there's cheaper labor in Bangladesh, Thailand Philippines, et al. This is nothing surprising and China has already prepared for this as they move to the high tech sector and internal consumer economy.

Just look at this article and it was written in 2019, not April 2020.

>Labour costs in China and India have been increasing over the years. China was initially one of the lowest labour cost countries known. However, due to the rising demands of people and the increase in the cost of goods, China is no longer regarded as the ‘cheapest’ country to manufacture goods anymore. China is now deemed as less competitive compared to other countries. The increased labour costs have resulted in some foreign firms exiting the country, in search of countries where labour cost is cheaper, like Thailand and Philippines. Other countries apart from China are beginning to provide raw materials at a lower cost, leaving manufacturers with more choices as regards their suppliers.
>A 2012 E&Y report says that "Wages have been pushed up by long-term decline in the aggregate labor force, combined with a rapid depletion in rural surplus labor, which has until recently provided an ultimate source of cheap labor,".

Careful with the headline. It just says move out of China. Japan population might have zero net gain from this.

They might as well moving to India, Vietnam and other places with Japan taxpayers' money.

Based tennoheika banzai-pilled. I can't call myself true Japanese since I'm half blooded 2nd gen and born/raised in the US but I buy Japanese products when I can because they have solid quality control, even if they're mostly manufactured outside of Japan these days. I hate to admit though, since they started outsourcing their manufacturing, Japanese product quality has fell down quite a bit. The same with American goods.

You'd think Japan would go all in on robotic manufacturing given their almost clang-tier love for robots.

>2 billion
>Not even one week worth of Chinas FDI read money pouring into China for the underaged MAGA redditors here
Cope harder Amerimutt proxy faggot

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Absolutely, Only the beginning, The Chinese century will be a century of pain and punishment for defying the rights of man given by god. Their abuses have not gone unnoticed. The virus has only awoken the world to the perilous threat posed by China and will be acting accordingly. They have proven themselves too reckless for the amount of power they strive to wield in the world. They are the ugly duckling now, A pariah to the planet, they chose communism when the rest of modern nations rejected it, and they think they can own the future while being diametrically opposed to the rights and freedoms granted by the governing and economic systems of the rest of the world, they have made a grave strategic error. With their virus, their opioids, their pollution, their consumption, they poison the world.
For their flagrant lies, abuses, insults, arrogance to the rest of the world. They have forgotten how to be humble, they will learn again by the wrath of god.

Good its about time other countries started doing this.

China's stock market is the same as their corona death/infection rates. It's literally whatever the government says it is.

robot factories are OP since they have unmatched population growth compared to organics but researching sentience is considered dangerous technology and Japan in modern days is a country of low risk.

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>Relocate production elsewhere

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Yeah you don't want the contingency to fuck you in the ass

Based. Fuck Chinese plague rats. Nanjing was only the beginning

literally anywhere else

>t. seething chink

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well no wonder they released the virus.

They should start building islands around Senkaku.

Even better. It is not about bringing production back to Japan, but OUT OF China.

this, this based economist explains it perfectly

Fujifilm cameras are generally all from Japan. Its why I buy Fujifilm.


Every country needs to stop relying on China. Fuck them.

japan? they're so small so weak. usa? used to be great but shithole now. china? best. china grows fastest, best military, best food, best culture (5000 years of history) i'm from america and i recognise china is the future

Ok Chang

Japan will just stop paying the debt lol
What are they gonna do? Incarcerate Abe Shinzo for not paying the debt? Top kek.

Humans can't compete with robots where work force is expensive anyway

They can bring them to Russia, we don't mind.