Who else /essential/?
Sparky here. Bout to fuckin quit this job though. Not risking my life over this shit.
Who else /essential/?
Sparky here. Bout to fuckin quit this job though. Not risking my life over this shit.
I work for the post office
Don't quit, always force them to fire you so you can get unemployment.
Essential here. Where's my hazard pay?
Doesn't work in my state you have to be laid off, any other reason and you're fucked
HVAC tech. I may be critically essential but I bet I'm not getting a critically essential raise this year.
HVAC techs get paid well, don’t they? At least here in Massachusetts they do.
>Refuses to make more money than anyone else because of a 3% death rate
Porter here
>clean parking lots
>anytime between 7 pm and 7 am
>set hours per property
>smoke weed all night
>listen to podcasts
/comfy/ asf except that I make $500 a week and if I was laid off would be making $875 a week.
>risking my life
lemme guess, youre a fatass nigger diabetic with AIDS?
The only people in my state who aren't "essential" are those working in retail stores which aren't grocery stores or hardware stores. 90% of people are still going to work. This is the one thing our governor has handled the right way. He only closed non-essential retail establishments so we're pretty much going on as usual.
Hang on to the job for now. The job market may be fucked after this, depending on how we recover. Being employed will be a godsend, NEETdom is only a viable option if you get disability or some bullshit and even then it sucks.
Also this, I've been spreading hate and discontent amongst people I come across.
>>Not risking my life over this shit.
Lol what are you going to do hide like a bitch? I swear everyone is a fag nowadays.
trucking industry here - shits gay bro. i've been working from home for 6 years, i want my damn happening
Yeah just barely show up and be lazy as shit.
we've been paying our truck drivers hazard pay, like 100 bucks a week lol
Essential worker at both full & part time jobs. Why you such a pussy OP?
Maintenance fag at a steel mill here. Things are starting to slow down now. The world is grinding to a permanent stop.
Wooopadee doo. Ive had office jobs that offered “bonus pay” each day for like $50 just staying after one hour and answering a phone call
naw, I got furloughed last week
just waiting for my trumpbucks to kick in now
Yeah but if Laura went to the right school and smokes a pole and knows a couple people, she can get the electrician outsourced by some border hopper or dissolve his union.
Yeah, I’m in finance so I’m considered essential. Gotta keep the markets running. Thankfully my company is giving pretty solid hazard pay
I'm in the Essential Sector but with Salary and Benefits. I have a kid, and my wife is in the same sector both of our companies had record breaking months in sales and record breaking quarters (We make hardware for streaming)
I work in Marketing so 50% of my work is from home, the other 50% is in a studio by myself in a giant office by myself. I occasionally go to the other buildings to talk with our Assembly and Shipping department just to make sure some orders get QC'd extra, etc.
I talk with our sales and support staff on new products as well occasionally.
We all have Masks provided by the company owner (He's a multimillionaire and the company is privately owned)
It's been difficult seeing friends and family suffering, we are trying to help as many in our local group as much as possible fiscally.
Getting the Trump Bucks is going to pay my Father-in-Law and Sisters-in-Laws rent (I'm getting $1,700 and she's getting $1,2000)
I just hope that this ends soon, we can't keep supporting 3 families on our 2 salaries and my savings / investments / crypto / etc. is being hit.
flatroofer reporting in. Keeping businesses from literal collapse
>work at a hotel front desk
>business has gone down by a shitload
>literally get paid for 8 hrs to watch netflix and answer the phone
I'm also in finance but fortunately I'm able to work from home. Only a few people are still in the office.
I’m union so all our projects which are predominantly in the city are on pause. You should join a union nigger, or do whatever you want. Doesn’t matter to me.
that ain’t a bad gig
One post mine your data sage this faggot retards
You better not fucking quit I’m about to apply at a grocery store for low pay because I got laid off and you are over here complaining STFU
Arborist here, apparently I'm essential. It's pretty comfy working outdoors with little vehicle and foot traffic.
Bong fridge man here, same. Nowt to worry about though lad, if you've been breathing ammonia and f gases for the last 15 years you become an inhospitable environment for any virus
OP, quit being a faggot and ride it out or at least get laid off and collect unemployment
If you got laid off, you'd be making more on unemployment than working at a grocery store. Quit lying.
I work from home for the national blood bank so I'm always gonna be /essential/
Who here /home office/ master race?
I remove 2 hours from my wagecuck commute. Based. My girlfriend is getting 80% pay so she makes me chicken tendies.
Work called me yesterday and I'm going back on the 15th to make less money than I do on benefits now.
me, making mattresses for the government right now
Horticulture bro here, I make peanuts but you can't eat without me. Pay me niggers!
Dont know how youd be risking your life. Its just a fucking flu
Security here. I don't know why I'm essential when I get paid to sit on my ass and watch anime all night long. I don't get hazard pay, but at least they let me wear a mask.
Yeah. I used to be one. Paid 28 to me.
Bank worker financial crime
Keeping your money safe
Anyone that cant see this hoax for what it is at this stage is an utter fucking retard. How many more false flags and staged events do we have to undergo before people drop the "ok schizo. ok conspiritard" schema, and realize that they themselves are the problem. They are the uncritical masses that are relied upon to facilitate these hoaxes. Its infuriating.
Yea laura sucks mad dick from being in college so she can find a simp in no time to make those payments.
$20 here in Oregon, but I'm not union either. Company is talking like they're suspending raises until further notice.
Do security for 2 sisters (not saying which one) and the amount of degenerate scum there going into work with flu like symptoms is unreal, so don't buy any chicken lads
You absolute retard.
Essential but can work from home.
Water worker here. I fix the mains when they pop and maintain the wells and boosters. Pretty essential stuff but no one really cares or thinks about us until they turn the tap on and nothing comes out, then it's pure panic.
this is a bad example bc laura is hot enough to get a job at a legal office or something purely on looks and if she knows how to read and write
shut up and do your patrol, then update your DAR. Iron that shirt once in a while too fatass.
why are people working in your sisters? that's nasty
I work at Chipotle. As you all surely know, overpriced burritos are the most essential business there is, so naturally it's still open. A few weeks ago one of my coworkers took the test for coronavirus, and in my state we are so low on tests you can't even get tested unless you have all the symptoms and test negative for influenza. When I heard that I called Chipotle to quit, and they instead let me stay technically employed there but with zero hours until I felt safe to return. So, my coworker didn't end up having it and it's been like 18 days I've been cooped up in my house awaiting the apocalypse atop a pile of non-perishable foods and bullets
Now THAT's edgy.
OTR checking in. OP is a whiny faggot. Carry on.
I think it's time "essential workers" consider a national strike. We know this is an overblown hoax. Why are we keeping the machine alive so they can fuck us with it?
thats bullshit. you're only going to make 150k a year if you're willing to travel. You can totally pull down six figures if you're working on an oil rig or something like that. but the work is hard and the rest of your life is essentially on pause.