Rent is like 400 to 500 a month pretty cheap honestly. Lots of niggers tho. Thoughts anons?
Is Philly safe to live if you're white?
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no nigger. move somewhere lily white and never regret man.
Care to explain?
Super safe. I live here. Black people can be trusted user.
Why is rent so cheap there?
Y would u rent. buy land put free sheds on it and drill a well
there's a couple of kids who are up to no good here and there
Philly has extremes: some areas are lovely and have great working class people and some areas are pure hell on Earth filled with the worst kind of niggers as far as the eye can see. You will legit fear for your life if you accidentally take a wrong turn and go one block the wrong way in Philly.
My advice? Philly itself is a decaying town. It's filled with corrupt politicians who are bleeding it dry. I admire the passion of the sportsball fans from afar. I'd visit there as a tourist to see some of the great history. But it's not a great place to live. The reason that rent is so low is because of proximity to niggers.
There might be some suburbs that are really nice.
Philly’s one of the last cities in the US to still have poor or working class white people. Nearly every other city has been colonized by rich hipsters
Filthadelphia is the new Detroit. You can move to places that are 97 percent white for the same rent. Altoona in Pennsylvania is about 93 percent white and areas around it 97 percent.
>Rent is like 400 to 500 a month
user, I...
Guns are plentiful and cheap in PA
>Philly’s one of the last cities in the US to still have poor or working class white people.
This is true to an extent. Philly still does have a blue collar mindset and population but hipster are growing because the property is so fucking cheap.
where is 400 a month rent
Dr Martin Luther King Jr Drive
How dense are you?
Is this retarded people visit Yas Forums day?
Answering a question with a question. Being this autistic.
It’s not California or New York
Where in Philly? Penn/Drexel area rents are 800+ and dont have a lot of niggers
there's way safer mid sized cities in the midwest where you can rent for 500$ a month w/ 70%+ white
I live here and it's fine.
It was good enough for Socrates so who am I to question it?
>Don't ask stupid fucking questions that have obvious answers.
OP if you're serious, first of all you're a fucking retard. Second, you should look at a race demographic map and crime map of the city.
I know a white guy who rented in nigger infested Anacostia D.C. because the rent was cheap. The niggers stole everything he owned, including his car, within two weeks. He was lucky he didn't get shot or stabbed.
No, that’s every day
imagine relaxing
So was pederasty.
It's a huge city. I was born and raised in a white working class neighborhood. We had race wars to keep niggers out of our playgrounds when I was a teenager.
He's full of shit even places in north philly that look like the battle of Berlin start at 600, couldn't even find rents like that in Camden or Chester
Inner city White trash keeps things safe. They will fuck blacks up without hesitation and for the most part keep to themselves. It’s what is missing in NYC and LA. Those people all moved to trailer parks because they too want to be left alone.
>Moving TO Philadelphia right now
Live in the suburbs. Don't live in the actual city unless you're an avid fan of muggings and break-ins.
Trust me, you do not want to live in a city with that faggot mayor and Jewish DA who was previously a (((civil rights attorney))) and literally funded by Soros. Rent isn’t cheap there either. Also, niggers.
Used to live in Roxboro. Rent is not that cheep there. Also fuck City wage tax and fuck the Philadelphia Parking Authority
they were actually grown men "guys" and will was forced to uproot his entire life after one little fight and his alcoholic mum got 'scared' aka jumped on the first excuse to get her shitbag son out of the house and maybe get some money flowing in from the rich side of the family , there's way more to this story than you think you know kid
there are nice parts of philly like the old town with cobblestone streets
philly also has some serious shithole areas
would i live there? hell no
would i visit? absolutely
This user gets it. I love parts of the city but you couldn’t pay me to live there.
t. Philly suburb retard
Pick one the suburbs like Norristown and eat at Luis everyday
Why don't white men use these opportunities to castrate niggers? Like, just carry a knife and thin the herd.
>Is Philly safe to live
if you like being mugged a few times a month
Negroes. Who in their right mind would want to live amongst these fucking savages? You are going to get robbed or murdered eventually. I went to philly one time and that was enough. Niggers EVERYWHERE. I was disgusted. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves looking down on is seeing what we allowed to happen.
I was mugged one time in my entire life and it was by two white guys.
One of them might have been hispanic actually but one was white.
There are other costs, such as:
1. Higher car insurance rates because you live around niggers
2. Cost of replacing stolen goods because you live around niggers
3. Cost of healthcare from getting mugged because you live around niggers
4. Having to commute further to work because most businesses don't setup shop around niggers for the 3 previous reasons.
Based. Fuck every last nigger straight to hell. Theyve ruined America with their monkey business.
The only thing i know about Philadelphia is that aids movie, Bruce Springsteen song and fresh prince.
Looks like a fucking dump and makes you feel blessed to be born and reside in a regional coastal town in nsw where the only foreigner is the chink cook at the Chinese takeaway next to the pub
Do NOT live in Norristown proper, talk about decay, niggers, and spics. I live in a township right next to it that is mostly white. Problem is I live in Norristown school district, so taxes are high.
let me guess you live in the north east Philly
grays ferry is one of the highest crime ridden areas inside Philadelphia. the highest is Kensington where heroin is sold on every block. do not move there trust me I am Philadelphia resident.
That's because you avoid niggers.
You'll probably be fine, just make sure you're south of Oregon St.
That Bruce Springsteen song was made for the movie, so that doesn't count.
Kek, yeah, move to Grays Ferry. I’m sure you’ll love it.
>That's because you avoid niggers.
This he lives in the only white neighborhood in Philly and never goes outside of it.
Because if he left it he would be mugged 2 or 3 times a month.
Or he is a non white himself.
>2nd amendment
>carrying a knife
>Lots of niggers
you answered your own question, but yes, its very safe. I like that youre asking here and will follow our answers.
ITs safe, go there. Black people are nice and love stupid people like you err i mean, nice people like you.
A knife? What is this the UK? Guns are cheaper than Xboxes here bro, take advantage and neutralize the threat properly.
Like in most other democrat-run cities, getting a concealed carry permit is very difficult. Meanwhile they know how dangerous their streets are and the law abiding folk are left armless against niggers carrying illegal guns.
Shhh it’s a secret
West and East noriton are actually cosey. But nothing beats the sounds of a Norristown row home on a hot Friday night.
But why would you WANT to live in the city?