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She's not wrong.

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>Childless unlovable lesbian that gets all her social interaction from people she pays to tell her shes awesome now suddenly compares having to be alone in her multi-million dollar mansion to prison.

Checks out....

She is a drug addict like most of Hollywood & is losing her mind! (Plus also already a crazy dike)

Jail is better than this because at least you can socialise or play some sports with the other inmates and eat together. This quarantine is a fucking human rights violation

Because she is actually in jail. Q said so.

I hope she can finally get that BBC she deserves if she thinks it's jail. Just ask her black tranny sistas to bend her over for onlyfans.

Come on, why the obligatory harshness? Why are there always people ready to leap hatefully?

Why are you so obsessed with celebrities? WTF is wrong with your brain? Everyday this board is inundated by hundreds of threads about celebrities. I don't understand, please explain to me

I thought she has a ankle monitor

Add this to the list of creepy coincidences that back up Q's claim.

Ellen obviously has known about rumours of her + Tom Hanks + others being under arrest since Oprah started talking about it. If she knows about those rumours, she knows that saying things like this will fuel those rumuors even more.

t. Smoothbrain


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She is also said to be the biggest cunt off camera.

You think she is unable to still get drugs?
You must be one of those pakis I always hear about.

She may be an unlovable bitch, but I'd eat that.

This, hue bro. Mutts are obsessed with pseudo-celebrities.First world problems...

Because its easier to believe that celebs are on top because of some worldwide conspiracy instead of accepting their own mediocrity.

nah bruh...see what happened was they already injected her with the Covid-19 vaccine RFID chip...look it up its a thing man..

>Ellen Degenerates appears
Get off this board you nasty cunt.

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>celebs are on top
Top of what? What you call celebrities are clowns, entertainers, minstrels. They are literally nothing. They are the bottom of society. Idolizing them is beyond comprehension.

Its nothing like jail you fucking faggot

Ignoring that she is on house arrest, I guess that's the cost.

oh look, its more schizo celeb posting

>keep the celebs relevant, goy!! we cant forget about them!!
>also q predicted this!!

i hope you shills die

Wrong, but only with
>They are the bottom of society.

They're prostitutes, but they are very expensive prostitutes.


They are expensive because your society put artists on a fucking pedestal. It is a society of cucks.

she's free to go out and die from the virus isn't she?

>this is like being in jail
>It’s mostly because I’ve been wearing the same clothes for 10 days
>and everyone in here is gay

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She is wrong, at least in quarantine you can be on your own.

That’s actually funny. I’m impressed.

I sincerely hope you're not implying Brazil is in any way, shape, or form above celebrity worship.

Doesn't mean I have faith in you doing anything but looking for anything to distract from your own problems, or your country's, but I can still hope.

we should encourage NPCs go to out and live their lives so they can succumb to the virus and/or transmit it to their low IQ families

What is her appeal besides gay tribalism? I tried watching her game show and she was far and away the worst part of the show. You can tell she isn't naturally funny and everything needs to be prescripted for her. I laugh more at the price is right and that's not even supposed to be funny like Ellen's show is.

who cares? she doesn't matter

ELLEN is the American treasure, her opinion is super important at this time. Guard and savour her.


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I think the U.S.-Mexixo coke supply is currently being cut off. My crackhead sister is currently going through a coldnturkey phase

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Fucking talk to people on FaceTime or play games online with friends or something. For fucks sake it isn't that bad. Then again I have lived this way for 29 years. Pretty sure I am an autist cause I simply don't jive with 99% of people. I share zero interests with the common person.

Imagine thinking being alone is "rough"

>have access to any luxuries that money can buy
>still complain like the degenerate cunt

Assuming you're not LARPing, what's she like?

We are all on house arrest you tard.

That's because the common person is an idiot. You're doing nothing wrong, fren.
Fuck celebs btw.

are you okay user?

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I hope she kills herself and live-streams it.

Not if you're married. It fucking sucks.

Ellen Degenerate

why do people get married to someone they cant spend all day with?

>meat procurement

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Where's the lie

Jail lasts for years with niggers harassing and beating you in a dirty place with the bare minimum for your survival. This bitch is complaining about staying in her luxurious home for two weeks with all sorts of entertainment, food and goods.

>me better than collective
kys already

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Was it ever determined if Raven Chan was the sister of Cuckerbergs wife?

They don’t think they can do better.

stupid dumb dyke and her dumb cunt gf

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wait a second - who would this be offensive to? criminals? lmao

Actually...watch the new Jimmy Kimmel interview she has. Everyone keeps pointing out the monitor in the comments. Everything is still odd with all these celebs...arrested or not, after this is all over hollywood will not recover. The line of separation between the rich n famous, and the average person has been drawn in the sand too deep during all this. Too many conspiracies have made their way to normies, and with sniffy Biden as the DNC candidate anyone endorsing this guy is gonna just add fuel to the fire for most. Q or not, perceptions have changed.