Daily reminder that you can't be religious and redpilled at the same time

Daily reminder that you can't be religious and redpilled at the same time.

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Daily reminder that atheist europe is currently being overrun by muslims who are aided and abetted by their own secularist governments.
Daily reminder that the only answer europoor r/atheists have against this is a picture of a pagan heretic kissing nigger feet.

>Jewish vassal state noises

Cool, another divide and conquer thread.

>europe is currently being overrun by muslims
wrong in portugal muslim population is less then 1%

It's all so tiresome.

Nudist colonies have better sexual ethics than people who need restrictive social controls to hold them in check.

You might not be religious, but if you are atheist then you’re gay

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That still doesn't negate the point. Portugal could have that low numbers, but what about rest of Europe?

>Portugal could have that low numbers, but what about rest of Europe?
Who gives a shit about Europe? I'm a portuguese nationalist not Union European fag

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Hey look! Atheists vote the same way as kikes do! How very redpilled!

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>Daily reminder that atheist europe
Europe is mostly christian. Japan, for instance, is more atheistic than most european countries yet they are essentially an ethnostate.


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>hates kikes
>worships a kike
Chose one faggots

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>Europe is mostly christian.
Self-defined christianity is a fucking joke. I suppose if I just call myself a scotsman I just am because I say so?

>projecting this hard
Japan is mostly atheist and look how they are doing

Christianity can be a nice tool but the christians on Yas Forums and many more believe it unironically.

Who said I worship a kike?
See the issue is most of you atheists feel that replacing the moral systems of religion, with the moral systems of the state is an acceptable alternative....and guess what, you're basically trading a kike for even more likes in that case.
Belief in God is not so much an acceptance of a specifically Judaic god, maybe I worship Ishtar? You have no idea, the concept of worship is more an adherence to a moral set of social codes that you feel work best for living amongst other people in a society, and the acceptance of a higher power, whatever that may be, is simply the intellectual understanding that there is something greater than ones self to live for and aspire to.
Why does it have to be a kike at all? The concepts of belief have nothing to do with the Gods we believe in because lets be fair, we've believed in a LOT of gods over the last quarter million years or so.

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daily reminder that the new jannies are atheist tranny faggots
all fields

And who's deciding which christians are the "real christians"?

>yeah, you DUMB PEOPLE might need it, but an enlightened intellectual like me can afford to choose their own morals on an arbitrary basis and feel entirely self-righteous thanks to a crippling lack of cognitive dissonance.

They also have ridiculously high suicide rates. They've had great societies with and without religion. Their economic success has nothing to do with being predominantly non-religious. They're intelligent and civilized, basically honorary Aryans.

You make a good point. Once upon a time we decided this with violence, but now we have allowed the schisms to tear the world even further apart because "muh adult male lives have value".

magician here AMA anything

Get a better edgy ideology. Atheism is the norm where I live. Try denying the holocaust: much more fun!

Seriously though, we can tell you are an atheist to feel different or above others. You've rejected a popular belief system, and use that to claim that you are open minded. There are many popular beliefs, and this board is dedicated to rejecting one of them. Christianity is far from the hardest target, and defining yourself by its rejection is pathetic. You pretty clearly equate being an atheist with having an open mind.

An open minded person would not attach themselves so thoroughly to, not even a belief, but a lack of a belief, that he would go onto this site to self-righteously preach it, and denounce all who disagreed as fools.

Acceptance of Christ is the ultimate redpill.

>>Jewish vassal state noises
>while ahmed turns him into rape capital of the world

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I'm Christian and love it.

I think I live a more eventful and fulfilling life than most Atheists, honestly.

>They also have ridiculously high suicide rates.
Japna doesn't have a high suicide rate because of the lack of religion.It just lays in the fact that failure in general is seen very badly and they choose death before dishonor

One of the many daily D&C JIDF threads. Gas the kikes.

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You mean atheist retards see death as a preferable alternative to temporary bad feelings?
No wonder you stupid faggots are replaced so quickly by another generation of kike-media deluded shitheads.
How many millennial r/atheists from a decade ago are actually alive right now? Not many I imagine.

cool story monkey man

sure you can, it’s come alleys Christianity. God hates fags, (((liars))), drug users, people with tattoos.
This religion supports a trad wife with plenty of white children.

Here's your sage, consider sleeping in a oven.

Am I supposed to just trust someone who claims to have the word of god without any proof that they actually had anything to do with god?

Well there is a word called "faith" and if you can't put it in other men, you are a problem for the rest of us and your arbitrary morality will very likely result in something you may not find to be 'evil', but is nonetheless.

Anyone could claim to have the word of god. People lie about all kinds of things so the people who wrote the Bible might have been lying too. If I'm supposed to have faith in the authors of the Bible, am I supposed to trust the authors of all other scripture too? Do you have faith in Mohammed?

why aren't there more blue beam project threads

>Anyone could claim to have the word of god.
Yes, this is one of the greatest problems on earth. Deciding to place your faith in the "evidence" of kikels and shabbos goys that you yourself are incapable of reproducing without help (and lets not pretend that you're a super-genius because you arent) is not different at all.

Daily reminder that OP is a flaming homosexual

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greek church gives old greek monastery.islamists didn`t like it
i can continue for hours,islamolover christian

Your autism/left brain dominant mind take the Bible literally, which is a mistake. "God" is nature/reality/universe i.e. omniscient (all things/data/matter), omnipresent (everywhere), omnipotent (all potential possibilities, therefore all powerful). The authors of the Bible anthropomorphized "God" in order to make the concept of enlightenment more easily relatable and therefore UNDERSTANDABLE for the common person without a relatively high IQ and/or decent education. Take whatever concept and give it human qualities, and you'll have made that concept more easily relatable and understandable. The Bible is either false for the fool who takes it literally, or the most valuable source of wisdom for the wise one who understands the allegory and sees beyond it.

This. Brainlets BTFO

If you’re Eastern Orthodox, I don’t see why you can’t be redpilled as well. Most orthodox are actually redpilled, and they don’t even browse Yas Forums

Ask me how I know you're a kike

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>Daily reminder that you can't be religious and redpilled at the same time.
The New Testament begs to differ:

The Jews who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and persecuted us;they displease God and are hostile to everyone... 1 Thess 2:14-15

I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Rev 2:9


Jesus is king, Fuck atheists

Continuity of Government
COG is in charge now. The presidential seal has been removed.
>we are at war
Invisible enemy, chinese sleeper cells, many subversive shills...
>but COG is in charge now
>compete cold war history of COG
From mystery bunkers like Mount Pony where the FED keeps 400 Billion in cash like breaking bad or the plans we had to evacuate the president on dummy planes is in this doc!!!
Part 2 coming soon about FUTURE COG with AI controlled continuity

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No, but you can and should respect your cultural religious background. Catholic countries aren't getting as blacked by muslims as the protestant ones for a reason. Except France who has forsaken its roots.

Christians were the vanguards against Islamic incursion into Europe. Marxist secularism is why that changed in the West. Christendom was undermined from the inside.

Thank you.

A quarter of all atheists voted for Trump, that will be 50% this time at least.

>athiest europe is cucked
>even though most europeans are christian
>I am the arbiter of what "real" christianity is
>If someone doesnt follow my personal interpretation of the Torah 2.0, theyre an athiest
Shut the fuck up, christcuck. Your jewish religion has been ruining europe for the past 2000 years. It's time to go back to the old ways.

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Negative kike, now kys


Imagine thinking cognitive dissonance is a good thing.

If you are incapable of feeling cognitive dissonance you will find it impossible to question beliefs which are obviously in conflict on a basic ontological level.

I hope you know that real neo-pagans hate neo-nazis. Whereas it is a spiritual faith for them, it is a racist tool for you.

Oh fuck yes I love the pagan shit.

>Mormons exist
Nice try, homo

Daily reminder the 3 abrahamic religions are religions of the past with updated ToS. Plasma won’t give a fuck about who you pray to.

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If you have the correct belief that religion exists for the sole purpose of child exploitation, and tax evasion. Then cognitive dissonance is unnecessary.

>correct belief
reddit programming

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Atheism and Anarchy go hand in hand. No gods No masters.

>His kingdom is not of this world.
>Divine creatures now have a race according to you.
CCP, please do more research before shitposting.or stick to taoism or confucianism.

Europeans are secular Christians. Most Japanese believe in Shintoism, spirits, etc but don’t consider it a religion, more so a fact of reality,

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