People who do drugs have no emotions. People who do drugs feel nothing and are biological if/then machines. Nothing would make me happier than to see some pothead crying while he's stuck on a ventilator in a crowded, loud hospital and knowing that they're there because of their life decisions. Fuck drug people.
People who do drugs have no emotions. People who do drugs feel nothing and are biological if/then machines...
Other urls found in this thread:
t. Alcoholic
That's certainly true of hard drugs
I think the opposite is true for say mushrooms
like poetry. have fun with your degradation of society.
Sounds like ur mad bro
Virgin spotted
Nigger, i smoke pot because it gives me good emotions. Without it, I go back to my edgelord emo teen phase and start hating everything and everyone.
And well grown weed
Da nile
Lack of willpower. You're a drain on society unless you can figure out how to have an actual personality.
well that is likely a consequence of childhood exposure thanks to the fucking boomers, but i have hopes that we can repair the damage done to us as kids with secondhand smoke (of any kind) and as sperms with LSD
hell, at least our moms didnt pour whiskey down our throats when we were teething.
Drug people? Fucking hell mate sounds like you smoke crack by the hour every hour
Not an argument.
Okay, straight-edgelord.
so basically, jesus was the son of god but also a human. back 2000 years ago hygeine was lacking and jesus' vocation was that of a carpenter. meaning that he was likely poor. and as a human im sure that you've had a bout of stomach pains before, it's only natural. also middle eastern men are often very hairy. we all know indians in the modern era have awful toiletry practices so imagine what a jew two millenium ago went through
what im trying to say is that at one point the literal son of god must of had a course of shit liquid and because of his caveman tier lifestyle had dry pieces of scutter caked onto his brown asshole hair at one point
>this is your saviour
you understand that grown men dont use this word, right? repulsive little faggots might, but this is a word used mostly by teenaged girls who watch too much TV.
you're thinking of character, which cannot be garnered by posting about how much you hate those fucking chad jocks for smoking weed and bullying you.
funny, the templars were on a lot of weird herbal potions remedies etc pp while traveling and crusading.
And hemp was used together with myrrhe in church for a looooong time before they changed it.
(and lol you take corona actually serious)
It's called having proper morals and not being the death of culture personified.
You can almost reenact the exact moment in your head when they told him to fuck off and he went and cried in a corner. That or he smoked it once and had a complete anxiety induced meltdown. It's the only explanation I can fathom as to how anyone can rationally cry about weed on the internet all day.
Semantics, you're still a black hole of human dignity. Chads don't do drugs because chads actually care about themselves and their bodies.
fake news shut up
Edge lord confirmed
>drug people
Define drug because chances are you consume drugs.
Op has proven himself to be a mighty faggot
Chads do drugs and don’t care about your stupid opinion. People are gonna do what they want, when they want and there’s nothing you can do to stop them. Either stay mad and die a mad drugless loser virgin, or come to accept that you can’t control everyone at all times. Sometimes you just have to let go dude. You’ll be a lot happier.
Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, anything that was illegal up until the (((turn of the millenium))), prescription drugs, medication. A clean body is the only way to live.
Use of language is important, you dipshit autist.
>Chad doesnt smoke weed
Not when little snitch faggots like you are around, that's for sure, but your idea of weed seems to come entirely from mass media so i'm not surprised that the only image you have of a pot smoker is the classic hippie caricature.
I don't think you would know what a chad is, becuase you are a pot-smoking virgin.
prove me wrong
Chads don't use memeflags either.
Next he's gonna say meat is unclean.... vegan fag
funny how you are so obsessed about weed when this was a thread about drugs in general. Almost as though it is the only thing you, as a complete and utter potvirgin, have to cling onto for any sense of belonging. Try meeting a real chad some day.
>15 year old templar flag poster
like literally. The lord saviour jesus christ was giving sermons with waste product clinging to his untaimed butt ploomage. can you imagine sitting at the last supper aware of this. 12 sweaty men feasting while poop particles covered them head to toe. being nailed to a cross for the sins of man all the while your petrified food remnants hide away between your legs like a musk ox. countless lives given in the name of a deity that had dierrhea dingle berries
Does that include adrenaline junkies?
Not an argument
nice memeflag bitchtits
It's the other way round. All drugs do, quite literally, is heighten your emotions/sensations.
You need to chill edge lord
way too crowded man.
Meat is unclean if it is not bought fresh from farmer/butchers that are reputable and do not use chemicals. Do not buy anything from a store.
If they take something to induce it, yes. If it is from their actions, and being a thrill-seeker, no.
older than you.
not an argument
are you ok ireland?
Typical, advocating for the removal of emotion from humanity. Congratulations on being nigger cattle.
You brought it up first retard, and your absolutely delusional str8 edge faggotry only came up after a couple dozen posts.
You are not as good at hiding your agenda as you may think.
i doubt it and your constant "virgin this virgin that" makes me wonder little one.
You're LARPing right? OP is literally smoking a joint rn and just fucking with us.
I never tried to hide anything. I was very clear with my beliefs and "agenda".
Drugs can redpill you on jewish ideologies.
you can ignore it all you want but its past speculation at this point
>the son of god had dingle berries
i cant worship someone like that. shit talk odin and all the gay greek gods you want, drinking cum is gay and i do t have to expand upon the greeks, but at least they were beyond human, other beings that took oir shape so we could relate to them.
jesus on the other hand, lived a human life. felt human emotions and sometimes didnt wipe his dirty buttholio
I would never stoop to such a low level a smoking a joint. It's a disgusting action.
Maybe long ago, now they are used to pacify the masses.
cope with what?
Being a virgin junkie.
funny how miyazaki took one of the tastiest mushrooms for that fucking nightmare of a mob .
see thats how I know you are an insecure underage newfag.
I have done weed, shrooms, lsd, salvia, dmt, mdma, coke, and some other drugs I dont know how to translate to english.
The only thing I regret trying is cigarettes.
>based post
You didn't define drug, you listed examples of drugs. If you weren't such a tool you'd know that drugs act on your body the same way that food acts on your body. Perfect example would be chocolate (lets go for the most lean form, 100% dark choclate). Here we have a food which encourages a higher dopamine response than regular food. It's "clean" but it has the exact same response that some drugs have only on a smaller scale.
Lets try this again, define drugs. Or do you just want to parade around your poorly thought out ideas some more
well since you've decided to just say so and mass quote like a helpless little faggot instead of addressing points respectfully i guess you win the internet debate
Pretty based and 69pilled
OP is insane or troll
The drug OP uses
He's dumb. He thinks he is calling OP an alcholic. But he should put the t. Alcholic
Like how i put it below:
>t. Alcholic
Kratom makes me a little retarded but I still prefer it over the constant anxiety I feel.
Those are two quotes. Admit you lost.
You are arguing semantics. Stop feigning ignorance, leaf.
Older than you.
im sorry that you cant grasp the fact that you worship a human with human feces dried into his anus pubes.
If you go heaven as you die, then jesus has been up there for two thousand years with a nasty ass
Kys you ultimate fucking retard
only demon can write something so wretched
I'm more in touch with reality than everyone else here.
Only betas hate drugs like this.
This is not an argument
Weed is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. Nicotine is a drug. Face it.
Reverse of the truth.
>Admit you lost.
pure reddit. and still mass quoting because he feels excused by the amount of mass quotes per post.
Maybe you are, but at the rate you are going, you're gonna give your self high blood presure/hypertension
Seethe more, druggie.
You cant keep ignoring me. sure. its all bravafo and debate when it comes to drugs but when i bring up the pressing issue of jesus' dirty bum crack youre so quick to flee
Why is it illegal for me to go outside and pick a mushroom out of the ground and eat it?
Haven't even broken a sweat.
It is not. It should be.
All of the men I know who do drugs moderately to heavily on a consistent basis are high test men. All of the söyboys I have came across can only handle a joint or a few beers and they are "totally wasted bro".
This is not semantics at all. Everything you consume triggers a neurochemical response but you can't draw a line on what is a drug and what isn't.
Let's try something borderline again since you can't seem to grasp what I'm getting at with chocolate. Oxygen. Typical oxygen content in air is around 22-23%. What about higher concentrations? Higher oxygen content atmospheres cause neurochemical effects which can easily result in a high. Is breathing pure oxygen a drug? what about 30%? 50%? Where's the line user?
this is true, i’ve been sober for years now, but my drug use got pretty hairy for awhile
i vividly remember while tripping on acid i’d have the recurring realization that i was not in charge of my life, everything was based on urges and fulfilling them, my entire life was just waiting around until i had to use the bathroom, eat, sleep, or do drug
Have you ever gone on a vacation?
That's not how stress related health problems work OP. I suggest some healthy meditation and maybe a nap
>his only cope is the 'seethe' meme
heroin addict here , I thought else but the crowd sucks. maybe met one single person who was work keeping in my life long term after drugs are gone. as for the actual drug, sure it feels amazing but in the end you're just where you started when everything is worn off and during the time while high no new input is made in the brain. a lot of selfish NPCs in the drug world.
The math doesnt add up
>god + sin = son of god
>son of god × humanity × unkempt anus = worship
how. the equasion doesnt add up. maybe my formula is wrong. why do people worship this guy?
>All of the men I know who do drugs moderately to heavily on a consistent basis have a higher tolerance than all of the söyboys I have came across can only handle a joint or a few beers and they are "totally wasted bro".
Wow user tell us more
People on drugs are nothing but emotions - feeling all sorry for *themselves* 24/7.
Lol based Irish
You are breaking this down in the most retarded way possible. Drugs are taken with the express intent to get high, they are not necessary for life, and they affect your perception, food and air are not drugs, stop trying to force this, it doesn't make sense you dumb junkie.
Yes, I'm sure you sit around comparing testosterone results with your friends all day long to try and prove how manly you all are. Just make sure not to compare them to any averages or you'll find out that you're all in the bottom tenth percentile.
Because some people need to believe in something greater than themselves and a book of ethics isn’t a bad thing
Not true
Meditation is just another tool used to let sheep pretend they are in control of their lives.
OP do you think that if you were to smoke a small amount of marijuana once it would instantly remove your soul from you, or do you imagine youd be safe due to your character?
If you do not think that drugs have this insane property of instant destruction of emotion and soul, I suggest you try a small amount of marijuana and then revisit your position on the drug.
It honestly isnt remarkable 99% of the time. It is like any other mild alteration. It fucks up those who were already on the path to get fucked up. You can alter your brain chemistry more by getting fat as fuck or by going from fat to fit.
Youre too focused on the dirty anus my irish bro
Holy shieet OP are you just manic 24/7
Why is it irrelevant?
Their normalization in society leads to greater repercussions. It's the same with boomers spending all of their weekends blackout drunk and pretending it is "fun". They then go home to beat their children. Instead of beating people, potheads do nothing of worth for society after getting high, greatly increasing the amount of cultural stagnation in our world today.
Vacations are not relevant to this conversation.