Why cant America have decent public transportation?

Why cant America have decent public transportation?

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that looks pretty ratchet ngl

Fuck public transportation and fuck trains and fuck buses and fuck you.

Sorry user, I cant hear you over my SUV

A) we don't need it
B) It promotes the flood of poor people out of the cities
C) It promotes the dregs of society access to wealthy places they want to rob
D) Covoid-19

Why don't you reveal which nation (you) are from so that we can accurately compare & contrast the successes and failures of the 2 systems? Eh Muslim?

thats in Germany, Stuttgart
only good thing about this city

>Why cant America have decent public transportation?
public transportation unfairly benefits minorities

because we are not a small shitty country. we spend our money in better ways like on invaders that come in to our nation and rape our kids and by killing sand niggers for there black gold

Feral monkeys

Decent public transportation is only possible in countries that are either all White, or all East Asian.

>Good public transportation
>Supports The thriving immigrant community destroying Germany

If you're not a retard meme-flagger: Germany is the perfect example of why not to have public transportation.

Cars are cheap there

What would you rather have, this or some stinky European tram?

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Why would anyone build a high speed Dindu Delivery Service?

Because it costs money.

We already have that in cities. You can put you bike on trains and busses its not like some european exclusive thing.

why cant germany have flying cars yet since they are so much more advanced than everyone else?

I fucking wish Japan had those

What does ratchet mean?
What if you had an alternative option?
>We dont need it
>Poor people can use it to get around
I thought you said you dont need it, which is?
>Poor people can use it to get around
Why is that bad?
>Railway based mechanized crime
>We have neglected public transportation for 70 years because of COVID-19
Why not compare British Rail before and after privatization?
>Public transportation provides more options to the disadvantaged
And that is bad because...?
The size of the country is immaterial for transport inside a city, its suburbs, and surrounding region

Niggers. They fuck up everything they can, just because they can.

Autistic people like trains and wouldnt make use a house since they couldnt get a woman to move into it too.


Dumb as fuck

Regional and Interurban rail can allow you can live in regional areas and large towns/small cities but still be able to regularly commute into cities.

And of course allow people from the cities and their suburbs to head on out into rural regions for local tourism.

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it means raggedy ass

Spics and niggers

>And that is bad because...?
Remove your flag seu moleque, você é moleque, tira essa farda que você não merce usar ela seu merda

Niggers and disordered halfbreeds

niggers, probably

You'll get a bite from me when you ditch the memeflag and not a second before. Muhummud.

Sage from now on people.
ALWAYS sage a meme flaggot.

We don’t want to catch corona

Niggers and Spics. literal parasites

The effectiveness of social distancing pretty much proves city levels of population density are a danger to us all. Moreover, it's not even required to achieve the function of a city in the post-internet era.

do people realize you can buy your own personal train and drive it wherever you want, whenever you want, as fast as you want?... and there is zero black or druggie passengers.

it's called a 'car'.

Ayo man I gotta tag dis subway chair so peeps know a real nigga wuz here uh huh yee cuh straight up homie g

We are too big. Our smaller cities are still 4 times larger in land area than European cities. Everything is spread way out because we have all this room and our newer cities were designed with modern car travel in mind

bunch of pussies


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>different things are bad
>cars are subsidised
Why not both?
I live in the suburbs
And yet a bus runs outside my home, another is down the road and a third up the road, they all go to commuter railway stations in the area where I can catch trains all around the suburbs and into the city
Unlike roads, oil, cars, and insurance.
Whole cities, their suburbs, and broader surrounding region exist in the USA with little to no public transportation infrastructure
LA, Houston, Dallas, etc
A dinky little lightrail a mile long in the gentrified downtown does not cut it for transporting millions of people.
They cut the funding and refused to build infrastructure?
Or did you do it because you thought it would hurt them even more than it hurts you?
In English?
>the roads congested so lets build another road that will induce more demand
>and its congested again so we better build another road again to induce demand again
>and again and again
Who is dumb?

>decent public transportation

Die stellt um 9 den Betrieb ein, weil die Anwohner sich beschwert haben, sie sei zu laut. Da hat man einmal was Schönes und Besonderes aber die Scheiß Bonzen Haigst...

Mit den Bonze das ist ein allgemeines Problem. In Stuttgart aber besonders ausgeprägt.

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>has a homestead
>lives among nature
>does for community
>lives in a cuckshed
>can't cook own meals
>demands from community

You're a retard: go back to reddlt you disingenuous fuck.

Fuck poor niggers and fuck any low IQ retard that wants to subsidize their transportation.

You don't have any argument beyond making obvious how much of a retard you are as well as your obviously low reading level.

You didn't address my argument at all because you're a mindless cunt with no opinions of your own or any understanding of life outside your city.

You're an autistic man who likes trains and wont get laid dingus mcgee.

Because niggers ruin it.

Loose the flag--your overwhelming retardation makes it pretty clear your ESL.

Why? I dont care about your flag, the rest of your post is gibberish sorry.
Can you honestly say its better?
Ever heard of Connex? They had some contracts in the 1990s, they lost them all after a few years because of poor services and "financial irregularities" - would you say that is better than public?
>Yes thats right user spend all your money on this
>And all of you should do it too and you should all crowd onto the roads and demand more roads be built to meet this increased demand too

I get you're just stirring shit, but would you spend a million dollars to make a playground that niggers are going to destroy in a matter of years?

Suburbs were planned with using a car for every single thing. Back in the 1950s it wasn't a problem.

Now everyone and their mothers are using a car while roads have a limit on how much they can be expanded.

Your numbers tell us that you did catch corona anyways. Way more than we did in fact.

Actual ape

Why cant you do this?
>Because Niggers!
How does that stop you from accomplishing this task?
>Because they're Niggers!
Yes, I gathered that. But how does that stop you from developing this infrastructure?
>Well, they're... Niggers?

Do you stop to consider maybe you should try thinking about things Yas Forums?

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>overwhelming evidence of ZERO understanding of the US transportation system

Public transportation Is for poor and/or brown people
Its literally the most pathetic thing in the world to not have the means to drive wherever you want on your own schedule

Imagine if we had those in America it would be a nigger buffet. Just add some KFC and grape soda to boot.

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Does this contraption mean you have to wait for the passengers to place or remove their bike at every stop? That would cause significant delays and doesn’t seem practical at all in a busy city.

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Now I'm certain you're a 12 year old euro troll--your retardation is only equaled by your lack of sincerity.

Spoken like someone that has never interacted with niggers.
Maybe if you thought more, you wouldn't ask retarded questions like "why won't you spend millions of dollars on things that will never be appreciated by the people they are meant for who will then destroy them out of spite and because they can."

In English Adolf
I live in the suburbs
Made a weeks worth of stew to share with elderly neighbor
And catch public transit :)
>you're a retard
You sure showed me
And you didn't make an argument to address :P
If I obsessed over cars would I be normal?
>your ESL
Well, well, well, looks like the turns have tabled.
Why not build the playground and address the underlying poverty and crime that leads to such anti-social behavior?

We have cars. You can lease a brand new shitbox for 150 a month. Mass transit is like watching cable TV. Owning a car is like on demand streaming. You do what you want when you want.

i dont want to invest in public transportation because im fearful of black americans

niggers, ya queer

No you wouldnt because autistic people tend to obsess over things with many small and or moving parts such as trains cars computers etc

Well I know a single short lightrail in the gentrified downtown is not a substantial public transit investment
It's for everyone
How's that schedule looking while you're stuck in rushhour gridlock?
What's the solution to that, road widening? More roads?
user, can you say "induced demand"?
Its not a bank vault
>We isolated minorities and targeted them for disproportionately harsh law enforcement and then we cut funding to public transit and now its all shit, why is this happening?

Begins with N

The real answer is minorities and homeless. Our busses and trains are full of hobos pissing/shitting on it, minorities blasting music, harassing women, trying sell drugs, being obnoxiously loud and that’s if your not outright getting robbed or assaulted. I’m a hockey fan, so I take the light rail to the stadium and it’s always like that.

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>because we are not a small shitty country
As if you ever move outside a 100km radius from your house, fatso.


Go experience the vibrancy of public transportation and find out. Public transportation is nice in theory and works well in places like Japan. But, in America, any place where public transportation expands to instantly turns to shit. So if your neighborhood gets a train stop in the middle of it you can expect the crime in your little neighborhood to skyrocket. Burglaries, robberies, murders, etc. So the niggers will descend on your neighborhood, everyone will move out, Jews will buy the homes for rock bottom prices then put a bunch of police in the neighborhood, bulldoze everything and build a bunch of Starbucks where your neighborhood used to be.

You're just going to have to get used to this being America. We can't have nice things.

>omg there might be a nigger on the bus, marge, marge!!! i'm scared, marge!

We're very big, both geographically and population-wise

Because capitalism won't allow it.

>>Public transportation provides more options to the disadvantaged
>And that is bad because...?
because fuck 'em, I have a truck

American public transport tends to be bus-focused, since cars are very popular here and we invested heavily in roads.

Older American cities have decent public transportation, such as NYC, Boston, Chicago. But, relatively, these organizations have suffered austerity and bad management, leading to and influenced by poor trust from the public.

Finally, in many cities in USA, poor people rely on public transportation, causing the wealthy to avoid it further.

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>who will then destroy them out of spite
says the man dismissing developing any infrastructure he thinks might benefit minorities
What if you had a public transportation so you weren't always dependent on a car?
What if you didn't to or couldn't afford to keep paying for a car?
>Owning a car is like on demand streaming.
Traffic jams are buffeting and low bite rate :3
>You do what you want when you want.
Metros operate at high frequency.
Commuter trains also operate at high frequency during the morning and evening peak times, less so in the afternoon and at night.
Regional and interurban can range from a few times a day to hourly or better.


Because we have too many niggers.

Do you have any idea how big the US is compared to every European shithole?

because republicans

This post is called 'cringe'.

And again, spoken like someone that has never interacted with niggers.