How has your life changed since this outbreak?
Did you lose your job? I hope you are fine.
How has your life changed since this outbreak?
Was a NEET before. Now I'm a normie I guess.
Built for the bbt
Losing job in 2 months. At least I have prior notice.
I'm curious, how many people are without jobs and how will they get food and basic requisites?
I believe this situation is by design. So, conveniently all necessities will likely be available through some state-funded subsidy program.
i've become depressed and disillusioned. all i do is spend all day thinking of ways to keep busy and away from my roastie post wall barren womb gf.
the virus put in the forefront of my mind my mortality. I need a change. My normie wagie job seems like a joke now... wtf was I putting money in a 401k for? lmao... i have good bones and joints for another 10 years then i will be 35 and that check engine light comes on your knees nigga.
fuck this shit im outta here.
it's not bad, like most of us I dont go out much any ways. I was just about to start a business, so thats on hold, work is closed so im gonna get unemployment when I was gonna quit anyways, cashed out my linkies in december bought some when it crashed out. Things dont work out for me ever though, so I'll probably get coof and die having got to a comfy place.
Im a NEET, i already go crazy from being alone and remembering past betrayals in life and seeing horrible schisms while people ignore it. Anyway, the extra aloneness, it's hard even for a NEET, just driving to a store to look around was important. Now I have no way of ever meeting new people/friends. Now Im scared to go out to the bigger stores in the city. And I'm pretty comfy inside with vidya, movies, books, cooking, beer, weed.
I am happy you are comfy fren. Stay well.
Laid off from work. Making 1k a week from bonus stacked unemployment benefits so I'm literally making double the money I would be making if I was working. I've done nothing since I've been laid off but play Rust and Runescape. I hope corona lasts forever.
I'm 37 my knees are fine, I still backpack in the sierras and plan to do a chunk of the PCT this year, shits better than ever. If you feel that way at 25, get the fuck out dude, whatever it is that makes you happy just do that, fuck everything else.
My son is out of school, and he was making huge progress in terms of socializing and learning, i feel sorry for him that he has to stay inside and not progress in his life.
I work in events and everything got cancelled for the next 2 months, so this is costing me alot of money.I dont even know if my company will make it after all.
My dad is 80 and my mom 65, im worried for both and i try to protect them, keeping them in the house.
My sibling works in healthcare and I am extra worried for her.
I am sad for everyone, and how this thing is strangling our hopes for the future.
TLDR I am sad.
Got my first non-college-related job. Still finishing up post-doc stuff. Biggest change has been lighter traffic and being much more careful with my TP usage.
>will likely
If it's not is gonna get craaaaazy! Most people are only loving and friendly when they have food, needs met, etc. Thier love is not deep. Once food runs out, their friendliness and ethics go out the window.
I get to work from home every day instead of some days. I have a reason to deny invites from my grandparents. Shit's great.
nothing as of yet but I've decided to take the summer off until this shit cools down and hopefully find a better paying job than the one I currently have
Unchanged. Except work from home. Best thing ever for my career. Unless I die later of course.
Thanks user, I hope you're good too.
I'm just working from home. Had a few friends lose their job, and my brother who works in social services won't go back to work because his job doesn't protect him from sick homeless people.
i lost my job, my car blew up, i have some savings but won't last any longer than half a year. i'm fucked.
Another question... What about homeless populations? Any bay anons? Are they sick/dying? Or are they all okay and like owning the outside world now?!
Working full time from home, what I always wanted. Comfy af, I never want to go back to the office.
im neet 5 years without single friend
nothing changed maybe i smoke a little more cigaretes
Homeless populations are sick and dying, just like before. I think in the end, nature will win anyways.
Did you became racist towards WHO niggers?
Things are more or less the same. I'm still waging and going about life as normal. The only way its affected me is with all the bullshit I have to deal with at work since I'm a retailcuck.
I have a strange premonition that this shit is gonna cause more people to advocate working from home
I kind of it see it happening
If that's not a thai tea with natural boba, Im gonna have to ask you to turn in your fag card.
unironocally nothing has changed
I’m going to be laid off within a month or two no doubt.
hear hear
at least things are slowing down
shut up Kevin Chen
Not getting my 6 monthly bonus.
Those dumb chinks owe me 5000€
The chronically unemployed “on disability” and the generational welfare whores along with their broods of future felons and baby mamas will get fed first. They’re already in the system, and it would be “racist” to deprive them. If this ride doesn’t turn around FAST, we’re about to see a lot of lower middle class whites homeless and hungry. And no, not junkie bum “hungry.” Actually begging for food money.
>did you lose your job
nah, I'm good. Sometimes I turn up to the office just for fun. Re-watched Neon Genesis Evangelion 1-26 + EoE with a colleague in the conference room. Security guy is a bro.
>how has your life changed
More free time. I go out more and I lift more too. Stopped caring about politics. Still come here because I can't leave.
Still working while the rest is at home. After work can't do fun things anymore. Literally auswitch 2.0
Lol it looks like a stump
Wouldnt it be wreaking havoc amongst homeless? And there'd be vids? There is not a single vid of people keeling over and convulsing, like there was in China. I think its not the same as what was in China. Also, has anyone else heard crazy loud storms at night?
I can be your friend. Co jest kuŕwa!
Same with me.
Everyone is panicking and sad living my lifestyle.
Still working 70+ hours per week. Wife is now working from home. Laundry has been done regularly, food has been made, garage has been cleaned, finances are secured, have a good emergency fund, created a home gym.
Honestly, this boomer remover virus has been great for our household. We've gotten much closer and gotten projects done.
stay strong for your family, greek bro. all things pass and so too will this pandemic, hang in there.
Sold cars before all this shit.
Still selling cars now people don't care.
Are you me?
How the fuck do you manage sell cars now? It's a slaughter here in UK, car sales stagnated.
>i've become depressed and disillusioned.
You mean moreso, right?
I signed up for nursing school so I can both be a hero and court pawgs & thicc goblinas
i work in insurance and it blows my mind how many people are still buying 2020 vehicles like there aint a cataclysmic event happening right now. and these arent people that are rich, either. i hope they are prepared for all of this debt they're taking on...
I did, but I had a lot of savings. right now I'm investing on shit to see if I can make money in a year or two, also doing some bitcoin for quick cash, it hasn't gone down to buy tho so I'm kinda stuck
hey, somebody has got to hold those bags, right?
My job is essential, so I'm still working and I'll be getting 1200 from the government. Possibly more if Chuck. Schumer's bill for essential workers passes. So things are pretty good so far, see how things go down the line
Can't wait to buy some cheap luxury cars after their owners will go tits up or default.
i'm not happy about it but you're likely right. we haven't seen the worst of this situation yet
I hate when bums pride themselves on not taking disability, yet they want my disability money... Some of them are horrible. Others fell into a crack of society. On the other hand, maybe grocerie stores/restraunts will give away the expired food, so much is throw away.
I had a dumpster phase for awhile, to supplement my neetbux, we found $100's of dollars worth of food, expired one day ago. The store had an armed security gaurd too! If any dumpster food looks the slightest bad to your senses/intuition, then dont eat it.
thank you
godbless us all
Stick to the basics firm hand shake, feature, advantage, and benefits. 100 yes questions It's a buyer's market right now. I moved from the south where business is fucked to the north in Wisconsin to a small town. Things have been better I got here on the 1st of the month and despite having no CRM I've sold 3 fresh ups.
I am back with my family (student here) great mansion + garden and swimming pool. I am with my parents, brothers and sisters and my girlfriend. It is quite great actually.
Is not even that much money. Last week I did 376$, I can pay my car with that but what about the rest, but I'm on a time limit here, a man fights the best when his back is against the wall right? I hope I survive this shit mang
I’m making more money laid off than I was at work. If the gyms were still open this would be paradise
I'm not happy as well. My brother took a mortgage and brand new SUV and month after he lost a job. But he has us helping him not to drown in debt. Shit is hard to predict. If we are looking at hyper-inflation then we are all fucked
Home with pay, going back to work in a couple of weeks. Mostly been working out alot and reading.
Still working everyday just to come home and stare at a screen until I pass out. Nothing has changed. No one at work gives a shit about this meme virus.
ddnt lose my job, just working from home for the last month