Seriously, how retarded are you guys. You're the economic kingpins of the world, the proper image of a first world country.
Can somebody make sense of why you're all so stupid?
Seriously, how retarded are you guys. You're the economic kingpins of the world, the proper image of a first world country.
Can somebody make sense of why you're all so stupid?
Other urls found in this thread:
We have a larger population.
Larger, denser population and we're testing more people than any other country so there's more confirmed cases.
>9x our population
>22x our infection rate
>34x our death rate
mostly non Whites
37 million people in canada, 330 million in USA.
disease spread isn't linear it's exponential, retard
Yes, because you nig nogs probably don't even know how to do a swab test. America is the gold standard for REAL data on this virus, ever other country is lacking or lying.
Shit healthcare, retards in charge, dumb, fat as fuck etc...
It's very very simple
USA is a capitalist country which mean it doesn't care about it's people it's all about money
Canada is socialist it cares about it's people and not everything is about money
Also Americans are known for being fucking retarded
Do Americans test everyone with a high fever or something?
I heard confirmed cases in Japan are low because you have to have a 40+c fever for at least 2 days and contacted someone with the virus to get tested.
Trump. He bought into the Chinese lie hook line and sinker, then tried to blame the WHO. Next he will try to pretend none of that happened
We're 10x the size of your population, Somali.
Maybe learn what per capita means?
>implying I give a shit about people in my country dying
Theyre all niggers or spics who deal in crime less mouths to feed fuck off
>Maybe learn what per capita means?
Don't try to reason with our Toronto niggers user.It's just not worth it.
Yeah you are fucking retarded
You have 21x our infected
Learn what per capita mean DeShawn
Well, maybe just "maybe" Aladdin is lying about..... ABSOLUTELY FUCKING EVERYTHING FUCKING EVER?
The beauty of our inefficient wasteful system here is if you get a stubbed toe you could end up getting 10 different blood tests, an x-ray, and an mri. Maybe even more if you play your cards right.
So pretty much everyone get's tested for it here.
Even a simple sinus infection with no fever will get you tested and sent home for work while you wait for results of the test.
A society of excess really is something isnt it?
"first world country"...also happens to be the home of such lovely places as skid row. what kind of fucked country lets this actually happen lmao
Our average iq is the same as yours even with the melanin enriched population dragging it down
>not a capitalist country
You are retarded
we have a problem with over testing with faulty tests that give false positives 1/3 of the time, as well as over reporting because we are even testing corpses from fatal car accidents and attributing the tire rod through their skull as a covid death because they were infected
you fucking retard, are you aware that having more people per square foot means that the virus spreads more quickly, and therefore infects more people more quickly? learn what density means faggot.
Our population is very spread out. We don't have too many densely populated areas. That along with luck has contributed to our low numbers because it has nothing to do with how terribly Trudeau handled this.
urban density, high melanin content in urban areas, Thorough testing, noncompliant states banning the optimal treatment in order to stick it to trumpie. You fucks live in a barren tundra with endless nothing in every direction with like 1 major city where thats not the case and are wondering why infection rates in the u.s are higher
It's almost like population count and density have something to do with spreading viruses. Weird.
remember to use "sage" in the options field when replying to Canadians.
Your math is idiotic Canadian
You have ~19k casses and 37.75 million people
You have .5 casses per million
We have 1.9 casses per million
That means we have 4x your case load but 9x your population.
Plus guidelines from the National Centers for Health Statistics are to "err" on the side of pinning more deaths on POZZcoof-4
Meanwhile, in Orwellian Chicago/Illinois, "safety" and "informational" checkpoints
Stay informed
Fuckin faggot bitch pussy
the coronavirus is racist, you see
USA has more 5g towers than canada, its that simple
We have less REGGIN areas
That's now how you write 530, not taking into account the illegals is discriminatory
>Canada is socialist it cares about it's people
You must be retarded if you think socialism isnt just a system to transfer money from poor people to lobbyists and politicians
Yea he's being purposely retarded, but we do have far more city centers which adds a multiplier. If you take say california and compare it to Canada with roughly an equal number of people and city centers the numbers are pretty 1:1. Then compare Canada to The Tri-State area the population is roughly the same but NY/NJ/CT has far more city centers the numbers are much higher per capita. It's about population distribution in reality.
Oh shut up. you have nothing to be proud of. Least of all this socialist nightmare of a country. I din't think anyone actually beleived this shit after age 17./
He’s very stupid because he thinks single payer makes you a socialist country
Canada is very capitalistic which is how it affords government healthcare
Any figures on how many tests the US has conducted?
Canada has tested 3,864,159 people as of yesterday.
I have to live with these people. every single day.
Catalonia is a meme, why don't you go have another independence referendum and get your face stomped in by spanish police?
Most leftists mental age is not advanced past 17
because it's the land of the free
freedom is more dangerous
imagine believing this.
your healthcare is among the worst in the world and your people are among the most unhealthy all while eating carcinogenic additive filled plastic food on a daily basis.
this isnt very hard to understand why mutts are dying so easily.
I have a hard time finding an exact count of how many tests as we completely decentralized our testing and it’s happening by both state and private organizations
It’s safe to say several million
America is legally 3rd world, what did you expect?
"But muh testing"
Lol nobody can make this argument
Our healthcare is fantastic it just costs you directly.
Your healthcare is more equitable hence it’s rated as better overall but millions of people a year from all of the world come to the USA for the top doctors and care out of pocket they can’t get at home
From what I have seen and read, the US counts "corona related" as "corona death". Also it seems like once again, brown people are driving up a bad statistic for the us:
>being called third world by a Balkan
It’s like being called a whore by a street walking prostitute
The only fucking reason Canada has ANY good numbers is because of, ONCE AGAIN, Alberta.
We've been the most responsive.
-The people have adapted their lifestyles in greatest numbers.
-Our government and medical system are giving detailed, data driven updates, every day.
-Our province will be enforcing the Health Act along with BC and screen our own borders AND force people entering to use a tracking app because the feds dont want to be racist.
-We already were entering a depression so we have nothing left to lose financially.
Canada can go fuck itself, we're not getting your money, we're handling our own borders, our solutions are the most effective. Time to leave.
So sick of you useless faggots posting raw numbers and never percentages or per capita. Do you even know how many people live in the US? Go jump off a bridge you faggot
And it's a fact. Get your shit together.
The entire population of Canada is smaller than the population of California.
yes, I along with anyone on earth can come to your country and pay PRIVATELY for everything you can as an american citizen.
in reversal though, you cannot come to Canada for instance, and get free healthcare when you need it most or urgently.
get it yet? This is why American healthcare is garbage.
lol quoted wrong post, sorry user
AH HA HA HA. The fuck you talking shit for? Canada has fuck cuck trudeau & is giving out free shit & they have no fucking economy. You are worse off cause we have guns & you don't. You aren't even allowed to defend yourselves faggots.
It begins with the letter N...
The untied states is literally the definition of first world
Even for micro states like Luxembourg or Singapore that may be richer or more advanced they are only so because they are richer and more advanced to the USA which is the standard
Your nation is an irrelevant backwater of greater empires go fuck off back to irrelevancy
Yet we've tested more per capita. Why are americans so fucking stupid that they can't even admit their own government's fuckups? They must be deep frying the boots down there. Yes sometimes other countries do better at certain things than the US. Grow the fuck up and stop crying
we have the most guns per capita out of any western nation aside america user.
please dont say stupid things.
America is properly testing people.
Canadia is joining the queue for faulty Chinese testing kids like we are in the UK.
Population density, niggers, and subversive kikes that call you racist for cutting off travel from infected countries.
Friendly reminder that the US is covering up real numbers
Larger in every sense of the word lmao
Because nobody wants to go to Canada and everyone wants to go to the USA. Including sick people
>Sees thread about Canada
>Doesn't read anything
>Looks at my joke flag
>Says Catalonia is a meme
Jeez if Americans are as stupid as you are, the high infection rate makes sense.
>muh per capita
per capita is a racist system used to vilify blacks.
I meant what I said cum drinker. Your faggot flag has a leaf on it, & you aren't allowed to say anything bad unless it's about white people. You also voted in a cuck back into office, a corrupt cuck, who isn't even good at hiding either.
>no u
Is it covering up or unable to process them? Kind of like Italy. They’re dying too fast. Wow. You really are legally retarded huh?
Listen here:
10-37 code 1 == death
10-99 cpr in progress == death
Most from corona, most will be dead before they can be transported.
None counted as coronavirus deaths.
Also, FDNY EMS is taking it up the fucking ass. Poor bastards.
>Seriously, how retarded are you guys. You're the economic kingpins of the world, the proper image of a first world country.
Canada Health is too incompetent to properly diagnose disease so the numbers are all wrong.
LOL, the per million should be less if we're doing a better job. You're embarrassing us. The point you should make, is that when people get sick in Canada, they go to the US for treatment. Which is why New York and Michigan are getting blasted with cases.
Lol good troll 11/10
>meme flag
all meme flags are kikes. no exceptions
Fuck off kike.
I didn’t say that Canada was more infected then us he closings we had 21x the casses and we don’t relatively speaking
your sentence structure comes off as that of a subhuman.
leave this board forever.
Canadians do not go to America for treatment for anything other than terminal cancer or long term PRIVATE rehabilitation. stop being delusional.
He’s a kid. He should lurk more tho
I mean, we do have 21x the cases if those numbers are correct. You're still an embarrassment
Because you're not doing better, you're just shit at math.
Why do people not get that there are 320 million people in the USA?
Of course our numbers are going to be higher.
So would you rather be called incompetent for not being able to test 200 extra bodies per day?
They do for ventilators.
Not counting illegals.
Also, Iran's numbers are fake as fuck.
I'll admit you guys did a good job all things considered. Besides the Provincial government managing to confuse the fuck out of everybody.
It's been kind of odd seeing the royal fuck face, Stephen McNeil, doing a great job with the pandemic in Nova Scotia.
I'm still surprised that 99% of everybody I've seen here is taking it seriously, but some people still just don't get it yet.
they are higher when taking into account population size user.
America is not handling this well, the sooner you realize that the sooner you will help the system get better.
It's been hilarious watching the goalposts shift from the start of this thread.
>but we have more people!
>oh we have more cases per capita? We're testing more!
>wait we're testing less per capita? Canada's tests are fake!!
fucking pottery
Why are there so many zoomers that cannot comprehend anything but absolute terms
I’ve encountered dozens of you people in the last month that do not understand per capita what the fuck
Is common core really this bad?
we have like 4-5k only
>inv4 someone posts that virus in biosuit pic
I hope you don't get paid much. Pitiful.
Yes we are