ireland is an island of celts. celts are spread out across europe. why then is irish nationalism a thing? i am proud of my heritage, which is a celtic one. celts are not relegated to this one little island. irish nationalism makes no sense. even worse is irish republicanism
Ireland is an island of celts. celts are spread out across europe. why then is irish nationalism a thing...
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care.
Celt is a culture, not a nation
Kill yourself faggot. Go suck on Fintan's cock in D4 you homo.
Celts are not spread out across Europe nowadays anyway.
it's a lineage
why the memeflag, mo chara?
What a gay thread. I'm mortified for you lad. Go and be a fag somewhere else instead of shitting up Pol with this faggotry.
this is Yas Forums to the core. nu/pol/ is shit
Celts were a group not a single thing, calling yourself celt is a LARP. Regardless, OP is retarded.
This, celtic was more of a culture than a race
Irish republicanism = Retarded
Irish unionism = Retarded
Irish Nationalist, 32 counties working together despite religious differences to pursue it's own destiny = Based
The Irish have not been celts for a long fucking time
No, Irish nationalists are pro faggot marriage, pro abortion and support refugees arriving
>Why yes I do Want a return to the clan system how could you tell?
Is Irish nationalism even a thing? Seems the IRA loves niggers
Make Ireland Great (Britain) Again
I keep a leprechaun folder just because there's always a slide thread about this 3rd world shithole. Anyone from Ireland with IQ over 90 lives in Canada and hates that gulag.
Sage this shit. Always.
I've got a question. If your last name doesn't start with O, Mc/Mac, or Fitz, are you still Irish?
t. just curious, I am not Irish
If your face looks like it was hit by a brick and you're a midget then most definitely you're Irish.
It's a better way to determine.
>there are curly little circles on some rocks and i have the same curvy little circles on some trinkets, therefore i surrender and you can have my homeland for free
Celtic was an ethnolinguistic group categorizing historical peoples who spoke Celtic languages and had Celtic names as Celts, something they never identified as themselves, nor does it seem like they had any strong sense of unity and brotherhood, frequently warring among and enslaving/raping themselves nevermind similar groups (such as the Irish and Welsh). Almost nobody in Ireland today can speak a Celtic language. Although around 70% of the people do have names which come from a Celtic language and there's a Celtic legacy to the English they speak there today as well as some other cultural features.
Identifying as Celtic is basically just the Irish way of avoiding being totally assimilated and absorbed by the English, which has basically still already happened anyway and oddly seemed to exacerbate AFTER they became politically independent of England.
I would say the people in Ireland today are more accurately described as western English people with a Celtic flavor and legacy to many of them.
>If your last name doesn't start with O, Mc/Mac, or Fitz
Even Fitz is Norman, lmfao.
Having said that, at least it's not as much of a joke as the s*ottish identity. I'm from 'Scot'land, before you start.
Yes, the Kavanaughs for instance were a lesser family who owed allegiance to the great O'byrne clan
Most Irish names you hear of today are anglicised versions of the original, 99% of which would have been Mac X or Ó Y. The remainder are Norman, e.g. Joyce (Seoige), Burke (de Búrca) and any Fitz names.
Kavanagh is the anglicised version of Ó Caomhánaigh fyi
>t paddy in weedsville
Kavanaugh is still a name which comes from the Irish language, like Donnelly and Gaynor.
He basically just means are you still Irish if you have a last name which is clearly English or something else. And the answer is, no. They've done widespread tests and 'Gaelic genetics' in Ireland tend to match Gaelic surnames almost perfectly. Those with Norman or English last names almost always tend to have Y-DNA markers which were also brought to Ireland by various Germanic groups. There's a whole myth Celtwashers in both Ireland and Scotland tend to spin about how the English forced the Celts to all change their names and that anyone in Ireland or Scotland with a non-Celtic name is just someone whose ancestors 'changed their last name to get ahead'.
But that's mostly bullshit. Genes tend to match last names VERY well in the British Isles.
many old and young people speak irish every day and they all learn it in school, but keep thinking they're "west English" if you want. ppl always say that about Dublin obviously but the rest of the country is so depopulated all thats left are a few old ppl speaking irish looking at sheep. de-urbanization is the only thing that can save ireland from basically being one city surrounded by nothing. although it could be cool if ireland got reforested from the depopulation, i always thought it kinda sucked that almost the whole island was clear cut of trees.
there were people who changed there name during the famine by removing the O' In their name and converting to Protestantism so they could get food
They’re the only pure Celts left
The original Fitzgerald was Gerald from Reading.
Removing the O doesn't stop it from being a clearly Irish language derived name. You know fine well what I'm talking about and you know fine well you blatantly try to whitewash that 30% of Ireland's population is descended from Germanic peoples, not Celtic peoples, mostly concentrated in the Pale and Ulster. And that's not even taking into account recent incomers over the past few generations, at this point 'Gaelic genes' in Ireland are probably closer to around 50-60%.
>many old and young people speak irish every day and they all learn it in school,
No they don't. None of them come out of school with anything approaching basic proficiency nevermind fluency or native level ability.
>ppl always say that about Dublin obviously but the rest of the country is so depopulated all thats left are a few old ppl speaking irish looking at sheep
No it's all Poles and niggers and Muslims now, they love rural Ireland. And don't forget the roving band of gyppos too (who are mostly of Gaelic descent, lmfao).
>although it could be cool if ireland got reforested from the depopulation
I'd like to see this happen throughout the entire British Isles. And see it rewilded with wolves, lynx, elk, boar and perhaps even brown bears.
I thought it was Gerald of Wales, no? His book was hilarious, regardless. Really shined a light on the true nature of the i*ish
The French are Gauls/Celts/Romans
The Germans are pure Germanic
The Spanish are Arabs/Celts
The British are the mutts of mutts.
Germans are part Gaulic and Celtic, as well as Slav
But they’re Goths
>The Germans are pure Germanic
They're not even close to that. Why do you even try to comment on things, man. Why do you bother to breathe and continue to pollute the world as a burgerlard. Why. Don't. You. Research. Any. Of. The. Things. You. Claim. Before. You. Utter. Them.
Also what the fuck is pure Germanic? Germanic peoples were already fucking mutts to begin with, a split of 3 different male markers (R1b, R1a and I1). As you can see here.
>Britain is literally 56%
>Germans are part Gaulic and Celtic, as well as Slav
Germans historically just claimed everyone that spoke German was German. And Germanic peoples basically did the same. They've only ever cared about language and phenotype. That's why they're mutts. They've had an obsession with blond hair and blue eyes for as long as they've existed and they seem to have this notion that assimilating any blond haired and blue eyed or Nordic looking people is just re-Germanizing or re-Germanicizing them. For they must surely have originally been of Germanic descent anyway (even though tons of Germans and even Scandinavians are swarthy af).
Jesus fucking Christ the Nazis didn't even bother forcing the guys with clearly Polish names in their upper ranks to take German names. The idea that GERMANS are remotely genetically pure is beyond laughable.
They've never given the slightest fucking about purity and bred with anything and assimilated Slavs and Celts and Balts and worse en masse.
Americans have absolutely no understanding of Germans or German history, much less Germanic peoples and their history. It's one of the things that make their mouthbreathing regarding anything remotely related to the history of the Germanic peoples all the more hysterical. Take all your understanding of history from what you read about Nazis or fucking Hollykikes and wonder why people fucking detest you when you visit Europe and spill your drivel all over them.
take a chill pill bro
And you're a worthless idiot
They were at one time
You’re telling me THIS isn’t 100% Bavarian phenotype?
They're all much lower than that now anyway. These maps only use peoples who have proven ancestry in the regions all the way back to the 1700s or something. They're quite strict.
Also you know to make these maps, they're basically just claiming everyone who historically spoke Germanic languages or Celtic languages were clearly genetically so, right? If you actually take the remaining R1b of the British Isles (L21 subclade), it doesn't cluster with other Celtic areas genetically. It clusters with Germanic peoples. And some Germanic subclades of R1a etc. aren't actually Germanic at all.
Like I'm trying to tell you, they were all mutts to begin with mutting it up with other mutts and claiming all to be purer than the neighboring mutts.
And now they openly want to dilute themselves even further. Because you quickly realize when you study the genetics of European peoples, particularly SOME European peoples, that they will literally FUCK and allow anything to live among them
And those peoples did not share genetic affinity with one another you moronic fucking leaf:
>Recent genetic studies have suggested that Britain's Neolithic population was largely replaced by a population from North Continental Europe characterised by the Bell Beaker culture around 1200 BC, associated with the Yamnaya people from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe. This population lacked genetic affinity to other Bell Beaker populations, such as the Iberian Bell Beakers, but appeared to be an offshoot of the Corded Ware single grave people.[33][34] It is currently unknown whether these Beaker peoples went on to develop Celtic languages in the British Isles, or whether later Celtic migrations introduced Celtic languages to Britain.[35]
>The close genetic affinity of these Beaker people to Continental North Europeans means that British and Irish populations cluster genetically very closely with other Northwest European populations, regardless of how much Anglo-Saxon and Viking ancestry was introduced during the 1st millennium
Like....the French?
>Like....the French?
Only the northern French.
>There is very close genetic affinity among Northwest European populations.[27] This is largely due to these populations descending from closely related Corded Ware and Bell Beaker populations carrying large amounts of steppe ancestry. The Beaker people of the lower Rhine for example, overturned 90% of Britain and Ireland's gene pools, replacing the Basque-like neolithic populations present prior.
>Geographically, Northwestern Europe usually consists of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Northern France, Northern Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Finland, Southern Germany, Switzerland, and Austria are also often considered part of Northwestern Europe. [5][6][8][9][10][11][12] Southern France is not regarded as northwestern, as it is usually geographically and culturally considered part of the Mediterranean region or Southern Europe.
Those Southrons...I tell ya
Ireland is smaller country than superior Poland. Irish people are mainly drunks and gingerheads. Ireland belong to Great Britain anyway.
We aren’t Celts.
Poland should be split between Germany Russia and Ukraine
Bavarians aren't White
mfw Irish father /English mother so I can pull women with my irish accent/brag about the british empire to britcuck faggots tryna start shit
You're an even bigger faggot than OP. Canada is shit and Canadians are fags and I should know because I spent two years in the place.
based island blood bro
why did you steal our flag btw?
tricolour flags aren't your invention
just asked
there's way more historical and symbolical significance behind our tricolour anyways, no worries