Does havving a gf really changes you for the better?

Does havving a gf really changes you for the better?

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depends on you and depends on the girl and the circumstances of the relationship
it definitely can but if you're hoping for a gf to make life "better" chances are it won't work like that

Depends on the girl

It's nice to have someone. It's not nice to live together

Only if it's a qt latina

I wouldn’t know.

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I don't know, man.

And I don't even care.

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99% of the time no

completly depends on the girl, i was miserable for years with my first actual gf without realising it.

Now im in an actual good relationship and its another world and im very content and happy.

So it really really depends on the women.

Both of these

> changes you for the better?

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No, only virgins have this stupid snowflake idea of gfs

if you're desperate for a girlfriend, you're more likely to get one that isn't actually good for a long term relationship

It's weird because they're doing a movie where a husband lets his wife have affairs. I get that it's just acting but still.

How did he change? Looks exactly same except spends money for some hooker.

because the media pounds the idea of finding "the one" into your head since childhood

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It's good if the chick can clean, cook, and do all the tedious shit that needs to be done during the day. Don't expect her to do any serious work, like anything that requires hand tools or yardwork which involves real physicality.

If she can hold down a job and make money, then that's a bonus.

Good luck finding one that doesn't get dramatic and crazy, especially when her monthly friend visits. Women are pretty hormonal and when they start retaining water, it can be a real drag.

Watch out for when they try to change you. They like to do that sort of shit, and the nagging.

A whore is a whore, but if you can find a woman that was raised right and doesn't have mental issues, then go for it. Otherwise, just fuck em for fun, but don't get serious.

My advice: pay attention to her parents and how she was raised. Women who grow up without a dad or a shitty dad have serious issues.

Play your cards right, watch out for yourself. Don't get a gf just because.

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GFs drain money like a motherfucker and some of them actually try to disrupt your livelihood. If you already make a lot of money, and you don't allow a gf to change that, then you'll be fine.

Depends on your gf and whatever you do

Sure Pablo. All I want in life is an obese goblin



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If this isn't the most Finnish post ever, I don't know what is.

Not all girlfriends are created equal.

Yes and then you date for a while and see thats complete horseshit

No it just makes you cope better because you turn into a beta

My gf cant even do the laundry without losing all my shit and misplacing it horribly. Dont expect women to do SHIT for you, except maybe fuck. If they dont even do that just kick them to the curb.


Spurdo spärde BENIS :----DDDD

Find a more trad girl. My gf is a clean freak to the point of no return. Cleaning and cooking are the only traits that matter in relationship for a woman to have. And not to be fat of course

The answer is no. Having a gf for the sake of having a gf is a weak, low testosterone, emasculating move.
The answer lies somewhere in the middle of the MGTOW movement, and being a chad.
Unless you are alone, sober, and in a neutral state of mind, you will never know who you truly are.
Know thyself, go inward, and then when you are comfortable with the person you truly are, God will bring women into your life, it’s that simple.

She is a trad. Extremely so, she’s great for cleaning and organizing, but she cant do laundry for shit.

You will never find out how creative you can be unless you are alone. Creation is mans entire purpose. Without it you are a beast, doing beastly things, committing beastly sex, and worshipping material possessions.


That depends:
- will she cheat?
- does she have a heart?
- is she loyal?
- is she your race?
If the answers are no, yes, yes, and yes in that order, than the answer is yes.

Hello, based department?

He only managed to pull it off because he's tall... fuck it ALL Yas Forums

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Marriage and kids is a priority. Or shit like this
will be everywhere.

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no. only you can change yourself for the better. a gf is great in plugging that hole in your life. after you do that, it's either she brings you down because you become complacent, or you rise into new heights because that void has been filled.

No, it makes you worse.
You get fat and stop trying to improve because the game is over and you have a woman now.
She also gets fat because of complacency.


Only if you're ready & mature enough to avoid falling in love

Idk I think it’s a great way to build up someone’s confidence. I had a frat brother who was pledged ironically because he was obviously ether extremely sheltered or autistic. His first girlfriend straightened him out in a lot of his weird shit like talking in the third person. It does get better.

Stupid meme.
The first one is actually After GF because you realized how much money you wasted. The second one is playing a character for your GF.

>quit essential British the webm

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Yeah I think so, I am still kind of a loser though, but when I found a gf, a good one mind you, things started to get better.

Sure, I am still fat as fuck, and I lost my job a couple of months ago, but i got a Masters degree, I earn enough money from my investiments, and I can start a online business, and the Best thing is that my gf is super supportive and helps me with a few things.

Having a feminine, virgin, and well raised girl does have a positive impact in your life for sure, and the same happened with almost all my friends, when they got a gf they were able to break the loser aura, and now other people treat them with respect, Same thing applies to me btw.

Get a good gf guys, they will help you improve your lives in some says.

no you are supposed to knock up girls, spread the white seed around...dump them after a year or so, move on and repeat to the next young 20s something until you have 8-9 kids out there. Run a small LLC, don't collect an income, and never pay child support. It worked for Latinos and most other races.

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it's not weird, the agenda has been obvious for years

I dont know, I've never had a girlfriend

For me , yes . My wife always been conservative, she always had a great job and a lot of money aside ... I was the stupid bit wasting money on video games and useless stuff. Now we own a house and a huge land and she is pregnant with our 2nd ... I know most girls are fucking useless bitch , but the one I found Is not I'm so grateful for it . I wish the same to you guys .

yes, men and women are meant to be partners in life and have children.
woman is meant to take care of the children needs while the man takes care of the woman needs.

>Good luck finding one that doesn't get dramatic and crazy, especially when her monthly friend visits
Women: the most responsible teenager in the house (if you’re lucky)
They’re stuck in permanent highschool mindsets.
Also for some reason modern women lose it when you mention Jesus and God and the Bible.

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Ok now make one of Brendan Fraser.

>"user, can you pull the truck around so we can load the fruit. I'll make you a pie right when we get home! It will be cooling on the windowsill while I make dinner. Thanks for taking us out, we love you."

If only you knew...

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Sauce to the original, otherwise cool edit

I had some of my biggest highs and biggest lows with my ex. Early on was great. Not worrying about finding a mate allowed me to flourish. I graduated and got my first real job. Got a new car. Things were great.

But then later when we began to fight a lot and I was contemplating breaking up all the time, life sucked. I never felt so angry or stressed during those times.

Now I’m single. And I still feel stressed and unmotivated at work. Because I’m constantly thinking about finding a mate.

getting a respectable moral girlfriend who stopped allowing me to participate in degeneracy saved my life 10 fold. So yeah if it's a good one.

My girlfriend saved my life.

Only for the first 1-2 months

I have a bad picker. I tried and lost twice.
My second divorce was so ugly and painful that I probably won't even try anything serious ever again.
She dude her best to actually hurt me. Her goal was to see me in pain when we split. To this day I still don't understand how or where the motivation comes from.
>Between 3-7 affairs
>Retaliation for me funding out
Shit I won't describe but don't wanna go through that shit again.
This one turned on me like a pitbull.

Most men get fatter. You don't even realize it until you got a big chunky. Then you gotta diet and exercise more. It's hard tho because you aren't actively looking for women so there isn't as much motivation... Unless you're obese.

It made me more conservative and turned me away from leftism

also made me work harder for my future and generally happier

No, having a gf made me feel worse about myself because I was constantly second guessing everything I said, did, or owned in a desperate attempt to be good enough for her

Why do people let themselves get fat and out of shape? The best way to get old and depressed fast is to just give up and start smoking cigarettes like this beta.

If you love each other for real, it's true

So the second broad was a fucking nut case who was so selfish she got mad at you for discovering her secret? Why let a slut like that ruin your outlook on life? Come on man!

You aren't alone user, I myself have gone through this.

Hundreds if not thousands share your pain.

Take solace in the hope that things improve. We are all in this together.

If you practice semen retention you will always be stronger and more attractive than you would be in a relationship.
Relationships involve lots of sex, so your prolactin levels are higher, meaning less testosterone.

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Absolutely. Living with a woman fucking sucks. You can’t do anything alone without being nagged and interrupted. Everything devolves into eating and watching a screen in some format or another.

you had a self esteem issue before you got into that relationship, dude. Dating a chick just brought it out for you to see yourself. Fix yourself before you can maintain anything external.

yes, anyone who say no is coping or only had low quality dogshit women.


U need that

I haven't met a woman recently that didn't share some of the same narcissistic tendencies.
Like I said, bad picker.