what can we do about these filthy disgusting subhuman foodniggers that keep shitting up our civilization with plagues, destroying the planet, bringing viruses into our population and torturing animals? they seem to have no empathy and live like primitive animals!
Subhuman meat eaters caused coronavirus!!!!!
You don't need to eat infected animals to get infected by them. Plus no sane person would eat a bat.
>1 post by this ID
>primitive animals
Goddam, do I ever love eating meat.
Eating any animal is disgusting and degenerate in an advanced human civilization. We don't need to eat this shit, it's fucking up our planet, causing plagues and it's morally retarded and subuman.
Humans should be held to a higher standard than animals brainlet. We are more evolved.
Man-bun faggot vegans get the rope.
That's because you are a brainlet that doesn't mind destroying the planet, causing plagues and needlessly torturing and harming animals for "muh tasty food". The question is: what laws should we promote to keep low IQ subhuman foodniggers like you from destroying our planet. THAT is the question.
Spoken like a true primitive subhuman.
Veganism is a white man thing. Meatcucks are not truly white.
>two replies in
Commit sudoku.
It only increases the risk about a million times. Meatcucks have to stop destroying the entire world or they themselves have to be destroyed.
Get the rope, vegan puss girly s.oyc.uck!
I eat what i want. Go back you commie fuck.
My results came back positive lads, but I'm 10 days in and feeling fine, just been in the garden playing with my kids. Ask a survivor anything you want too..
notice here how the disgusting FOODNIGGER chimps out like this at the slightest criticism. fascinating.
You sound low IQ. You should have been aborted and eaten by some chinese businessman.
chinese aids was made in a lab
sit the fuck down americunt
Eating meat is the only reason we arent intellectual vegetables you retard.
Then why are niggers so dumb? Most can't go into agriculture in Africa and mainly have a diet of meat. I'm not advocating being a vegetarian, but explain your point please.
I don't think these saladbrains can understand that.
I am gonna eat an extra steak for you today OP. Get back to licking your beans and pretend you are eating.
You must be 18 to post here champ
> look at muh article! It justifies torturing billions of animals, causing mass plagues that could wipe out humanity, ass blasting the economy into a great depressioncausing unemployment worldwide, and destroying the environment
holy shit you people are pathetic. just admit you are a selfish piece of SHIT FOODNIGGER that only cares about your own enjoyment to the detriment of everyone and everything else and stop being a lying faggot!
i am talking about early evolution. We managed to develope from apes, because we started to eat meat, that we heated above the fire, which reduced the need for a strong jaw and thus opened up space for the brain. If we never moved to eating meat, we would still be apes.
I agree.
Chinese are subhumans.
Take your meds veggienigger.
What if we bred animals with good meat yields and low rates of disease? We could find a wild animal that has good meat, and using successive generations of breeding we can select for docility, hardiness, resistance to disease and more subcutaneous fat.
Then we can monitor their health easily, keep them free of pathogens, and slaughter them humanely and cleanly.
o wait lol I just described modern farming.
Animals are food. Accusing us of torturing them only works in your head.
Well i sure hope the meat is subhuman!
> Animals are food.
Animals are living beings you dumb shit and mass production of meat is disgusting, causes disease, harms the environment and causes unnecessary suffering.
> Accusing us of torturing them only works in your head.
Wrong. You are going to HELL for torturing animals. You are a brainlet and a degenerate.
The only purpose of cattle is to be used and eaten by humans. Also an economic depression is to be desired.
Plants are living beings too you retard.
>guys its everybody but me that is the problem. its not me, doing fake work for fake dollar.
I see. Well early humans were more beast than man so it's understandable. Although, is it necessary to eat it in this current day to maintain this intelligence? My sole purpose for eating it is because I work out and without it, I don't recover as well.
Eating naturally is disgusting and degenerate?
> The only purpose of cattle is to be used and eaten by humans.
Wrong. you probably have madcow disease which is why you keep saying stupid shit and your meatbrain doesn't work properly.
> Also an economic depression is to be desired.
Absolute brainlet.
I dont think it is necessary once your brain is fully matured. I think it probably is good for unmatured brains to have the high protein intake.
>guys im scared of the animals and heres nothing but bullshit to prove that you should be too and be a vegan
One of the ironic things is that one of the greatest things that can happen to a species (from a genetic standpoint) is to be domesticated by humans. Humans will increase their numbers thousandfold and keep them fat and happy. If it weren't for humans deciding that wolf puppies were cute, we'd have exterminated wolves and never had dogs. It's because the dogs were useful that we increased their numbers so much.
Being the humans' property is the ultimate survival strategy for any species.
It's natural for subhuman low IQ shit head to eat meat, not for a civilized human being.
The last epidemic was literally caused by onions beans
Cattle are literally bred to be eaten by humans. Do you think milk cows and house pigs are a result of normal evolution? Also an economic depression is good for the national cause.
Oh yes of course, via milk at a young age. I personally don't see anything wrong with vegetarianism, dependent on what you do. If you aren't working out/doing manual labour, it's pointless to consume meat regularly. Veganism on the other hand is not good at all. Lack of dairy causes weak bones, not to mention yogurt is good for your gut.
Animals are living beings, yes. But they are also food.
Just like humans are occasionally food to certain predators. Go protest and yell at a common house cat when it kills a bird.
Veganism is the result of parents letting children be educated by feminine shit like speaking animal movies by disney. Vegans can fuck off.
>animals brainlet
Meat is simply the best source of proteins you can consume. Especially if you consume good meat.
Are you really this fucking dumb? Holy shit, plz kys
>Muh appeal to nature
Fuck your gay meat eating argument.
> Also an economic depression is good for the national cause.
absolute brainlet.
>and mass production of meat is disgusting, causes disease, harms the environment
But so does plants. A banana that you find in a store is not the same as a banana that you'd find in a tree. How do you think they wind up in the grocery store? You're hypocrites.
I eat meat three times a day 24/7/365 suck my dick saladbrain.
Animal products are the worst source for protein.
The further removed people are from the source, the more distasteful it is to them. Veganism is an urbanite thing. Why do so few people from farming families become vegan?
Of course I wasn't denying it, I just said I can understand why people don't consume it. Like I said, people who do little exercise do not require it. This is not good, but understandable. One can get a good source of protein from quality dairy and eggs as well.
Truly based, pol is too stupid to even consider this.
Yes I agree. But then again everyone should exercise on some level anyways.
> A banana that you find in a store is not the same as a banana that you'd find in a tree. How do you think they wind up in the grocery store? You're hypocrites.
nah, you meat eaters are just selfish degenerate cunts, you are subhumans with no empathy. you know what you are doing is wrong but you continue to do it anyway.. sad.
No, the chinks made this one in a lab. The wet market is a distraction and your nutrient starved brain ate that shit right up.
Now why is that wet market distraction being pushed by media? Because right now it's "inconvenient" to tell the truth and piss China off because they're holding us hostage with their cheap production.
You may go back to your bean sprouts now.
>Animals are living beings
Yes and they are also our food. :^)