Eisenhower came home from WWII acutely aware of the threat of the looming Cold War. After witnessing first hand how ill prepared the French were for Round 2, Eisenhower decided it was imperative we boost domestic population numbers to supply soldiers (which were used in Korea and Vietnam via conscription as planned). After WWII, part of the American victory party was a strong tax incentive to make babies. The population figures "boomed" from 1945 to 1960 in response. That's where the term comes from. You don't just get to define it however the fuck. It's not a word for kiddos to use to refer to middle aged people. It refers to a specific historical event. Now fuckoff with your spacing. You have to be 18 to post here.
I thought I told you to go back. I can't even read what you wrote. Your spacing makes my eyes water.
Connor James
You're too young for this place
Matthew White
>if you take the term boomer from meaning someone born after world war 2 you must be like 40 yourself already you weird fuck Boomer stems from babyboomer which refers to the ones born after 1945. Those were the young adults in the 60s and 70s: the hippies, the civil rights faggots, ... The grandpa that served in vietnam isn't the one that created the problem, it's the ones that stayed home that fucked up the west. The 50 year olds of today are merely a continuation of what the boomers started. 90 year olds cannot be boomers as they were alive during WW2.
Levi Baker
50 year olds are Gen X
Caleb Richardson
It doesn’t matter what you “take it as,” retard. There’s only what is and is not.
The word means a very specific bracket of births, and what you or any other asshole “takes it as” makes no difference. When you drink bleach, it’s bleach. Doesn’t matter what you fucking “take it as.” The mid 40’s to the mid 60’s. Those are the boomers. Anybody disagrees, they’re a fucking imbecile.
Words mean things.
...and while we’re talking about it, people should stop using the word cuckold incorrectly, as well. Lol
Andrew Watson
You fucking moron
Your painfully stupid. Fucking zoomed retard.
Boomers are the generation of people born following WW2. There was a population “boom” at that time. So the oldest were born in 1946.
And fuck you in advance for not receiving this accurate info as such.
Angel Sanchez
Ohhh it’s a larp bait lost I see. Sage
Jose Hill
>50 year olds are Gen X
ya to 37 year old boomers 50 year olds are gen x
im talking about young people today we call anybody above 40 a boomer
get with the times idiot.
and nobody hates young adults from that time period we hate young adults from the 80s and 90s ( karen from bookclub)
the reason why 39 year old boomers on Yas Forums call post world war 2 "baby boom" people boomers is because they know they are actually the modern boomers
they like to say things like "im a millenial" even though theyre 39
I’ve had this fucking exact fucking argument more times than I can even count. Don’t gimme that “common usage” bullshit. >Oh, it means this, but for the last year and a half, everybody on social media has been using it like this, so that means the word means this now.
No. Fuck you. It’s syllabuses. Not fucking “syllabi.” The word is a Greek word. Greek words don’t end in “i.” >Octopus >Octopuses
Latin words do. >Almunus >Alumni
And even when you Google the fucking syllabuses/syllabi thing, you’ll see it there. “Syllabuses is TECHNICALLY correct, although common usage has made both acceptable.” Again. No. Fuck you. One’s right. One’s wrong. Language works how it works, and words and their definitions and uses don’t just change because you and the dickhead twitch streamers and YouTube faggots you watch insist on using words improperly, you gay nigger.
Hudson Jones
the word boomer actually does lose meaning because those people are half dead and walking around with a cane
people arent going to stop using the word boomer when theyre all dead
were talking about our parents who were 20 in the 80s
those are the boomers and the shit generation
you have to be a 40 year old boomer yourself to still be mad at your dad who is in the nursing home
You’re wrong. And that’s the end of it. You can believe whatever the fuck you want, but that doesn’t change the objective reality of the situation. If you jumped out a fucking window, only ONE thing will happen to you. And what you believe or what all the people in your collective age bracket believe will happen makes no difference. You fall. Period.
I don’t have some way to put it... that’s the way it is.
>all young people today call boomers their parents and anyone above 40 Yea. And several people have tried to point out to you that when you grow up you won't sound like such a fucking idiot. I blame our education system. It's not your fault, user. But you're an idiot.
Dominic Turner
Probably bait, but I'll bite. The people you retarded zoomers refer to as boomers are the middle-aged. You're taking a term that refers to a specific generation in history, and you're giving it a relative meaning. Meanwhile the actual boomers are left with no word that refers exclusively to them, thus impoverishing your language.
The fact that all your friends do it doesn't make it any less stupid.
Jose Nelson
well your definition of boomer makes no sense
because everyone loves the people in the age bracket you think are "boomers"
we hate 40-60 year olds
anyone above that is just an old person who keeps to himself
they dont whine and complain at you in the grocery store for not social distancing
actually it updates the language to have meaning because of the point i just laid out
nobody hates the elderly
we hate the lady at the grocery store who whines about social distancing
It’s meaning is not lost. What it MEANS will always be what it means.
It’s meaning isn’t lost. It’s basis in reality is lost. When those fucks die, they die. The word goes with ‘em. That’s how it works. If you removed all the fucking gay people from the world, you wouldn’t just decide to start calling some other group of people gay, would you? Lol
The gays go, the word goes with ‘em. And when the next group of whoever needs classification comes by, you make a new word. You don’t just keep using the same word and running it ad infinitum.
Jose Morales
Only people I see calling people boomers who aren't boomers are people in their late teens or early 20s. I've rarely seen anyone above that age use it in the wrong manner.
Also, "Karen" is a term used by redditors.
Blake Gomez
>actually it updates the language to have meaning because of the point i just laid out It updates the language to have multiple words for the same thing (redundant) and no word for something that had a word before. Wow, great update.
>nobody hates the elderly >we hate the lady at the grocery store who whines about social distancing Why do you keep using the hate argument? Does boomer now apply to anyone you hate? Is your annoying little sister a boomer?
Jackson Kelly
Ethan Reyes
Baby boomers were the ones who made the babies post-WW2. So, most likely your grandparents, NOT 40-60 year olds. Fucking brainlets up in here.
Julian Hernandez
>"I don't know what words mean and after I use them incorrectly for a while other people should change the definition of existing terms to match me 'cause otherwise I feel stupid."
Your post sums up a good deal of what makes zoomers fucking retarded dirtbags. Thanks for the live demonstration.
Hey moron OP: I am 50 years old and we are Gen X. Do you even know what the baby boom was? My parents are the Baby Boomers, the exact people you say that aren't. The "Baby Boom" happened after solders returned from WW2, which was in the mid to late 40s and the 50s, dumbass!!!!
Easton Nelson
>some people even take it to mean anyone above 30
Right. Fucking stupid people take it that way.
The boomer critique only makes sense when applied to the actual baby boom generation. The critique is that boomers have unrealistic expectations regarding how easy it should be a get an education, get a job, advance in a career, get a house, get married, etc. because of the unique ease with which those things could be done if you were born between 1945 and 1965. Applying that critique to people born in 1988 would make you a FUCKING RETARD.
But you're a zoomer, so I guess calling you a fucking retard would be redundant.
Dylan Russell
I've had enough. Either this thread is bait or you're too retarded to communicate.
Jordan Jones
but why would we continue to call our grandparents boomers when nobody hates our grandpa and grandma
it lacks utility
boomer is always used in a derogatory sense and if we literally meant post-ww2 people then only some weird middle aged guy who has bad memories of his parents would fall into the category of using boomer negatively
...I think it would be best if everyone just stopped replying to this chink posting retard. Lol You can tell by the way yes wording shit, especially in this post, that he’s intentionally trying to fire people up.
Chase Hughes
'Boomers' is short for Baby Boomers. A generation that was exceptionally large, as in, 'a boom of babies' in 50s slang. Explicitly, the 74 million people born between 1946 and 1964.
Aiden Harris
Just stop, you retarded nigger. You're never going to "win" this ridiculous agenda of destroying language for your own benefit. The entire world is now wise to your kike tricks, you useless faggot. But, whatever, you're wasting your time, and you know it. Just keep on pissing everyone off with this low tier "communist" propaganda bullshit, and find out exactly what it gets you in the end. I can't believe you fucking monkeys actually believe this shit is going to do you any favors in th end. Everyone is sick and tired of this lame, childish, bullshit. It's hard to believe it did so well last century. Not anymore.
Exhaustion for your incessant tedium has set in. Keep it up. The Right Wing Death Squads have formed. They are well fed, and bored. You'd be wise to watch your fucking tone, you retarded LARPing house pet.
Adrian Barnes
exactly my point.
do you hate vietnam vets who wear make america great again hats and support trump?
no theyre totally innocent and you have a misguided hate towards what you think is a boomer
when really a boomer is just a parent of a 20 year old today who is 40 or 50 something
well its useless for the reasons i keep pointing out
M8 He's a just a salty twat who got bullied out of a local barcade by some drunk 52 y/o Gen Xer. Just like what would have happened if he'd grown up in the 80s, when only the strong and capable were permitted to show their faces in public. Clearly now he's on a mission to dismiss people from the last genuine time period of history.. One in which he wouldn't have survived into adulthood.
Aiden Lopez
I can't tell whether you're a redditor or just a literal short bus retard
Charles Jackson
>but no young person today has grandpa telling them how easy it was
Then you shouldn't use the term. Problem solved. Ambiguity resolved.
Come up with a new complaint. Because frankly, if your parents are Generation X and they're telling you to get a fucking job...you should get a fucking job and shut the fuck up, because they're right. Their expectations are grounded in reality and an experience not that much different from yours and you have no valid complaint.
Just because you are too young to understand the slang doesnt mean you are correct. The ones you despise are called 'millennial' because we were reaching adulthood around the turn of the millennium. You should hate my generation. That doesnt make us boomers, it just means you misunderstood what boomer means. It doesn't mean 'adult generation who done fucked up', it is a specific group. On that note, boomers may have been hippies and fuck ups, millennials are faggots and cucks, but the 'Greatest Generation' is the one that actually sold this nation to the banks for free gibs
Blake Thompson
and youre holding a grudge against 90 year olds still and think youre a 40 year old millennial
dude you literally make less sense than me even though im technically trying to change the definitions
>boomers are 50 year old parents of kids today they're actually too young to be boomers, the boomers were the children born after wwii ended so people born in 1945-1950 are now 60+ on the young side
Austin Nguyen
You're seriously STILL trying to get your ridiculous "BOOMER" meme to stick, you retarded fucking commie? Generational Division has already failed you, commie shit stain. 4 generations of my family live and work on the same property. 1 Silent 3 Boomers 7 Gen X 5 Millennials 3 Zoomers
Your abject idiocy, and petulant attempts to pervert language to confuse people enough to "control" them is fucking laughable. I don't know who made you fucking morons so arrogant in your idiocy? But you just look silly to thinking folks.
Keep this shit up though. The world needs to see why your bullshit is going to be denied, and crushed with extreme violence if necessary. What you're doing now is not a game, you little shit.
You will end up getting yourself hung from a tree, little commie bitch. Keep playing stupid games, nigger.
>and i would argue the definition has changed you're wrong, the people you have problems with are the retarded post hippie drug degenerate miami vice era people, all those losers who thought cocaine was wonderful, like POTUS
Camden Morgan
Boomer is not an insult. Neither is millennials. The insult derives from the disdain we feel for the failures of older generations. We hated the boomers, so we used it insultingly. You misunderstood basic terminology so you assumed it was a derogatory term, rather than descriptive. For you, millennial should be as derogatory as boomer was for us. And your kids will say 'zoomer' with the same tone of mockery and disregard.
Although Gen X somehow skates past all this. I wish I was two years older, I was so close
Jack Lopez
Lurk at least 2 years before posting you underage dweeb
who hates the boomers? i never hated my grandpa or grandma
they were always incredibly supportive and nice people
my parents though who were in their 40s and 50s growing up were always the ones who were entitled and thinking everyone can get a job and buy a house at 18
Imagine getting a stern lecture from the generation that worshiped Kurt Cobain because you're too lazy, apathetic, self abasing and useless?
An untalented, heroin addict manlet with a persecution complex who blew his brains out at age 27 because he was bored is disturbed by your lack worth..
Samuel Hughes
Do you know what a "Logical Fallacy" is, you retarded commie nigger? This is how you lose arguments, faggot. Keep showing us all why you little shit smears are already extinct.
No one is going to continue wasting energy trying to follow idiocy, and self serving delusions off the cliff, you lemming. You possess not logic, nor reason for you belief paradigm. Come out of that little bubble and into reality, adn you go immediately extinct. Good riddance, little commie faggot.
Jack Martin
Boomers were born between 45 and 60. No one else is a boomer. Zoomers and young millenials call their gen X ( born 60-75 ) parents “boomer” to tweak them and/or because they are ignorant NPCmemerepeaters