People who divorce are, on average, lower IQ, poorer, more neurotic, and lower in conscientious...

People who divorce are, on average, lower IQ, poorer, more neurotic, and lower in conscientious. People who stay together are smarter, richer, harder working, and less neurotic. Well, how do you incels cope?

Attached: iq-scale.png (1330x800, 50.13K)

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Incels can't divorce retard

The incels here are always like "There's no point in getting married, look at the divorce rate!!!".
Well, if you're smart, hard working, and mentally stable, you won't need to worry about it. Only if you're a low IQ, lazy, poorfag with mental issues.

I'm glad they specified Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, because I thought at first they meant Wolfgang Jones Mozart, the Indiana HR assistant director

Do you have a sauce on this? It sounds right, but I’m interested in seeing a study

>The entirety of Europe is littered with low IQ, lazy, poorfags with mental issues.

Attached: BasedItaly.jpg (788x626, 78.96K)

We have to flatten the curve

How did they get the IQ scores of people who died before the IQ test was invented?
Yes. Look at the IQ distribution image in the OP.

As I am above 130 I will never marry which will make me automatically richer and less neurotic

>women’s iq is relevant when they can be easily manipulated and persuaded into adultery and other degenerate behavior through consumption of social media alone
Ayyyy lmao

>Well, if you're smart, hard working, and mentally stable, you won't need to worry about it.

This is a misreading of the data.

Smart people tend to be clustered in the upper middle class. Upper middle class divorce rates have been slowly declining since peaking in the early 80's.

Some people read this as "Upper middle class people are now in happier marriages!" but it's much, MUCH more likely that the *correct* reading of this data is "Due to increases in housing and education costs, upper middle class people can no longer afford to get divorced and maintain their upper middle class lifestyles." The declining divorce rate among the upper middle class is a sign of MISERY, and not of happiness. Inescapable misery.

In the vast majority of cases verbal IQ is only a few points different from performal IQ, so verbal IQ is a good enough measurement of general IQ. From there you can analyse their writing to approximate their verbal IQ. I think they did this for Wittgenstein first and he got 160.

130+ IQ, no wive but not divorced either, nice

Here's an avg. IQ map that proves you wrong.
If IQ was a determining factor in divorce rates, the lower IQ countries have greater propensity for stable marriages.

i think om dumb because it stings when i pee..

Forgot pic.

Attached: 152623462346.jpg (1300x1300, 386.3K)

Nobody said IQ was the determining factor.

You idiots

Marriage doesn’t make people successful

Successful people have successful marriages

Attached: E9BE349C-3210-495A-B28F-325172D693E9.jpg (520x273, 21.89K)

That map is fake btw.
Outdated and based on bad data.

You just btfo roasties and ended the post with "how do you incels cope"

Look at that beautiful green isle of Eireann

Marriage and children are for the dumb and the poor.

105 reporting in. Smart enough to know that there's people more educated than me, dumb enough to be incapable of doing anything about it.

I hate roasties and incels equally.

That's called Chlamydia congratulations.

I.Q. is a jew created test. That is why they always claim to have high IQs, they reinvented the IQ test ages ago.

It doesn't matter what your I.Q. is. Unless you think number questions, word problems, and figuring out shapes really defines intelligence of course.

yikes, aware but unable to fix it. you'd be better off with 80'ish

What map do you want?
Then what are you claiming if your model for IQ as a predictive factor for divorce isn't stable against country comparison, then what are you actually proposing outside of just shitposting?

Attached: temp1.png (4592x3196, 1.18M)

I wasn't only talking about iq. Use your brain. There are no good maps. And Richard Lynns data is a shambles.

Men who have children through surrogacy instead of wasting their time with abusive bitches who are unable to love them are clearly smarter.
Unless you enjoy being divorce-raped or falsely accused of rape, of course.

>Unless you think number questions, word problems, and figuring out shapes really defines intelligence of course.

Well, being good at those things is generally what gets you ahead of other people in western civilization.

>Unless you think number questions, word problems, and figuring out shapes really defines intelligence of course.

>"I can't figure out simple logic exercises, BUT I IZ STILL SMART!!!! IQ is biased against people who can't do SIMPLE WORD PROBLEMS but who have MUSICAL SOULS or are GOOD AT WHITTLING WOOD!"

Whatever nigger.

Women initiate divorce 80% of the time. And most women are stupid.

>inane, idiotic assertions that have no cohesion


Making shit up.

You have to be a retard to believe we know the IQ of people long dead before IQ was even invented

>tfw >130 PIQ

if (jew=true) {
add additional_IQ = "+33";

Women are generally low IQ.

>I wasn't only talking about iq. Use your brain.
Well, that's the only thing that's relevant. Savings (as a proxy for conscientiousness ) doesn't scale with the divorce map, instead better with the IQ map, which exists in, mostly, opposition with the divorce map.
The one thing that actually best predict as a factor for divorce probability is promiscuity. One thing you didn't mention.

>There are no good maps.
Ok, whore.

> Tfw you're a "high intelligence" idiot

Kill me bros. I'm just smart enough to know how stupid I truly am

Forgot pic again im fucking stupid

Attached: 15262347547.gif (530x283, 29.66K)

Croatia is not 104. It's 90, a bit better than niggers. We won't break into your house and kill you, but don't leave any tools out overnight. We cut in line and park in the middle of the road and in front of your driveway. The only thing we have to be proud of is that at least we're not niggers.

what if women are stupid(even ones that demonstrate intelligence have hormonal swings that induce profound stupidity)? Where does that leave your idea OP?

Based kraut spotted the statistical flaw.

>people who divorce are poorer
Anybody who knows anything knows that.
It's simple.
>Divorce happens, woman takes all mans money, woman squanders all mans money, they are both poor and woman looks for new man to victimize, man looks for new woman to victimize him.
inb4 >incel
still married only once for 10 years

They're only technically adults. It's like testing the IQ of children or animals... it kinda works, but who cares?

Typically those who divorce are those who rush into things without thinking. They also don't fill their time adequately with fullfilling hobbies/tasks, so they fill the void with mindless entertainment. These people are prone to breaking down and blaming their mundane existence on their partners (typically this refers to females blaming males). Divorce is inevitable in these cases.

Incel cope.
Nope. Women are on average higher in some of the big 5 personality traits that contribute long term marriage.

Women are far more likely to be the reason a divorce happens. Men are far better at suffering through the marriage

Plenty of highly intelligent people divorce you fucking retard. Don't make outrageous clams if you can't provide a source, nigger.

87 iq here
Ask me anything

women also initiate >75% of divorces

Attached: 1548807328990.jpg (229x220, 6.63K)

it takes 2 to tango, retard

What's your favourite movie?

bro should I move to Ireland and find a wife there? are irish girls trad?

Not him but I don't think trying to correlate an average IQ map vs. divorce rate map is gonna work, given how small the IQ variance is. There are way too many other factors like how socially acceptable divorce is, how laws surrounding it are, how religious a country is, how much freedom women have, etc. that could possibly have comparable impacts on the divorce rate.

Trying to find out whether IQ influences it really needs a proper study that controls for all these other factors.

Explains why every woman I've ever been with is absolutely infatuated with me.

They would divorce you if you had big muscles and a big brain like me, bro.

A star is bourne

tfw 140 IQ neet.

Attached: cool-cat.jpg (1280x720, 156.24K)

>t. mentally inadequate
Have you ever seen him called "Wolfgang Mozart" in print in your entire life?