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>support economy
aka bailout creditors.

aka rich keep the rich rich and the working have to work because fuck you

Fed is dying. They're fucked.

uh huh yeah sure


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yup it's a sick system the moment there is economic growth the banks flood the economy with loans to put everyone in debt and then the bubble bursts and the banks are bailed out, the currency inflated, the workers and main-street ruined.

Yes they are. 0% means they'll literally get nothing and like it.

>brrr brrr brrr
How long would that be sustainable...
and why countries like the US gets to print out trillions where others only billions...

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Short term bonds are now negative for the US
Only long term bonds (20-30 years) are slightly positive.
Basically investors (short term) have to pay to have their money held...

more debt = more money for banks
Americans love when more and more money goes to the 0.1% while the middle class disappears and the poor go full Mad Max

>money printer go brrr

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yesss keep pumping in our tax money

>How long would that be sustainable...
we are energy and food independant so we can keep this up for a long time, however many manufactured goods will become more exspensive because they're made in china. even if they double in price it won't be too bad on the consumer because, at first, only profit margins will go down instead of a large increase in the price the consumer pays for the product.

It's almost like the kike bankster cabal is trying to crash the American economy on purpose to bring in the North American Union and a digital dollar.

Here I am boys.

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It’s worst than just your tax money, it’s your kids, and your grand-kids, that will be enslaved with interest to pay it all back at interest.
Last year the US paid 500+ billions in interest alone.
Imagine next year, and the year after...


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>Lets give irresponsible wealthy stockholders trillions of dollars
>but we can't afford medicine for American citizens.

Trump just did an en run around congress, if I am understanding this correctly. Nancy threatened, yesterday, that there would be no further small business assistance unless the House Democrats got what they wanted.

Today, the Fed announces that it will be doing these things directly.

here is what zerohedge says that the FED is proposing.

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here is the Bloomberg summary of the FED initiative

Attached: Screenshot_20200409-090354_Bloomberg.jpg (1080x1344, 553.34K)

>when you live long enough to see the fed turn into a jannie
what a time to be alive

fuck that, I demand monthly trump bucks

> when the fed accidentally uses the 2.3 trillion to short the stock market

fug :D

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>for a long time
With 500+billions $ in interest payment last year, and that would keep going up forward, are you sure you can keep that going?
>china manufacturing, prices would slightly increase
More like double in price and some products could simply disappear from the markets since they are 90% produced in China (like medical products, shocking no ?).
I dont think you can underestimate the power of Chinese manufacturing in the US. Iphone is like 1000$+ being manufactured in China, how much would it cost to be made in the US. Besides when you talk to manufacturers in the US, it happens that source some parts in China as well as other countries...

The solution would be a compromise of economic development for both countries (and thus the world). You cannot really close to door to China (because of international competition, and cost, labour availability to cover market needs).

How many trillions does it take to keep alive a rotting corpse ?
Not enough apparently

You plebs understand what they're doing, right? The (((Fed))) is ass-fucking all small business (read: white men) making sure they shut down forever. Jews are making sure nobody survives this because demand won't be there once it's time to reopen. (((Big corporations))) on the other hand survive, and (((banks))) get up to 6 trillion printed money from the fed plus all the foreclosed properties from individuals and businesses they can then resell for profit to private equity and other landlords. This is a massive money grab by jews, basically the final stab in the back to destroy all white business.

Exactly. Fiat was only ever a confidence game to begin with. You accept fiat because you have confidence dumb goy will do actual labor for it.

No, the money hoarders have to rent those purse strings to preserve their own purchasing power.

Are they aware of the definition of insanity?

He's going to get a real eye-opener when he discovers that nothing is actually printed and someone just strokes their pen and $2.3 trillion is created out of thin air.

Are you dense? We're witnessing the (((fed))) aka jewish power's final power move to seize total control

Germany did worst. The applied negative interest on banks, then banks passed it to their customers, applying a 0.5% fee for depositing short term savings.


The US is applying what Europe, Japan, SK, and China are already doing.



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fuck this bullshit, WHERE ARE MY TRUMPBUX?

everyone laughed when i bought 800 SPY june 325 calls, CHA-CHIIIIIIIING niggas

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Why not? Burgers won't be paying for it since the USD is the world reserve currency.
The jew vassal is making everyone else pay for it and hastening the day when we finally drop the USD and start trading in a more sane currency.

My ex company stock keeps going up despite profits dropping like a stone, and laying off people left and right.

Of course their 2nd biggest stock holder is Black Rock..

Due to a benefit of my company I was getting stock at a discount taken out of my paycheck, so I actually was getting a great deal...but with the lay off guess what.. Since I didn't finish the quarter my stock purchases were all refunded to me.

So the only stock they let me keep is when it was at its highest price.

Stock Market performance doesn't benefit the little man no matter what. Millennial's will just have their 401k drained every 8-10 years constantly having to rebound.

Yes indeed.
Which would force them to invest that “saved” money into the real economy.
Now let’s hope banks dont do like they did in Germany by having applied the negative interest rate on small savers, and short term savers. It could hurt them.

Haha printer go brrrrrrrr

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If Germany doesn't want people to put their money in banks why don't they just legalize bank robbery?

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doing God's work spegheddy nigga

>Iphone is like 1000$+ being manufactured in China, how much would it cost to be made in the US. Besides when you talk to manufacturers in the US, it happens that source some parts in China as well as other countries...
The iphone may be sold for 1000, but it costs much less to produce, so what would happen initially, is apple's profit margins would be squeezed. in fact the price of the iphone will go down since that is a luxury product with a 3x mark up, at least.

that 2.3 trillion is going to circulate as virtual currency between banks that are going to loan it to the people and small buisnesses, at the same time inflation will make your average Joe life savings worth shit.

So how does FED printing money for internal use only affect the economy?

They have so long as you're not white.

Privatize the profit.
Publicize the loss.

The elites have been doing it for decades.

this is literally the start page for all the computers at the fed. imagine being such a brainlet that you'd bet against the people with infinite money. I made 200k betting on the crash, it'll 2-6 mill when my betting on the fed bets pay off. SUCK IT POORFAGS
> muh muh gold standard
get rich you faggots, money printer go brrr

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Replace with Americans. When you print more money, it's not you who pay. It's the rest of us.

>cost less to produce
Of course, an iphone cost less than 200$ to produce, then marketing which would be at least another 200$(eye-balled estimation only), and the rest is for profits, salaries,R/D...
If Apple cuts down its profits, how would you think it would affect its market stock price ?
Would it be still the largest MC company in the world ?
It would hurt both its profits and investors might dump en masse just because they would know profits are going to sharply decrease).
The moment US companies moved to China, the US set itself for Chinese manufacturing addiction... it would take years to come off of it, completely, and to be competitive, that is another story... cant beat 400$/month for qualified worker.


2.3 trillion again huh? what are the odds?

nah you keep the rich rich
its not their money they are using

I hope your puts expire worthless.
Fuck you.

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What are they running out of ink and cloth based paper?

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US doesn't have too many real savers anymore. Aside from the truly elderly, everyone imagines themselves to an armchair investor extraordinaire.

amen brother, see

They can't come out of the delusion. The mammon is their god idol.

Not everyone is qualified for the priesthood, user.

they can print forever

Walked by the St. Louis Fed yesterday they didn’t seem to be going anywhere soon

Probably because you'd be literally retarded to save vs. invest.
When I was a kid, interests rates were 6-7% on fucking deposits here. Now they're about to be negative.
Imagine the average millennial having to deal with double-digit interest on a regular bank loan like some of our parents did.