/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3072

► Detected: 1,533,542 (+15,582) ► Died: 89,747 (+1,292) ► Day: 91

— 4.3 billion people under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,154 strains have been sequenced —


Courts determine Spain omits deaths, real toll 3 times higher

There is now evidence for SARS-CoV-2 reactivation

Another city in China is placed on lockdown

Japan to declare state of emergency

r0 between 3.8 and 8.9, according to the CDC

New strain hitting Ecuador closely related to original from China

Testicular damage

18 year old teenager has died in Britain

"Theoretically possible" to get virus from mosquitoes

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

Czech Republic buys Chinese rapid tests, 80% fail

Corona wipes $5 trillion off world stocks

10:46: 371 new cases and 6 new deaths in Israel.
10:37: 59 new cases and 22 new deaths in Austria.
10:36: 247 new cases and 18 new deaths in Switzerland.
10:35: 226 new cases in Germany.
10:31: 101 new cases in Slovakia.
10:18: 166 new cases in Qatar.
10:12: 441 new cases and 2 new deaths in Romania.


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Other urls found in this thread:


12:18: 233 new cases and 34 new deaths in Denmark.
12:05: 722 new cases and 106 new deaths in Sweden.
12:03: 1,213 new cases and 148 new deaths in the Netherlands.
11:58: 70 new cases in Germany.
11:56: 92 new cases and 1 new death in Pakistan.
11:52: 71 new cases and 3 new deaths in Morocco.
11:40: 392 new cases and 81 new deaths in Scotland, United Kingdom.

>Dead: 89,849
lol, still only 89,849.
How many days has it been stuck at 89,849? Four days? Five days?

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BREAKING: 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment last week, or 16.5 million in just 3 weeks

>BREAKING: 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment last week, or 16.5 million in just 3 weeks

BREAKING: 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment last week, or 16.5 million in just 3 weeks

>BREAKING: 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment last week, or 16.5 million in just 3 weeks


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>latest developments
>video archive
>preparation guides
>survival guides
>important news
>..and more!

>~150 new videos during the past week
>info&research now up to date with Argiebro's pastebin
>new videos now contain date (upload date, not necessarily accurate) in filenames

Visit nothingburger.today/

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Who the fuck are you

MSM suddenly shifting to nothing burger mode. What's their endgame?

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Good to see you here Gary. We need someone calling out this big nothingburger

>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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How is /cvg/ not pinned yet?



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Money machine goes brrr?

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how does it feel living in times which will be remembered through history, anons?

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Waffle nigger who's been baking for months

they are all shifting to nothingburger mode
i think they want to spread it again

try to keep the normies sane? they surely aren't writing articles about the failed harvests everywhere now because cheap labour can't move between borders

Anyone else having really nostalgic dreams? I never want to part with them to return to this shit reality. The only saving grace though, is that whenever I do go back to sleep the dreams are like episodic, and continue from were I left off.

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Like I need a fucking haircut mon frère.


Considering that we won't be able to return to 'pre' corona levels of global trade and movement of people until a vaccination is found, surely we will be heading for a worldwide depression rather then a V shaped recession?

This and the big western countries are able to bail out their buisnesses, make sure their banks have liquidity to cover loans/debts and help small buisnesses take out loans, but globally that capacity is basically not there. Fuck outside of some areas of Western Europe, East Asia and N.America that ability is basically not there. How the fuck does the economy get back to work from here?

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911 feels like a footnote

Their endgame is that they’re retarded.

Indeed, it goes burrr

>74 people reinfected after «recovery»
74 people reinfected after «recovery»
>74 people reinfected after «recovery»

ITS OVER. ELE. WE ALL DIE FROM nrk.no/urix/nye-funn-reiser-tvil-om-immunitet-mot-korona-1.14977519

Guys, it's a nothingburger. Every country is improving.


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Assuming there is an other side.

Global food supplies destroyed
Hyper localism and seasonal hunger ensues

based zoomer

>an nother

The problem is if you overdo it won't the retards take quarantine less seriously?

>Cuts to healthcare by government
It's all Renzie's fault if corona targeted Italy

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Crazy. It'll be fun to look back

Fuck da Jews and fuck this economy. It needs to go down, not up.

Is he right?

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Tbh it was only ever a localised terrorist incident that killed a few deserved mutts
It just got blown out of proportion

>buy the dip

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Don't worry, hyperinflation will do its trick soon. The fed is literally spending more money than in all of history to keep markets afloat even a little bit

Bend over fag

>Reinfections and ADE confirmed

Time to get comfy for wave 2 in Wuhan

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the economy is kaput so they want fags out in the streets to pump it for a month and then get back to the quarantines. It's herd V.2

>Hopefully not delayed again...


Countries are already having problems with migrant labour no longer being able to come and take in the harvest. I know the CBI and the National Farmers Union (NFU) are talking to the government about getting an alphabet agency style job programme to get people picking up the British harvest. But globally protectionism is going to fuck up the supply chains.

why abe want everything open?
what the fuck is wrong with him?

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Remember that german pharmaceutical company trump wanted to buy?

Their vaccin is ready to be clinically tested in june.
tests will start in germany and belgium.

Also other positive news, it seems 15% of the population of heinsberg has anibodies, meaning they got the infection.

This makes the death rate plummet to under 1%

Middlemen, middle and small businesses will be fagocitated by Corporations, once this turns back to normal. An ungodly amount of power, control and capital is moving towards these entities.
Of course the financial kike seems optimistic with that perspective.

What of these you think would make people panic again?
1 - Cats CAN INDEED infect humans.
2 - The virus remaint dormant and at some point reactives.
3 - The vaccine has potential ADE reaction.

>implying the first wave ever ended

Is BJ going to die?

Boris Johnson
>incredibly stressful job
>sleep deprived
And still the virus can't finish him off. Can we go back to work now please? Keep the vulnerable locked down and get back to normal. This farce has gone on long enough.

Birds can get infected and pass the virus to humans via the air

Israeli military radio reports that 1,000,000 face masks were sent from the U.S. to Israel, to be used by the Israeli army during the Covid19 epidemic. NY healthcare workers? Nah. that's for the state to buy.


Traitor Trump gives away needed medical supplies to Israel while US hospitals go lacking & US military personnel make-do with homemade PPE.
COVID is now the JEW Flu.

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yeah we need a big number today otherwise the nothingburgers will win !

unironically a glitch in the matrix.

Another day, another batch of chink masks that doesn't actually protect anything
>Masks do not meet an FFP standard
It didn't even meet FFP1, the lowest standard below N95/FFP2

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if you ignore it, it doesn't exist. repetita iuvant.

muh economy

just what i'd expect

>authoritarian theocratic regimes ever being truthful or right
You have to understand one specific thing about authoritarian style governments: They can never be wrong otherwise their population would case their legitimacy in doubt and once that happens they get replaced. This is why they have to lie and falsify everything

Hey Irish, how many groids and Muzzies have been slipped into Erie during this lockdown?


Sars herpes would destroy the world


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Trump may have been lenient on Iran if they did not attack US troops in Iraq during his presidency.

We'll see it soon with fresh vegetables and fruit
Most of ours comes from Spain and Italy during the summer
Plant a garden user...

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Rolling for Biden's death

11th/12th day of coronavirus. Cough is greatly reduced, nose is somewhat stuffed, sense of taste and smell still off but seemingly getting better.

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A total of 17 MILLION unemployed in the US!


>tfw married to a thicc mommywife
the dicking train has no stop

Probably the MSM are trying to downplay so the opposite maybe?


They reopened today, again, and there were already people dead on the streets. They were also seen taking out corpses in the middle of the night to avoid anyone seeing it because of the "0 new deaths" policy

>You don’t get coronavirus + A world leader of your choosing dies from coronavirus
I'll pick the nigger from WHO for maximum kek

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Gary! You stuck at home too?

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Goldman Sachs predicted a Japanese recession of nearly 25% of GDP, and that's if things do not get worse. Abe is very aware that this kind of global pandemic is extremely damaging for the Japanese economy, which is his no1 focus. Imagine 1/4 of all economic activity just stopping that would be disastrous.

Hows Tinder looking around there during this quarantine?

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They flip flop every week and a half.
Watch, the fucking numbers will go back up by the end of the month and they'll freak the fuck out again. They're always behind the curve.

that's every time. Nonetheless, we'll give those future niggers a good show I guess.

>The Federal Reserve announced that it would pump up to $2.3 trillion into the economy.




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Why do chinks keep falling on the street like that? We haven’t seen it anywhere else in the world.

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Sure. I need some bad news after reading the death toll has been reduced to 60k in the US

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Over here it's a hot topic. Media kept hyping our self sufficiency (after bashing agriculture in general for decades), until it was revealed that the harvests are in risk of failing because Ukrainians and Thais can't come to work on farms.
Now government are desperately waving various carrots to get the domestic unemployed to work on the farms instead.

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How big is corona Chan now? I need to coom

good choice

Wait 2 weeks when the figures have continued to rise
The nothingburgers will still be here talking contrarian/shilling shit

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way to miss the fucking point

Quickest way to get into hospital

Shit's fucked for decades, politicans are really just putting bandages to broken limbs and telling the body to keep on walking.
Everything will crash even in the West, and hard. The ones that are "rich" won't be for long, the ones that are poor, well... shit's fucked m8

The only thing that can save you now is either a piece of land to feed you or extreme levels of ingenuity to profit where 99,99% of all population doesn't know how to.

They don't get medical benefits, time off etc if they just call it in. Its better to collapse at work so you can't be accused of slacking.

Oh fuck. RIP Trump

i wonder how long it takes before a second wave starts in wuhan ???


The governor of Aichi prefecture stated on Thursday that he has asked the Japanese government to add Aichi to the list of prefectures that are placed under a state of emergency. Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a state of emergency in seven prefectures on Tuesday, including Osaka and Tokyo. Aichi contains the city of Nagoya, which has a population of 2.2 million.

Disney and Universal Studios both announced on Thursday that they are delaying the reopenings for Tokyo DisneyLand, Disney Sea, and Universal Studios Japan. All three parks are now closed through mid-May.

The Animate and Mandarake retailers in Japan have announced that some stores are temporarily closed (often because the malls they are in are closed), will be closed on weekends, or will have altered opening times.

"The Great Ghibli Exhibit ~Two More Years Until the Ghibli Park's Opening~" exhibit of display items destined for the upcoming Ghibli Park has been postponed to an unannounced date due to concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.

Dwango announced on Thursday more changes and cancellations for events that were planned to be held at the Nico Nico Chō Kaigi event on April 18-19.

Rock band SUPER BEAVER announced on Wednesday that their drummer Hiroaki Fujiwara has been diagnosed with the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.


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>US govt and media switching back to "let people die so the economy can survive" mode again
I can understand them not caring about people, but the bipolar schizophrenic tier reaction changes every 2 weeks makes absolutely no sense.

I hope there will be an archive of all the threads we can look back at and find our posts

It's happening in Indonesia also.

LMAO Iran with the bullshit number of cases again. Nobody believes them

How much fucking money they could pump into the economy? Are they aware of the definition of insanity?


I don't use it so I wouldn't actually know

She grew less today than she did yesterday and the day before. It's over.

this pisses me the squant off.
we literally warned them. we warned them this would happen, yet they called us racists and tried to silence us. now we're the ones dying because they wouldn't listen and they're blaming it on trump.

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>only 60k are projected to die in clapistan now
Guys I'm starting to think we're back to nothing of burger levels

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Confirmed user
Good job lad

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Sorry about your papa. Was it corona?


I mean, if it comes to that the EU/European continent could probably go Autarky if it just seized the resources of the neighbouring nations. Not in a peaceful and loving way of course, but the EU overproduces certain foods anyway, and we are nowhere near the demographic edge if all available agricultural land was put to use (including no longer growing cash crops).

Modern animes been shit, it's for the best to burn it all and start from the ashes

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tfw you got your good old campo to feed you

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this seems like totatlly bonkers , care to share sauce?

OH NO!! ONLY 520,000 deaths to go before it catches up to the seasonal flu!

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rude, waffle sandnigger diaspora. respect

Anyone here use heavy drugs ( like coke, meth, heroin, etc) how has the quarantine effected your dealers?

Is it still easy to find these drugs, or has the price skyrocketed?

>every 2 weeks
That's to hit resonance point of incubation period and cause maximum damage.
Develop immunity or die.

neet mode

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most deaths per capita

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Rolling for coronachan

its also happening in guayaquil, go search twiter videos

Pathetic virus won't even kill 10k a day.



if so, it wouild make sense to lift the restrictions while the virus is still everywhere.

then for a few weeks things will be calm and suddenly cases skyrocket "out of nowhere" and NYC/Lombardi/wuhan is literally EVERYWHERE, not just ONE state/city, EVERY state and city.

in the beginning the virus wasted lots of its stealth because of travel between cities etc , but now it is already everywhere, all it needs is unaware people for a few weeks and BOOM

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fuck you shill

one can dream

It happened in italy and brazil. But it seems they are small cases. China had a lot, maybe a mutation or their genetic.

So has drawfag made her tits bigger and coronachan thicker yet?

Checked. But this is China we're talking about; isn't falling down in the middle of the street just the quickest way of getting run over by a half-blind chinsect driver?

UK is dumb that way

>spanish goverment approves new economic (commie) resolutions for the state of alarm thanks to Ciudadanos and PNV
putos recogenueces y en que coño piensa la Arrimadas joder normal que vayáis a desaparecer.

nearly, the day before yesterday it was like 7000+ and yesterday it was 6400+, the 2 highest daily total death tolls so far......

I'm terrified, are we all gonna die?

>burgers not even on the list

you just don't get it

They made her pregnant. With what? I don't know. I'd have preferred a change of position, maybe a bit of pussy spreading.
Better than giving her a dick though.

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Yup archive here:
This is one of the first labelled /cvg/s

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Haku Zynkyoku

74 from 100?

its gonna be yuge

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Awww, sorry for pissing on you incel doom fantasy, user.

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You're all going to die goyim


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Would you happen to have a link showing her growth. I saw an imgur in an earlier thread but I can’t find it and I wish to save it to my files

Of course we are. You think these lockdowns are meant to stop the virus? Nope. They're just meant to slow it down a bit, flatten the curve and all that. It won't be stopped until we're all dead.

In the long run, yes
In the short run, also yes

same here forget about strawberries this year kek

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india / pak / bangladesh are countries in south ASIA.......hence the term 'asian' there is more of them here than east Asian (Chinese / Japanese ect) therefore they are called asian

>EU overproduces certain foods anyway
EU is fairly self-sustaining. It is true though that some countries overproduce certain foods. That's why European countries must continue to work together, even if it comes to the point where EU breaks apart.
And let's face it, these are times for extreme political shifts, a lot of things are likely to change. I don't dare to say atm which way it'll go, if there will be tectonic changes.

checked. Mis sinceras condolencias.

double fuck you shill

I heard Bojo's getting better is this true?

They have to build up hope and deflate people in cycles to prolong the newscycle's grip on female cope. See also: Bernie Sanders entire history of running for President.

where did you hear it?

Kike janitors would actually have to put in effort then


Maybe but probably not
Probably not but it's a possibility. Most cases get better before they die


the dick makes it hotter

I'm on a fucking roll myself of late. Fewer people are checking though.

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Updated gif?

this fantasy is real now

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But licking door knobs because they are holy according to their religion makes Allah proud.

>only 14k dead in 4 months
The fuck are we freaking out about again? More people commited suicide in that time.
Ban suicides

Me, I just wanna be home with my parents and my cat and just build shit with my mechanics knowledge

No shit. Everyone is losing their jobs due to the virus.

>western democracies BTFO
>3rd world BTFO
>totalitarian police state china BTFO
>autistic mask wearing nips BTFO
>even the master of happy, obedient cattle singapore BTFO
She is truly unstoppable.

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you should be one of them


There are 2 strains

Plz rolles

corona is like a pendulum, the stats keep on swinging from happening to nothing burger every week......

I've been watching Belgium on this metric for a while
Take of Andorra and San Marino as they're basically just Spanish/Italian provinces and Belgium is looking like a contender

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