What would Yas Forums do if their son was dressed in pic related outfit?

What would Yas Forums do if their son was dressed in pic related outfit?

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Whip my dick out?

Someone would get shot. Also, I would take my son to the hospital to get tested for molestation, and work with professionals on sexual assault.

I would send them to Canada, where they belong.

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Wouldn't have to do a damn thing. From that moment on he has a 50/50 chance of killing himself and guaranteed STDs for life. Letting him exist would be punishment enough

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It depends. If he's a little twinky fem boi, then I'd say bend over son. If he was a fat tranny, I'd beat the shit out of him and tell him to lose weight before trying that shit.

Make him dress up in it, take pics, post them here somewhere, and let him read the comments. Should nip that retardation in the bud. Social shaming is a powerful tool. We need to bring it back into public society.

Unspeakable things

Yas Forums is for politics, not discussing your wardrobe OP

Fuck him in the arsehole until he didn’t like it any more.

as the wisdom from the old times teach us,,

I would take him for a one way trip to ''behind the sauna'' jumalauta

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pretty sure if you changed the red cock hat with a red maga hat you would have 100% of american flags telling you its based and redpilled

disown and throw onto the streets.

Oh wow! The super rare based toothpaste! I’ve seen so many faggots posting from your country I didn’t think anyone like you existed in your country!

I sometimes doubt if I'm actually Dutch considering the rampant faggotry going on in this shithole.

Australia with the clever bantz.

throw it out of the house and let it do what ever
faggot will die within a year


I'd make them shake my hand then tell them not to come to my funeral and to get the fuck out of my house

At least he is wearing a mask

Probably kill myself.

Disown him.

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based and came-here-to-say-this-pilled

Built for BBC

Mutt's law

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Depends on the reason, if he was infiltrating Antifa that sure would be a great disguise.

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I got a new law for you, it's called ya seethe bitch boi?


didnt moot take that picture

Kill the cunt who made him wear it.
This is why women need hitting regularly.

I don’t understand it because from what I’ve heard you guys are real faggy and awkward but you are all so damn tall. If I was as tall as the average Dutchman I would cold approach women on the street. What gives?

kek cope more amerinigger

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Dutch women are extremely indoctrinated into left wing ideology.
They aren't bad looking but holy fuck I'd rather stick my dick in a meatgrinder than deal with one on a day to day basis.

There are many but we need to play it on the down low, living in this rampant lefty country and all

Have we hurt your fefes? Dilate, mutt.

I hear you man it’s a fucking rigged game. My last gf was obsessed with rupaul and other awful things. I think this is the end of days.

>Dutch women are extremely indoctrinated into left wing ideology.

Unless they work on the red light?

>dating a hooker

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Dont be shy op, post pic of you wearing it

i wouldnt care what he wears, but if he lays out his outfit and takes a picture like this then i'd take him to the doctor for signs and hope he can find whats wrong with him.

Is Portugal a nice place? I don’t know very much about it really. From what I understand you guys have a proud history.

I'm going to tell you the biggest secret of the Universe:
Men always pay for sex, some women are just more honest and want the payment upfront.

first post boy pussy

move to Belize and pimp him out to John McAfee

Fuck her/his/they/them ass of course.

Its importand to support childr*n

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You know he's got daddy issues too. Probably be the best fuck of your life.

Yes, mostly. We have close to 900 years of history as a country. We made our Empire by killing arabs, expelling jews and enslaving niggers. Our empire lasted from 1415 till 1999 (deliver of Macau to China).

We bitch a lot but our country is very good. Half way between a relax way of living and not being a cuckwage to enjoy life.

Drop him off in Africa.

I can't user daddy says he will desow me if i do that

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Beatings can cure this kind of disorder

Swap the red COCK hat out for a red MAGA hat and he would be good to go!

That sounds real cool buddy. I’ve never learned much about it but it sounds like a nice place.

I would just kill him by drowning him in my poop

MAGA! Trust the plan patriots!

I wouldnt have a son anymore, I would have a daughter that was [spoiler]6 feet under[/spoiler]

dumb coombrain, guy who is wearing this kind of obnoxious shit is not a kawaii young femboy but a balding aidsridden faggot

I'm actually going to do this if that level faggotry is ever achieved by my child.

Follow the shirts instructions

two hamburgers short of a milkshake, fella