My daughter is retarded

My daughter got accepted to StonyBrook, full ride.

Accepted to Brown, full ride.

Accepted to MIT, 75% tuition paid.

Accepted to Cornell, full ride.

Accepted to RPI, full ride.

Accepted to Vassar College, full ride.

Accepted to Marist College, full ride.

Rejected them all, wants to go to Georgia Tech. Fucking why? They accepted her, but she's going to come out of pocket full-cost. No matter how hard I've tried she REALLY wants to go to this nigger infested shithole city (Atlanta) for college.

Why. Why wouldn't I just have had a son?

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The BBC is more important.

Because of your Reddit spacing

Is she white and a goyishe shiksa? How did a non-poc get such amazing scholarship offers?

Isn't Georgia Tech the major university with the least jews?

Atlanta eff tea dubba yew

Just don’t pay for it lol

I'm half Mohonk Native (New York tribe).

dude tell her you ain't paying for shit, it's not hard

is she paying for it herself?

only one ivy league school? She can't be that smart

That's the problem, I don't want her in more debt than I've ever been in my entire life, for a cookie-cutter physics or astrophysics degree.

She'll get a full ride by the Georgia tech football team if you know what I mean.

Why'd you let her do that? Jesus. Don't pay a single dime into her college now. She has to finance it herself and learn her mistake the hard way

You are retarded for letting your daughter go to collage to get brainwashed in the first place.
Im sure she will enjoy all that nigger dick she will receive.

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GT is a great school, what’s the problem? You’re not a broke motherfucker, are you? You HAVE been preparing to pay for your child’s college since birth, right?!

She only applied to one.

obviously a bullshit thread

Me too!

off-topic thread, promoting the establishment's institutions. i hope the mods see it

Georgia Tech is sub-par, in a city where 85% of the people are black.

You're a cuck of a father if you let her blow $100,000 sucking nigger dicks in the ATL. Strap on a sack and force her to take free college.

Make her pay her own college, then nigger school won't be so appealing

Shut up military beaner.

A Harvard just few over my house

This is complete bullshit. Cornelland MIT won't give any kind of scholarship that won't be 95% matched by every other school on earth. It's also 100% gibs based if true. Why even concoct this story?

Nah, she's been obsessed with matriculating in Atlanta for a few years now, no matter what I do she intends to waste her talents in a nigger city, surrounded by stupid niggers.

Your daughter needs that engineer dick


This. Atlanta's a cool place, but choices have consequences.

Option A: I will pay the rest of your tuition if you go to the college you got a scholarship for. If you choose the full ride i will even buy you a car from the money saved

Option B: If you choose Georgia Tech i will not pay for your college and you're on your own.

Man up, and tell her no, are you paying for any of this? If so tell her you will only pay for a school you aprove of.

fret not, my idiot self decided to stay in nevada for college, then a year later had to follow my family to virginia where theyd moved to when i started college.

the whole time i couldve gone to florida, and school wouldve been paid, but instead i followed a girl, and my life has been a train wreck ever since.

love you mom and dad. im sorry i did this to yall.

The Reddit spacing tells me this guy is likely a cucked idiot. Even his daughter controls him. Pathetic.

College is stupid anyway, I got kicked out of college, now I make $100,000 in the technology field.

Brown is Ivy, so two

That's a poverty-tier salary where I live. Unionized garbagemen make that much money.


She wants to go there because of warmer climate and closer to Florida where she can get gangbanged at spring break

She doesn't care what you want. Make her see the error.

She met some guys there that she wants to get split open by.
Sex is the primary motivator.
Sorry, she's going to to her preferred breeding grounds.
I'll look out for her on pornhub though

So she takes after you then?
Reddit spacing is pretty retarded.

Where? NYC?

Youre daughter is still a child. Shes not retarded. You are. Her actions are a result of your failures.

she needs to go to brown/MIT or cornell. she wants to go to GT for the party scene/sports/niggers.

seriously, tell her she has her choice of brown/mit/cornell and if she doesnt choose one of those she is on her own. cut off all funds. cut off all support. why the fuck are parents so nice these days? when i as growing up, my sisters applied to colleges and got in, but if my dad didnt approve where they were going, they didnt go there. it was a fucking miracle my sister was allowed to go to Duke and not an all girls school like my other sisters. guess what, none of my sisters are whores, they are all married to white men, with white children.

I'm looking fora wife. Give me your daughter . I will pay 5 figures

cope, she is smarter than 90% of people by default, why you insecure fags always come with something like this.
>he/she is not that prety
>he/she is not that smart
>he/she is not that wealthy
jesus christ some people are just so insecure lmao.

Are you paying?
Are you going to parent?

if you had a son you'd be asking us about his trannyism and how to get it to stop, fuck off you're a failure as a parent

you know as an oldfag I disagree with calling forum formatting "reddit spacing". i think that all of you young faggot niggers are just too fresh out of the womb to realize that this is how people have posted on message boards since way before gay ass reddit. fucking pleb teenage faggot kike.

BBC for the win.

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Slightly north of it, yes. Soros and the Clintons live a few streets over from me. Wealthiest enclave of humans on the planet. Safest as well. I'd prefer my daughter not to surround herself with dangerous niggers to meme about peach cobbler or whatever the fuck southerners cry about.

>bbc uni
>free "ride"
>paid by daddy

Superb school. Nice.

It's your duty as a father to prevent her from going to a nigger city. Or else enjoy your mulatto grandkids.

based and redpilled. georgia tech is best school

yeah lol because the jews are off going to schools with real curriculum

Last I looked it has by far the most meritocratic admission.

Admitting top students of all Georgia high schools in will still let in a far amount of blacks, but it keeps the niggest of the nigs out. Also no subjective bullshit rules for jewish nepotism to hide behind (they are smart and studious, but not as much as they pretend to be). Which keeps their numbers lower than in other universities.

georgia tech is one of the cheapest schools you can go too

best thread on pol atm desu

I have 2 sons, they do wrestling and boxing for the fun of hurting other people without getting into trouble. Good boys. Very persistent and aggressive. Traits that will serve them well, I just don't understand my daughter's motivations to want to be in so much debt.

Generally speaking you should discourage your daughters to get interested in academics. School is boring and an indoctrination hell that pumps people’s heads full of bad ideas.

Even a boy is better off seeking success outside of the academic system. Just teach the girl whatever she would have learned at home ec and help her find someone who is established in some line of business who wants a stay at home wife.

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that spacing started here nigger

Wages are that much because of cost of living. You’re delusional thinking 100k is poverty tier. 100k just 4 hours north-northwest of that shithole city is a ton of money.

>that this is how people have posted on message boards since way before
who cares though. learn chan culture, fit in or be called out. i used bbs in the 90s too. you made a list and didn't need to space out every item.

Think about it logically

It's your fault for raising her to be a nigger-loving whore. You should've been feeding her redpills since grammar school.

She's an aspie, can't change the way her male/maths brain works. She wants to be an astrophysicist.

You obviously failed to raise her towards this aspiration. You should have protected her from globeo homo faggotry. At least you'll have a fatherless mulatto grandkid that will most likely kill you and your family

Tell her no. What the fuck is so hard about that?

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I work for MIT, tell her to go there so i can fuck her on fridays

the internet sucks now. people suck now. i miss msn messenger.

Seems like you didn't beat her enough.

Why would you bother looking toothpaste? Stroopwaffels are the only thing I know about your country besides wooden shoes. Georgia Tech is a garbage/nigger-tier institution. I'd sooner see her at an art school like Vassar.

yeah i recently found out that right north of the city is the wealthiest place on the planet. what is that called, white planes? clifton or some shit?


She can live with me OP.

On a logical note,
why would all those schools give her full rides but Georgia Tech doesn't give her anything?
I don't believe it for a second.

Be a father and sit her down and explain the math to her. Explain compound interest. Explain how that debt can never go away unless it's paid. Show some Dave Ramsey vids on Youtube or something of morons who make $45k a year (doesnt sound bad right?) But with a $120,000 student loan you may NEVER pay it off


She want nigger cock

She knows that if she went to a prestigious university then finding BBC would be next to impossible.
Georgia tech isn't bad but they're in fucking Georgia so she knows she'll have direct access to all of the BBC her heart desires

She's not black enough, apparently. Oddly enough Howard wanted to interview her for some reason.

No offense meant but 45k a year sounds like poverty and that alone should be able to scare her off if she's even a real person.

"chan culture"

i literally hope you die you faggot chink. seriously fucking die in a protest.

if she doesnt go to MIT just consider her dead

You're literally paying for niggers to have access to your daughters pussy. This must be a troll. I refuse to believe anyone can be this cucked.

>Letting your daughter go to college
Post pics of this soon to be roastie. She's gonna get fucked by so many chads.

They need fresh white pussy over there.

You’re a shit parent

Is she hoping it'll help her kickstart her career as a rapper?


msn messenger? fking zoomer.
i miss compuserve. get on my level

This. GA Tech is a fucking joke.
t. everyone else

You know you can leverage other offers if you really have so many of them and they're all that good. Just say, all these places are offering this much you're really not great but my daughter wants to ruin her life, you should be able to offer us more. but doesn't matter because its a larp.

Yeah she's gonna have to stop riding daddy's money train sooner or later. Maybe make her pay for her own shit for a while and see what she's getting into?

She's too emotionally retarded to be a celebrity. She wants to be an astrophysicist. No idea why she wants to go to Georgia Tech considering how few classes they offer for this career path.

Thats what im saying. Kids have no concept of money. They think 45k is a decent salary. You can barely pay your bills so youre certainly not paying off anything extra like student loans. Then they garnish wages and she is living at home with daddy working at Waffle House 35 hours a week


Lmao don’t send her to those she’ll be fat and blue haired by the end of the first semester. Tell her to go to MIT. If she refuses, beat her. If she goes to Georgia Tech niggers will literally run a train on her for four years.

Yes, your insight matters.

There are literally zero niggers in the astrophysics program at Tech. Fuck off limey faggot let the bitch come down to GA and get deep dicked by good old boy Southron engineers

literally just ban her from doing it
stop being a cuck
I would kill to get into MIT

GT is a fine school and has as many nigs as any other, which is a token amount.

This idea that atl area is nothing but niggers is preposterous and the sort of dumbass thing a nigger would say. Maybe your daughter thinks you’re as dumb as a nigger?

Just disown your dumb daughter now.

all those schools are miserable to be in EXCEPT MIT and Brown. georgia tech is a strong school, look at the average salary of their graduates.

it's her life. my mother went on my sister's online application and snuck an acceptance for Berkeley instead of UCLA. My sister was fairly miserable there. UCLA gave her a full scholarship too.

I'm a phd. Tell her to go to brown. plead with her. beg her. she doesnt want to take on debt, the economy is going to constrict. a full ride will give everyone security right now. the economy is going to contract. she needs to go somewhere with a huge endowment. Brown. NOT CORNELL. Brown

>Accepted to Brown
>Accepted to Cornell, full ride

Congratulations on being poor. Ivy League schools don't give undergraduate scholarships. Only way to get tuition paid is to be a poor-fag.

t. Wharton grad

>nigger infested shithole city

Your daughter is a coal-miner. Accept it and move on.


Disown her
Tell her she's on her own since she's dead set on destroying her life

She's retarded, you can literally buy a masters degree from that place on the cheap. I've looked at their lecture material and desu, it's honestly shit tier quality for a supposed engineering school.

More than half of Atlanta is black. Disgusting place to live.

Raising a niggerlover is a failure of the father.