Why is it always a woman?

Why are these college women, specially white women, so fucking leftists? They love universal healthcare paid by taxes, hate companies (that provide everything they have), they claim to like poor people even though they say they support this quarantine (that prohibits poor people from making money AT ALL)

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you living in an echo chamber of your own making.
protip: the memes are not reality.

except that he is correct

Every single college woman I know on instagram is a whore that supports faggotry, green communism, veganism, statism and even satanism sometimes

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Women are creatures of feeling and emotion. This is a valuable trait within the framework of a traditional society where there are boundaries set by rational men, and women partake in household duties and child rearing fueled by their emotional attachment to these things. However, when you remove these boundaries and give women any kind of agency, they smash your country against the concrete block on a whim, and then blame you.

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Damn, all of that sounds like me except I'm natsoc lol

Youre a socialist like any communist or liberal

Yeah, just the nationalist kind. I don't believe in for-profit Jewish healthcare. A basic social healthcare service should be granted for all citizens. Period. Then private insurance and people who want/require it should be free to operate afterwards. Also liberal tax measures such as a moderate tax on sodas (already have a $0.10 one in my state), a tax on fast food, etc. should all go towards the healthcare pool.

Women are group-centered people. They're collectivists. It's because of evolutionary biology. Women were always the ones who had to care for children and their husband after he returned from hunting, while men, due to their superior strenght, were the ones having to compete (with nature and other men) and thus bear the main responsibility.

And as a matter of fact, today it's leftist parties promoting how the vast majority of women feel. Those parties don't promote "Mündigkeit" (the ability to think for yourself), in fact they're opposed to it. Women like the comfort of not having to think for themselves which is attached with it. They like giving away responsibility because that's what they always did. In the past it was their husband, nowadays it's the governemnt.

>A basic social healthcare service should be granted for all citizens. Period
It should not for a lot of reasons
>Government policies suffer from the pretense of knowledge . In order to perform a successful market intervention, politicians need to know more than they can. Market knowledge is not centralized, systematic, organized and general, but dispersed, heterogeneous, specific, and individual. Different from a market economy where there are many operators and a constant process of trial and error, the correction of government errors is limited because the government is a monopoly.
>While there are also information asymmetries in the market, for example between the insurer and the insured, or between the seller of a used car and its buyer, the information asymmetry is more profound in the public sector than in the private economy. While there are, for example, several insurance companies and many car dealers, there is only one government. The politicians as the representatives of the state have no skin in the game and because they are not stakeholders, they will not spend much efforts to investigate and avoid information asymmetries. On the contrary, politicians are typically eager to provide funds not to those who need them most but to those who are most relevant in the political power game
>Government intervention does not eliminate what seem market deficiencies but creates them by crowding out the private supply. If there were not a public dominance in the areas of schooling and social assistance, private supply and private charity would fill the gap as it was the case before government usurped these activities. Crowding-out of the private sector through government policies is constantly at work because politicians can get votes by offering additional public services although the public administration will not improve but deteriorate the matter

exactaly as I said.
Echo Chamber of YOUR own making.

>Government policies suffer from extended lags between diagnosis and effect. The governmental process is concerned with power and has its antenna captures those signals that are relevant for the power game. Only when an issue is sufficiently politicized will it find the attention of the government. After the lag, until an issue finds attention and gets diagnosed, another lag emerges until the authorities have found a consensus on how to tackle the political problem. From there it takes a further time span until the appropriate political means have found the necessary political support. After the measures get implemented, a further time elapses until they show their effects. The lapse of time between the articulation of a problem and the effect is so long that the nature of the problem and its context have changed - often fundamentally. It comes as no surprise that results of state interventions, including monetary policy , do not only deviate from the original goal but may produce the opposite of the intentions
>Government intervention attracts rent-seekers. Rent seeking is the endeavor of gaining privileges through government policies. In a voter democracy, there is a constant pressure to add new rents to the existing rents in order to gain support and votes. This rent creation expands the number of rent-seekers and over time the distinction between corruption and a decent and legal conduct gets blurred. The more a government gives in to rent-seeking and rent creation, the more the country will fall victim to clientelism, corruption, and the misallocation of resources

>The so-called ‘ common good’ is not a well-defined concept. Similar terms, such as that of the ‘public good’, which is defined by non-excludability and non-rivalry, misses the point because it is not the good that is ‘common’ or ‘public’ but its provision when this is deemed more efficient by collective than individual efforts. However, this is the case with all goods and the market itself is a system of providing private goods through cooperative efforts. The market economy is a collective provider of goods as it combines competition with cooperation. Any of the so-called ‘public goods’, which the government supplies, the private sector can also deliver, and cheaper and better as well. In contrast to the state, the cooperation in a market economy includes competition and thus not only economic efficiency but also the incentive to innovate
>The political time horizon is the next election. In the endeavor that the benefits of political action come quickly to their specific clienteles, the politician will favor short-term projects over the long-term even if the former bring only temporary benefits and cost more in the long run than an alternative project where the costs come earlier and the benefits later. Because the provision of public goods by the state severs the link between the bearer of the cost and the immediate beneficiary, the time preference for the demand for the goods that come apparently free of charge by the state is necessarily higher than in the market system

>exactaly as I said.
>Echo Chamber of YOUR own making.
Name one college girl that doesnt have instagram

This is how they are. All of them.
Remember Eve tempted by snake towards the Apple.

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Because woman are soft. stop asking this questions mong.

>countries in black are destinations for female sex tourism
>brazil is one of them
Where are all of them?

Holy shit nigger you think I'm gonna read all that? Lmao


Because they're still single. Once they marry a guy they'll end up adopting more conservative views.
Unless they marry some onions boy cuck of course.

Nah, literally marrying any man makes women immediately more conservative.
The real question is, with regards to the marital laws and effects on divorced kids: whether marriage is good for men and children nowadays?

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>right wing ideology seems to boil down to "stay in the kitchen and have lots of kids, be nothing else"
>shockingly this doesn't appeal to a lot of women

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Their empathy has been exploited with lies. They think having any standards means minorities will be shot on sight

Fixed this for you.

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>right wing ideology seems to boil down to "stay in the kitchen and have lots of kids, be nothing else"
The alternative is not having children in pursuit of some meme placeholder, it's not ideology, it's simply nature"s rules

Incredibly based

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Emotions over logic, reasoning and planning.

Men vote for freedom, women vote for free stuff. Giving women the vote was like giving one access to your bank account. What did you expect would happen?

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Men also vote for free stuff, going all the way back to ancient rome when the plebs urbana kept demanding free grain

Because leftism is a herd mentality political ideology and women are herd creatures.

This exactly. Women’s irrationality is so rampant right now because there is no order and hierarchy. But their strong emotions are necessary for properly raising children. Femininity is chaotic, you must set boundaries for it.

Women dont think they just say garbage that makes them feel morally superiot

Men raise kids better, compare single mom spawn to single dad spawn.

Is coffee good for you?

I just don’t get is white women’s acceptance of faggotry.

>the memes are not reality.

Tell that to lord KEK.

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They cant think ahead, they dont realize they only have human rights due to muh dik if fags had full power women would be seen as subhuman.

because women are willing to trade freedom for safety in an instant. Women are programmed by billions years of evolution to seek safety. Their job is to avoid brothers to kill each other, so if they can keep every "vulnerable" person in a padded room 24/7 "for safety", A WOMAN WOULD FUCKING DO IT

Motherly instincts gone astray. This is why having a child is important for women. It focuses their "need to nurture" on their bloodline instead of the rest of the nation

Most of the girls I know on campus? Most just use Snapchat with friends. The only ones who Instagram take pictures of food.

Societal liberalism in the west has moved women further to the left. They have drifted further away from western men and even display disdain for them. This is not seen on other countries and cultures to this extent other than in the west

Faggots love irresponsible behavior and using big government to cover for it. What wouldn’t women like?

You have to realize, women generally seek after this stuff, and when given it, it's like their "duty" to seek it out (originally from a man to procreate with), has ended. They've won yet now they don't even need to act decent because they have circumvented the requirements to get a decent man.

Women's rights was an actual mistake. Not just some meme anti women ideology. But an ACTUAL mistake.

Same reason a lot of young people are. They're only familiar with growing up with everything provided to them without question.

What makes it worse for some women is that they're fawned over into their late 20's, and by then they're half-retarded.

Because you crackers fail to descipline your women unlike us muslims

I'm not allowed to be natsoc. My mom said it would distract me from school. Fuck you mom.

18 year olds are
>dont know shit

They're extremely malleable at that age

because they grow up with someone else paying for everything and get used to it.

Incel detected

Let commies and socialists infiltrate the education system for 15 years and watch wtf happens...oh right, we don't need to watch we're fucking living it.
It is time for war...a purge is needed.

wrong state you live in, move to the west (not the coast you cunt)

fucking eternal neets

Shut the fuck up you pathetic white knight. OP is spot on.

YWN suck on her fat hippie tits. (Spoiler: she squirts s o y milk.)

Based russky

Feelings, has a team of lawyers.
And we put them in high positions with no skills, so it looks cute.

society is dying.

being "raped" by gangs probably

we don't want you and your Raphael Lima meme ideology . I am sure the hues from Brasil livre will love to LARP with you

>wrong state you live in, move to the west (not the coast you cunt)
Heve you seen my flag?

Strange word for reality and reasoning, as you didnt address a single line of these posts

>Most just use Snapchat with friends.
Same as instagram if not worse

>YWN suck on her fat hippie tits
If you think these are good tits youre in for a surprise if this thread is still alive later