Lmao how can you claim youre better at anything when your countries are the size of fucking states. Look how fucking small you guys are wtf is the point of cars when you could just bike across your countries in 30 minutes. I knew Europe was a joke but after seeing these maps I now know how irrelevant you guys truly are. If china say invaded wtf would the gameplan even be? you guys are literally ants my god.
Europe is a fucking joke
is this this the new copy pasta?
>better at anything
>size of muh dick
EU is a Joke. The Mice that Roared.
Arguing among each other, Cannot Agree.
Not Helping the other EU countries; Italy, Greece, Spain, etc.
Failed at Currency.
Now want EU Army, to Strong Arm EU Countries that do not bend at the knee to the EU
If you cannot run a State Sized Country, do not try and dictate how to run the USA.
Especially when you are younger than the USA; pic related
Are Sweden, Norway and Finland really that fucking large? I thought this was a distortion of the Mercator Projection.
"Muh dick", just applied to geography.
no much smaller, norway is the same size of montana
Yes we are. All thanks to socialism.
>school safety agents
Do americans really do this?
>German flag, one of the most cucked nations on Earth
The fact you hail from Germany invalidates your argument. You cucks are absolutely intolerable. Go back to praising the Christian "Democratic" Union as the greatest invention since the steam engine.
Mutts being mutts, never looked at a map before.
Your country is as empty as your brains.
you tell him hans
We have more people and more cultures than you. I can go to another country and see completely different architecture, food, languages. Meanwhile in burgerland you have a slightly higher or lower percentage of mutts in the neighboring state, but nothing else changes.
right, that's why you gonna deal with chang on your own, big brother
Wtf real Americans are European.You are making fun of your ancestors ergo yourself
The power of autism.
Peoples who have been waging wars with each other for centuries and are racist toward one another, as much as the tribes/clans on the African continent. As for "cultures", aside from Anglo-Saxon and Gallic (that is, English and French) culture, there are no other cultures in Europe worth a good god damn. If not for the English and French, Europe would be a backward shithole in the same state as the African continent.
Yet you want to take pride in that. Astounding.
There's a greater difference between Yankees and Southerners (or West coast and East coast) than there is between different flavors of yurocuck.
>OP has been butthurt since 2015
We've got a reserve of hundreads of thousands of soldiers, feel safe man
imagine having to choose between donald trump and joe biden
in current year holy shit
shhh, don't tell him
Imagine having Merkel for 20 fucking years. A neverending nightmare of CDU dominance. Yay?
>Completely different architectures
That’s not true user, it’s either Baroque, Rococo or gothic.
>school safety agents
lmao, gives that mommy farewell kiss on the forehead before going to school an entirely different meaning. 50:50 chance of making it back home alive
das rite
>5000 school safety units
Jesus fucking Christ if you need 5000 badge niggers just to keep formative education safe you might want to have a big brain think time, fuckimg hell lad
Soul vs Soulless
Hey, some states are really cool too. Don't denigrate European countries for being like America's states.
Truly the worst of all continents. The whole of Africa should sink into the World Ocean like Atlantis, the world would be a much better place without it.
Leave your basement for once, Fritzl. I can even notice slight differences in building styles when I go to another Bundesland. Even the small houses look different.
Have you ever thought about the name of your nation? United States of America. States, as in several of them. That's what the European Union is, not exactly, but sadly getting there. Union, as in a collection of states. Don't be an idiot for once.
all that area and resources you would think niggers could get off welfare by now.
ooga booga muh dikers.
big black continent
Yeah this is pretty wild. Why all the different languages if you're not even an hour away from each other?
When was the last time any major European country actually had a based leader who actually fought for them and against the system? Trump is more high test than all your leaders combined. Even half of europe's equivalent to the secretary of defense are women.
Given the current situation, I think I should stay in my basement for a while.
a wet noodle
Size doesn't matter all that much. Population is what determines success. Had you the whole Earth under your thumb, you would be wasting the fruits of your nation's labors to sustain worthless nations while your actions stir up a hatred for your people around the world. The United States was supposed to be a nice place to live, but stupid faggots listened to jews who said >We have so much room! You're a melting pot anyways, so why not invite nine hundred million niggers in?
Then you have the regional differences, which largely thanks to our country's size and the natural barriers it contains, are now greater than those in probably any other country.
You would do well to remember all that is good in America came from Europe, and not the other way around. The rest is nigger shit.
MIGA bois, Trump is based, is 4D chess not him bending over and getting fucked up the tailpipe.
I am amazed an American found Europe on an atlas!
Yep we are so jelaous of you third world shithole with no healtcare, low education, no gun control and a demented moron as president.
I'm just waiting that the coronavirus will clear you off the maps, you are the most infected country in the world and your retarded president is pressing you to use an aquarium disinfectant to fight it. You deserve any bit of it you fucking people of utter moronic mutts.
Hold on now you've got to at least include the Romans and Greeks. And even then the other Barborous states have contributed far more than any non-European state has to humanity (bar European colonies).
The states of the United States of America were designed to be far more autonomous. Hence why it was called a Union, and the country was referred to THESE United States of America. It wasn't unit federalism expanded that "these" became "the".
But even today, the states of the US are so different from each other now: demographically, culturally, linguistically, and politically. It wouldn't be far-fetched to say that each state is home to a different nation.
Now hold on Finland is bigger than New Mexico.
>1 million masks for Israel
Amerikike pls Russia alone is bigger than your spic shithole
Only president to call out China and the WHO while your PM bragged about shaking hands and then got raped by the coronavirus. Every President will support Israel until boomers die off. American evangelicals unironically think the second coming of Christ will happen in Jerusalem, it's the Holy Land to them. Blame religious fundies all you want, Obama and Bush both did more to fuck up the Middle East
Its to keep the melanin afflicted "students" in line.
>You are making fun of your ancestors
You know we left Europe specifically because of this right?
>Making fun of current people..
>you’re making fun of ancestors
You do know how ancestry works, right?
No u (((people))) left because of the taxes of the British.
Before even that it was because no one took the puritans seriously after Cromwell kicked the bucket.
nice slide.
You do understand 750 million people live in Europe??
You don’t know why we left.... you stayed..
Whoa, acid turns you into a Sith Lord? Cool.
You heard about Italy,Spain,Portugal,Russia???
>size equals value
By that logic Canada is also better than the usa idiot. And also european nations still managed to come up with some of the greatest improvements in science and technology.
Too much blacked.com porn, I guess, don't bother Hans, it's a normie cultural thing, over there.
Democracy was a joint English and French invention. The English invented constitutionalism (in Corsica, twice beginning in ca. 1755) and universal male suffrage. The English also initiated Capitalism to bring about an end to Mercantilism and Feudalism before that. The French Revolution practically invented politics and political spectrum and republicanism. The English invejted the Steam Age, which connected the world and finally made the World Ocean, a death trap before, traversable. As far as I'm concerned, the English & French invented the modern world and brought prosperity to humanity.
Kek, the american century is coming to an end.
I wonder what will remain of your time of grandeur...the mall of america ?
despite sharing the same language, that might be very true.
>And also european nations still managed to come up with some of the greatest improvements in science and technology.
Gee... Thanks