Spoiled, feminist women hate thread

I hate spoiled women who get their asses pumped up with daddy's money, did achieve nothing sustainable in life and still see especially hard-working men as a social threat

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Yeah, I don't really care about that, and furthermore, I'm not gay enough to cry about it on the internet.

That pic is so accurate and I had the exact same thing happen to me with a girl laying down on a fucking gravel road crying. They do that shit all the time although mostly it is a "pshycologically laydown kicking and screaming". Fucking childs

But your gay enough to open a thread you don't care about to tell everyone how ungay you are for not caring about it. I really wish I had a good derogatively term for danes right now

Just ignore them I do.

Decent looking 6ft 2 blue eyed (tall in UK), educated in mathematics, physics, own business, home in 1000 year old town on Kent Sussex border. New care and a very good darts player.
Girls like but I'm mgtow. A confirmed batchelor. When I decline they don't say I'm incel or a fag because they don't want to ruin future chances. They don't get it that I only travel to fuck and wish for them to turn around and get out of my sight. Many friends, very popular.
Modern women disgust me.

>a very good darts player
Holy shit my pussy is dripping wet now

Dinky dong Danes?

I'm a champ in the billiard.

This reads like a Trump speech.

I know it's not football at £200000 a week. But I walk into pubs and am the focus. Which as you know is top billing for pulling pussy.
Get a popular lad and open your doors to new people and status within the extended clan.

Good, maybe one day I'll be voted in by the same margin.

as with a parent with his kids, having a gf or wife and being able to spoil her is one of the greatest satisfactions out there. only poorfags expect a woman to be indipendent, and only insecure nutties want a woman to be subservient.

I get a hit everytime I do that with a girl.
Male-dominant romance is best romance.
The sex they give you for treating them like shit is pure heaven.

>confirmed batchelor
that's a slang for faggot

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oozing out of your sissy clit doesn't count as pussy dripping wet
don't be a degen

Dude you are flexing on an anonymous board. Kinda pathetic , unless thats not the point of your post. Lets see... Are there any keywords in your text?... mgtow huh? Why dont you show us your bank account intakes? Do they come in shekels?

Every man should be raped at least once i their life.

Prove me wrong.

he's just delusional. Let him be

Pubs are for liveing corpses tho.
Always smell of piss and death.

ever hit a nine darter lad

Yeah , I mean , thats a bit more likely. Like these guys that go out , hit on 20-30 women in one night and nail a 3-4/10 and then say :I fuck every time I go out I am such a chad.

iktf. The shitty part will come when you find out that everyone you know thinks you’re a closeted homosexual. Good luck

It's positive tho. Why would he bother being bummed by that. "I'm just too good for these girls" is a happier mindset.

why don't you try it instead of whining? just suck it up and go talk to them. if random smelly arabs can score, so can you

That's also an aspect I don't really get. Why are women that way? It obviously can't be in their best interest to be treated in that way in the long run.

Literally me

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Confirmed batchelors are not a new invention and have been in societies circles before Poland was ever a country.

It's not being a faggot because that's gay. I have no interest in sexual deviances . Sorry to disappoint _________ (< put typical Polish name here)

ok.based I guess. I just get called a weirdo or "too demanding" when I ignore advances from mostly obese or damages women. Never got called in el or something.Probably because I drive a silver Audi that was not even expensive. Women are kind of dumb and I only met like 2 that could have been worth it maybe. They are mostly spoiled and lazy cunts.

Pope Alexander on women

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I'm a champion channel surfer

Literally laughed, like who gives a fuck about darts lol

Siegmund Freud

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stop being sexist, and learn to love and appreciate women!

Every man at heart is a dickhead

strange, everytime i hit them i receive a fine and restraining order

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ok, you pompous freak, lmao. You talk like Eliot Rodgers. I just let you know, what its slang meaning is. I didn't invent it.
Poland is a country since at least 966, btw

I think my brain registers women as a type of livestock, and I can't meme myself out of this. I don't have any negative feelings about them, but I don't understand why most men worship them. It must seem pathetic to women that 99% of men have zero expectations.

Yep I'm delusional. Who cares if you believe me or not. The post is not for you, the easily triggered rather to those that have an issue and don't see a way out.
It's a discussion board, I'm discussing and I'm not sorry at all that I don't fit into your Jew tier meme culture.
I won't post my bank details because I don't have to prove anything to anybody.
It's a perfectly reasonable possibility that what I say could be true so good enough to take advice from.

Moral of the story.
Be your own man. Fuck everyone else. Be hillier than thou and that becomes your moral compass. Look down on everyone but don't let on you're looking down on them. Be a gentleman and make everyone from young to old, rich to poor comfortable in your company. Just not too comfortable.
Use boards like this to vent your facist principles.

We're not the ones objectifying ourselves every chance we get, attention whore, be totally uninterested in most things, solipsistic little do nothing parasites who don't even want to bare children anymore.

Not saying good women don't exist, they're just nearing extinction.

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English women are the fucking pits. Entitled, charmless, vain, physically unattractive, overweight, moody and most of them have terrible, grating voices and wear too much make up and they stink.

women should sort out canada then
no shit, honey. Congrats, you solved man's nataure

My great uncle was the european billiards champ sometime in the 1950s and I was proud as fuck about it bragging to all my friends when I was a kid and none of them cared

this, im so wet im squirting right now

Thats true with insecure girls with daddy issues but confident rich women are a whole different story

Not the old ones. I don't go to wetherspoons or sports bars. I go to pubs that have been for hundreds of years, those with genuine people and genuine Ale. I drink regularly with councillors, business men and know what's going on long before the laymen does.


I don't get it either. Most men act like losers.

100% this

Actually its mens fault and i realised this at school, id dress normally and guys would look at other girls whilst talking to me, im not kidding. If i rolled my skirt up, i got more attention.

So i realised its mens fault, men respond to slags. And they ignore good women.

Yes on a few occasions not as often as I'd like. I usually get around 5-15 180s a night including practice.
I'm not as consistent as I'd like to be. I need to shake off my ADHD poor concentration to become a really top top player.

Women will be treated according to how they treat themselves, show zero self respect and we'll do the exact same thing, whores.

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Women want children weather or not you are nice so being a beta gives them no motivation. Alpha who don't care and kicks her out? Better act right so he keeps fucking me so I can have a cute little baby like all the other girls.
That's it.


And yet you cannot express yourself in your native tongue. You're not all that great, you barely literate fuckwit. Educated in math and physics, my ass.

You are very obviously autistic and the way you write makes you come across as a weird tryhard cunt. Be honest, you've never touched a vagina.

Bald, fat, shit in bed, horrible accent, never have their own house, always sniffing coke, useless

>Be hillier than thou
What did he mean by this?

Only chads get away with it. Have more estrogen.

High school boys don't have any perspective on girls.
They're overly hormonal and have just hit puberty. But now all men have to be berated for a few high school lads?

>blows whistle
>holds red card in air

My friends discuss the girls I pull on the road so all their gfs, wives know I'm a bit of a lad. There's no ambiguity there.

My advice really is just go out there, be yourself, be confident in yourself. If you want to go my route then have mates to back up you're not a poof but if you want to settle down then a network of friends and a placing in societal life is much better than being a lone guy shacking up with a friendless female

Men are raped every Friday, user.

now that's what I call a grade A shit post.
top fucking kek.
If this isn't copypasta, it should be.

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Attention isn't worth a God damned thing in the long run, I understand that you crave it deep down inside being a woman and all, but your craving to be desired is a sin as much as man's craving for women is his'.

Men must control their animal desires and women must control their desire to act like a total whore just because she's ripe in her particular age and looking desirable, she has power and she knows it.

This is why religion made women clothe decently, this is why schools were split by sex so that none of these dynamics would play out when kids were still too stupid to control their own impulses, this is why men were taught chivalry so that we wouldn't give in to the dog in us just looking for a fuck in the bush. The whole reason we evolved civilization was because we suppressed our base instincts, and when we see what women are doing on the internet we despair because we realize that today only the BASEST of harlots gains the most attention, and they're all trying to outdo themselves.

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You know the rules, post them or fuck off.

Explain to them with confidence and honesty your views. Say I don't like to hook up at home, I like to keep my home life uncomplicated. You're a good looking guy and maybe another towns player will pop in soon if you keep your eyes on the door and not me. If you dress up words with confidence and poise women can't get at you. In fact they become more interested. They will actually form a shield around you and filter out stranger females from disturbing your they do this to get in your favour. There is no level of manipulation unknown to the female. The simple thing is to remember that the actions of a person is for an end goal.

big dick energy.

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Nobody gives a shit about a lot of things when done poorly when it's done well and money is in play you'd be surprised what turns a girl's eye.

Who the fuck is Elliot Rogers.

Don't answer. I don't give a fuck mate

Now I think about it every girl I've been with or wanted has been Scottish, Welsh or mixed with some sort of continental.

You're not wrong there at all.

>gains the most attention
From who? From lads.

Thats my point, its tiring doing make up all the time, or making sure things are colour co-ordinated. But i have to pay attention to these things or lads wont bother. Im the same person in jeans or a dress but guys respond differently.

Ultimately in private all men want a whore, and that makes them happy, but if u do stuff with another man all of a sudden the name calling starts