Is being conservative the most cucked thing one can be?

Yas Forums talks how whites are intelligent, beautiful, and creative but these qualities within the white population are possessed mostly by white liberals. All the scientists, artists and supermodels you idealize so much are liberals. You are fighting to preserve, to conserve these people yet these people fucking hate you.

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Ngl I don't see the appeal of pale skin. I'm a white man dating a white woman and I don't think she's unattractive, I just don't get why it's supposed to be objectively better.

anything but natsoc is cucked
also stop posting sluts

The women here look like cottage cheese, it's awful. Is there something about white skin that makes the connective tissue 'less firm'?

lol 95% of white "nationalists" on 4 chan are salty autistic virgins who will eventually give up on the white oneistis and get a mail order bride from south east asia usually a thai or a Filipino chick half their age

Sounds like projection

Nah OP
It's about conserving your own culture
Super models, artists, etc, are just the bonuses we get of having a stable society.
Conservatives aim to keep everything more or less the same, although the modern "conservative" movement is just Neo-Con garbage.
All in all, we're fucked.


Dont care, nor am i white, cucksevatives and libtards are both retarded

Strawman, we have another thread.
Hasty genralizations get in here too
False dichotomy, yep you also.

Holy bro someone must of dropped you at birth,

Cant into logic huh.

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White culture is just consoomerism these days. Jewish movies and black music.

1. No
2. Why should I listen to a slut poster?
3. This is just a plant thread anyway

Lol you're assuming white nationalist get women haha
Usually they resort to it because they've been rejected by society

If you find fecal colored skin attractive you're suffering from a psychological disorder called Coprophilia. Seek help.

That hard projection kek.

Culture has devolved in Urban/ Suburbanite areas
Parents raise their kids with 0 culture, while allowing them to consume disgusting amounts of media, allowing their brains to be morphed by other influencers.
Gen Xers and Boomers have really fucked up American culture
Not sure how bad it is in Western Europe, though.

That’s actually true and I haven’t really though a lot about it actually.

Oh, you mean like Black Science Man? Most "scientists" are neutral or right-leaning because of "fact-based results over time". None of your social "science" types count
Oh you mean the drug-taking degenerate monkeys swirling paints and then taking a dump on it and calling it the "Poop Of Christ" and getting 350k from the NEA? Nigger no one cares about them
Jesus, you are the cucked one you fucking simp coming to Yas Forums and thinking any Yas Forumslack worthy of the title shitposter gives two single fucks about of starved anorexic bulimic coke-snorting heroin between the toes sluts

Anons, remember to sage when replying to these threads

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I don't idealize anyone you oil mutt baby
Only non-conservatives do that

You sound autistic and ought to try broadening your views

>these qualities within the white population are possessed mostly by white liberals.
lmfao so this is what pretentious liberal wimps think of themselves. liberals are feeble-minded little creatures dependent on a nanny state to take care of them and tell them what to do
without conservatives holding society together, there would be no society. no one except liberals cares about menstrual blood paintings, queer theory and what the fuck you call art and science

>you idealize

>LITERALLY is coffee good for you

You are the blackest nigger gorilla

Can't speak for anyone else but conservatism, specifically trad values and economic "don't rock the boat" sentiment forced my country into the hands of literal animal people.

You mean by animals you mean Winnie the Pooh?

I'm willing to bet you had shit under your fingernails as you typed that out.
>The Western aesthetic of big eyes and pale skin is universally considered appealing.

you can call me a filthy poo if you like, but let me tell you the truth. You're fucked. Not much you can do, most white countries are too far gone. The death of the family unit, of feminine virtue and of objective morality have rendered most Western nations flaccid, gasping for breath. You could learn a few things from India, unapologetic nationalism and encourage depravity as a tactic. There will come a fork in the path, and you must choose the road less traveled, probably in half a decade. How many can you convince? Even your conservatives are obese, tattooed degenerates. I genuinely wish you the best of luck, this is a turning point for the west.

there is nothing left to conserve. we must go way back

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Conservatives support the jewish economic system of capitalism and at the same time love Israel and neocons.

>Conservatives support the jewish economic system of capitalism
Only american conservatives.

American economic conservatism suggests you should "rock the boat" though, at least in order to innovate.
It's risk but also reward.

No I had Doritos cheese, tho.
Yeah white girls are attractive, so are other types of women (minus most arabic and indian girls)
Still, you ain't getting laid

Explain more Chang, what do you mean? You talking about the CCP or HK gov? Don't know much about china and what the people think of the CCP

Ok you do have a point

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I agree, it's over for white countries. These are processes that can't be reversed.

I think the point is to not have mixed children.

speak for yourself germshit

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That look they have, its like they are saying "go the fuck away little wh*te boi we are black only

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Nah, I'll speak for the USA as well. There is nothing to be salvaged in your cunt.

Conservicucks are mostly sour grape losers

kek based


Sure, they're seemingly happy and fulfilled, but the thing is they avoid any kind of discomfort like a plague. As you said, they fucking hate people who talk about bad things. And I wouldn't like to listen to someone making a victim of himself, or some blackpilled cunt. Been there, done that. It's ugly. But I see beyond that now.

t.dr goldstein

>Major Black Pill
White men need to grow some fucking balls
Y'all are currently being out bred by africans and soon enough Arabs.
Fucking hell


Science OP

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>Reddit still seething over Bernie
Magnum lel cope harder leftcuck

Also this ugliness will catch up to the and they will struggle for a long time, not knowing the way out. Longer than any of us here.

no, pretty sure its been you antifa and leftist fags, sperging out about not having white kids because of population followed by lets import other cultures for population type bullshit, you got the bernie weekend warriors in womans cloths and chastiy cages, so no conservative is no were near as cucked as willfully bowing down to outside cultures in serviatude and destroying history and cultural sites because its considered "offensive".

Lel, somebody’s ass is chapped that their commiejew quit in them. Very sad, many such cases.

>according to findings published by two Midwestern professors.
Lol, what was their phd thesis? Cow tipping

define conservative

>the thigh's on that bitch on the left

Im gonna cooooooom

Wrong. Yas Forums hates them but they hate other races more.

Lol fuck you shitskin. Not fooling anyone.

>((your)) nations interest
you amerigolems never fail to make me laugh with how completely oblivious you are to your situation.

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You sound like a shitskin kike that needs to kill yourself.

>tfw when traps will become bigger sluts than regular roasties.
Muh trad waifu based tra..
Wait are those roastie lips on your boipucci?

Nah, life is good, wish you well :)

>All the scientists, artists and supermodels you idealize so much are liberals.
Scientists aren't liberal and both artists and models can suck a big dick, which they normally do anyway.

Arabic/Indian girls look like Muppets and I'm the guy who said I don't understand why pale skin is more appealing lmao. Like in most races the ugly women are fewer than the attractive women but that isn't true at all for Arabs and Indians.



Almost all scientists and writers and good artists are right wing
Those that aren't aren't worth a damn

Same ;)

yeah they typically are, perhaps some cultural things play a role. Lord knows White women appear the most stable in comparison to most minority women, maybe not Asian.

Only because we don't get fucking paid if we publish what we actually see and think. It's not hard to design an experimental model and play with statistics to get whatever answer you want. An unfortunate number of researchers now are basically just mercenaries in white coats that get hired to churn out a paper supporting/debunking/obfuscating something so that an apeal to authority can be made under the guise of "scientific literature" to give substance to whatever garbage will cover someones ass or make someone money (not you).

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Asians don't even age until they're like 40. White women look 40 at age 20 and their skin is already destroyed by years of makeup. White women simply can't compete in a free market.

Sounds like you had a bad experience sir.

Better indicator of health status.

sage goes in the options not in the name you newfag retardo

White women are not better. Not even close.

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sage nigger

from my limited experience it seems that blondes tend to have smooth and soft, watery skin, maybe some peach fuzz that you don't even notice irl, at least if they're attractive and younger than 30-35 or so, but that dark haired women are more likely to have rough leg hair, my german teacher even yad dark hair on her arms

I'll bite. While male progressives look like limpwristed onions guzzling hobos, females are generally fat or have the problematic look.

I agree with you fellow Norwegian! Wh*tes truly should die all hail Israel

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thanks, downloading now.

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