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This is what my university is teaching me
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As a black person, I’m offended when you say blacks don’t exist as a race.
>uh, you’re not black
I thought it has no genetic basis, and is not biological
>something something marginalized group
I define this situation as real, therefore it is
i didn't write it. my professor did. but yea this shits retarded
Reject the commands of your oppressor.
The fact, that some negros have R1b haplogroup is a fact.
That doesn't mean a race doesn't exist.
Yellows occupy Asia.
Negros occupy Africa.
The rest is White.
Possibility of such stupid arguments like this, that race is an ideology is only possible because people are not taught in school greek philosophy, roman law and christian theology. Without those basics of human developement, all the knowledge is a scattered glass that fell into thousands of pieces and will never be a true education. Those three concepts can be taught without even ever mentioning ancient history, they are universal. They are a shield against stupidity that was denied from young people in current times.
Also, there is far too many people in higher education then we need. This is my perspective, i'm not an expert.
If race isn't real, then why is there affirmative action?
more precisely, start thinking in terms of friendly truth-seeking communication vs hostile manipulative communication.
People are conditioned to treat things said at them as a priori truthful zero hypothesis, that needs evidence to be rejected. (socially agreed facts). You could do that, if you talked with a friend.
This is naive and weak. Just reject it a priori and force them to prove everything with a high standard of evidence.
I’m telling you how to attack it retard
Accept their definitions at face value then jew the shit out of it until it’s absurd. These are all designed for convenient escape routes which you can use too once you see them.
stupid argument. race is as real as anything that exist in a spectrum. are the commies gonna start saying that blue isn't real because there are infinite shades of color. Probably
Get cucked, bigot
further demand that since race doesn't exist then all race-based programs must be stopped
all of those points can be refuted by a one minute google search.
If race isn't real, and has no basis in biology or genetics, how come we can know the race of an individual from the DNA contained in a single strand of hair?
They forgot to write about sucking BBCs and muh dick.
ah gotcha. good point
You can take this in a million directions by design, this being a great one. I wanted to stop short to encourage his s.o.y soaked mind to think for once.
ask em why they aint teaching this to niggers
Race only exists when it's in the minority's best interest or to the majority's detriment. When we flip to the opposite side of both coins there's no such thing as race
It's self-refuting. If race is not a valid/useful concept, how are you supposed to identify members of the groups are in aggregate (by whatever metric) "unequal".
ghost dna africa watch them try to activate almonds
You fell into the trap. This is what is to be expected from an oppressor. You first have to stake out a maximally victimized position, then flip the tables over. First just claim to be black and nonbinary and dare them to call you on it. Once you hold that ground and can fight that war, you can use this to wreck shop, and if they object, you can use their own words against them.
Race is a valid biological category we use haplogroup DNA to understand it. JEsus christ how fucking behind the times these retards are.
>7 claims all without any reference to a leading paper with high eigenfactor.
Fucking trash, the only reference made is from a sociologist and instead of where and when he made it we get the period in which he lived.
What community college trash are you studying OP?
Just a rudementary review of the literature refutes point 2.
>Tal (2012b) shows pariwise genetic distances, from within- and between-populations, are substantially divergent (in fact, for Fst=0.15, reflecting average intercontinental differentiation from SNPs, the averages differ by almost 50%).
Tal O, 2012a. The Cumulative Effect of Genetic Markers on Classification Performance: Insights from Simple Models. Journal of Theoretical Biology. Volume 293, 21 January, Pages 206-218.
You are objectively correct. The question is, do you want to make logical arguments or do you want to win? To win you must first understand their game, and then play it, but play it with your goals in mind, one of which hopefully is to make all participants question the game itself.
read Erectus Walks Among Us.
It's not race, it's sub species.
In school I had a similar observation. Evolution was defined as the change in allele frequency which occurs in a population. If these mutations are 'random' then why are they claiming white skin as an adaptation for absorbing vitamin d? If evolution is a random mutation why do we see clearly delineated haplogroups?
ask your professor if it means jews arnt real do they dont deserve a homeland
Cultural/social marxism w/o it's economic component... most degenerate shit to ever exist. Global elite clearly want to keep up the the supposed capitalists system where they monopolized and consolidated and businesses all over the world, effectively stifling the competition as nobody can compete while implementing marxism and steering the people from actually caring about insanely growing wealth inequality and the actual assets they've bought with pennies on the bailed out dollar.
>race isn't biological but racism is still real
White people are the only group who are told not to care about their own race. Try teaching this to blacks, especially in America.
>7. ‘Race’ isn’t biological but racism is real.
How can they sort out the ’victims’ of racism?
Poland isn't so crazy that Polish people have to play those games. It may be the Anglo's only hope though.
this user gets it
>if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.
Da fuck does that even mean?? Is it like if we all believe in something its true? WE WUZ ORKS! WE WUZ GREEN SKINS. SIMPLE AS
So how the fuck is "racism" real if the very factor underpinning it doesn't exist in the first place? What an absolute load of weapons grade horseshit. Ask your professor what term you should use to define the obviously distinct genetic groups of people that arose in completely separate places on earth, I want to know what new word the communist faggots have for 'race' now.
This doesn't work.
They've guarded against this by claiming racism based on the delusion of race exists.
The policies are then to combat racism based on the delusion.
Everyone is the same race, dumb white people just think they aren't, and the policies are to correct this.
These arguments need to be approached with more subtlety.
Hold evolution hostage.
Ask them to explain athletic differences, etc.
Ask them to demonstrate that the concept of hereditary differences didn't exist historically, as opposed to the word "race", etc.
It is better to capture enemy fortifications than to be forced to destroy then rebuild them. There was a time my grandfather saw where the Polish did not do so well. Perhaps your exact brand of thinking is why. Did you leave your country? Or why are you posting with a muslim flag?
>So how the fuck is "racism" real if the very factor underpinning it doesn't exist in the first place?
Think of how atheists can still believe sectarianism can be real despite not believing any of the gods are real.
The right's biggest weakness in the realm of debate is consistently falling for the left's trap of defining opposition to leftism as being the ideology, and leftism being the absence of ideology.
That people have unironically began thinking of themselves as supporting "capitalism", despite the original definition of the term being "not communism" is probably the most infuriating example of this.
By accepting the role of the ideologue, you put the burden of all proof on yourself.
This "ideology of racism" stuff is the same idea as the "ideology of capitalism" stuff.
They are both a strategy to make opposition to leftism appear as the ideological position, allowing leftists to position themselves as opponents of unnatural ideology, which if allowed, always shifts the burden of proof onto the right.
If race doesn't exist, even by genetic differences, then why do blacks suffer from sickle cell disease more than any other 'race'?
It's better never to let him to build them in the first place.
Seems all the brainlets here doesnt understand the teachings of the prof in ops pic. Thats why only high intelligent people are allowed to visit universitys.
Too make it more simple for you to understand.
What ops pic means is that the variance in >human< genetics are just bigger then you would understand. Also the human body adjusts itself to the biome it lives in. There are no subraces. Race is not real for humans but racism is.
The whole racism bs is just an superiority complex to compensate for inferiority complexes.
Thank godness that sience starts to rule out the weak and retarded.
number 5 makes no sense
Elaborating on this, the most important engagements the right backs down on are those which determine which side's beliefs are rooted in ideology.
The first move should always be to challenge them to back up their assertion that
>Opposition to communism, race denial, etc are the ideologies
>Communism, race denial, etc are the absence of ideology
They won't be able to do this without embarrassing themselves, and giving ground here undermines the foundations of every argument they have.
It also puts them on the defensive, since once it is no longer a debate between supposed right wing ideology and leftist opposition to said supposed ideology, both sides now share the burden of proof.
I like you
if you're taking classes like this then your degree is probably useless.
I completely agree. This is why you didn’t let Germany invade you in 1939, not resulting iin, according to (((wikipedia))), 874,700 casualties for the people who would never let it happen in the first place, and 59,000 for the Germans, and really, who could have predicted that? Certainly not your genetic line, right! It couldn’t be that you exist due to your grandmother being raped and pretending she enjoyed it, right? That would be crazy!
#2 is like saying that Darwin's observation of finches' beak variation is racist. Your college professor is the fucking Church of England.
Early man was too stupid to see race, but still enslaved each other
Nice changing the subject. The point is that only Anglosphere is so far retarded enough to believe in these no-race bullshit theories. Only you have had your universities subverted to this degree.
Playing your games anywhere else will only invite those theories in.
What uni and course are you in? Get the fuck out of there!
The position they are arguing from is that everyone is actually biologically equal, but whites have deluded themselves into believing that they are not.
What they are trying to say is something along the lines of
>Slavery existed back when everyone knew the truth that we are all the same, before white people deluded themselves and the world into thinking race was a thing
All of leftism is predicated on the assumption that their positions are natural, and opposition to their positions are ideologies.
A common misconception about marxism is that it is a purely economic ideology.
This is one of the most important examples illustrating it's reality as a religion, and forms the root of much of it's unfalsifiability.
As should be expected, all the usual characters that leftists will claim "aren't real marxists" are here.
Good goy.
It’s also convenient shorthand to explain away why blacks enslaved even dumber blacks in Africa, and still do today, and then why the smarter blacks started selling the dumber blacks to slave traders.
That's why in medicine they use different formula for calculation of glomerular filtration rate of the kidneys for blacks and whites for instance
If race doesn't exist and has no biological basis why can't mixed race people receive organ or bone marrow transplants from their parents, and instead their best chance for a match lies with other individuals of the same mixed races?
If "race" is a modern idea and should be discounted, then what the hell should we think of "racism"? That buzzword that was literally invented by a commie jew 70 years ago.
>Go to pubmed
>Search Term Negroid / Mongoloid / Caucasoid / Australoid
>It recognizes them and includes all relevant search terms and sub groups.
Turns our there are 4 major races, but Caucasoid can refer to an ginger haired Irish man, or a dark skinned south Indian. It turns out, in medicine these 4 groups are pretty important, because they are often the biggest indicator to drug response. For example a bunch of anti-epileptic drugs like carbamazepine don't work that well and have high rates of adverse events in Chinese. Well these drugs cannot be given to Native Americans either, because they are part of the Mongoloid race and generally have the same genetic changes that make Chinese not respond well to these drugs.
Race is totally a thing in drug treatment.
>All brainlets here don't understand
That's what mentally ill tend to say
>Too make it more simple for you to understand.
Nothing you mention below can be found in the OP pic. Of you know more, you don't need to be a fag, instead you can just say what you know. It may still be bullshit.
>bigger then you would understand
I swear, Germs and kikes behave exactly the same
>Race is not real
You Sir, are a moron. Examine skulls. There is a typical Negro, Yellow and White skull.
>The whole racism bs is just an superiority complex to compensate for inferiority complexes.
Racism is what Germs and Jews exploit to excuse their state.
Race is a concept, which the rest of the world can easily grasp and one that makes no harm at all among civilized people.
A rare Swedish-Polish-Jew appears. Golf clap. Fuck you, you “nice changing the subject” faggot while yourself never even addressing the subject carry on. Your next move is to tirelessly argue after I quit, so you can claim some sort of Pyrrhic victory and where everyone around begins to understand your tactics. Nice. Have a great day.
Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.” Source:
“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race. Source:
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. Source:
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. Source:
Race can be determined via brain scans. Source:
Brilliant insight, I've never been able to tolerate watching any leftist debates long enough to actually disassemble it that well, their disjointed arguments and histrionics just make me dismiss it all as a tantrum.
That's scientific racism.
>race doesn’t exist
Okay fine, as long as you’re willing to use the proper scientific term subspecies
>human subspecies doesn’t exist
I hope you’re not paying to be indoctrinated like this.
One of the most important consequences of the left's strategy of painting opposition to leftism as being an ideology is that they have the freedom to argue purely through criticism.
Their positions are the "absence of ideology", therefore they never need to justify their own positions, they only need to criticise your positions.
This is important for understanding their stance on evolution.
The left don't believe in evolution.
In fact leftism can almost perfectly be summarized as an anti evolution cult.
Remember that market forces are also a manifestation of evolution in memespace.
They can criticise Christians for evolution denial despite not believing in evolution themselves because people have bought the premise that leftism is the absence of ideology.
They only need to worry about going on the attack, because defending the natural state is unnecessary.
This means they never need to worry about defending their own positions or internal consistency.
They can use evolution to critique Christians, then use Christian morality to critique evolutionists, because once you win the battle to determine which side is the ideology, those who won the role of opposing ideology have the freedom to argue only via criticism.
>This is what my university is teaching me.
If you do well on your exams you'll be in good shape to have a bright future with a career at the African Victimhood factory once you graduate.
>What ops pic means is that the variance in >human< genetics are just bigger then you would understand.
You are incredibly low IQ. Do not post on this subject again.
Can I ask what class is this exactly?