Is IQ a better proxy for culture than race? High IQ people of all races are closer to each other culturally and can create the same culture especially compared to low IQ people of the same race. High IQ whites have more in common with high IQ Asians than low IQ whites.
Is IQ a better proxy for culture than race...
Memeflag Jew tries to encourage race mixing as usual. Fuck off. Ethnostates are the perfect solution.
A 130 IQ White man has nothing in common with an 80 IQ white man. He has more in common with a 130 IQ Japanese man.
Yeah, I'd add beauty, height, athleticism and other 'objective' traits.
I prefer quality people of other races to trashy whites by far.
I agree beauty is important too, beauty correlates strongly with IQ though. Beauty is a stronger measure of IQ than your parent's education level.
A fair point user, but it's worth pointing out that the individual is an anecdote, and that different races/ethnicities have varying IQ averages on the whole.
There is no such thing as successful black high culture (muh weed pun not intended) anywhere on the planet at any point in history; they don't have the requisite IQ to sustain civilization - ergo, they don't have it.
this is how I can tell youre a midwit kike guessing, extrapolating youre own low standards on to others.
absolutely every 135+ white man knows that sub 100iq WHITE people are fucking brothers, even moreso than bloody midlet tryhards like you, the common bond being a trust of instinct and being grounded in reality, which is a place you can have honesty and share humour from.
fuck have you ever tried telling a joke to some 115iq midtard? you can see their cogs spinning as its being told, as they always have to come up with their 'clever' addition to it, theyre on a tryhard mission to prove themselves every fucking day
Many countries in the world have IQ selective immigration like Australia. Different classes have different cultures. The global elite all have the same culture. A high IQ spic will be closer to a high IQ chink in outlook than to a random spic.
Where I live, sub-100IQ white people spend their time listening to degenerate popular music, being promiscuous, 'tuning' their cars or motocycles and consuming drugs or alcohol.
They definitely aren't my brothers.
No 135 IQ white person sees double-digit IQ whites as brothers they hate them and look down on them at the same time. This is true everywhere, even in non-white countries. You're average well educated professional 135 IQ white would gas everyone on Yas Forums if he could get away with it.
How are exactly the ‘lowIQ whites, reciclingnigger
low iq white masterrace
This isn't a coherent sentence.
what can you expect from an h*ngarian?
My bad, I meant to write “Who are exactly the ‘lowIQ whites’, reciclingnigger”
>135 IQ white would gas everyone on Yas Forums if he could get away with it.
Is 135 IQ not enough to figure out how to get away with it? Oh my, what a shame. If only he was a little smarter!
I disagree.
Japs have their own culture and I have mine. Culture>IQ.
You're just some kind of rootless faggot.
Fuck off race mixer.
having high iq is for faggots
People below the mean or people who are very different from each other in IQ. A 140 IQ white vs a 100 IQ white.
Again, user, the individual is an anecdote and not useful when comparing groups.
Chinks and spics have different average IQs as people.
Who the fuck do you think you're speaking for? You assume that IQ determines opinion? People have priorities of their own unrelated to worrying about how intelligent the people around them are.
Your fixation on IQ is pretty fucking stupid. Too many cooks ruin the pot.
The High IQ Nip and High IQ white are culturally similar to each other, the low IQ white is culturally alien.
guessers, ive already told you the common bond high+low iq white men share and its clear as day now where you guys lie, right in the annoying middle range where you are desperate to reach up but make a tit of yourself without even realising.
smart people of all races dont build friendships/relationships on fucking hobbies and interests like a docile soiboy,looking for twitter followers, theyre the most introverted group in the west and dont fucking care about sharing challenging interests with others, theyre personal
Satania the smartest. Even more then Cirno!
Selective immigration and chinks and whites have similar IQ's. Jews are much higher than both.
Not even close to true.
You clearly don't even understand what culture is.
Ask a psychologist, IQ is of little relevance for an individual, it’s literal main purpose is to judge groups.
>Jews are much higher than both
kikeshill spotted
japs are cool
memeflags, journalists and progressives get the rope
>proxy for culture
What? Culture is not quantifiable, retard.
studies show that mixed race kids tend to have more health/mental issues
parents of a mixed race kid can’t donate stem cells or bone marrow for a transplant if needed
mixed race kids tend to have identity issues
it’s better to protect the diversity of human development and racial differences, race mixing destroys these unique features
there are many more reasons but these are a few off the top of my head
>an hungarian
Judging by your bad grammar, you're a burger with a VPN.
im a romanian living in israel
Exactly! My husband is a Nigerian man with a masters degree, he has nothing in common with some pasty white incel
>You assume that IQ determines opinion?
Yes, IQ is the strongest predictive factor for opinion and cultural outlook. This has been proven countless times.
>People have priorities of their own unrelated to worrying about how intelligent the people around them are.
Everybody is obsessed with how intelligent people around them are. All teachers are obsessed with the intelligence of their students and all workers are obsessed with the intelligence of their colleagues. It's all people talk about especially amongst the elite.
>Your fixation on IQ is pretty fucking stupid. Too many cooks ruin the pot.
It's not mine others care even more than I do.
No, its because higher IQ people go to school longer and are more normalized. Take school away and they will be a lot more divided
Each race has its own culture
IQ and more importantly average IQ of that race determines to what degree their culture will be high or low.
IQ is a measure of cognitive ability. I can see it in the people i work with- those who have higher IQs do a much better job and dont need as much training while those with low IQs usually get drummed out the door because we don't have time for them. I can watch the gears turn in their little minds, and the longer it takes, the more likely they are to get the boot.
saying that IQ is of little reverence is as fake as your meme flag.
It's both true across nations and definitely true within nations. Meaning there is no difference with second-generation diaspora nips in western countries.
college is just leftists brainwashing
This is unironically due to racism. It would not exist in a culture with a stronger set of norms.
I wonder
Who could hide behind this thread
OP has a crush on an asian girl and he's trying to reconcile it with his racist beliefs
A multiracial country of people with High IQ would create a cohesive nation and strong culture. It's not race it's literally just IQ. The race just happens to be a visual proxy for intelligence.
Talk to someone who actually studies IQ or has a strong background in psychology. A high IQ individual can be a fucking loser and unable to learn anything. A low IQ individual can be a great learner and super capable.
IQ only matters for averages of groups, there are doctors with an IQ of 80 but doctors have a higher IQ on average when you look at them as a group.
Likewise their are janitors with genius level IQ’s but when averaged as a group they tend to have lower IQ’s.
But for judging individuals it’s a very unreliable as a metric.
It isn't and that kind of thinking is why America is seen as a cultureless soulless land of assholes.
Culture is made from a common background and IQ is just your ability to quantify information. The information that you take in is more relevant to culture than your ability to take in information.
I feel like you're too stupid to be pushing this kind of topic, user. I don't mind the idiots. I do mind the people that take in bad info regardless of their intelligence.
I'm not a Chink and that's not an argument.
what a fucking jew
Chink spotted, a doubt a highly multi racial society would be so successful. The conflicts on the interior are obvious.
That's entirely incorrect and if you'd lived in Japan for any length of time you'd know that. If "low IQ white" culture is so alien to you, it is likely due to the decades of subversion that have seen the lower classes turn into a homogenized Brazil-esque mess with no history and no god except what they see on a screen. Go to a predominately white community in the SE US and you'll find blue collar men who, while undoubtedly less educated than you, still have the same values, history, and just plain way of living as you.
Show flag then, low functioning autist.
Reminder that Machado de Assis was the son of two low iq slaveso
I'm thinking OP may be a kid.
A low IQ individual can be a great learner and super capable.
This is physically impossible. You have no idea what you're talking about.
IQ only matters for averages of groups, there are doctors with an IQ of 80
There is no such thing as a doctor with an IQ of 80. It doesn't exist because he wouldn't meet the minimum level of cognitive ability.
To a large degree, but there are also personality traits that are more prevalent in certain races. I'd rather hang out with a bunch of compassionate, average IQ white people than a bunch of high IQ Asian bug people, for example.
Having said all that I've noticed that what you posit is largely true. I'm most comfortable around smart people of any race, but as a subset of that group, I still prefer smart white people, while holding no ill will towards smart non-white people.
The majority of a population isn't high IQ and wont' get along with foreigners.
You also need idiots to keep society as a whole working.
why would any white guy want a chink gf? theyre disgusting
Culture is tied to IQ. It's why human beings segregate by class even more than race, especially in America.
That's the best point in favour of different races blending up.
130 IQ whites and japs won't be common, though.
Also the objective of any 130 IQ white is to help improve the condition of its people, country and culture.
What you said in OP comes second.