Who could stop us? Say goodbye to China and the US. This is the alliance for a thousand years space reich

Who could stop us? Say goodbye to China and the US. This is the alliance for a thousand years space reich.

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>Who could stop us?
Russian corruption.

USA would destroy you, lel

Where have we seen this alliance before?

Anyone, you’ve been castrated. All of your remaining good men moved to America or Argentina.

Fuck off. Never trust a kraut is what we have learned throughout all our history

And "german" muslims :)

Uncle Hitler invaded the USSR if I recall correctly.


>Who could stop us?
America would and could almost instantly. They wouldn't touch Russia, because they have nukes and it's far too big to be invaded. They had on the other hand a great experience in carpet bombing Germany in WW2 over and over again. That's what's going to happen once the new president takes over the White House.

>one of the weakest and least trained army of Europe plus the ruin of USSR turned into an oligarchy

>Who could stop us?

That’s like saying the USA and commie China are going to ally. Enemies will continue forever.

I know this guys, it’s true. Just fill him full of adderall and let him loose.

>Who could stop us?

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Otchen durno

Russians were always lead be jews and if germany didnt fought soviet russia, russians would have attecked germany, there is a russian book about war prepairing to invaid Nazi Germany


Hahaha Germs are getting desperate for friends these days. Everybody hates them.

>Russians were always lead be jews
Lmao, Romanovs were almost 100% germans by blood who were killed with money of German empire
>russians would have attecked germany
Lol, the industrialization was still going on, there were cleanings of high ranking officers during all 30s, half successful operation against Finland with high losses, but of course da gommunists would have invaded Germany because one noname retard said so, also forget that USSR was the only country who supplied Germany with oil before 41. 30+ millions of dead people is what you get if you accept kraut on your soil


You need to have kids to last 40 years let alone a thousand, Hans.
Get some ingrid pussy.

We can successfully complement each other and offset our shortcomings, stupid nigga

It's a stupid idea; Russia will never recover from the Red Terror. Try France instead.

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b-b-but are you don't invade?

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The butthurt belt and visefags would not allow

Inshallah the caliphate will come to pass

>Who could stop us
Yourself you fucking moron.
>Holy Alliance
>Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
>plenty other cases of Prussia being an autistic fuck

das rite, also you want belarus in the EU, so your gay alliance is just a pipe dream

Who do you germutts have this fucking fantasy about having alliance with Russia, after our pure Germanic girls being raped to the bones by the slavic subhumans?

Jesus, no wonder you cucks let those new Germans in.

cope refugee

You'd still get btfo by NATO, even with Russia on your side

They will. Irrespective of future presidents. It wasn’t really a global hysteria until Germany started it, that’s when the US stock market collapsed.

How old are you? Germany is de jure under American occupation.

USA will be to buisy with china to stop pur tank rash to eastern Prussia - Warsaw - Danube line, you are done

NATO will be disbanned next summer - thanks to Donald the mask Stealer - only butthurt belt countries and UK will stay there

train to gulag, train to gulag
latvians are on the marsh
train to gulag, train to gulag
oh why their lives became so harsh

bla bla bla, shut up retard, USSR days are over, you are a shithole with nukes, you are basically pakistan at this point, except with less population and slightly less muslims :)

Why are you 14?

I know that nigger, but this is a hypothetical situation in which Germany/Russia form a separate alliance

t. gandma died in red terror, yet grandson sucks stalins dick
sad state of modern vatniks

Germany could have become relevant had it actually won the war

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If Russia is pakistan then what the fuck are you even lol

and when was belgium important?

that fear....i feel it...i will come to rape and pillage

georgians and ukranians were telling the same, they are not joking any more

btw putin is now sending all the churka migrants to build hospitals/etc, but i believe that they will be formed into an additional army for baltics invasion

Great Latvia, the destroyers of Caesars

Is this some inside food joke?

what is Belgium?

>based dark austrian bro

georgians and ukranians werent in NATO, have fun getting raped and pillaged instead, ill take your dacha and make it into a krokodil rehabilitation center

тaк ты pyccкий нa пoдcoce y лaбycoв, cлyшaй cюдa хyecoc, мнe пoхyй нa пыню, я зa pнг, нo вac бyдy yбивaть и пытaть, кaк хoлoв в дoнбacce, yбью дeтeй peдaктopa мeдyзы нa eгo глaзaх, пpивeт

noone gonna die for Riga, the sad truth, the only true power will be dealing with south china sea battles

mate, are you willing to die for riga or tallin if get drafted? i doubt that

>no one gonna honor a defensive alliance

Sure they won't

How can I preorder a russian bride? Preferably from Leningrad,comrade

>noone gonna die for Riga
cuz there wont be a need, cuz your country is a joke, barely holding together, you are just a serf farm for oligarchs, they have apartments in Europe, they wont invade cuz some vatnik on Yas Forums jerks off to death of millions of russians to lose in Cold War in the end lmao


of course not, it will maximum be smth like the strange war when hitler and stalin were raping Pooland

I will only fight for Japan.

yeah, thus right, same ai was hearing from the ukranians (there are 40 millions of them unlike you),

lol, one tactical nuke strike on Lodz or Tartu and that;s it, there will be a peace treaty

If that happens you're gonna get BTFO, so why bother?

Are you willing to risk being literally conquered over Talinn or Riga?

Western Europeans gonna leave NATO and form their own military, it is obvious now

we will risk nothing, and Putin is a gambler actually

>Who could stop us?
USA, France, Great Britain, Poland etc

>he thinks nukes will ever be used in modern warfare

If you drop nukes on anyone nukes will be dropped on you, mutual destruction

Sounds great.

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He maybe a gambler but he's not stupid, if he starts a war with NATO Russia is done for.

>Who could stop us?

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Is this the new expansion pack of Civilisations?

I want a russian bride and maybe then we can join you. You like to bluff but we both know that you need an ally in the south

poland has no nukes as as well as estonia

>one tactical nuke strike
if that was so simple why havent you conquered the world? all i see is russians losing allies, even lukashenko told putin to fuck off, wanna know why? cuz you are an oligarch farm and oligarchs love traveling to anywhere but russia, so thats why nobody uses nukes or goes to war, except ukraine and georgia, aka non NATO countries, lol, even kazakhstan and mongolia are switching away from cyrillic hahahahahahaha
>they will leave military alliance to make a military alliance
russian intellectuals everyone

Kakoy sivodnia denii?

Why don't you ask OP? He fucking posted the thread, I simply added a comment

Romania always joins the winner

Based and world conquest pilled. I wish we would return to a world system of to the strongest nation goes the spoils of war and land. Because then the US would stomp the shit ou of so many corrupted governments. Then establish US citizenship for people in their shithole nation and make them better so they stop trying to come to the US. Imagine Mexico a US state and the cartel BTFO'd with rockets. Stupid ISIS taken out instead of glow niggers fucking around and keeping them in power.

You're the untrusworthy ones regarding alliances Ivan.

>germanys gonna lose and fuck it all up

every time

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Poland and Estonia are in NATO.

cause nato was not on the edge of collapse like now, Trump is the best friend of Russia
