AUS/POL/ - fags welcome edition.

>Thread theme song:

>How Australia has led the world in fighting COVID-19 with stringent testing, quarantine, border controls and a dose of luck - and why only 51 people have died compared with thousands in UK and US

>Coronavirus: Leaked intelligence report shows US was warned about COVID-19 in November

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what are yous drinking?

Praise him

hammer n tongs

Heading off to RMC soon boyos, going to be a real man

>tfw they banned going camping

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Enjoy the enforced vaccinations you get as a ZOG puppet soldier bud

Thank her

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I got a carton of coopers session ale with my $750

You know you have to shower in front of everyone? Communal showers at Duntroon, everyone will see your flaccid willy.

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Seems pricey

why is she bruised all in the face?

More like Chinkralia!

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Ready to go back to work neets?

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$65 at dan murpheys

WHO is this?

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imagine not having an excuse to not be in a sexual relationship
t. catholic

Hero masks are tight.

Only a problem if you care what other men think of your dick

Cenno user knows, its over for you neets. And to think the double buxx never even began! Damn shame

Probably semen.

Boag's Red and a oney here mate

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thank me for my service

Good one, Chaim, how is that circumcised cock going?

>Thread theme song
Pure faggotry.
You are OP and living up to
Definitely OP

What ya mean mate?
It’s double pay for 6 months and then no mutual obligations for another year right?

So you wouldn't be embarrassed to get your tiny uncut cock out in front of some fit hung blokes?

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Thank you.Thank you also to the first responders.

shit thread kys pedophiles

Its over NEET, the curve is flattened. You're going to work for the dole in the North Queensland strawberry fields.

It's a gay thread

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you know that's the beer term for mid strength gay beer?

>not owning farmland to camp on
You deserve it

fake thread for homosexuals

This, scomo said the lockdown is cancelled a week, someone has to pay for my boat

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He pays ok.
.30c per tonne packed.


Time to check in I suppose.

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>no GF
>no double neet bucks
What a time to be alive.
Do you think neet tears will be sweet or salty?

I unfortunately know many chink railers. Fucking yellow fever race mixing filth they are.

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No, session means you can go a long time.
Like - “I sessioned the fuck out of that Sudanese guys cock and my anus is now bleeding” - Melbourne Leftist 2020

Literally Russian propaganda. No thanks. I don't read such unsourced blogs.

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bruh, im a homebrewer I know what the fuck a session beer is and you're wrong. It's not full strength.
>go a long time
that gives you a big hint
>A “session beer” is a beer low in alcohol which can be consumed in large quantities without making someone excessively intoxicated.

Are they really opening the country back up?
I figured this would happen. The libs would look real generous and then, bang, shits fixed and we don’t have to access the benefit packages.

Kraken, they had it on special

I bet you have a beard and man tits

You've got a real focus on other guys dicks don't you champ?

no beard I just got a smooth baby butt face with my new safety razor. If you're not homebrewing paying 15 dollars for 2.5 cases of beer, then you're doing it wrong

Nice cup of earl grey tea for me.
Cheers lads.

I can confirm that neet tears taste like salty milk and coins.

How do I do it though?!
I tried years ago and made a few 1 gallon batches but it takes too long.

I went to Darwin for a business conference talking about agriculture, anyway I ended up banging a local abo girl. Does this make me Canadian?

stop using a VPN and fuck off yank

Who /loser/ club here?

On the fucking nectar, tooheys extra dry.

What about you rosebud?

#Flatten the curve
#Keep social distancing
#close the borders

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I busted a nut to her bruises. She deserved to be bashed because she dressed like a slut. Is that normal?

PS. Do I need to post cum tribute?

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The bloke in your picture is kind of hot.
He’d make a good bf.

So the taste of stale impotent failure?

Haha jokes on you I grow my own food and medicine.

No, my wife bought me some Brooklyn brewing book years ago and it was all measured in their units. I had a glass container that fit a gallons worth of beer in it.
I couldn’t be fucked figuring out the metric.

Gimme my $50 or I'll rope

Which is the most desirable body type for aussie males in 2020 from 1 to 8?

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Storm from aldi, 35 a slab, 5.0 percent, wanna get stoned but I wanna not smoke any so I can drive to see my parents on the weekend. Trying to not smoke any choof

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Jim beam

I hope you have a good day, friend.

7 is alpha and mogs everyone else

>you'll rope

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Give her here i'll beat some sense into that two-hole


fuck off melbourne

Why are those guys boots touching like that?
Are they being gay?